Spy Shadow

Chapter 1022: Know how to flatter

Xu Yuanfei quickly packed up his things, mainly some of the belongings he had recently acquired.

Several large boxes full.

His family had already been sent to Taiwan, and no one knew whether Guangzhou could hold it, not to mention that the old man asked the families of important officials like them to go to Taiwan first and wait there.

It was convenient for him, as he didn't have to worry about his family for the time being.

Xu Yuanfei thought a lot while packing his things. He was sure that Chu Lingyun was going to attack him. Thinking of this, he was filled with resentment.

He didn't offend Chu Lingyun, so why did he have to be in trouble with him every time?

Not to mention how wronged I was.

He knew very well that he was implicated by Qi Limin. Qi Limin had offended Chu Lingyun too hard. If he wanted to deal with Qi Limin now, he would have to deal with him first.

A typical fight between the kings of hell and the devil.

This is the result of taking sides. He enjoys the privileges brought to him by joining Qi Limin, but he has to bear these risks.

"Damn Chu Lingyun, damn Zheng Guangtao, take money and do nothing."

After calling his confidants, Xu Yuanfei couldn't help but cursed. He gave away so much last time, but the two people took the money and did nothing, and still wanted to kill him.

It's better to feed the dogs than to give them the money.

Xu Yuanfei was so angry that he wanted to ask them to get the money back.

Fortunately, he was not stupid. If he ran over to ask for money at this time, he would probably be trapped in a trap. Once he was controlled by the inspection room, unless the director brought someone to take him back by force, there would be no possibility for him to come out.

He knew Qi Limin's temper best and would never do this.

Even if he really dares to do this, Qi Limin will not be able to save him, but will get himself involved.

There are not as many people in the inspection room as they are. Even if the newly established Intelligence Division of the Reserve Cadre Bureau is included, the number of people is much smaller than them. But they are not the only ones, there are many reinforcements.

For example, the Young Master's Youth National Salvation Army, and Chen Mutu's army.

Once the troops are deployed, they won't be able to see enough.

The most important thing right now is to run first.


The confidants arrived quickly. There were two people who had been with Xu Yuanfei for more than ten years, and their families were also in Taiwan.

"Help me send these things to Taiwan. Go to the airport now. I have arranged a flight for you."

Xu Yuanfei did find a plane. He called just now and spent a lot of money to get a plane.

He is not Qi Limin and can call the plane at any time. This time it is his private matter and he must spend his own money.

"Yes, Director." The two confidants nodded together.

"Carry your stuff into the car."

Xu Yuanfei would personally send them to the plane. Even if it was his confidant, and the money was touching, he would not dare to hand over so much property to them with confidence, especially now that the Guo Party's defeat was certain, if they took the money and ran away. Lu, wouldn’t it be a big loss for me?

When they arrive in Taiwan, Xu Yuanfei's family will be waiting for them at the airport to move their things back to their home.

Xu Yuanfei's plane was also at the airport. After seeing them off, Xu Yuanfei immediately boarded the plane with his own salute and headed for Chongqing.

The plane took off slowly, and Xu Yuanfei looked out the window.

He doesn't know if he has a chance to return here again. Now that the Guo Party is in a state of complete defeat, Guangzhou may not be able to hold on longer than Chongqing. Going to Chongqing now may not be a bad thing.

"Commissioner, these people cannot be kept. I have sent Xu Yuanfei to Chongqing and will eliminate them if necessary. Don't worry, what happened in Shanghai will never happen again."

The old man went to camp, and Qi Limin came to report with documents. The old man rubbed his head: "Look at the arrangements, and don't let any accidents happen this time."

"Yes, don't worry, I will definitely make arrangements."

Qi Limin bowed his head and left. The old man took an insurance policy so that the inspection room would not be able to attack Xu Yuanfei for the time being.

However, he understood that doing so could only protect Xu Yuanfei for a while, but not his whole life.

Now we can only take one step at a time and see how long it lasts.

The compound fifty meters next to the inspection room has been very lively recently.

The reserve cadre bureau did not have enough space, and the intelligence department had too many people, so there was no need to work in the bureau. After Nilu applied, he immediately found a new office space near the inspection office.

It's not the best here, there are no cells or interrogation rooms, and there are not enough offices.

But these are not problems for them, the most important thing is the position.

It is close enough to the inspection room, especially the yard at the back, and they can open a road directly to the inspection room.

There are not enough offices. Loach has taken over the surrounding space. If it can be renovated, it will be renovated. If it cannot be renovated, it will be built. Instead of building a building, build some ordinary houses to work first.

All difficulties are not a problem, as long as you are close enough to the inspection room.

This is the key. As soon as his location selection came out, he immediately received praise from all his subordinates.

"How is the investigation into the Secret Service going?"

In the conference room, Ni Loach presided over the first meeting that had been moved there. Ni Loach had been the webmaster for more than three years. He was now different from what he used to be. He had already looked like a chief official.

"A lot of things have been found, and many people have problems. We have compiled a list, arrested people according to the list, and shot them all to ensure that no one is wrongly accused."

