Chapter 2131 busy

Shao Yunyun took her into his arms, "I'm back, you and An'an are still here, of course I'll be back!"

Qiao Xuan curled her lips into a smile, feeling tender and sweet in her heart.

Shao Yunyun lightly patted her shoulder a few times and sat down with her hand.

Qiao Xuan ordered someone to bring water in to wash her face and wash her hands, and sighed with a smile, "From now on, we can only move forward every step of the way! Seriously, this can be considered a goal and a destination after all. Rather, it's much more stable."

Shao Yunyun: "Who said no?"

He glanced at her and said, "Don't worry, no matter what I do, I know what I do. In the end, I will always consider it carefully."

The way back will always be prepared, and it will never reach the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

Qiao Xuan smiled sweetly, "I believe you."

Shao Yunyun came back and was busy.

Anzezhou's side is the rear, and there is no room for error.

Not to mention anything else, at the moment, recruiting troops and buying horses is the most credible talent in Anze Prefecture. Other places are not as easy and comfortable to use as those in Anze Prefecture.

But the boundary of Anze Prefecture is still too small. After Shao Yunyun settled the place properly, he went to Huaixi Province to sit in town.

There is the center of Huaixi Province, and he is more suitable there.

An Zezhou gave a promoted scribe to take charge of the general affairs, and there were other people in the barracks who recruited and trained. In terms of materials, Zhao Shu and Taotao are in charge.

Qiao Xuan is still here for the time being, she is waiting for Mrs. Fang to come over.

Even if Shao Yunyun acts in a wronged manner, after all, people with discernment can clearly see that this is just an excuse.

Then Fang Shi and others who are still in Shaoding Village in Yuzhang will become a little dangerous.

Even if no one thinks of them for a while, it makes people uncomfortable, and it will be too late when someone pays attention to them.

After Shao Yunyun succeeded in the provincial capital, he asked people to go back and bring all the Fangs and others.

All things at home, please leave the housekeeping to be the master, and Lizheng can help take care of one or two.

Calculate the time, they should be here in a few days.

Qiao Xuan stayed in Anze Prefecture, firstly to wait for them, and secondly to make a general plan for land reclamation and planting here.

Taotao is also very familiar with these things. She has brought several new people around, all of them are specially selected and ready to teach slowly.

Qiao Xuan There is one more thing to do - repair the road.

At least, the road from Anze Prefecture to the provincial capital is well repaired.

Now that everyone is doing their job, they are very busy, and after Shao Yunyun came back to meet for a short time, he had to go to the provincial capital again. Naturally, no one cares about Qiao Xuan.

Qiao Xuan personally took people to investigate and formulate a road construction plan.

Most of the road sections are only widened on the original roads, and only a small number of sections were too winding and too curved, so they were abandoned and re-paved a better road.

Qiao Xuan secretly used her powers to loosen some places that were more troublesome to develop, such as places where the rocks were too hard and the rocks were too huge.

After her power was used, the root system in the ground quickly grew thicker, and when it was stirred, the soil became much looser, and it was naturally faster to open up.

This matter is not in a hurry. After a series of repairs from An Zezhou, she encountered a tough bone that was difficult to chew. When she went to inspect, she calmly resolved it.

(End of this chapter)

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