Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1376: Would you like to give others a way to live?

The two of them were drinking the self-brewed spirits specially brought by the Qingdi people. People with average alcohol capacity would be drunk after drinking half of the two-inch-tall small wine glass!

Even a person with a good drinker can only drink about three or two at most.

Even a Qingdi person with a good drinking capacity would be at most half a catty.

The young prince of Qingdi was considered to be the best drinker among the Qingdi people. He could drink more than two catties, and he could put down most of the Qingdi people.

He originally thought that drinking Shao Yunyun, a weak literati, would take half a cup at most! At that time, he will be able to smugly ridicule the people of Daqin that they can't drink enough! After all, it can be regarded as a win and a game back, right?

Unexpectedly, the two of them drank three glasses at the beginning...

Apart from frowning slightly, Shao Yunyun was the same.

It's completely different from the scene he imagined when he fell into a drunken state with a "pop"!

The little prince was shocked and unwilling. Naturally, he refused to let Shao Yunyun go like this. He tried to find reasons in different ways, drinking cup after cup.

Finally... The little prince Qingdi, who was full of wanting to drink Shao Yunyun down... himself fell first!

When everyone learned the truth, they were all dumbfounded.

Some people didn't quite believe it, so they asked Qingdi people to try this wine, and it turned out to be strong and easy to get drunk.

The crowd was speechless.

Many people gritted their teeth and secretly refused to accept: Is this Shao Yunyun too unusual? What luck did he hit? It doesn't matter if you read well, a scholar who seems to be polite and gentle, even has such an unbelievable amount of alcohol!

Is this too much?

Not to give others a way to live!

Shao Yunyun himself was very speechless and surprised. In other words, he didn't know that he was so good at drinking!

Mainly because he has never been drunk, how does he know how much he drinks? Anyway, when he felt that he could still drink, and when others persuaded him to drink, he just refused and then drank.

It's never been to the point of drinking to the bottom line.

When the prince laughed and complimented him for not showing his face, he could only helplessly smile.

When she was teasing her colleagues with Qiao Xuan, Qiao Xuan also laughed, but she understood a little. Every time her husband was half-drunk and went home to sleep, she would secretly guide his supernatural powers into his body to relieve his drunkenness so that he could feel more comfortable.

Every time he woke up the next day after being half drunk, Shao Yunyun never felt a headache or groggy, which was naturally due to Qiao Xuan.

Because of this, Qiao Xuan knew that what she did was very effective, so she kept doing it~www.readwn.com~ Over time, Shao Yunyun's drinking capacity also became better.

And of course he didn't know that.

The little prince Qingdi wanted to get him drunk, how could it be possible?

The little prince Qingdi was convinced that he lost.

The wine was the spirits he brought, and the person who poured it himself was the one who poured it himself. In the end, he still couldn't handle it. The man is open and aboveboard, what else can be said? Of course he conceded.

The little prince Qingdi really admires Shao Yunyun very much, in all aspects.

No, since then, I have been looking for Shao Yunyun every three to five.

Shao Yunyun was annoying him, but the young prince Qingdi wanted Shao Yunyun to serve as his **** in Daqin to entertain officials. The prince reported to the emperor, and the emperor laughed and nodded in agreement.

Shao Yunyun had to accompany the little prince of Fanbang to visit the capital and drink.

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