Tian Ting, the head of the intelligence section, reported first and handed the list to Loach.

There are many people on the list, densely packed, at least hundreds of people.

At the front of the queue were several webmasters.

The division chiefs, section chiefs, team leaders of the headquarters, as well as the team leaders of each branch station, etc., not to mention catching everyone in one go, accounted for at least 70%.

"Evidence, we have to come up with evidence. Besides, there are too many people on the list. Let's start with the lowest ones."

Loach read the list carefully and then shook his head.

The old man has high expectations for the Secrecy Bureau. Before the Secrecy Bureau completely disappoints him, the more names he submits, the worse the effect will be, and it is even possible for these people to escape.

First find some inconspicuous little shrimps to start with, especially those who have committed serious crimes, so that the old man will think that these people can't be killed without killing them.

Deal with these and then deal with the others.

Little by little, boil the frog in warm water, and slowly kill all the people in the Secrecy Bureau.

"Yes, I'll rearrange it right away."

Tian Ting understood what the director meant and immediately responded. Other departments are now cooperating with their intelligence department, and many of these lists are provided by people from various departments.

Many names were reported for each subject.

They don't need to investigate, they already know what problems these people have. If they investigate their problems accurately, no one will be wronged.

They work together and are together all year round. How can the dirty things they do be hidden from the people in the combat team?

Not even behind the scenes, the people in the combat team are always sensitive in terms of intelligence, and you can usually make a guess by looking at their performance.

Not to mention that some people are very arrogant and have no intention of hiding it from themselves, and even regard some of the immoral things they have done as pride.

"Each department will fully cooperate with the Intelligence Department to sort out thirty lists first. My request is to check those who are so unscrupulous and want to be killed after just seeing them. The level should not be higher than that of the team leader, and there is no minimum limit. "

Loach ordered the others and stood up after speaking.

"You guys can discuss it first and I'll give you an hour to give me the list."

Organizing the list does not require Loach to do it himself. Now it is time to take out the list so that he can report to the team leader. After the team leader agrees, he will immediately launch a detailed investigation of these thirty people.

If nothing else happened, thirty people would be dead.

What everyone in the conference room is holding is a magic pen. Whoever writes their name will be doomed this time, and no one can save them.

An hour later, Loach returned to the conference room.

"Director, this is the new list."

Tian Ting immediately handed over the newly written list. This list was jointly discussed by the heads of their various departments and team leaders. If each person reported one or two people who deserved death, this list would be enough. .

"Very good. Let's start the investigation immediately. Dismiss the meeting."

Ni Loach followed Chu Lingyun's example and never procrastinated in meetings. Taking the list, he went directly to the inspection room through the path he had opened.

The path doesn't even have a door, it's a real passage.

"Team leader, this is the first list we have made. Reporting on it will definitely kill them all."

Niluo smiled and said to Chu Lingyun that the feeling he had before finally came back. He liked reporting to the team leader like this the most.

"Yes, you are planning to start with the unimportant people and make the Chairman disappointed and angry with them again and again."

After reading the list and information handed over by Ni Loach, Chu Lingyun immediately understood his intention.

"I learned it all from you."

Loach flattered him, and Chu Lingyun looked at him and couldn't help but shake his head: "Boss or junior, you don't have to be so hypocritical in front of me. It's your credit that's yours. Verify their evidence immediately and report it to the eldest son as soon as possible. .”

The intelligence office is with the eldest son, so there is no need for the inspection office to report.

The eldest son already had objections to Qi Limin, so he was very happy to deal with Qi Limin.

"Thank you, team leader. I have arranged for them to verify. In three days, at most, I will get their ironclad evidence, and then all their heads will fall off."

Ni Loach held out three fingers. Not all of these people were in Guangzhou, but some were in other places. Ni Loach dared to say that he could find evidence of the crime in three days. His confidence came from his understanding of these people.

Checking them is too easy and not challenging at all.

Chu Lingyun smiled and said: "You said three days, I will give you three days."

"Don't worry, it's only three days. If the soldiers you brought out can't do this, wouldn't they be the ones who disgraced you?"

Loach is very good at talking and didn't care about Chu Lingyun's hypocrisy just now. What's wrong with the hypocrisy? If you flatter him too much and get scolded, that's just love, not real scolding.

No matter how much he said, it was impossible for the team leader to be really angry.

Sure enough, Chu Lingyun's smile became even brighter. Ni Loach was the most comfortable around him. He could always say something that made you happy.

Even if it's useless nonsense.

The reason why Chu Lingyun reminded him just now was because Ni Loach was now the chief officer, not his subordinate. If he said that he was used to it, it would not be good for the eldest son to hear him in the future.

After all, Loach is now under the leadership of the eldest son.

Loach understood what the team leader meant. It was his basic ability to talk to people and to tell ghosts. He knew how to speak in front of the eldest son, and he could make the eldest son equally happy.

"Director, Xu Yuanfei suddenly went to Chongqing."

Not long after Ni Loach left, Jia Changguo came over to report. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, they did not monitor Xu Yuanfei in real time, but they kept an eye on Xu Yuanfei. Xu Yuanfei's departure could not be hidden from him.

