Spy Shadow

Chapter 1035 It’s better to explode

After explaining Shuicheng Jun, Chu Lingyun left directly.

Shuicheng Junhui was very attentive to these things. He liked to do this. At the beginning, Shuicheng Jun was mainly concerned about the site selection and reconstruction of Youzhai Literary Society. Later, Chu Lingyun took over forcibly because he wanted to arrange a room for eavesdropping.

It was not convenient for Chu Lingyun to directly inquire about the information, so he used eavesdropping to obtain the contents of their conversations.

This time the new club headquarters does not need to install bugs and can be left entirely to him.

This evening was different from the past. Chu Lingyun could ask anything he wanted to know at any time, but they didn't dare not say anything.

What's more, technology is developing rapidly now, and it is much easier to install a bug than before. Chu Lingyun can install it at any time as long as he is willing.

Early the next morning, Chu Lingyun came to Yagyu Company.

There has been nothing unusual about Hayakawa Hei recently. Komori has firmly grasped the power of the company, and the company's performance is very good. Hayakawa Hei concentrates on developing the business to make money, hoping to pay off the debts as soon as possible and restore his freedom.


Seeing Chu Lingyun, Gu Sen stood up hurriedly. The organization's recent progress has been very good. Gu Sen has been very happy in the past two years, and the organization has praised him many times.

Previously, he provided a large amount of supplies in a timely manner and helped many comrades.

"Bring me the account book."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. In fact, someone comes here every year to check the accounts, and there are no problems with the accounts.

Neither Komori nor Hei Hayakawa dared to do anything in the ledger. The goods sold by Komori were all detailed, and all the goods given to the organization were mixed goods. The ledger had already been settled, and they were not afraid of checking it at all.

"Okay, I'll bring it to you right away."

Gu Sen called the finance department, sent the account books to the conference room, and stood aside, waiting for Chu Lingyun's inquiry.

What he said was that these accounts were correct and he was not afraid.

But there must be a bit of nervousness. Ishihara Hiroshi is an extremely smart person, and he is afraid that Ishihara Hiroshi will find something abnormal.

As an old man of Ishihara Trading Company, Komori is very concerned about the original shrine. Through his understanding of the original shrine, he understands that Ishihara Hiroshi still has a powerful force that he cannot compete with.

Apart from anything else, any one of the people in the original shrine would be better than him.

Chu Lingyun didn't ask many questions. He asked a few questions casually, and Gu Sen explained everything clearly.

"If you do well, I will increase your dividend by 5% every year from now on."

After reading it, Chu Lingyun nodded with satisfaction. Gu Sen was stunned for a moment and hurriedly replied: "Boss, these are what I should do."

"Take it if it's given to you. I won't treat anyone who works seriously."

"Yes, thank you boss."

Komori did not dare to continue to refuse. Now Yagyu Trading Company is doing well, with a 5% dividend.

With this money, he can help purchase more things in the future. Gu Sen knows very well that China is currently extremely short of supplies, and even if he works at full capacity, he will not be able to provide what is needed there.

China is too big and has such a large population that it is simply impossible for one business bank to provide all the needs.

Not to mention him, even if the Chu Company tried its best to transport it, it would still not be enough for domestic use.

What's more, they can't do that.

After meeting Gu Sen, Chu Lingyun left directly without seeing Hei Hayakawa.

But in the afternoon, someone took Hayakawa Ping to a cafe.


Hayakawa Hei quickly entered the private room and stood respectfully in front of Chu Lingyun. At this time, Chu Lingyun had his original appearance, with his clothes and hairstyle changed.

"You have done well recently. Now there is peace. Making money is the first priority. Your image is not good. This is the best thing to do."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and Hayakawa Ping listened very seriously.

He had to consider every word Chu Lingyun said. Why did he specifically mention his image? Was this a warning to him?

At the beginning, he deliberately disfigured himself to survive. It would be difficult for him to enter politics with his current appearance, and it would be even harder to gain actual power.

Was Chu Lingyun warning him to stay in the company with peace of mind and not think about other developments?

"Don't worry, I will wholeheartedly help you make money in the future."

Hayakawa Hei lowered his head. He didn't dare to resist at all. Komori paid more attention to the original shrine.

Chu Lingyun conquered Ishihara Hiroshi, and he is now Ishihara Hiroshi's boss, but Ishihara Hiroshi controls the original shrine.

The original shrine, just like the original Yuzhai Bunshe, began to show their terrifying fangs, especially since the original shrine was supported by the special search department, no one dared, let alone touched them.

