Sun Bai, Sun Qian and others led the crowd to clean up the scene, bandage and heal wounds, and they were in a hurry. The ordinary followers also staggered forward to help, their hands and feet were shaking, and some people couldn't even move, and their entire limbs were soft.

The other party was left with no one alive.

Sun Bai and others were very sorry, but they couldn't.

Sun Bai and Sun Qian invited Shao Yunyun to speak.

"My lord, although these people are dressed as mountain bandits and have things painted on their faces, they are definitely not real mountain bandits. The real mountain bandits can never be able to advance and retreat like this, and they will never cooperate with each other. Such a sense of forbidding. Moreover, the skills of these people can be seen through extremely strict, systematic and long-term training, no mountain bandit can do this. I am afraid of their origin..."

I'm afraid that 80% to 90% are sent by the princes, and the most suspicious is naturally the fourth prince.

It's just that if there is no clear evidence, Sun Bai can't talk nonsense.

Shao Yunyun nodded and said slowly: "I knew there would be such a time, but when they appeared, I felt a little more at ease. However, I always felt that they would not give up so easily, you must not relax your vigilance, Instructed to go, continue to patrol carefully, but if there is anything suspicious, report it immediately."

"Yes, my lord!"

Sun Bai and Sun Qian nodded solemnly.

They share the same view as Shao Yunyun, this is just the beginning and definitely not the end.

Who among the princes doesn't hate the prince to the bottom of his heart? As long as there is a chance to cut off the prince's arm, anyone will be very happy.

It is hard to say whether only the fourth prince or several princes are involved in this matter.

As the crown prince, the prince has countless eyes staring up and down. He is cautious in his words and deeds on weekdays, and he is cautious in his words and deeds. He does not dare to let his reputation suffer in the slightest. Make a fuss, and the power of his brothers has grown bigger and bigger.

Under their hands, there are really a lot of manpower!

Since he has already made his move, it is naturally impossible to forget it all at once.

After about an hour or so, everyone was finally repacked and ready to go.

But after such a long delay, under such road conditions, it is obviously impossible to get out of the black pine forest before dark today.

The people couldn't help but feel more anxious.

Shao Yun's expression did not said lightly: "Let's just travel less today and find a suitable place to spend the night after crossing this rocky slope! We have a lot of people, as long as we are careful, it's fine. The environment in this forest is complicated, on the other hand, it is a kind of protection for us!"

Seeing that he was calm and composed, everyone felt a little relieved and nodded yes.

Shao Yunyun simply got into Qiao Xuan's carriage and took the three of Lixia to his own car.

The lady must have been frightened a lot, and she needed him to accompany, comfort and comfort her.

The curtain was lowered, and the carriage slowly set off. Shao Yunyun hugged Qiao Xuan and sat on his lap, comforting and comforting her softly.

Qiao Xuan's heart was sweet, and she couldn't laugh or cry, and she was faintly proud, so she had to cooperate with him in acting, expressing that she was not afraid.

Seeing that there was no difference in her expression as usual, Shao Yunyun gradually calmed down.

Everyone was on guard all the way and finally passed the rocky slope, and after walking forward for less than three miles, they stopped to set up camp.

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