"What's the reason?" Chu Lingyun raised his head.

"It's not clear yet. Is he trying to run away?"

Jia Changguo shook his head. The director gave him the task of investigating Xu Yuanfei. Xu Yuanfei must be killed this time. If he failed, he would lose his face.

The current inspection office is not the old department where hundreds of directors just came.

Not only the ordinary employees in the inspection room are under a lot of pressure, but they, the section chiefs, are also under a lot of pressure.

"Run, where can he run? It doesn't matter. No matter where he is, continue the investigation. This time we will find out all his underwear. We must have witnesses and evidence."

Xu Yuanfei's level is not low, and it is not easy to kill someone like him. The old man can tolerate many bad things, such as making some money, etc. Purely making money is not even a big deal.

Qi Limin made so much money, but what was the result?

Last time, he was just slapped a few times by the old man with the sole of his shoe. This guy actually said that it was the old man's care for him. Chu Lingyun wanted to give him a thumbs up at that time.

Unless it was something the old man tabooed, it would be difficult to beat Xu Yuanfei to death with a stick.

"Yes, I'll go check it out."

Jia Changguo left quickly. His biggest worry now was that the director would let others intervene in the case, which would be equivalent to expressing his dissatisfaction with him.

He also understood that ordinary criminal evidence was useless against Xu Yuanfei.

But what should be investigated still needs to be investigated. Through investigation and correlation among his criminal evidence, once something that violates the old man's bottom line is found, no one can protect Xu Yuanfei.

In Chongqing, Xu Yuanfei got off the plane.

It was early June, and the weather in Chongqing was slightly hot.

"District Chief."

Xu Yuanfei has always been known as the head of the Southwest District, and he has many confidants here.

"Go back first."

Xu Yuanfei drove off with a sullen face. This time he came back not to return with glory, but to escape from trouble. The key was that he had no confidence in whether he could escape. The main reason was that Qi Limin had never really taken advantage of Chu Lingyun.

If he fails again this time, he will be the unlucky one.

He won't be captured without hesitation. It's okay in Chongqing. If he really finds something wrong, he will run away at any time and will never wait to die.

Arriving at the Secrecy Bureau, Xu Yuanfei entered his office.

"District Chief, this is a telegram from headquarters. Only you know the password."

His subordinates sent a telegram. Xu Yuanfei took the telegram and nodded immediately: "You can go out first."

This was a telegram sent to him by Qi Limin. Only the two of them had the codebook. Xu Yuanfei translated it word for word and quickly translated the entire content.

Qi Limin told him not to worry. He had applied for a new task with the old man. This task was very important. Chu Lingyun could not do anything to him until the task was completed.

The mission was indeed very important. Let him kill more than one person.

However, after reading the telegram, Xu Yuanfei still threw the telegram aside.

The mission has a time limit and must be completed. What does Qi Limin mean by dragging him with the mission line to prevent him from dying, but what happens after the mission is completed?

This mission required killing so many people, and in the end he was stigmatized and thrown out as a scapegoat?

Is this an attitude towards his confidants?

Xu Yuanfei was disappointed with Qi Limin again.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret it. He must accept the task and complete it well, otherwise once Qi Limin gives up on him, Chu Lingyun will easily knock his head off.

He doesn't want to die.

How many people in their position are willing to die?

He is not Liang Yu, and he cannot put life and death aside.

Time passed slowly, and three days later, Loach came to Chu Lingyun's office with the results of the investigation.

The distance of fifty meters, plus the time it takes to get to the office building upstairs, only takes a few minutes, so there is no need to drive at all.

"Director, everything has been investigated. The witnesses have been protected and can come forward to testify at any time. There are still many people who are willing to testify."

Loach smiled and said, in three days, they found all the evidence of the crimes of thirty people. Who else can do it?

Three hundred people were divided into ten people to check one person on average, which sounded like a lot, but they couldn't send everyone out. They had to keep at least people in the office to maintain operations and emergency response, and the most they could send out was two hundred.

In fact, Loach only sent out 150 people, with an average of five investigating one.

The furthest ones are in Chongqing and Taiwan. Nineteen people were investigated here in Guangzhou.

If there weren't so many people far away, Loach could do it in two days.

The criminal evidence not only contains detailed records of what they have done, but also supporting physical evidence and witnesses.

Doing so much in such a short period of time is really very efficient.

Everyone in the War Situation Group is an elite, I don’t just say that casually.

"No need to show it to me, just show it to the eldest son."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. He felt at ease when Ni Loach was doing things. When Ni Loach followed him before, it saved him a lot of worry. Neither Chu Yuan nor Shen Hanwen could match Ni Loach's meticulousness in doing things.

He always knows what is needed in advance and does it beforehand.

Just like this time, he had already arranged for someone to conduct an investigation before he came to report, without wasting any time.

"Yes, I'll go right away."

Loach left happily. He knew that the team leader would not read it, but whether the team leader looked at it or not had nothing to do with him.

Regardless of whether he wanted to see it or not, he had to come and report.

"My lord, this is our latest investigation result. It is shocking."

