Chapter 2160 Fame soared

Crossing the river and demolishing bridges is ungrateful!

How could Fan Ruyin not be angry?

She hadn't thought about it at all, Qiao Xuan might not know what their mother and daughter did. She thought that Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun must have known about the big battle between their mother and daughter.

Knowing but not admitting it, is this not ungrateful?

"Since she is unkind and unjust, don't blame me!"

Fan Ruyin said harsh words, and started to walk and communicate among the big families in Huaixi Province again.

She calmly said some thought-provoking words to provoke people's hearts.

Not to mention, this trick is really useful.

There are really many big families who are starting to make a move, wanting to show their allegiance to Shao Yunyun. Of course, this is the safest way to marry a girl from your own family...

Especially after Shao Yunyun sent people to take the cities of Quzhou and Jinhua.

This is also quite speechless.

The prefect of Hangzhou did not know which muscle cramped, or simply wanted to take advantage.

When Sun Pu led his troops to attack the Huaixi provincial capital, the prefect of Hangzhou was a schadenfreude. In addition to gloating, I also want to take advantage of the fire.

Perhaps by the way, I also wanted to try the skills of the soldiers under my hands, and they all went out to practice. Therefore, he sent people to lead his troops to capture two cities in Huaixi Province that bordered under his rule.

He planned well, but the facts taught him a lesson.

Even if the troops from the Huaixi provincial capital approached the city, the prefect of Hangzhou could not take advantage. The siege is slow.

After Sun Pu was dealt with, Shao Yunyun immediately sent people to support him. Instead, he beat the people sent by the prefect of Hangzhou to the ground, throwing away their helmets and armor.

He simply did one thing and another, and robbed the two cities of Quzhou and Jinhua, which belonged to Zhejiang Province. The reception is now almost complete.

The prefect of Hangzhou was so angry that he could not lose rice by stealing chickens, and hated Shao Yunyun to death. But he didn't dare to send troops to provoke him.

It's ridiculous that he also specially wrote a letter with the seal of the prefect and sent it to Shao Yunyun, righteously scolding Shao Yunyun for being immoral, and asking Shao Yunyun to return the two cities of Quzhou and Jinhua to him. Otherwise, don't blame him for being rude! Sooner or later, he will get it back with interest!

Shao Yunyun looked at the letter with disdain, and even showed it to Qiao Xuan. The two made fun of the innocence of the Hangzhou prefect.

I didn't even write a reply to him.

Why didn't he say he was immoral when he sent people to take advantage of the fire? If you can't take advantage of it, you will suffer a loss, but it's quite the face and righteous to accuse others!

Qiao Xuan laughed and scolded, "Double-standard Shao Yunyun thinks it is very appropriate.

Not only will he not return Quzhou and Jinhua, but when Sun Bai and the others have stabilized their military training and the checkpoint has been established, he will continue to **** the territory of the prefect of Hangzhou!

Because of this series of victories, Shao Yunyun's popularity has soared, and everyone in Huaixi Province has greatly increased their confidence and joy.

They don't care about other places, as long as Huaixi Province is good and Master Shao is good, it is better than anything else!

If Master Shao has divine help, he is very capable. Even the general of the Sun family brought 80,000 horses to attack the city and they were defeated. Then, how many people in this world can compete with the adults?

Fan Ruyin and Bai Ruirui's mother and daughter are even more passionate!

Look, look! How good are their eyes! They are the real heroes who see the eyes, and the Qiao family is just a **** luck.

It's a pity that I have a good vision but I can't get the corresponding benefits, I'm going crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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