Chapter 2206 Anger

This kind of thing is not uncommon in today's world, it's all for keeping oneself safe.

So even if he saw his brother in Huaixi provincial capital, he didn't find it too strange.

But he never imagined that his brother had experienced so much!

No wonder, the way Sun Pu looked at him always felt something was wrong. But he also wondered if it was because the two sides couldn't reach an agreement, so he was always suspicious, because he thought too much.

It wasn't.

Without thinking, Xiao Qi immediately said: "So because of this Sun Pu and the Sun family's group of talents targeting me so much? Hmph, then they are really promising! The Sun family is nothing more than that!"

80,000 horses attacked the Huaixi provincial capital and suffered a crushing defeat. What else is there to say? In other words, he was embarrassed to death!

If you don't have the ability to win the battle, you have the ability to anger people.

"In the end, I didn't promise them anything. I only said that General Feng would send someone over to negotiate the matter. This was also what General Feng ordered when I came. Later, after paying 10,000 taels of silver, I brought someone here. "

"If I had known that Sun Pu was so hateful and useless, I wouldn't give him ten thousand dollars!"

Shao Yunyun smiled: "If you don't give it, they don't have to go down the steps, so I'm afraid they won't let you come over. But it's only 10,000 taels, and if you give it, you will give it. I hope that General Deng will send someone to negotiate quickly, and don't delay. You go back……"

Xiao Qi scratched his head and said with a smile: "That shouldn't be the case. General Deng said that he is ready, so I can rest assured."

Shao Yunyun nodded with a smile: "Then I can rest assured! You go to rest first, and I will accompany you to Anzezhou tomorrow. Parents, brother and sister-in-law are all in Anzezhou now, and Taotao and Zhao Shu are also there. An An also brought it over, our family can be considered a big reunion!"

"Really? That's great!" Xiao Qi couldn't help but smile with nostalgia, "I can't wait to see my parents!"

Shao Yunyun patted his shoulder: "Let's leave early tomorrow morning!"

The two brothers smiled at each other.

Shao Xiaoqi said that he wanted to see the fifth sister-in-law and see his nephew An An. Who knew that Qiao Xuan was already in Anze Prefecture at the moment, and Shao Yun ordered someone to bring An An over.

Xiao Qi sighed: "For my business, fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law have worked too hard! I really, really owe you a lot—"

"What does my brother say about this? Your fifth sister-in-law won't Shao Yunyun's eyes softened unconsciously.

He knows his own daughter-in-law better than others. Not only will his daughter-in-law not mind, she will be very happy to have something to do. If she was allowed to stay in the back house every day to watch flowers and fish, she would be impatient to find trouble in a few days.

Xiao Qi smiled and said: "The fifth brother and the fifth sister-in-law will naturally say this, but I am still grateful! I can't say, I will repay a few points in the future, anyway, it is impossible to repay the five brothers and five sisters-in-law in this life. Finished!"

Shao Yunyun laughed, "You are becoming more and more good at talking! Tell me to your fifth sister-in-law!"

Xiao Qi also laughed.

Soon An An came.

He still vaguely remembered Xiao Qi, and called "Uncle Qi" with a smile. At first, he was a little restrained, and soon he and Xiao Qi giggled together. The two of them took a few relatives in the garden. The soldiers made a lot of trouble, and the wanton laughter of hahaha spread far and wide.

Shao Yunyun shook his head helplessly, and said that Xiao Qi had matured a lot, and he was still so troublesome!

(End of this chapter)

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