Ni Loach came to the eldest son's office and handed the information over, and the eldest son opened it and looked through it carefully.

After just looking at it for a while, there was an angry look on his face.

It's not just about making money, there are all kinds of evil ways.

Someone was drunk and shot and killed innocent civilians. After being seen by others, he continued to kill and silence them. Because of their special status, the police did not dare to arrest them. In the end, it became a minor matter.

This is already considered light.

There are also people who, in order to satisfy their perverted pleasure, force some people to do unspeakable things and finally kill them.

Behind every crime are bloody lives.

Making money is nothing here. Some people even collude with bandits, support the bandits, and let the bandits help him kidnap women, and then lock them up for his enjoyment.

Is that human being?

"Worse than a beast."

The eldest son started to curse before he finished reading. These are all officers, not graduates of military schools, but also people who have received formal training.

Are all the benevolence, righteousness and morality taught to them in school left to them to feed to dogs?

"My lord, please calm down, it's not worth being angry with these people."

Ni Loach hurriedly advised, and the eldest son's breathing slowed down. Ni Loach was right, it was really not worth getting angry with these people.

"Let's go with me to see my father."

The results of the investigation cannot be hidden. The old man did not let him investigate the Secrecy Bureau. However, the new official took office with three things in mind, and the same was true for his Intelligence Department, which had to fire the first shot.

The Bureau of Secrecy is their target.

The Secret Bureau is also an intelligence unit, and the people who captured them further highlight the capabilities and importance of their own intelligence unit.

"Thank you, eldest son..."

Loach quickly flattered him and made the eldest son amused. Loach can talk and knows how to coax people. Even though he has been the chief officer for more than three years, he has never used this ability, but his skill has not diminished at all. then.

The two soon arrived at the camp.

"Father, these are some of the latest issues we have discovered. The evidence is conclusive. How can they convince the public if they are so crazy? No wonder some people welcome the Red Party into the city."

The eldest son said angrily and handed the results of the investigation to the old man.

The old man frowned and took the document. Just like the eldest son, his expression changed after just reading it for a while. The further he looked down, the darker his face became.

"Is this all true?"

The old man shouted suddenly, and Loach was startled. He had seen the old man very rarely, and this was the first time he came to see him alone.

The eldest son looked at him, and Loach immediately bent deeply: "Commissioner, everything in it is true. I have obtained all the evidence, you can check it at any time."

"Are you the loach?"

The old man's tone softened a little, and Ni Loach once again bent his body lower: "Commitment, humble position is that little loach. Thanks to the love of the eldest son and the team leader, he didn't care about his humble background. He always supported humble position and let his ancestors take risks. I visited the grave and saw your old man’s face today.”

The old man was amused by the loach's appearance, and a smile appeared on his face: "Yes, you have indeed learned a lot from following Chu Lingyun. In the future, you will assist Jianfeng well. I don't need to test the evidence. These people should be killed. No one will be spared. You Go and deal with them.”

What was the test for what my son found out?

What's more, he knows Chu Lingyun, he never does anything he's not sure about, and he never says anything without any basis.

How bad can the people brought out by Chu Lingyun be?

"The entrusting sage knew at a glance that they deserved to be killed. It took us several days of investigation to get the irrefutable evidence of them."

Loach's flattery came one after another, and the old man was amused again. No one had spoken like this in front of him for many years.

A loach suddenly appeared, which was quite refreshing for him.

"Okay, you go back first."

The old man waved his hand, and the eldest son withdrew with a smile on his face.

Ni Loach is different from others. Qi Limin is thick-skinned, but he cannot be so explicit and dare to say anything like Ni Loach. Ni Loach is from a low background and was a gangster before. He doesn't care about other people's opinions.

And he is very smart. He will test it first to see if the old man likes it.

If you like it, increase the intensity step by step. No matter how disgusting it is, it doesn't matter if the flattery is wrong as long as the person filming is happy.

The most taboo thing about flattering someone is patting someone on the thigh. You will never make such a low-level mistake.

"Mobilize the police and garrison, arrest people, and execute those who are not in Guangzhou on the spot. During the execution, let the victims see that the party will do nothing and will provide them with justice."

After coming out, the eldest son gave instructions to Ni Loach, who immediately nodded: "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements, and now I am ordering them to arrest people."

The eldest young master was startled. Ni Loach was very thorough in his work and everything had been taken care of. He didn't need to worry about anything at all, let alone worry.

"Okay, well done."

The eldest son said two good words in a row, which showed his appreciation for Loach.

Before he could go back, Loach called the intelligence office to arrest him.

This is the first operation since the establishment of their intelligence office. Ni Loach has one request: not to let anyone go. No matter who it is, if there is a mistake in arresting someone, it will not only be a failure, but a big mistake.

It is said that people in the war situation group are elites. If you make such a stupid mistake, don't say that you are from the war situation group in the future.

This punishment is worse than killing them.

After the war team was established, they were all proud of this identity. If they did something wrong, it would be equivalent to depriving them of this identity. Who can bear it?

