When Shi Ci arrived home, it was a quarter past nine o'clock, and Tang Kai's car arrived at the destination. Shi Ci bends his lips, paid for it, and walked to the living room.

There was no one in the living room. The bag she had left at that time was still in the corner of the sofa. She went to pick it up and was about to go upstairs to the room. Only a small light was on in the aisle, and there was a figure standing there. Quit and walked over.

"Auntie Ma?" Shi Ci greeted softly.

Ms. Malanyin smiled at her and motioned to the lower hall with her eyes. Ms. Ding's voice came from the hall.

"I know you are unintentional, but think about it, the book I recommended to you before-"The Great Gatsby"? Do you remember what his father said at the beginning?"

From this angle of the glass door, you can see Lu Mixue pouting her lips. She obviously remembered it, but she didn't want to talk about it.

"Whenever you want to criticize anyone, you have to remember that not all people in this world have the superior conditions that you have." Ms. Ding's tone is flat and her eyes are facing her. See, "No matter what, you can't talk about Xiao Tang like that today, you say she is poor? This is very uncultivated words."

"You are all on her side, mom, auntie, you, and Shi Hai!" Lu Mixue said unwillingly.

"No, we are on your side." Ms. Ding said in a serious tone: "Did we watch you become the kind of uncultivated child who speaks bad words without reminding you, and we want to praise you for your good work? Are you on your side? Your mother and I are not such elders."

Lu Mixue was silent.

Hearing the speech here, Ms. Ma lowered her eyes and sighed slightly. She nodded with Ms. Ma and turned around and went upstairs without listening to Ms. Ding's education.

Lu Mixue suppressed her voice, "I don't like Shi Hai paying attention to her so much. I can feel that Shi Hai treats her differently. I, well, I admit that I am jealous of her."

Seeing her confession, Ms. Ding's tone lightened a little bit, "Like one person is not to belittle another person, let alone if you do this, it will only make Xiaohai more dissatisfied with you."

"We all know that if Xiao Hai is not present, you will not say this to Xiao Tang. Your mother and I know your character, but now that we have said it, should we have the courage to admit that we were wrong?"

After a while, Lu Mixue came out. She pouted and looked at Ms. Ma. Ms. Ma touched her head. Lu Mixue hugged her before leaving the place.

Ms. Ma walked in, Ms. Ding patted the sofa, she walked to her and sat down.

The two sat quietly for a few seconds.

"It's really hard to be a parent." Madam Ma sighed first.

"Isn't it?" Ms. Ding echoed: "You can't fight, you can't scold you."

"Not light, not heavy."

"Annoying and loving."

"The more I love, the more annoying."

"Hahaha." Both of them laughed.

"What happened?" Ms. Ding looked at her old friend, and then asked.

"I discussed with Mike for a divorce." Madam Ma said calmly.

Ms. Ding calmly said, "Can't save it?"

"We have had nothing to say for a long time, especially this year, both sides have a tacit understanding that they can not see each other, even if it is for Michelle, they can't pretend, and Michelle knows about it. So often she deliberately annoys us."

Ms. Ding said: "What can I do for you?"

Ms. Ma smiled softly and gratefully, "Thank you, I didn't need to trouble you, but I recently had a minor operation..." Before she finished speaking, Ms. Ding snatched her words, "What surgery?"

"Phyllodes tumor of the breast," Ms. Ma said, "It's not serious and benign, but I may not care about Michelle for a while. Mike doesn't know about it. His business is in Australia. His mother is not in good health. I can't do without him either."

Ms. Ding didn't wait for her to finish, she said: "Mi Xue, let me go, is it time for her to transfer to another school?"

"There is no need to transfer schools. I told her class teacher to find a tutoring agency for her full-time class outside, prepare to apply to the school, and then go back for a model exam." Ms. Ma said.

"That's it. Don't worry."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Ms. Ding patted Ms. Ma's hand, everything was clear.

At breakfast the next day, Ms. Ding announced in front of everyone that Lu Mixue would live at home from now on.

Shi Hai was about to explode when he heard, "What?"

Lu Mixue was also a little surprised, but she also knew a little in advance, and now the news is certain that she laughed happily, "I see, Aunt Ding, I will be obedient."

But the speech just raised her eyebrows, without any extra expressions, and drank her coffee to herself.

Shi Hai looked at Lu Mixue, then at Ms. Ding, and then at Ms. Ma. Knowing that the boat was done and there was no room for negotiation, she had to sit down and muttered, "The big deal is that I won't come back!"

"Can I go find you? If you have time today, can you take me to Huada to see you?"

"Don't go." Shi Hai rebuffed blankly.

"Xiaohai, you can take Michelle to have a look." Ms. Ding persuaded.

"No time." Shi Hai said impatiently.

"Then I will stay with you at home?"

"Then I will go back to school."

Ms. Ding broke the deadlock, "Okay, well, since Michelle wants to go to the university, can you take her there? Anyway, you have to go back to school today."

