And these horses, neat and tidy, can't be raised anywhere except in the army.

Unlike the mounts of the Stone Blind and his gang, there are all kinds of Lala Zaza.

Sun Bai immediately clasped his fists and said loudly, "Brothers, we are the envoys who escorted Princess Shuangfu and the young Prince Di, and for some reason they attacked and attacked these thieves, please help! It must be re-reported!"

The other party and his party were taken aback, suddenly gasped, and looked at them curiously.

Shao Yunyun stood up and threw his hands at them: "I have you all!"

Shi Blind was obviously panicked, forced a calm "Bah!" and said viciously: "I don't know who they are, I just want to steal a fortune! I didn't expect it to be so bad! I quit! Let's go!"

With a loud shout, he suddenly jumped onto the nearest horse, his legs were clamped, and the hilt of the knife slapped the horse's **** twice, and the horse neighed in pain and galloped away.

His men didn't have time to look at each other, and one by one, they grabbed their horses in a panic, climbed up, and ran away.

Some of them were too late to grab it, and they simply made do with two people.

The handsome young man who shouted Shi Blind before raised his whip and sneered twice in the air: "This time you run fast, it's cheaper for you!"

He turned over and dismounted as he said, and everyone with him put away their bows and arrows and dismounted one after another.

Shao Yunyun took out the special envoy token for the marriage envoy from his arms, gave it to Sun Bai, and said loudly: "My surname is Shao, the household member and the foreigner, escorting Princess Shuangfu and personally dispatching the marriage envoy, this is my token, I don't know what it is. What do you call an adult..."

It's not just a question of what to call it, but also the meaning of identity verification.

Shao Yunyun proved his identity and asked the other party to do the same.

After all, neither side knows each other, what if? What if you are deceived? What if the other party pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and it is clear that they are in the same group as the blind stone?

In this unfamiliar place, Shao Yunyun had to be cautious.

Sun Bai took his token and brought several personal soldiers forward, and took the initiative to ask the other party to verify, which can be said to be quite sincere.

The other party laughed, and the laughter was hearty with a bit of surprise, "Sir Shao's reputation is like thunder, I already knew it! I am the emperor's royal seal Longhu General, stationed at Beimingguan, forty miles northeast of Huning City. Meng took his men out of the city to hunt yesterday, and I didn't expect to meet Master Shao by such a coincidence!"

"Master Shao, rest assured, from now on, you are all safe!"

He took his cavalry to gallop on a horse, and the speed on this grassland was naturally not comparable to the slow travel of Shao Yunyun and his party.

Meng Wanfu took out the token that indicated his identity and gave it to Sun Bai.

As soon as Sun Bai got started, he knew that the token was real. He was overjoyed. He returned the token and gave Shao Yun a wink.

He knows Meng Wanfu. This man is a rising star in the army. He has no background. The team saved thousands of people in the entire town, so he made a contribution and was named a fourth-rank general.

He was also lucky, and after that, he made two great achievements in succession. The emperor was happy and sealed the third-rank Dragon Tiger General.

Because he has no background, he secretly pays attention to all parties and tries to win over him, but no one dares to make it too obvious.

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