Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1404: Depart within 10 days

Nongmen Spring: There is a happy wife at home https://

After these seeds passed through her hands, they had to be baptized with wood-type abilities. As long as they were not faced with extremely harsh and extreme weather, they would definitely grow.

If the climate is right and the temperature and humidity are within the right range, it will grow better!

Since Princess Shuangfu has such thoughts, she happens to meet Qiao Xuan again, and Qiao Xuan is naturally willing to help her.

This is a rare fate for the two of them.

On the 17th day of the first lunar month, Shao Yunyun contacted Mr. Qiao San privately and told him that the dispatch order would come down in a few days, and he could start preparing to go to Fujian to serve as the county magistrate, and he could leave within ten days.

After hearing these words, Mr. Qiao felt a moment of emptiness and loss in his heart, and a subconscious thought came to him: he should go back on it!

After calming down, he didn't say that after all, sighed and nodded: "Okay, I get it..."

Although he was very resistant to the distant places like Fujian, he had gone out, and there was still the possibility of promotion. Why would it be better than staying in the capital and waiting to die?

Fortunately, he didn't have anything to prepare, and he didn't have many relatives and friends to invite to dinner to say goodbye, and there was nothing that required a lot of time and energy to hand over official business.

Although ten days is a bit urgent, it is enough.

"There is one more thing," Shao Yunyun said again: "That girl Liu Yan went to Shaoding Village to serve at our house for a while. My wife likes her very much. I originally wanted to ask you to buy it, but it was delayed. When you go to Fujian this time, there is no shortage of her, so sell her to us!"

Now that there are not many servants in the family, Liu Yan has been assigned to serve Aunt Du again. As soon as Shao Yunyun said it, Master Qiao San remembered who it was.

"It's not a big deal. I'll send her to your place later! It's not necessary to buy anything or not."

He was even a little bit overjoyed in his heart, what does this mean? It means that Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun still think of his father to some extent!

Where is Shao Yunyun willing to be so unclear with the Qiao family?

"Let's buy it. I'll give you 20% more at the market price. It's best not to disturb the rest of the Qiao family, and save some people from talking unnecessary gossip."

Master Qiao San's eyes dimmed, and he sighed and nodded: "This- okay..."

"Don't forget to bring her contract of prostitution as well."


Master Qiao San would never doubt that a maid could have a name, so he happily agreed to Shao Yunyun.

He had even more headaches, but how did he tell his family...

But there are only ten days left. To hand over, to pack, to hire a car, to say goodbye, he cannot afford to delay or hesitate, and he must say it immediately.

After dinner in the evening, Mr. Qiao San bit the bullet and told Qiao's family in a calm tone that he was going to go out to Fujian.

Sure enough, a stone stirred up a thousand waves!

"What? You just came back, why are you going out again?"

"Why are you thinking about going out? Third, what's going on here?"

"Why didn't you hear anything about it beforehand? Why is it so urgent all of a sudden?"

"Third, are you honestly related to that Shao?"


When Mrs. Qiao heard the mention of "the surnamed Shao", she raised her eyebrows and glared coldly: "The third child, is that the troublemaker surnamed Shao?"

Master Qiao San forced his composure: "Mother, how is this possible! I also feel that this is quite sudden, the adjustment order will be down soon, I thought, let's go too, if I go out for a few years, maybe I can get a promotion. Prefect Dangdang!"

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