Everyone was extremely serious. They made various plans before taking action. They thought of almost all possible situations in advance. They were even more cautious when arresting people.

In Guangzhou, military vehicles were dispatched one after another.

Chen Mutu helped arrest people.

In other places, either the police or the garrison, they are all reliable people, acting decisively under the arrangements of the combat situation team personnel.

In Taipei, the people from the war situation team received the telegram and immediately came to the police station.

"Director Wang, the director's order is here to arrest people."

Wang Sheng immediately stood up and walked out quickly.

A few months before the liberation of Nanjing, Chu Lingyun made appropriate arrangements for Wang Sheng and sent him to Taipei to serve as the chief of the Police Bureau.

At that time, Taipei was naturally inferior to Nanjing.

However, Wang Sheng had long understood the power of his boss, just as he had sent him to Chongqing in advance. Who would have thought that Nanjing would fall and Chongqing would become the wartime capital.

Moreover, the situation is clearer this time and it will be difficult for Nanjing to hold on.

He arrived in Taipei early, which seems inferior to Nanjing. In the future, like when he was in Chongqing, this place may once again become an important place for party achievements.

Wang Sheng is the team leader, and the people in the war situation team are very confident about him.

Wang Sheng did not dare to be negligent in this operation. He is where he is today because Ni Loach gave him a lift. If Ni Loach had not brought him to meet Chief Chu and get to know this noble man, he would not even be a deputy director of the branch now. Can't do it.

Even dead long ago.

Having been the director for many years, Wang Sheng brought many of his confidants with him when he came here. In this arrest operation, he only brought his confidants with him and did not let anyone else participate.

Make sure nothing goes wrong.

There is only one person to be arrested in Taipei, but Wang Sheng has brought more than thirty policemen, all of whom are veterans. They are all Wang Sheng's people and know the significance of this operation.

Never let your boss’s boss down.

He was a member of the Security Bureau, and he was not a front-line agent. The person who was arrested was so careful that there was no difficulty in catching him. He was soon taken back to the police station and handed over to the people from the combat intelligence team for surprise interrogation.

In less than ten minutes, he was given a confession.

Confession is not the end. Next, there is still the matter of collecting the stolen goods and finding the perpetrators. Wang Sheng assists in this task, while the people from the war situation team send back telegrams to report the good news.

Success has been achieved on his side.

Telegrams continued to be sent back from Chongqing, Chengdu, Kunming, Changsha and other places.

Reports are issued after a confession is made, and it is not considered a complete success until a confession is made.

With their irrefutable evidence and the war team's rich experience in torture, they are not afraid of these people's denial.

Being so bad, and having made so much money, these people had no strong bones for a long time, and the longest they lasted was only half an hour, and finally got all their confessions.

Guangzhou is busier here.

All nineteen people were arrested, thirteen of whom were arrested at the headquarters of the Bureau of Secrecy.

Chen Shouquan personally led Qiu Ruijie into the Secrecy Bureau, with machine guns mounted on military vehicles. No one dared to stop them, including Qi Limin, who watched helplessly as they took people away.

Seeing that the newly established intelligence office of the eldest son had arrested so many people from his side, Qi Limin smashed a lot of things and hurried to the camp.

Chu Lingyun took action.

It was Loach who took action, and the eldest son was behind him, but he understood that this was Chu Lingyun's instruction.

When he went there, Qi Limin kept cursing in his mind, isn't he just Liang Yu, worthy of such a big fanfare?

After all, Chu Lingyun also came from the Secrecy Bureau. The two had a romantic relationship at the beginning and had a good relationship. Now they don't miss the old relationship at all?

Even if the person is scolded, he still has to ask what should be asked. Even if the person cannot be saved, he must understand the situation.

There were no cells or torture rooms in Ni Loach's area, and the number they built in a surprise attack was not enough, so he simply arrested people and took them to the inspection room for interrogation. There were only two torture rooms in the inspection room. In order to get everyone's confessions faster, Ni Loach ordered to directly Interrogated in a cell.

Professional torture tools are not enough, simple ones are much easier.

Loach didn't show any politeness to them and went straight to the brazier. He didn't bother him and just roasted pig's trotters for them. Anyway, he had ironclad evidence in his hand, so it didn't matter if he was killed.

These people are going to die sooner or later.

The pain of a brazier is higher than that of a soldering iron, and the brazier is very simple to make. It can be done with a pot and carbon. It didn't take long for everyone to give up. There are few people who can bear the pain.

All thirty people were arrested, and the confessions obtained matched the evidence found.

"Team leader, we have recruited them all, what should we do with them next?"

Loach came to Chu Lingyun's office to report. Looking at him, Chu Lingyun couldn't help but shake his head.

"Senior brother, have you given any explanation?"

"Yes, all will be executed." Loach nodded immediately.

"Follow your senior brother's request. In the future, you should report such matters to him first. Don't come to me first every time."

After all, Loach is following the eldest son now, not him. If he keeps doing this, it will easily make the eldest son think too much.

"Team leader, don't worry, I know what to do."

Ni Loach chuckled, and immediately went to the Reserve Cadre Bureau after leaving, and handed over their confessions.

