Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1371: Is he the one who has been thinking about it?

The fourth prince said goodbye and left, and the crown prince ordered people to open the gifts he brought one by one and laughed at himself.

Precious things are indeed precious. Jade, porcelain, etc. are all famous products from official kilns. If you take out any one, it is a good thing worth thousands of dollars.

It's just that there is no shortage of such things in the Fourth Prince's Mansion, is it possible that the East Palace lacks it?

There will only be more of such things in the East Palace than in the Fourth Prince's Palace.

Don't say that he didn't know that what the Eastern Palace lacked the most was silver. This was a matter known to the city's dignitaries, and don't think that he didn't know that the Fourth Prince's Mansion was rich and lavish, and it was no secret.

Giving gifts to make amends has to be a different way to block yourself, the brothers of the Tian family... as expected, that's the only way!

The prince sighed secretly, a little disillusioned, and a little disheartened and powerless.

He used to think that as long as he treats people with sincerity, and sees people's hearts over time, they will always understand his intentions, they will always know what kind of person he is, and they will always believe that in the future, even if his father Huanglong Yubintian Now, he will still be their good brother, and he will still treat them well.

But forbearance and forgiveness over and over again will not be able to withstand those intentional and unintentional provocations, hardships and hurts again and again.

He is not wood, no matter how broad-minded he is, he cannot be indifferent to such repeated injuries.

It seems that he has been thinking about it all the time...

The location is so tempting, that's what they wanted from the start. As long as he didn't take the initiative to give up this position, no matter how nice and tolerant he was to them, it would be of no use.

They will not be grateful, they will only gain an inch, and they will only grow more ambitious...

After dinner that day, the princess smiled and told the prince about the New Year's gifts from each family.

The Crown Prince was wronged, and now the injustice has snowed, and the Fourth Prince has been unlucky. Although he has never made a public riot, the Crown Princess still feels proud!

Unconsciously, the words became more, and he talked to the prince with a smile on his face.

The prince was absent-minded, and only said one sentence: "The prince is in charge of these matters. Every year, the prince is worried about it, so I'm very relieved!"

Such a sentence that is not new and habitual, listening to the Crown Princess also makes her particularly happy~www.readwn.com~ Laughing Yan Yan's nod should be yes.

"By the way," the prince suddenly said again: "In order to isolate the great merit, Shao Qing, don't forget to prepare a copy for the Shao family. It should be more generous."

After thinking for a while, he said: "I pick half of the things that the fourth child brought today, and add it to Shao Qing in the New Year's gift. You don't need to pack it, just send it as it is. Keep the other half in the warehouse!"

The princess was startled and smiled: "Yes, the concubine can cook. Speaking of which, Lord Shao really worked hard for the prince, and he deserves such a generous reward from the prince."

The prince smiled and nodded. Both Shao Qing and his wife had made great efforts for him, but it was inconvenient to tell the prince or publicly mention the Qiao family about some things.

But he knew it in his heart, and naturally he would not treat them badly.

The Crown Princess saw that he was in a good mood, her mind became hot, and taking advantage of this opportunity, she simply said: "Master Shao, as a marriage envoy, will send Princess Shuangfu to marry in the coming year. It will take more than half a year to talk about this journey, right? There is no one around him. It's not good to take care of, why don't you choose a gentle, smart, and considerate one to send over? Master Shao can also take him with you when you leave, wouldn't it save you trouble?"

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