Spring Winds

Chapter 117: Summer Hunt (8)

"Are you sure that you're okay, Senior Sister?" Zhu Na Ran asked as she pranced around me in worry.

"I'm fine, Zhu Na Ran.

The effects of the demon's poison should've worn off by now. I'll live."

"Herm…" Zhu Na Ran narrowed her eyes at me, unconvinced. "Are you sure, Senior Sister? That demon was extremely powerful, and perhaps there's something that we're not seeing!"

Sigh. This girl.

"I am certain that I am fine, Zhu Na Ran."

Walking through the woods, we couldn't get too far from the cave since Zhu Na Ran kept delaying our journey and insisted I rest for a few days.

Feeling a headache coming, I couldn't help but smile helplessly as Zhu Na Ran poked and prodded all parts of my body to ensure that I was healthy.

Hah, as much as I enjoyed her attention, it wasn't wise for us to linger too long. Who knows when that fox demon may return with some reinforcements or worse.

However, Zhu Na Ran refused to budge and insisted that we rest every few minutes for fear that I might 'collapse' all of a sudden.

"What if that demon had put something in you, huh? What if they fed you some poison that would kill you in a few days, huh?!

What if-" Placing my hand onto my junior sister's mouth, I cut off her endless tangent. Smiling, I used my other hand to grab hold of her hand.

"Enough, Zhu Na Ran.

I'm fine. I assure you that the demon didn't do anything unsavory to me at all. You can be at ease."

Zhu Na Ran didn't look convinced as she tried to pry my hand off her mouth. "But, but-!"

Sigh. I'm not through to Zhu Na Ran at all, am I?

"Hahhh…" Suddenly, an exasperated sigh came from the young man who was navigating us through the darkness. Zhu Na Ran has yet to introduce me to her traveling companion; however, he seemed polite enough, and he was a far better navigator than Zhu Na Ran. "Let's set up camp.

It's getting too dark to see ahead, and it seems the little lady here isn't too keen on moving anymore." He gestured to Zhu Na Ran, who somehow managed to cling to my arm without me noticing.

How did she get there?

Ah, perhaps the effects of the drug are still present in my system. It seems that some of my senses are still numbed.

"But we've barely gone a hundred li away from the cave. This is still close enough for the demon to find us."

"Yes, but going any deeper into these woods could prove to be far more dangerous.

Plus, it would be nice not to hear the little lady's fussing every few seconds, don't you think, Miss?"

"Hey!" Zhu Na Ran puffed out her cheeks in anger.

Sigh. Patting Zhu Na Ran's hand, I tried to calm her down. "He's right.

Perhaps we could use a small break. You need your rest.

Especially after you fought that demon, you too need to recover from your wounds."

Although I was somewhat reluctant to stay put, it seems like the rest of my group didn't wish to take another step forward.

Plus, perhaps some sleep would calm down Zhu Na Ran's nerves.

"Herm, alright…" Zhu Na Ran bowed her head with a pout. "But you're going to sleep first, Senior Sister!

I'll do the night watch in case anything happens!"

"No, you need rest the most. I've already rested up enough before you found me. You look as if you haven't slept in days."


I'm perfectly well-rested! Senior Sister is the one who should rest first! I'm sure fighting that demon has taken a lot out of you!"

"Yes, as is fighting that demon!

Look at you!" I gestured to the numerous rips and tears in Zhu Na Ran's clothing. "You have marks and bruises all over you from when that vicious demon laid their claws on you.

Plus, I can repair your clothes when you rest."

"No, no, no! I'm fine! Senior Sister should-"

"No, I insist that you should, Zhu Na Ran-"

"Alright!" The young man yelled as he turned around with an annoyed expression as he glared at us with ragged and tired eyes.

"That's enough!

From both of you!

It's too late in the night for this, and quite frankly, this master is exhausted. It's not fun having to puke one's guts out for an hour, you know!

Since you two are going to keep bickering like an old married couple, this master is going to sleep!"

"M-married couple!?" W-what is he saying?!

"H-hey, what the hell are you talking about?!" Zhu Na Ran sputtered in rage as she shook her fists at him. "Don't say such outlandish things!"

Despite our outrage, the young man seemed unfazed and even cracked a smile at us, perhaps out of smugness or delirium!

Perhaps even both if he could say such, such ridiculous things!

"Heh, yeah, yeah." The young man scoffed and waved his hand as he turned to leave. "Whatever you two say.

Stay up for all I care; I'm going to bed.


"H-hey! What the hell, Ziya!" Zhu Na Ran shouted at him.

"You'll thank me later!" Ziya yelled back as he retreated into the darkness.

"Urgh… don't mind him, Senior Sister…." Zhu Na Ran mumbled quietly. "Come on; it's getting dark. We should gather some firewood while we still can." She said as she briskly walked past me.


Could my eyes be deceiving me?

Why is Zhu Na Ran's face so red?


Tending to the campfire, the flame greedily ate at the pieces of wood that I fed it. The sky was a beautiful dusky hue of purple, and the soft glow of fire made all for a peaceful night. As I listened to the soft crackle of the wood and the sharp chirps of crickets, I watched as Zhu Na Ran fiddled in the corner, working on something that I couldn't see.

To think that today would be so eventful.

First, that mysterious fox demon and now the image of a blushing Zhu Na Ran.

Who would've thought unexpected sights and encounters would spoil me this trip?

Although, that fox demon is quite the anomaly. To think that such a thing would inhabit this place…

If there was one, could there be more? And not to mention, the demon said she had her own 'darling.'

