After the beginning of the new semester, the speeches became more busy, taking classes and taking students to do projects, and had to fly back and forth to exchanges at the alma mater of the University of Tokyo, the University of Tokyo, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

She deliberately keeps herself busy, even more unaware of the passing of time.

When she got off the plane in the early hours of one night, when she got downstairs home, when she looked up, salt particles flew up in the sky.

She looked at the flying snow in the sky, but she didn't even know which snow was the first snow in Lincheng, but knew that it was already deep winter.

When she entered the house, she didn't turn on the light, and pushed the suitcase aside. She sat on the sofa, looking at the snow outside the window, and just watched it quietly for a long time.

Then she called her cell phone and started to deal with the matter.

Many messages from Ms. Ding in WeChat told her to go home. It turned out that it was almost the Spring Festival. I walked all the way, worrying about it, and even neglected the lights and festivities of the year before.

She flipped through the circle of friends, clicked into Tang Kai's circle of friends, and she was in Beicheng. This year, the Spring Festival will be celebrated at Zhang Zinan's house.

Shi Ci thought, this is fine, at least she is not alone in celebrating the New Year.

On New Year's Eve, she went home for dinner. The family knew that she was not in a good mood, and there were speculations. No one dared to ask, even Ms. Ding was silent. After a meal was finished, she went back to the house in the city, but Dad Shi did not comment.

She paced slowly downstairs in the community, put her hands in her pockets, and caught a few candies. Ms. Ding put them in her pockets before going out. She ate them year after year. Garton's profit was sugar.

He peeled one off, holding it, and the tip of his tongue had a sweet taste. After eating it like this, it won't feel cold anymore in the cold night of winter.

After spinning around a few times, she finally found her phone to send a WeChat message.

When the screen turned on, she paused, and Tang Kai said in the dialog box: "Happy New Year." I sent it over an hour ago.

The hot air was exhaled, and the cold air entered her lungs, like a thin blade passing by, cold and painful.

After the beginning of the new year, Shi Ci was busy for a while, and the weather gradually warmed up. After April, she knew that Tang Kai had returned to school to prepare for her graduation thesis. She should have nothing to do during this time. She has successfully completed the research program and has no anxiety about employment. Maybe she will also prepare for her translation exam at the same time, and she may find a part-time job. These are just speculations.

They did not find a chance to meet.

When the defense of her thesis was finished, the graduation season came, and the end of the semester came, Shi Shi finally found time in school.

They still didn't meet, and she didn't take the initiative to bring up her speech. She felt a little disappointed and just wanted to be busy with work.

The world is big and the work is the biggest.

She is also good at her field. She has been flying back and forth over the past year and has published four sci journal papers. She is the core young teacher of the school and the key training target. She has a National Natural Science Foundation project on hand. Students love her and peers. She was praised by her leaders and her career went smoothly, but she still felt frustrated and disappointed.

When all the graduates left school in early August, and the students in other grades had completed their final exams, the campus of the University became quiet.

The speech seemed to be waiting for something, and he was not sure whether he could wait until the end of August, and finally he called.

She waited for Tang Kai under the tree in the thick shade of summer.

In a flash, the last time I met, it turned out to be a year ago.

There was a mess in her mind, and she didn't have a clear mind. When Tang Kai walked over, Shi Ci felt that she was a little stranger. She was in a complicated mood, presumably Tang Kai too, the two stood facing each other, as if staring at each other, their eyes were still and complicated.

"Go up." Shi Ci turned around and led the way.

Tang Kai had been to a house in the city, and he told her the password and set up a set of her fingerprints.

They spent two days and one night sweetly, knowing that they shouldn't go to meet Miu's appointment at all, but it's hard to buy a daughter.

Entering the house, pouring water, the two sat face to face, again speechless.

Tang Kai wore a grass-green long skirt, a slightly loose style, with bow folds on the waist and a ponytail, which was beautiful and beautiful.

Her wrists were empty, she didn't wear the watch she gave, and Shi Ci's gaze returned to her neck, and there was no decoration. She picked a chain for her birthday gift this year, and she didn't know if she would accept it.

Once many words lose the opportunity, they seem to lose their meaning in the future.

But people are always unwilling to lose their heart, and unwilling to take the initiative to redeem, so silence is golden.

Some things are hard to mention, so I can only find safe topics.

Shi Ci wanted to talk about the daily triviality of this year, and also wanted to ask her about her recent situation.

Before I spoke, I felt strenuous. It would be frustrating to shave her head and load like last time and only her head is hot, but she is always as old as her, so I gave her a speech, and it happened to be Tang Kaiye. Lift your eyes.

Her heart jumped.

Tang Kai said, "I'm going to report in a few days."

Shi Ci was silent, then nodded.

The geographical difference between Lincheng and Beicheng is more than one thousand kilometers, and the voyage is two hours. It is not far, but it is not too close.

Life is so short. Since falling in love, it has been painful enough not to see each other every day, and now we have to separate the two places. Speaking is no longer a young teenager, not to mention that her work time is too long, she doesn't want to talk about long-distance relationships, there are too many variables in different places, too much time difference and unreachable.

"Have you made any decision?" After a long time, Shidi asked. When she asked these words, she felt a little hopeful in her heart.

If she is willing, she is not unacceptable to another place.

"I..." Tang Kai squeezed her hand, her eyelashes trembled, and a faint grayish blue under her eyes.

"Let's separate." She said.

At dusk, the sky is very beautiful, blue and pink, like sugar paper, like oil painting.

