Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1426: disappointment

Let Uncle Shao help and force him to agree to marry Shao Xiaozhi.

As for what kind of marriage is given in his clan, it's enough to retire, or, if his little branch is married first, the girl can be a concubine!

"Big brother, Yunyun is now a high-ranking official in the capital, so you can't even do this, right?"

"That's right! No matter how rich Mr. Zhao is, he is also a helpless businessman. Would he dare not give Yunyun's face?"

"Brother, I beg you this time, just this time!"

"Big brother, you have always loved our little branch the most, and that girl is also a stubborn girl, crying like that, don't mention how distressed I am when I see it! Big brother, you don't love her anymore?"

"Big brother..."

Uncle Shao, one head and two big ones, made the two of them buzzing and arguing.

But how dare he?

As long as he thinks of Zhao Shu's disdainful look when he said that the old man and his wife were parents and called his girl out to accompany the guests, he would feel a tingling in his heart and panic!

He couldn't say anything like that.

He didn't dare to tell them at all that the "fiancee" Zhao Shu mentioned was deliberately trying to deceive them.

And they didn't know it, but they didn't mind destroying their "marriage" at all, which also shocked and disappointed Uncle Shao.

He did not expect that the youngest couple could be such selfish people!

Do they know that if they really want to do this, what will happen to their "fiancee"? The family is also a good girl's family, isn't this ruined in a lifetime?

People are not innocent?

"They already have a fiancée, forget it..."

What a ghost, Uncle Shao said.

No matter what Uncle Shao and Mrs. Ma said, they even turned their face in anger, angrily accusing him of turning his elbows out, and instead of helping his own people, he turned toward outsiders.

She bit her hard and didn't let go.

"I can see it clearly, eldest brother is worthy of being a man from a big house, he is just as ruthless and cold, hum!"

"Oh, people are developed now, with eyes on the top of their heads, how can they still recognize brothers? Forget it, let's be more interesting, don't be annoying! Hmph, we also have a son, and when our son is successful, we will ask for more. he!"

"That's right, the days are still long, and it's not certain who will beg in the future!"

"Yes, I'm just waiting for the day when they beg us!"


Uncle Shao was trembling with anger, and said in disbelief, "The third child, younger brother and sister... You, you said these words, are you not guilty! You, you just look at me like this..."

Uncle Shao's heart ~www.readwn.com~ almost shattered into glass scum. He is so sad!

Now that the second wife and daughter-in-law can do it, the second brother and sister don't pay much attention to him, but does he still care less for the third bedroom?

The big house had a better life. Although he couldn't be a family and couldn't manage the family's property, he was the head of the family, and he always had some money in his hand from time to time. Almost all of this money was spent on the third house.

There are also materials for cutting clothes, and occasionally taking some snacks to eat, which should be given to Sanfang during the Chinese New Year, but Sanfang has never returned a gift.

Mr. Fang sneered from time to time, but he had to pretend he didn't hear it.

Even if they don't thank him, he doesn't annoy them.

But how could they say that about him?

Seeing Uncle Shao's sad face, Uncle Shao and Mrs. Ma not only did not feel guilty, but felt happy, and scolded a few hateful words before they walked away angrily.

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