Chapter 1883 Another treat

"So I thought, wouldn't it happen to be fifteen the day after tomorrow? The Su Zhai in Qingsong Temple is very famous, so let's not invite anyone else. We only invite Mrs. Shao to come with you. Unfortunately, Mrs. Jia said that she was busy at home and had no time. Otherwise, it would be enough to invite her too. Wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds for just a few people to enjoy incense, talk, and eat vegetarian food?”

Mrs. Fan couldn't stand Fan Ruyin's repeated pleas. After thinking about it, she felt that this was fine. There was no harm in having more contacts. Isn't that how friendships come about?

"But... is Mrs. Shao still willing to go..."

To put it bluntly, if she was Mrs. Shao, she wouldn't want to agree to her invitation.

"She will agree!" Otherwise, wouldn't she be miserable! Absolutely not!

Fan Ruyin saw the eldest sister-in-law looking at herself with some puzzlement, and also realized that she was too eager, so she quickly squeezed out a smile: "Sister-in-law, you are the eldest lady of the Fan family, since Mrs. Shao wants to be a good internal helper to Lord Shao, it is naturally impossible not to think so. If you are trying to win over our Fan family, how can you not give your sister-in-law your face?"

"Sister-in-law took the initiative to make friends with her, she's just too eager!"

Mrs. Fan felt quite at ease when she heard this. After thinking about it, she smiled and said, "Actually, it is indeed beneficial for our family to have a good relationship with Mrs. Zhizhou. It's also good, I will come to the door tomorrow to invite you in person!"

"Exactly!" Fan Ruyin hurriedly laughed again: "It's just that since you want to invite, why wait for tomorrow, it's still early today, why don't you go today! Just so that Mrs. Shao has enough time to prepare more."

Madam Fan frowned slightly, but nodded, "Well, that's fine..."

In fact, she didn't really want to agree, but she still felt a little too rushed. But on second thought, Fan Ruyin has always been close to her mother-in-law, most of the time... Is this what her mother-in-law meant?

Otherwise, this little sister-in-law was so repulsive to Mrs. Shao before, why did she suddenly become so eager to invite her? It must have been my mother-in-law.

Mrs. Fan smiled again: "Only, on the day of entering the fragrance, you should be more enthusiastic and active towards Mrs. Shao, but don't be like yesterday. Since we have invited Mrs. Shao, if we don't try to completely reverse her It's better not to invite, don't you think?"

"Sister-in-law said, I will pay attention."

Fan Ruyin didn't think much of it and agreed.

As long as you can invite Qiao Xuan, everything else is easy to say.

As for when? Oh, then it will be her death...

Madam Fan felt a little proud when she saw her listening to her words so happily. After all, such a thing is so rare!

At the moment, I didn't make things difficult for her anymore, and ordered people to prepare gifts, so I changed my clothes and dressed up, and prepared to invite people to the backyard of Shangzhou Ya...

Qiao Xuan agreed with a Mrs. Fan left with satisfaction.

Li Xia and Li Qiu looked at each other, both worried.

"Madam, the slaves always think that the Fan family is too weird these days!"

"No! How can anyone treat guests like this endlessly, slave, look, there must be something tricky!"

"Madam, don't go there if you don't want to give incense, the slaves always feel that the Fan family is not at ease!"

"A place like a temple is the easiest to be calculated. The slaves also feel that it is not appropriate."


Qiao Xuan glanced at the two of them and smiled, "You two are quite vigilant. If you can think of this level, you've grown!"

Li Xia and Li Qiu looked at each other and smiled, "The slaves have been with Madam for so long, no matter how stupid they are, they should learn something and improve!"

(End of this chapter)

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