The Fucheng was even more certain that this assassin must have been sent by the Fourth Prince, otherwise how could martial arts be so powerful?

His heart froze in an instant...

No matter how good the assassin's martial arts were, he couldn't stand it under the siege of Sun Bai, A Ye, and others. He gradually began to decline. Then he was stabbed in the arm with a sword by Sun Bai, and the sword fell to the ground, for fear that he would kill himself by taking poison. Bai Liluo squeezed, and with a "click" sound, the jawbone was dislocated. Was taken down by the crowd.

"Trial now! This matter cannot be delayed!"

Sun Bairui's eyes were fixed on Fucheng, who was slumped on the ground, and he sneered: "Master Fucheng is also with you!"

Fu Cheng supported his entourage's hand and stood up from the ground, and said abruptly: "I don't care whether you believe it or not, this person has nothing to do with me! I-I don't know anything about this..."

No one believed him, only sneers responded to him.

Even the prefect looked at him with a cold light and solemnity in his eyes.

The prefect's eyes are dark...

The result of the interrogation came out that night, and Fu Cheng was the instigator behind the scenes.

The assassin confessed himself, and the man was found in his yard, and he and his wife were basically targeting Mr. Shao, and there were motives, and the case came to light.

Seeing this, the prefect was very happy, and he took the time to act decisively to help fuel the flames. Many of the bribery and illegal bribery, the collusion between officials and businessmen to bully the market, his family's domineering, and many things in the fish and meat town that the prefect had previously suppressed were all revealed. After being imprisoned, the prefect submitted a document, just waiting for the approval, this official is destined to do it...

As for the assassin, after giving his confession, a negligence caused him to commit suicide by taking poison in public.

The corpses were thrown into the mass graves for disposal.

But no one knew that this assassin was played by the secret guards of the East Palace. With Sun Bai and others taking care of him, suspended animation was a simple matter.

When the Fucheng was imprisoned, so many old cases were brought up, and there were many more cases that could make him lose his position and punish him severely, and no one would pay special attention to the issue of catching the assassin.

After all, the injured Master Shao has spoken, and it can be handled according to the law.

The husband and wife were sent to prison, and many members of the Qin family were also imprisoned because of their involvement in several cases.

Where is the arrogance and arrogance of Mrs. Fu Cheng before, she has been haggard and looks like she is a teenager in just a few staying in that dirty prison, the air is full of musty smell, My eyes were swollen from crying.

How could she have suffered like this!

Why so unlucky?

The prefect's wife is so proud and in a good mood!

She suffered from a lot of suffocation in the hands of Mrs. Fu Cheng, and often made her feel dizzy and chest tight with anger.

Shao Yunyun's precise design, he had long expected that the prefect would not let go of this opportunity to beat the underdog, and once the bad things done by the prefect and his family in the past were exposed, the fourth prince would definitely not reach out to rescue him again, he would be doomed become an outcast.

He will not let go of anyone who hurts his wife!

Qiao Xuan's heart also came out, everything has a cause and a result, whether it's cooperating with the fourth prince's people to kidnap her, trying to attack herself and Shao Yunyun, or those evil things that are illegal and rampant, all the consequences are what they deserve. undertake.

At this point, Qiao Xuan was no longer interested in them. What happened to the arrogant and arrogant lady of the palace before, how bad the situation was, Qiao Xuan was not interested at all.

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