Remember [New] for a second,! There are many mosquitoes outside this season, and there are more strange insects and ants in the mountains and fields. A white and tender baby like An An is most liked by all kinds of mosquitoes.

Zhuangzi is always safer.

The little guy's freshness has not yet passed. Zhuangzi also raised a pair of rabbits. He fed the rabbits with vegetable leaves and was very happy.

The Liuhe Village was originally purchased by Qiao Xuan for 100,000 mu.

Even if you hire more people, you can't develop them all at once.

Up to now, almost 70,000 acres have been developed. At the moment, there is a shortage of laborers, and there are fewer hired personnel. There are only 40 people still working on land reclamation. You must know that there were only 300 hired workers in the heyday.

Qiao Xuan didn't go to the wasteland to see it, so she thought about discussing it with Shao Yunyun, or else stop for the time being and resume it in autumn and winter?

Shao Yunyun said with a smile: "I was about to tell you this! There are too many mosquitoes, snakes and ants in the mountains at this time, and weeds are growing wildly. It is indeed not suitable for wasteland development.

Otherwise, in case of any accident, it will inevitably make people make a big fuss.

Who let the two be Zhizhou and Zhizhou's wife?

Qiao Xuan said to Song Shi, "Your Excellency said the same thing, the matter is settled, tell the workers that it will be gone tomorrow! Well, you can write down their list, and when you hire someone else in late autumn, you can give priority to it. Hire them."

Song Shi hurriedly agreed with a smile, and he would tell the workers in person later.

The matter of hiring employees has always been his own, which Qiao Xuan explained before.

Especially since there were so many workers involved, wages, daily lunch fees, various trauma medicines prepared, wasteland reclamation tools prepared, etc., are all places that can easily make people rich.

Deductions are made from it, except for wages, other things are not easy to check.

Naturally, it is impossible for Song Shi to be greedy for such a small amount of money. First, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun still believed in his character quite a bit. Second, as long as he wasn't stupid, he wouldn't have done such stupid things that would cut off his career.

But if it's other small things, it's hard to say.

Don't get too smoky then.

It's a joke when Mrs. Zhizhou hires people to work but is mean.

Therefore, Song Shi has always handled this aspect himself, and he keeps a close eye on it on weekdays, and no one dares to mess around.

The reclaimed wasteland has been divided into pieces and planted with medicinal materials. Qiao Xuan had previously ordered Taizishen, Tianma, Huangjing, Pinellia, Tianqi, and Angelica.

It has grown up The different medicinal materials can be easily distinguished at a glance. Young seedlings grow unevenly.

Every time Qiao Xuan patrolled the field, she would never forget to silently apply her wood-type abilities, and it was the same today.

A large piece of land is also enclosed on the **** of the adjacent mountain, and the other opposite mountain is also enclosed, and there are two other pieces of land that are enclosed in another mountain forest not far from these two places. Tall and spacious wooden sheds and wooden houses were built within the enclosure, and a flat ground, not too small or not, was trimmed. There were lush grasses and many shrubs, and there were several tall trees in the middle.

There are also some large rocks, climbing all kinds of vines.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun didn't get close, but looked at them from a distance.

These four are chicken farms, and only one is currently raising 500 chicks, 100 adult chickens, and 150 young chickens less than a pound.

In the future, only two of these four places will raise chickens at the same time, with a rotation every two years.

------off topic-----

March is coming, please support the monthly pass in March, love you!

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