There is also looting.

When it comes to searching homes, there are few who are better than Ni Loach. Even if he is now the director, he will personally lead people to search the house after giving the confession. No matter how deep you hide your things, Ni Loach can still find them.

These people are not high-level, but they make a lot of money.

Some may have dozens of gold bars, some may even have hundreds.

Yu Huaqiang is not very greedy. He still owns more than a dozen gold bars in Tianjin. This is why he spent some of them. If he kept all of them and took the initiative to make money, hundreds of gold bars would be rare given his position.

As for Wu Meifeng, he made more.

The people in the Secrecy Bureau are not short of money.

In the Secret Bureau, Qi Limin cut off the phone line and asked no one to come and disturb him.

So many people were arrested, and many people came to him to ask about the situation. Qi Limin didn't know what the situation was now. He went to the old man, but the old man didn't agree to see him.

The old man has already given an order to his son to severely punish these people. Qi Limin will definitely come here to plead for mercy, which is not enough to upset him.

However, some team leaders, deputy team leaders, and even team leaders did not even have a deputy station chief. What was Qi Limin anxious about?

Thinking of this, the old man became a little dissatisfied.

How dare these low-level officials be so bold? How did Qi Limin lead the troops and manage these subordinates?

Loach's method is indeed good. Start with the young ones first to make the old man dissatisfied with the current situation of the Secrecy Bureau. Although they are all minor officials, but with more people and more times, the old man's impression of the Secrecy Bureau will naturally become worse.

The old man wants the Secrecy Bureau to help him, not to let the people from the Secrecy Bureau keep making money out of his pocket.

Little things add up, and once Qi Limin loses the old man's trust in him, wouldn't it mean that they can knead him however they want?

Shanghai has been liberated for many days, and the organization's efforts to protect the people have paid off. The people knew that someone was fighting and actually thought of them. Some people who were deceived by the Fruit Party and did not know the truth immediately became supporters of the organization.

Especially on the second day after Shanghai was liberated, many people got up in the morning and saw the red soldiers sleeping outside, which moved them greatly.

Shanghai was liberated in late May. At that time, the morning dew was very heavy, and it was easy to get sick if you slept in the open air.

Many people invited the soldiers to rest at home, but all the soldiers refused.

Their behavior and attitude do not require any explanation to let the people understand who is the one who really thinks about them and makes decisions for them.

At the train station, Chen Zhanli and Secretary Wang were queuing to get on the train.

They are going to Peking.

After the liberation of Shanghai, Chen Zhanli helped the organization retain people from the Secrecy Bureau, and helped Secretary Wang find some potential spies, all of whom were agents from the Party Communications Bureau.

The Party Communications Bureau also left lurking personnel.

Chen Zhanli knew the Dangtong Bureau very well and had been paying attention to them before. The Dangtong Bureau only had a few methods of doing things. As long as he could catch one, he could bring out the whole group.

After arresting some people, Secretary Wang happened to receive a telegram from Mr. Ke and asked him by name to take Chen Zhanli to Peking.

Chen Zhanli was very excited to go to Peking to meet Mr. Ke.

He had heard of Mr. Ke's name many times in the Secrecy Bureau. As early as when he was under military command, the person that Boss Dai wanted to arrest most was Mr. Ke, but unfortunately he has never been able to do so.

Now they have no chance.

Two days later, Peking Railway Station.

Chen Zhanli got off the bus with Secretary Wang. Speaking of which, this was Chen Zhanli's first time in Peiping. He had been lurking in Shanghai before and after the Anti-Japanese War and had few opportunities to go out.

I have also been to Nanjing and Chongqing.

"Secretary Wang, Comrade Chen Zhanli."

At the door of the train station, Zuo Xuan saw them and immediately greeted them. Zuo Xuan really didn't expect that Chen Zhanli was one of his own. This was definitely an unexpected situation for him. Today, Mr. Ke asked him to help pick them up, and he knew Chen Zhanli's true identity. .

After the liberation of Shanghai, Chen Zhanli's return to the organization was not announced to the public. This was Ke Gong's request.

"Hello, Comrade Zuo Xuan."

Chen Zhanli responded enthusiastically, and the two held hands tightly.

When they were lurking, they didn't know each other's identities, and they were walking on thin ice. After Zuo Xuan knew that Chen Zhanli was one of his own, he admired him even more. He only had two identities, but Chen Zhanli had three. He was not only lurking in the military, but also in Japan. Fake number 76.

Whether it was Juntong or No. 76, no one had ever doubted Chen Zhanli's identity. No one, including him, could have imagined that Chen Zhanli was one of their own.

"Mr. Ke is waiting for you. Let's get in the car."

Zuo Xuan said with a smile that he and Secretary Wang had known each other for a long time. When he was lurking before, he was sent to northern Jiangsu to investigate the exposure of military reunification agents. At that time, he took over and met Secretary Wang.

The three of them came to Mr. Ke's office together. Mr. Ke had just finished working on a few documents and before he even put the water glass to his mouth, the secretary led the three of them into the office.

The secretary had been notified long ago and brought the three people over immediately.