The speech did not immediately respond, but just glanced at Lu Mixue with the tail of his eyes. Lu Mixue sat up abruptly, showing a violent, well-behaved appearance, "Don't bother my sister, the weather is so hot, I don't want to go out."

Shi Ci smiled slightly, but still did not speak. Once interrupted by other topics at the dinner table, the matter passed.

Lu Mixue was eating breakfast, and occasionally had a fight with Shi Hai, and occasionally glanced at the speech secretly. The Shi family is actually very close to her family. She stays very at ease in this family, but there is one person she never dared to provoke, and that is the eldest daughter of this family, the eldest sister-Shi Ci.

When Lu Mixue was a child, she often lived in Shi's family. At that time, her speech had already gone abroad, and they had no chance to meet. Until one time, he resigned and returned home from the holiday. It was exactly that time that Shi Hai was ruthless by her, and she often had nightmares. Shici knew about this. One day Lu Mixue had no time to show her cuteness when only the two of them were at home, so she picked up the collar, hung it high, and walked to the backyard.

At that time, there was a big water tank full of water in the backyard with a big tortoise. When she was a child, Lu Mixue hadn't learned to swim and was afraid of turtles.

Shishi ignored her screams and hung her in the air. She watched the water drown from her legs inch by inch, and the big tortoise swam up to bite her foot.

"Do you dare to bully Shi Hai in the future?"

"Uuuuu, dare not dare."

"Do you know what I mean?"

"Wow wow wow, get it, get it."

Shi Ci held her with one hand, her face facing her horrified face, she didn't have the slightest look of regret, but a slight smile, her tone was not fierce at all, softly like the wind.

When Lu Mixue grew up, she was not afraid of watching any horror movies. So she dared to mess around with anyone in Shi's family, but she would definitely behave in front of Shi's resignation. She and Shi Ci met only a few times in these years, and there was no conflict again, and they were all in peace, except last night. She returned to the room after chatting with Aunt Ding. She was a bit sad after thinking about it, and she didn't want Shi Hai to have a bad impression of her. She wanted to talk to Shi Hai, but he said he didn't want to open the door.

It was the speech of another room that opened the door. Shici leaned against the door and smiled at her, "Talk about it?" Lu Mixue felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up uncontrollably.

The chat last night was actually a unilateral speech. She said: "Tang Kai is Shi Hai's friend, or more accurately, it is also a very important friend of mine. Do you know what I mean?"

Michelle touched the back of her neck and then glanced at the speech secretly. She was now curious. What kind of charm does this Tang Kai have to be a very important friend to the speech?

At the beginning of September, the arrival of Bailu took away a lot of heat. Sooner or later, it began to cool down. In the morning, I needed to put a thin knitted cardigan on my shoulders on the way to class in the morning.

Tang Kai likes to get up early and go to the lakeside of the school to read early, listen to listening, practice speaking, and accumulate language. In the first half of the year, Catti's three exams and three exams have been taken. Anyway, this is really a happy thing. Zhang Zinan is as happy as she has passed.

Tang Kai was also very happy. She hesitated for a while, and finally sent a message to give a speech. After calling, she regretted it again. For a person who is such a good speecher, what is her small achievement in front of her? But she just wanted to share it with her.

Tang Kai realized that Shici had become more and more important in her mind. She treats her as a friend, as a teacher, and deep down in her heart, secretly treating her as an older sister. This is her secret that she hasn't told anyone yet.

The speech was very busy at the beginning of school. These days it seems to be attending some international seminars on operations research and applications. Tang Kai found out the full name of the conference in Wancheng after checking. She was so busy, naturally, she didn't care to supervise Shi Hai's studies, but at the beginning of the new semester, she and Shi Hai added a person to their tutoring, Lu Mixue.

To Tang Kai's surprise, at the second meeting, Lu Mixue apologized to her sincerely. Tang Kai accepted, and would show her the questions during the tuition. Lu Mixue was measured and serious in class. During the rest, Shi Hai couldn't talk to her at all, he was choked with Lu Mixue.

"It's amazing. Take a picture and show it to me. It's an eye-opener." Shi Ci's WeChat replied after a while.

Tang Kai pursed his lips and smiled, and glanced at the time. At nine o'clock, he picked up a screenshot of the score he had taken before from the photo album, posted it, and added, "It's nothing."

"I don't know much about this, but you have passed 80 points for the synthesis and practice of your three strokes, and both passed 70 points for the synthesis and practice of your three strokes. I checked it and it is very powerful!" Surprised emoji expression.

Tang Kai couldn't bear her compliment a bit, she thought for a while and changed the subject, "Are you in a meeting?"

"Just entered the venue, it hasn't started yet. Today is a meeting all day."

"Thanks, do you want to speak?"


It stopped here, and Tang Kai was embarrassed to go on.

She wanted to take a break first, jumped the mp3 out of the language material, and jumped to the music. She opened and picked up the song that had been circulating for the past few days, "Autumn should be very good, if you are still there, the autumn breeze is beautiful even if it is cold..."

There is fresh water vapor in the morning by the lake, which is a bit refreshing in early autumn. The lake water and the sky above the head are the same color of blue.

This is a good morning.

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