An organization that overestimated its capabilities has been completely destroyed.

He put away his previous thoughts.

Not to mention Chu Lingyun, even Ishihara Heng would find it very easy to kill him.

Chu Lingyun looked at him: "As long as you have this idea, actually I hope you have other ideas."

Hayakawa Ping's heart suddenly tightened. What did Chu Lingyun mean? His value had shrunk and he was going to be eliminated?

"Boss, I promise I won't have any ideas."

Hayakawa Hei quickly replied. Chu Lingyun stood up and came to his side. Hayakawa Hei didn't dare to take a breath, and his heartbeat accelerated even more.

There were people from Chu Lingyun at the door, and Chu Yuan was inside. He was no match for Chu Lingyun.

"Remember what you said, the food is good. Let's go after eating."

After Chu Lingyun left, Hayakawa Hei was an ambitious person, and it was impossible for such a person to give up his ambition.

Now that Hei Hayakawa has brought Komori out, his role has been reduced again.

Next year, next year at the latest, before Mike leaves Japan, Chu Lingyun will solve this hidden danger.

For a person who can betray once, don't expect it to be just this time. If he finds an opportunity, he will definitely betray again.

Chu Lingyun was convinced of this.

Hayakawa Hei doesn't know yet, but his life has entered a countdown.

Loach has been wandering out for the past two days. He is not used to the food here in Japan. He always eats Chinese food. Fortunately, there are many Chinese restaurants, so he will not go hungry.

As for their sake, Loach never drinks it.

It's not as refreshing as Chinese liquor. It doesn't taste like alcohol at all, and even smells weird, like horse urine.

Only they can drink such wine.

Loach has gone to many places, but there is one place he never goes to. He really likes Lily and will not do anything wrong to Lily.

In particular, Lily used to be a dancer and is even more sensitive to this.

As for the singer here, Loach looked at her for a while and then kicked her out. She danced with something that insulted her eyes.

In just two days, Loach lost interest in Japan. Chu Lingyun did not restrict him. He simply went to find his old subordinates at the Fujian Station. Only eight of the people he brought out from the Fujian Station chose Japan, and the rest Went somewhere else.

Now they work in pharmaceutical factories.

The reason is still hatred. The agents of the Secrecy Bureau are soldiers. They are naturally not interested in the Japanese and are unwilling to come to their side.

Most of them go to Hong Kong, followed by the United States.

These old ministries understand how much the old leader paid to save them. If there wasn't a more powerful leader behind the old leader, I'm afraid the old leader would have sacrificed his life for them.

Even so, the old leaders were forced out and could not stay in the country.

They were filled with gratitude to Loach.

Everyone at the original shrine was notified that there will be a meeting tomorrow morning, and they are only allowed to come by themselves and not bring anyone else with them.

And it is mandatory to come. Anyone who does not come tomorrow will automatically leave the company.

It means that as long as you can still move, no matter where you are, you will come right away.

Seventy-two people, not a single one was left behind.

Including Takemoto and Inoue.

Jun Shuicheng deliberately arranged the conference room to look like the previous literary club. Ishihara Toru sat kneeling in the front and center, and others surrounded Ishihara Toru. This way, there were no barriers like the conference room, and everyone could feel close.

"Welcome Ishihara-kun."

After everyone sat down, Shuicheng Jun walked in first and took the lead in applauding. Then Chu Lingyun walked over slowly. This time he was not wearing the previous ronin clothes, but a suit.

There are essential differences between the original shrine and the Yuzhai Bunsha.

After the war, Tou Man had died a long time ago, and the clothes no longer had much value.

"Bah bang bang."

The applause was very warm. It was the first time for many people to see Ishihara Hiroshi, but they had heard his name many times.

Hiroshi Ishihara can be said to be a legend.

On his own, he established a huge business empire like Ishihara Trading Company and recruited more than 200 senior military officers. When he was at his strongest, he completely controlled Shanghai and indirectly controlled most of China.

After the war ended, many people thought that Ishihara Hiroshi would definitely be liquidated.

Unexpectedly, he changed his identity, came back again through Chinese connections, and founded the original shrine.

This is not the point. The key is that as soon as Toru Ishihara came back, he put all the more than 20 former subordinates in place. He even fished Takemoto out of prison and sent him to work with the Americans. Finally, Takemoto became the head of the special search department. .

The last bribery case made the Special Investigation Department famous.

The case is not over yet, but the Prime Minister has stepped down. This alone is enough. Takemoto is the person who can bring down the Prime Minister. Who dares to ignore his ability.

What's more, he still has huge supervisory power in his hands.