Tang Kai hitchhiked back to school, with big trees, green grass and flowers, and the scenery is still beautiful, but she has no desire to appreciate it. She walked slowly to Yixiu Building, where she lived for four years. What Hui Da means to her is her home in adulthood, and a speech-making Hu Da is her happy nest.

Now she didn't want it all.

Tang Kai felt a hot tingling pain in her heart. Perhaps it was the wind and the dust was fascinated. She reached out to wipe it, and two water marks appeared on her fingertips.

"Let's separate." Too long tortured, too long to hurt her mind, she was exhausted, maybe separation is the best choice, maybe the first love will not be perfect, she is destined to break up, maybe she should make it clear first.

When she finished speaking, she lowered her eyes, stood up and left, her eyes dim.

She hadn't walked to the door, her arm was pulled by Shici, and towards the back, Tang Kai leaned into her arms, Shici hugged her tightly.

The speech was very anxious, very excited, her body trembled slightly, and her voice trembled, "...I disagree!"

Tang Kai sat downstairs in Yixiu Building from dusk until dark, her legs were bitten by mosquitoes, and she seemed to be unconscious. Her luggage has been sent to Beicheng. There is a suitcase and a backpack left in the dormitory. You can go anytime and anywhere. This walk is a real parting.

At that time she did not dare to look back, she could hear the speech choking, and she seemed to be crying.

Sorry...thank you...

Tang Kai couldn't help crying again at this time.

It's her fault. Everything is her fault.

She didn't dare to go upstairs. She seemed to be consciously procrastinating, procrastinating a little bit more time in the university, and a little bit longer time staying in the same city with her. She estimated that she would suffer for a long, long period of time. It doesn't matter, she deserves it.

Summer goes to winter, and the seasons change, and it will not be shifted by human will.

Busy with no time to think about other things, the days will pass day by day.

The golden ginkgo leaves all over the city are covered with snowflakes, much like a scene in a literary movie.

On Christmas Eve, Shi Ci was at home alone and had no appetite. After taking two bites indiscriminately, he stopped eating.

There is music in the room, "heybabe, whatyouexpecttosay

icouldtellyouthati'mdoinggreat, butdarlingi'mjustnotokay..."

I couldn't listen to the speech anymore. I pressed it off. Sister Miu's phone came in in time, "What are you up to? Come out for a drink?"

Sister Miu chuckled before her speech, "Don't worry, I'm the only one, not even Susu, just me and you."

Sister Miu chose a jazz bar. There was a resident band playing on the spot. On the dance floor, there were couples dancing in twos and threes with the music. The light and shadow flowed, and it had the atmosphere of an old Shanghai bar.

The two were sitting at the bar, with their backs to the stage, drinking one after another.

"Look at how loyal I am, not to accompany my girlfriend, but to accompany you." Alcohol is no different from water to sister Miu.

Shi Ci gave a chuckle, without much smile.

She hasn't drank for a long time, and she hasn't eaten much, so she is a little bit drunk after three or four cups. She didn't say a few words, very reticent.

At this time, the music paused, and a mellow and magnetic female voice sounded in a cappella, "I can't forget, I can't forget, I can't forget your mistakes, I can't forget your good..."

Shici's heart was hit, she blinked, and the motion of toasting paused, and the light spots reflected in the mist in her eyes, she choked and uttered her head.

Sister Miu glanced at her, and it was rare to see Shi Ci's so emotionally hurt appearance. She wanted to tease, but felt a bit unkind, so she could only accompany her in silence.

After a few more cups, the hostess hummed a tune, slowly danced, and sang it, "I can't forget the taste of parting, and the distress of lovesickness..."

Hearing his speech, tears filled his eyes, and he wiped it away with his fingers.

Miu not only didn't sympathize, but wanted to laugh, "I remember you told me before, you look forward to love, and look forward to the painful feeling of love. Now that you have got your wish, how does it feel?"

He choked and looked at her.

Sister Miu raised her eyebrows, and she really laughed. She smiled and pinched her speech, "Oh, oh, are you still wronged, right? Alright, alright, my sister is wrong!"

Shi Ci heard this "sister" stomach hurt suddenly, white her, "Who wants to call your sister?"

Sister Miu blinked, "Then I call your sister?"

Shi Ci turned his back to her directly.

Sister Miu held back a smile, "It's okay, it's not serious, I am here to accompany you tonight to listen to you, but you have to say, don't hold back."

"Isn't it just being dumped?"

"It's not a big deal. You can't just dump people every time, right? Be fair."

He turned back unbearably, "Are you sure you are here to comfort me?"

Sister Miu closed her mouth in time, with a look like I listened to you if I didn't say anything.

"..." But he couldn't say anything. After a long time, "You and President Su have been a long time, how did you do it?"

"We, we don't have high expectations for each other, no, I should say that, there is almost no expectation, so any action is a surprise." Sister Miu smiled and shook the glass. She was probably a little drunk, and she began to read. From a poem, "I don't love so much, only a little bit. Others' love is as deep as the sea, but my love is shallow."

Speech: "...what is this mess?"

Sister Miu continued, "I don't love so much, only a little bit. Others' love is as long as the sky, but my love is short."

The speech frowned and listened, took another drink, sighed, and put his forehead against the back of his hand, "Am I...wrong? I should keep her and not let her go..."

"But she went too simply..."

Shi Ci buttoned the wine glass, her eyes were smoked with wine, and she lowered her head, tears could no longer be restrained.

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