Chapter 1862 I'm not going

"It's not just humiliation, I'm afraid that countless money will be filled in, and there will be no results in the end! The world is as black as a crow, I think this Shao Zhizhou is reasonable, so who knows what kind of person the prefect is?"

Mrs. Fan was so angry, "Second child! Did your daughter-in-law instigate something behind your back, how dare you talk to me like that! You are an unfilial son of thunder!"

Fan Ruyin is often in front of her own mother, begging for tricks, and accusing the two sisters-in-law of being wrong.

Without even thinking about it, I subconsciously thought of this.

Master Fan Er was stunned: "Mother, what are you talking about! I didn't tell her about this at all! Besides, how can she be so bold!"

Mrs. Fan sneered: "Behind my back, who knows whether you dare to play ghosts!"

Master Fan Er had a dark face and remained silent.

Master Fan had a splitting headache: "Mother, let's get down to business!"

Mrs. Fan looked at him and said, "Are you blaming me? Are you two brothers working together to scold me?"

Master Fan: "..."

For the first time, the brothers thought that their mother was really confused and couldn't communicate at all.

But Master Fan had to be patient, unless he wanted the Fan family to collapse.

At any rate, he promised to go to the provincial capital to try to find a way to catch up with the prefect, while he promised to be with Shao Yun and Wei She, and he would definitely try to get rid of this prefect who was always disliked by her family. Mrs. Fan felt that she He was still the head of the family who could hold his two sons and still had unbreakable authority, so his mood changed a little, and he turned a blind eye and agreed to let Fan Ruyin go to Qiao Xuan to apologize.

Most importantly, Mrs. Fan is also worried that her business will be affected.

After all, as a local parent official, it is too easy for Shao Yunyun to find fault with their Fan family and attack their business.

But for the Fan family, he is impeccable, and the Fan family has no power to fight back...

"I'm not going! Why should I go to be humbled and humiliated! I'm not going anyway! I'm going to let the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law go!"

Fan Ruyin was furious and crying.

He kept shouting, "Too bullying!" I don't know if it was the two brothers or Qiao Xuan.

This time, the two masters of the Fan family did not condone her anymore. They became impatient when they could not dissuade her, and scolded her fiercely. If she refused to go in person, they would have to tie her up and **** her. In short, she had to go this time. !

Fan Ruyin was about to go crazy, so she cried and went to Mrs. Fan to call the shots.

Knowing that her mother has always listened to her, she may not know what will happen when she goes, and it will be nothing if she goes back. The two have already made preparations, and the servants in the family stopped Fan It is not allowed at all. she goes.

It was only then that Fan Ruyin understood that the two brothers were here for real this time.

She was shocked, angry and hated, and burst into tears, blaming the two sisters-in-law, scolding them for instigating behind their backs, and crying and complaining that the two brothers had forgotten their mother and sister when they had a daughter-in-law, and despised her wholeheartedly...

In the past, their brothers heard this kind of words a lot, but they only thought that she liked to complain, and she was afraid that she would be over-hearted, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

Now Fang knows that she really thinks so.

Both of them were cold.

I feel that the tolerance and kindness towards her in the past was really all fed to the dog...

?? Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, and ask for a ticket for support every day



(End of this chapter)

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