As for the valuable dowry, of course, they were hidden in these two houses.

With these arrangements in place, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

Next, she just needs to raise her son with peace of mind.

She is the direct wife, and her son is the direct son. Even if Zhao Mu is partial to this family business, a large part of it must belong to her son.

In addition, she can easily make money from her father every year in the future, and her son will not be able to lose money no matter what!

That being the case, what else is she fighting with the Qin family? Is that necessary?

But she didn't expect that she would ignore Qin shi, whatever Qin shi did, as long as she didn't come to provoke her, it didn't matter, but Qin shi was not satisfied and wanted to provoke her.

Maybe some people are born like this, their origins are not right, they will never be able to get peace and stability in their hearts, and they must have troubles and do things.

This year, Zhao Mu, who had never tried the Zheng family's idea of ​​100,000 mu of mulberry field, suddenly asked her for the title deed for the 100,000 mu of mulberry field.

The reason is that it is easier to manage.

Zheng Shi didn't need to ask to know that this must be due to Qin Shi's credit.

How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Before the Qin family came, nothing happened. Less than half a year after Qin entered the manor, Zhao Mu asked her for a land deed for 100,000 mu of mulberry fields!

Of course Mr. Zheng couldn't give it.

No matter how hard and soft Zhao Mu was, she gritted her teeth and did not give it. She insisted that the title deed was the same in her hands, and there was nothing inconvenient to manage. If there is anything, she will come forward to solve it.

She is the first wife after all, she refuses to give it, and Zhao Mu naturally has nothing to do.

But after that, Zhao Mu was obviously not satisfied with her, and he was vigilant and wary of her.

Aware of this, Zheng Shi was angry, laughing and contemptuous.

Is he wary of her? Ha ha!

They are husband and wife. Since ancient times, husband and wife have been one. Isn't her stuff left for her son in the end? Isn't that the blood of the Zhao family?

He actually listened to Qin Shi's words and began to be wary of her. It was a big joke!

Perhaps, Zhao Mu also tried to force her to make concessions and surrender the land deed.

But Zheng Shi gritted his teeth but didn't give in.

Beware, beware, she is the first-wife wife, and the treatment she deserves can't be less, otherwise, if you report it to the clan, the clan will not be able to spare Zhao Mu.

And if the Zhao family is so disrespectful, Zhao Mu will be ridiculed when he goes out!

She's not the kind of person who doesn't say anything after a The current concession is already forbearance.

Forbearance for the son.

It didn't take long for Zhao Mu to replace several of Sang Tian's stewards. Fortunately, Uncle Qing told her in time that she intervened strongly in the matter, saved the stewards, and announced that she would take care of all Sang Tian's affairs from now on. reason.

For this matter, Zhao Mu felt that the majesty and dignity of the head of the family had been lost, so he was very annoyed and had a big quarrel with her.

With her words, Qin Shi, who had never come to invite An, actually came to the door crying and "kindly" to make peace with her and explain it to the master, but it made her sick and bad.

But Zheng Shi is still not confused. In other words, some women only see themselves in their eyes and only feel sorry for themselves, but some women are strong as mothers, and can use calculations to the extreme for their sons, and can endure to the extreme.

Zheng's happens to belong to the latter.

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