Chapter 2328 Banquet

Shao Yunyun hosted a banquet to entertain the county magistrates. Yesterday, he had a banquet and listened to the opera, and today he went out to play in the city. The next day, two or three days in a row, everyone sat down and held a meeting in the government office to discuss the future and the management of various places. After that, the party was over, and everyone could set off on their own.

They went out of the city that day, and Qiao Xuan held a banquet in the back garden of the mansion, entertaining all the female relatives who followed, and by the way, invited several local ladies and ladies from famous families to participate together, and everyone also walked around lively. Go for a walk, eat dinner and watch a play.

Mrs. Qiao and Qiao Wei were naturally invited. The mother and daughter were unhappy last night, but they would not miss anything at the banquet today.

Shao Yunyun was shameless, they just wanted to see if Qiao Xuan wanted it.

Miao Cong was a little anxious, and couldn't help reminding Qiao Wei to be patient with Mrs. Shao...

As a result, instead of persuading Qiao Wei, it made Qiao Wei, who was full of discomfort and hated and jealous of Qiao Xuan, lose her temper, and attacked him.

Miao Cong knew Qiao Wei's temperament very well. If it was before, he would never have persuaded her. Because persuading her at such a time, even if the persuasion is more euphemistic, she is destined to lose her temper.

However, this matter is too important to be missed! Miao Cong couldn't help but speak.

Miao Cong couldn't help but feel angry, but he didn't dare to attack, he had to smile when he was scolded, and comforted Qiao Wei with gentle and small words, his mouth was dry when he spoke sweetly, and he finally managed to coax Qiao Wei. .

It's not that they were coaxed, Qiao Wei was in a hurry to go out and didn't bother to bother with him, and didn't even give him a look.

Miao Cong stumbled, watching their mother and daughter get into the carriage and leave the back of her forehead, she couldn't help but sneer, thinking that she was incompetent, and she was unwilling to put down her body and become soft, but instead wanted to crush others. Isn't this rushing to find death?

Is there any hope for this Joe family...

Mrs. Qiao's mother and daughter deliberately rushed to the backyard of the mansion early in the morning.

When they arrived, no one had arrived.

However, Jia Heming's wife, Zhang Wenshu's wife, and several others, who were considered half the hosts, had already arrived, so they entertained them in the Bisi Pavilion in the back garden.

Now all the officials and family members in Hangzhou City should not be ignorant of the Qiao family.

Even if you haven't seen them.

As soon as Mrs. Qiao and Qiao Wei showed their the eyes of the ladies and ladies brightened slightly, and they looked at them subconsciously.

Qiao Wei in particular doesn't like this kind of scrutiny, because she always feels that these people are comparing her to Qiao Xuan, and they must be praising Qiao Xuan and belittling her!

But, what is Qiao Xuan? It was not worthy to carry her shoes in the first place!

Mrs. Qiao smiled and looked at Jia Heming's wife and said, "Mrs. Jia and Qiao Xuan have known each other for many years? Why don't you tell me about these years, I also want to hear about it. Our master is in a remote place in Nanyue. I haven't been able to know any news for all these years, and I'm afraid that girl Xuan is still complaining that we don't care about her!"

Mrs. Jia: "..."

Everyone: "..."

You're welcome, as soon as you come up, it's "Xuan girl", how can people talk to you?

Mrs. Jia smiled politely: "Mrs. Shao is smart, she is very capable, dignified, virtuous, gentle and generous, and she is also very kind-hearted. She has done a lot of good things and helped us a lot over the years. Everyone misses her. !"

(End of this chapter)

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