Even if it requires the consent of the American master behind it, no one dares to underestimate this newly established department.

"Okay, stop."

Chu Lingyun pressed her hands, and the applause ended quickly.

"First of all, thank you for your trust in me. There are many new faces among you. I welcome you to join the big family of Hara Shrine."

The applause rang out again, and after it stopped, Chu Lingyun continued: "When I was in Shanghai, the old members of Youzhai Literary Society, such as Takemoto and Shuicheng, they know my character best. Merits will be rewarded, and deeds will be punished. I can't guarantee 100% reward and punishment. It’s fair, but as long as you do something, you will definitely get the rewards you deserve.”

Takemoto, Shuicheng and others couldn't help but nod.

This was what the literary society was like at the beginning, a contribution system that allowed them to desperately consider and help the literary society.

Everyone wants to earn more contribution points and advance themselves.

They are the beneficiaries.

Neither of them were happy at first. Takemoto was better, but he was just a squadron leader. How could he have imagined that he could become the commander of the Military Police Headquarters so quickly?

Shuicheng Jun was worse than him, but he also became a general in the end.

The same is true now. Takemoto's starting point was not as high as that of Mizuki Toshi. At least Mizuki Toshi had freedom, while Takemoto was in prison.

What now?

Takemoto not to mention, Shuisheng Jun is already at the forefront of the metropolitan government and is deeply trusted by the governor.

They are where they are today entirely because of Ishihara Hiroshi.

"The original shrine is different from the Youzhai Bun Club. When you joined, Shuicheng already told you the rules. One thing is the same as the Bun Club. The rules are the rules. No one can violate them. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Chu Lingyun said coldly, and everyone felt the murderous aura in him.

Hiroshi Ishihara has really killed more than one person.

In other words, they killed more than any of them here.

A regiment of nearly 4,000 people was wiped out without blinking an eye. This is definitely a ruthless person.

The war is over, but it doesn't mean that others can't do anything to you. Here, the truly privileged people can also control the life and death of others.

It's not like they've never done this before.

The organization that wanted to annex them based on their connections was a living lesson.

An organization of more than 200 people was uprooted.

"Similarly, as long as you abide by the rules, do things according to the rules, and contribute to the society, the rewards you deserve will not be less. Money, power, whatever you want will be given to you."

With the warning, there must be no shortage of sweet dates to tempt them.

Chu Lingyun re-announced the discipline of the original shrine, one of which was that you are absolutely not allowed to go to the toilet club. Anyone who dares to go there will be expelled immediately, and everything they get from the club will be taken back to them.

You should pay more attention to your words and deeds at ordinary times, and don't get too close to those radicals.

They can be called moderates, but they are by no means moderates that others can bully at will.

After discipline comes reward.

There is no contribution score, but there is an assessment of ability. No matter who you are or which political party you are in, as long as you have the ability, want to climb up, and show your loyalty, the association will help you.

If you are short of money, give me money, and if you don’t have the connections to help you find connections.

Will push you up as much as possible.

The number of places is limited, so if you want to get greater support, it depends on your performance.

Ishihara Hiroshi is not short of money, he was not short of money before, and he is not short of money now.

As for performance, Chu Lingyun said it clearly, ability plus attitude.

Attitude is very important. If you fail the ideological assessment, you will not get any support, and you may even be expelled.

Dismissal is the least severe consequence.

The most serious one, Chu Lingyun, didn't say anything, and they understood it themselves.

Chu Lingyun's speech was not long and ended after forty minutes. He had already made it clear what needed to be said. The rules and regulations were preliminary and not static. As time develops and the environment changes, they will definitely be modified and added.

But that's it for now.

Immediately afterwards Shun Mizuki officially announced the structure of the original shrine.

There is only one president, Toru Ishihara.

The two vice presidents are Shusaku Mizujo and Shusaku Takemoto.

There is only one secretary-general, Inoue.

Next are the ministries, and the ministers are all served by old people from the literary society period.

For example, the most important department responsible for politics is headed by Mitsukuma Yamaguchi.

The assessment here is also the most stringent.

The members of each department are not static. They will be adjusted according to your performance. In the future, we will conduct regular comprehensive inspections and formulate support candidates.

The people being supported do not need to pay or provide contributions in advance, but after the support is successful, they must repay the society.

When it was Takemoto's turn to speak, he only said one sentence.

The community can lift you up and pull you down.

Takemoto's duty is to supervise. Shuisheng Jun says good things, and he will be the villain, which complements each other better.

