Remember for a second【】

Chapter 442

Did Shao Yunyun not go to Dean Meng's study?

Did he not mention that Zhao Guanghua let him go? Of course, even if he mentioned it, Zhao Guanghua would only categorically deny it. And Shao Yunyun has no evidence at all to prove what Zhao Guanghua said to him.

Then, of course, it was his remarks trying to pull innocent classmates into the water.

But he didn't mention that Zhao Guanghua had said that, and Zhao Guanghua couldn't have jumped out and said that he had said it at this time.

Shao Yunyun saw that their faces were red and white, but he was very face-saving, and smiled kindly: "Did a few classmates make a mistake? It's okay, it's good to clear the misunderstanding..."

With these steps, how dare the three of them dare to gossip? He hurriedly nodded and laughed, went down the steps, and left in embarrassment.

Shao Yunyun's eyes are deep, he is not familiar with Zhao Guanghua, how can he be so stupid, he will go wherever Zhao Guanghua tells him to go?

After parting with Zhao Guanghua, he immediately found three classmates to go with him, never letting himself have a time vacancy that no one could prove where he was.

He didn't know what Zhao Guanghua wanted to do, but he was definitely not at ease.

And if he wanted to plot against him, it was naturally best to put him in a situation where he couldn't argue. As long as there are people around him, he will not be at a loss for words.

Dean Meng was furious.

Soon, Shao Yunyun and the three students who came to arrest him were called in front of Dean Meng.

Although this matter had nothing to do with Shao Yunyun, he was completely wronged, but he knew very well that Dean Meng was not a broad-minded and selfless person, and it was not surprising that he would take out his anger indiscriminately.

Under the questioning of Dean Meng, the three students who complained soon couldn't stand it, and secretly complained!

Their family background is very ordinary, and one of them is even poor. They dare not say that the mastermind is Zhao Guanghua.

But they couldn't say anything else, and in the end they had to admit that they did it themselves.

But he quibble: "Shao Yunyun is usually too arrogant, he bullies and humiliates me, I just can't stand his villain's success, that's why I want to teach him a lesson, dean, we are wrong, but Shao Yunyun is not innocent either!"

"Yes, that's right! If he hadn't been too deceiving, we wouldn't have done it!"

Dean Meng gave Shao Yunyun a cold look.

Shao Yunyun was about to speak, but he said nothing.

Obviously, Dean Meng listened to such absurd and bizarre reasons, or in other words, listened to part of it, then Shao Yunyun had no need to explain.


"Shao Yunyun, what can you say!"

"President, this is all nonsense. I don't have much contact with them all the time. Everyone is at peace, so why are you bullying and humiliating? Please see the dean."

Dean Meng sneered: "You have a conflict between you, but you dare to count on this school, you are really bold! This school will not take in students with no character like You all go away. , you don't have to come again!"

The three students were shocked and begged for mercy.

Shao Yunyun was also stunned, but he didn't say anything.

Dean Meng's attitude was very firm, and he waved his sleeves and said coldly: "Go out! If you make trouble again, I will ask someone to drive you out, and then you will sweep the floor gently!"

The three of them were like chickens strangled by their necks, and they were so frightened that they fell silent.

Shao Yunyun bowed his hands deeply: "Thank you, Dean, for teaching over the years, the students retire."

Instead, he was the first to back out.

?? Routinely asking for tickets, and subscribe



(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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