Mr. Ke quickly put down the water glass, stood up and walked out.

"Secretary Wang, Comrade Chen Zhanli, welcome you." Ke Gong smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Comrade Ke Gong, long time no see."

Secretary Wang said excitedly that he and Mr. Ke had indeed not seen each other for many years. Every time they met before, Mr. Ke came to Shanghai. They were lurking and it was not convenient for them to leave for a long time.

If you stay away for too long, it will easily arouse suspicion from others.

"It's been a long time. I'm glad to see you are all well."

Duke Ke held Secretary Wang's hand firmly. He understood the situation of these comrades lurking on the enemy's side best. After talking to Secretary Wang, Princess Ke shook hands with Chen Zhanli.

"Comrade Chen Zhanli, it's even more difficult for you. On behalf of the organization, I welcome you home."

"Thank you Mr. Ke, it's my honor to meet you." Chen Zhanli was also very excited.

"Haha, I'm just an ordinary person. If you want to see me in the future, you can come anytime. Comrade Zuo Xuan, please take a seat."

Ke Gong said hello to Zuo Xuan again, they had already met him.

Ke Gong asked them to sit down. When they were in Yanzhou, they had long wooden benches. Thanks to the Guo Party, they also used sofas when they came to Peiping, but they were ordinary sofas. The better ones were left to the technicians. People and experts, and old-timers.

"Secretary Wang, you have done a good job in the latent mission. What do you think of your new job?"

Secretary Wang is both a latent agent and the person in charge. His new job has not yet been arranged, including that of Chen Zhanli.

After the liberation of Shanghai, everything was focused on stability. Secretary Wang and Chen Zhanli had been busy helping organize the stabilization of Shanghai and did not care about this.

"I want to stay in Shanghai. As for work, I will do whatever the organization asks me to do."

After thinking for a moment, Secretary Wang said softly that he had been lurking in Shanghai for more than ten years and had long been accustomed to life there.

He really has no requirements for work. Secretary Wang's idea is very simple. No matter what job he has, he is to serve the people. He can do anything. He has the people in his heart and just does things for the people.

"It's okay to stay in Shanghai. Your specific work will be determined for you after I ask Secretary Chen for instructions."

Ke Gong smiled and replied, Secretary Wang is not a low-level person. As the person in charge of underground work in Shanghai, his level is quite high. His work arrangements need to be coordinated. An experienced and capable comrade like him will organize a meeting. Entrust him with important responsibilities and let him continue to shine.

"No problem, I completely obey the organization's arrangements."

Secretary Wang replied happily, and Mr. Ke looked at Chen Zhanli again.

In fact, this was the first time he met Chen Zhanli today, but he had heard Chen Zhanli's name many times, and Chen Zhanli was a comrade introduced by Chu Lingyun, who arranged for Secretary Wang to specially develop him.

Chen Zhanli didn't know Chu Lingyun's identity and wouldn't let him know.

"Comrade Chen Zhanli, what do you think about your work?"

Chen Zhanli is a meritorious official, and even more a hero. The story of his lurking is still circulated among the people. Many people, especially children, never tire of hearing it.

A few years after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the harm done to them by the Japanese was still unforgettable.

"I obey the organization's arrangements."

Chen Zhanli hurriedly said that he came here mainly to arrange their work. Chen Zhanli was a person who had made great contributions, but he had never really lived in the liberated areas. He joined halfway.

All along, his understanding of the organization was limited to Secretary Wang's teachings to him.

Mr. Ke smiled and nodded: "I'm very happy that you have this understanding, but I still have to ask you, what job do you most want to do?"

"I want to keep lurking."

Chen Zhanli replied immediately. Ke Gong was startled, and Secretary Wang and Zuo Xuan were also stunned.

Chen Zhanli actually still wants to lurk. He has been lurking for ten years. Now that he is liberated, the whole country will be liberated soon, and there is no need for him to continue to work as a lurker.

What's more, after Chen Zhanli left the Shanghai Secrecy Bureau, it was equivalent to exposing his identity. Although he has not yet appeared in public like Zuo Xuan, he must not return to the territory of the Fruit Party.

Otherwise, the Secrecy Bureau will conduct a strict investigation on him.

"Comrade Chen Zhanli, we don't need you to do lurking work anymore. Let's do this. Although you are literate and have a certain culture, you don't have much systematic study. You study first. I can let you study in Russia and learn more. , and then return to serve the country."

Ke Gong said slowly that this was part of his plan.

Chen Zhanli has never lived in the liberated areas. His understanding of the organization depends entirely on Secretary Wang. This is a drawback. Chen Zhanli is a talent. There is no doubt that talent must be used in the most appropriate place.

He is very smart and can do more after returning from his studies.

He went to Russia to study first because Ke Gong wanted to pave a better path for him. After studying there, he would come back and train at the grassroots level in the liberated areas for two years. In the future, Chen Zhanli might have the ability to be on his own.

"Going to study in Russia?"

Chen Zhanli was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that when he came to Peiping, the new job assigned to him would be to go to school.