Could that person be the one behind the attacks? Hmm… once we leave this place, I'll have to speak with Master on this matter. Perhaps he may know more about demons than I.

The fragrant scent of roasted rabbit and mushrooms brought my attention back to the fire.

"Zhu Na Ran, come here. Dinner is ready."

"Okay! Coming, Senior Sister!" Quickly stashing away her stuff, Zhu Na Ran scampered over to me like a dog waiting for a treat.

Carefully picking up a rabbit skewer, I handed it to her. "Be careful; it's hot."

"I'll be careful." Zhu Na Ran nodded eagerly as she quickly grabbed hold of the skewer.

Before I knew it, she had already bitten off a large chunk of rabbit.



Hot, hot!

Hah, hot, hot!" Zhu Na Ran squealed out as she started to fan her mouth as her jaw hung open, displaying her half-eaten food.

"Sigh. I already told you it was hot."

"Hah! Hah!" She huffed a bit more before swallowing all in one go. "Ahhhh! So good~!

You're cooking the best, Senior Sister!" Before biting into her next bite, Zhu Na Ran was mindful enough to blow on her food this time.

"Careful. Your hair is getting into your mouth." Brushing her long hair out of her face, I noticed something about her hair.

"Wait. Your hair… why is it down like that?" I asked as I picked up a long golden strand, rubbing it between my fingers; I was surprised to find how smooth and soft it was. "Doesn't it get troublesome for you to be down like this?"

"Well, yeah…" Zhu Na Ran nodded as she took another bite of her food. "It does get everywhere, and it does get everywhere.

Ahh, I'm so tempted just to cut it at this point."

"So… why don't you tie it up?" It's not like her to put up with such troublesome things. And to cut it seems to be too extreme.

"Hmm?" Zhu Na Ran cocked her head in confusion.

"Don't you remember, Senior Sister?

I'm still waiting for your ribbon! You promised that you'd make me a new one when my old one broke, remember?

Ahh, speaking of which, when do you think I'll be able to get it?

It's getting kind of annoying, constantly flicking my hair back all of the time." She huffed as she tossed her golden brown locks over her shoulder.

"Y-you, you still remembered such a thing? It was such a long time ago since I promised that ...."


Of course! This was something that Senior Sister promised to make me, so of course, I would remember!

How could I forget that?!"

"Oh... I just thought that-

Never mind… it's nothing." It's best not to think of that fox demon's cruel words.

Picking up a mushroom skewer, I noticed that I let it burn a little as one side had become blackened. However, biting into it proved that the burn was only superficial and its delicate taste coated my taste buds. The burn even added a hint of bitter smokiness that complimented the flavor.

The rest of our dinner went by relatively uneventfully as the two of us ate our dinner in peace. I made sure to leave some uncooked mushrooms behind for Sir Ziya as I wasn't sure if he had prepared any food for himself yet.

"Ahh, don't worry about that man, Senior Sister." Zhu Na Ran grumbled as she finished off the last of the rabbit skewers. "He doesn't deserve your care at all."

"That's not nice, Zhu Na Ran.

Remember, we are still the Martial Aunties of Yun Cai Peak, and we must represent our sect in kind. We can't just disregard our sect's image just for some petty affairs."


Whatever…" Zhu Na Ran pouted as she fiddled with her hair.

"What did Sir Ziya even do to incur your discontentment?" I asked as I brushed her hair away from her face.

"Hmmm…" Zhu Na Ran pressed her lips in a thin line as she suddenly leaned onto my shoulder. "He dared to ask something of this auntie of which I cannot give…."

"Hah. Really now?" Raising a brow, I was curious about this 'something' that Zhu Na Ran can not bear to part with.

Oh wait, one thing does come to mind…

"Your treasure."

"He tried to take my treasure-!

Wait, how did you know, Senior Sister?" Zhu Na Ran asked as a shocked expression covered her face.

"Call it intuition, I suppose." I smiled.

"Heh, well, it's excellent, because Ziya did join me just for my treasure!

Can you believe that, Senior Sister?!

The nerve of that guy to shamelessly mooch off this auntie!"

"Well, how did you meet him in the first place? Surely he didn't just join you out of nowhere."

"Haha, well…" Zhu Na Ran started to twiddle her thumbs. "It's a funny story, actually…."

I don't like the sound of that.

Narrowly my eyes, I watched the young girl beside me wiggle as she tried to find a way to answer me.

"Hehe, well, it all started when…."

Zhu Na Ran proceeded to tell me how she found herself in a strange underwater realm and, with it, a palace under the depths. With the help of a mischievous and thieving squid, she was led to a grand treasure room piled high with gold, jewels, and an assortment of other precious objects.

Unsurprisingly, she went into a flurry of grabbing anything of value that she could and stuffing it into her interspatial bag.

However, she didn't anticipate that in doing so, she would incur the wrath of a great sea beast, who would chase her to the surface and onwards.

"And so, if Ziya weren't there, I would've most likely, haha, been eaten and digested by now…

Haha! But as you can see, I am very much alive now! And for the record, I did thank Ziya!

Whatever happened after that point was his fault ah." Zhu Na Ran shrugged sheepishly.

Hah… I could already feel a headache coming just from thinking about all of this.

Poor Sir Ziya…

Perhaps I should put out some more food for him as compensation for taking care of Zhu Na Ran up to this point. I believe that it's well deserved despite what Zhu Na Ran may think.

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