When he was in Shanghai, Takemoto was considered the number one henchman around Ishihara Hiroshi, and it is even more the same now.

"All newcomers, please introduce yourself. The time limit is five minutes."

After Takemoto finished speaking, Chu Lingyun said lightly that this time control was an assessment for him.

First of all, through self-introduction, you can see who can speak. Being able to speak does not necessarily mean that you are strong, but people who can speak definitely have more advantages.

The second is time control.

You can see his control ability, planning ability and obedience.

Those who talk freely and do not pay attention to time will say very little, and those who are shy will not have good development in the future.

Resources are limited, and the original shrine will not promote everyone like the literary shrine.

Moreover, in the literary club, not everyone was promoted to high positions. The limited resources were given to those core members, who were promoted faster and occupied better positions.

New people need to make introductions, but old people don’t need to.

The old people here are those from the literary society period. Chu Lingyun knows them well, and they know Ishihara Hiroshi's style of doing things.

"Kakuda, let's start with you."

Shuisheng Jun looked at one of them. Tsunoda was the first new member they recruited after recruiting new members.

It’s best to start with him.


Tsunoda began to introduce himself. He had the shortest preparation time. Others were a little lucky and thought about what they were going to say.

The farther back the better.

Tsunoda's self-introduction lasted four minutes and thirty-one seconds, and the content was a bit empty. He thanked Shun Mizuro and Hiroshi Ishihara many times. There were many repetitions and flattery, and the place where he really introduced himself was not so conspicuous.

But at least he controlled the time effectively.

The effective time set by Chu Lingyun is relatively loose, with a limit of thirty seconds before and after. If it is less than four and a half minutes, and more than five and a half minutes, it is invalid time.

Chu Lingyun took a pen and paper, wrote down Tsunoda's name, and put a three point mark behind his name.

The total score is ten points, three points is very low.

If nothing else, he is not a key training target.

After Tsunoda, everyone started to speak. Some people were very nervous and only spoke for more than two minutes, followed by zero points.

There are also people who fail to express their ideas and do not tell their own situation at all. They are completely off topic. Even if they control their time well, their scores will not exceed three points or even one point.

Some people even talked more than the time limit, but were forcibly interrupted by Chu Lingyun.

There were nearly fifty people, and five minutes each meant more than two hundred minutes. Chu Lingyun listened very carefully. Except for interrupting them when they went to the toilet, they never stopped in the middle and didn't eat lunch.

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, everyone's introductions were over, and Chu Lingyun announced the dinner party.

In his book, each newcomer has been given a score.

"Takemoto, Shuicheng, you come back to the teahouse with me."

The others finished after eating, and Chu Lingyun left with his two confidants and entered the office. Chu Lingyun handed them the scores he had written.

Nearly 80% of the students failed, with five scoring six, only three scoring seven, and one scoring eight.

Nine out of ten don't.

Chu Lingyun has strict requirements. It is normal to have such a score. If he can pass, he is already very good, surpassing most people.

"It's a pity that no particularly outstanding talents have joined yet."

After reading Chu Lingyun's score, Takemoto first sighed, they could probably guess this score, and everyone's performance today was all in their eyes.

"Weishan Saburo will do some key training first."

Chu Lingyun said, Zhumoto and Shuicheng bowed their heads to accept the order.

Saburo Weishan was the only person who got eight points. His eloquence was really good. He was very pertinent when introducing himself, and he told all his advantages and disadvantages, which was very accurate.

But the time control was not good. He spoke for five minutes and seventeen seconds, which was an extra seventeen seconds.

Weishan is very young, only thirty years old this year. He graduated from Imperial University and served in the Navy. After the defeat, he was assigned to work in the Ministry of Finance. His current position is not high.

He has a good ideological attitude and comes from a well-known family.

His father was very influential and even qualified to compete for the prime minister. He had been at odds with Tojo before and was suppressed by Tojo.

Unfortunately, his father had made mistakes before, praising Mustache and others. Mike didn't like it very much and directly dismissed him from his position.

Now is the time when their family is at a low point. ,

"It's Ishihara-kun. How well did you train him?"

Shuicheng Jun was the first to respond. Chu Lingyun thought for a moment and then said: "We are currently fully cultivating him."

Thousands of gold buys horse bones. The first person to train must first make a difference to increase confidence and motivation for future people.


Shuicheng Shun understood that Saburo Kaishan was lucky and was valued by Toru Ishihara.

But he is not jealous. Weishan is much younger than him. They need such fresh blood. Shuicheng Jun is also not young. He was in his thirties when he first met Ishihara Hiroshi. More than ten years have passed, and now he is almost five years old. Ten.