"That's right, you can choose the major you are interested in when the time comes. After you learn it well, you will get twice the result with half the effort when you start working again."

Mr. Ke smiled and nodded. Chen Zhanli was stunned, and soon a smile appeared on his face: "Thank you Mr. Ke, I am willing to study."

He never thought that he would one day re-enter school. He was older, but his heart for learning has not stopped.

He will cherish the opportunity to go to school.

"Comrade Chen Zhanli, I really envy you that you can study in Russia."

Zuo Xuan asked with a smile. In fact, Zuo Xuan had the opportunity to go out to study before, but he gave up and stayed and lurked, which became a regret for him.

But he has no regrets. He has done more during his latent career over the years.

"Haha, I must study hard and study hard. Mr. Ke, can I choose a major in espionage or counter-espionage?"

Chen Zhanli laughed and said, and Mr. Ke was slightly startled. He didn't expect that he would still be thinking about the work of an agent when he went out to study.

"Of course." Ke Gong smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then I'll choose this."

Chen Zhanli said solemnly that Secretary Wang was also very happy. Chen Zhanli was the comrade he had developed and had made many great contributions to the organization over the years.

If he can study in Russia, he will definitely be important when he comes back.

Secretary Wang smiled and said: "Come on, I believe you. When you come back from school, you will be stronger than Chu Lingyun from the Guo Party. I heard that he has also been to Yanzhou to spy on our intelligence. If he dares to come here again, you We will definitely catch him.”

Ke Gong, Chen Zhanli, and Zuo Xuan were all stunned.

Mr. Ke's expression did not change, but he kept shaking his head in his heart. There were some things that people with talent could not catch up with others' hard work. Chen Zhanli was also very talented, but he was a little far behind Chu Lingyun.

It was almost impossible for him to catch up with Chu Lingyun or catch Chu Lingyun.

Zuo Xuan looked a little weird. He had been in the war team for many years and knew how powerful Chu Lingyun was. Chen Zhanli was indeed smart, but he was a talent discovered by Zhao San, who learned and grew up with Chu Lingyun.

Chen Zhanli smiled bitterly.

Secretary Wang still didn't understand Chu Lingyun and actually compared him with the team leader.

Chen Zhanli is a person who has personally experienced the methods of the team leader. When he rescued people in No. 76, he was very good at it. Not only did he successfully save the man, but when he was taken out, he also let the people in No. 76 bite the dog. The entire No. 76 was almost complete. Being teased by the team leader while being applauded.

The most frightening thing is that almost all Japanese intelligence agencies are under the control of the team leader.

He was there on No. 76, and Jiang Tengkong was in the Special High School Course. Jiang Tengkong became the section chief of the Special High School Course earlier than him. The two top leaders were both team leaders. What could the Japanese use to fight him?

Chen Zhanli didn't know about the others, but he was not surprised at all to say that other departments such as the Military Police Headquarters had team leaders.

What the team leader is best at is layout, and his layout ability is unmatched.

Chen Zhanli knew very well how far apart he was from his team leader.

However, he will target Chu Lingyun, not to catch the team leader, but to be better and more perfect like the team leader.

Secretary Wang didn't know what the three of them were thinking. In his eyes, Chen Zhanli was the best. The best person was certainly better than the best among the enemies.

It's a pity that he didn't know that Chu Lingyun was one of his own.

The work arrangements of Secretary Wang and Chen Zhanli have been finalized. Secretary Wang will stay in Shanghai, while Chen Zhanli will go to Russia to study.

In the evening, Chu Yuan came to the study with a telegram, looking strange.

A telegram from Mr. Ke.

Chu Yuan and Chu Lingyun have become a real family. After returning to China, he has always lived with Chu Lingyun.

"Team leader, Mr. Ke is calling."

Chu Yuan handed over the telegram. Chu Lingyun put down the things in his hands and took the telegram casually.

"Send Chen Zhanli to Russia to study counterintelligence. He targets you. Some comrades have full confidence in him. If you come back to lurk again, he will definitely catch you."

There is not much content, it mainly talks about the arrangements for Chen Zhanli. Thinking that Secretary Wang said that Chen Zhanli should come back after completing his studies to catch Chu Lingyun, Ke Gong was happy when he sent the telegram.

"Catch me?"

Chu Lingyun couldn't help but smile, and Chu Yuan finally couldn't help laughing. Chen Zhanli was indeed his comrade, and he was right.

In fact, Chen Zhanli's failure to evacuate already showed his problem. Qi Limin is still investigating, trying to get ironclad evidence that Chen Zhanli is a Red Party member.

As a result, he went to study abroad and wanted to check Chen Zhanli's identity. Let him go to Russia to check.

Studying abroad is easy. If Chen Zhanli is asked to change his name, Qi Limin will never be able to find out the truth. It is completely normal for people majoring in counterintelligence to change their names.

Thank you to the leader Yi Xin Qiuyue for another 2,000 starting coin reward. Thank you to the leader Pipitu and book friend 161127223307961 for another 1,000 starting coin reward. This is a 10,000-word chapter to make up for yesterday's 4,000 words. There will be an update today, so the update will be late. a little.

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