He knew his future was limited.

As for Takemoto, he has not even thought about competing for the position of prime minister. It is impossible for him.

"Takemoto, do some research on his family."

Chu Lingyun gave instructions to Takemoto again, and Takemoto nodded. Since he is a key person to be trained, he will definitely conduct a key investigation on him.

He is familiar with this. He used to do similar work in literary societies.

"You all should go out, I'm a little tired."

After the explanation, Chu Lingyun asked them to leave first, while he closed his eyes to rest.

The original shrine was still small, so Chu Lingyun was not in a hurry, he was planning for the future.

Give him time, and the influence of Mirai Hara Shrine will never be lower than that of Yuzhai Bunshe.

Different methods are used in different periods, but there are three thousand avenues, different paths to the same destination, and the ultimate goal is the same power.

In the final analysis, it is actually for profit.

In the United States, Smith got his wish and entered the Congress, no longer serving as governor.

The job is easier.

His dividends have never been less over the years. The interests of the pharmaceutical company are so great that he has received a lot of money. He can squander the money freely and will never spend it all in his lifetime.

If he were to buy purely luxury goods, he would indeed be unable to spend them all.

The premise is don't gamble and don't throw money around.

Otherwise, no matter how much money you spend, it will be useless.

Smith began to enjoy his life.

However, he has been very active in recent days, fighting for his good friend Chu Lingyun. His different status has had a great impact. The eldest son has no choice but to send a report to Chu Lingyun, hoping that he can persuade Smith not to let Smith talk nonsense. .

This will affect the aid they receive from the United States.

Just because of Smith, the old man couldn't sit still. Kettlemen hadn't spoken yet. He did regret it now, but he had to do it at the time.

The final result was that he was dissatisfied with Qi Limin.

No one likes a troublemaking henchman.

Smith received a message from Chu Lingyun, which seemed to be a reproach, but in fact it was a compliment.

If the party wants to provide assistance, it will simply create obstacles for the organization.

Chu Lingyun wouldn't be so stupid and really try to persuade him.

"They went too far."

Smith put the telegram aside and did not continue his attack, but don't expect him to agree to support the Fruit Party in the next parliament.

He will always object.

If the party's performance is too poor, there are many people in the United States who are opposed to it. If it fails to pass the Congress, they will not be able to get these things.

In Japan, Chu Lingyun came from the Hosokawa family.

I'm back. I need to take a look here too. There's nothing going on at Hosokawa's family now, and Nakano is working hard to take care of the company.

The company is developing rapidly, they have convenient conditions, it is also the post-war recovery period, and the market is huge. In this case, no one is stupid, and they can take the company up.

Profits have been rising, and now the dividends given to the Hosokawa family are quite large, enough for them to live comfortably.

"Team leader, when do we leave?"

Not long after returning to the hotel suite, Loach ran over with Shen Hanwen.

Shen Hanwen has been following Ni Loach these past few days. The two of them were enjoying the mountains and rivers together, and they were both tired of it.

"How long has it been and you're already in a hurry?"

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Loach shook his head and replied: "Team leader, the main reason is that there is really nothing here. It's not good to eat, and there's not much place to play. It's just a broken volcano, it might as well have exploded."

"Haha, you would think so."

Chu Lingyun laughed and said that Loach's thoughts were normal. Not only him, but he also had such thoughts.

Even many Chinese people have it.

"Think about it. Didn't you say it was alive?"

Ni Loach disagreed, and Shen Hanwen giggled happily on the side. He also couldn't get used to the food here these days, but he was able to follow the team leader to Japan with Ni Loach and Chu Yuan, and he was very satisfied.

It's been a long time since the three of them went out with the team leader like this.

"If you are bored, go to the United States first."

Chu Lingyun understood that Niyi didn't like Japan and didn't want to stay here forever. In addition, his wife and children were all in the United States, and he wanted to go there as soon as possible to see them.

"What about you?"

"I'll go back in a while, there's something else going on here."

Chu Lingyun is using the identity of Ishihara Hiroshi to make arrangements. Both Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen know this. The team leader is really powerful. The identity he used during the Anti-Japanese War was unexpectedly still used today.

Not only use it, but use it better.

The team leader was very powerful during the Anti-Japanese War, and he is still very powerful now.

"If you don't go, I won't go either."

Loach shook his head, and Shen Hanwen continued to say the same thing.

"I'll give you a chance. I'll give you a plane if you leave tomorrow. If you don't leave, just stay here. I won't go there for at least a month."

The two people kicked their noses together, and Chu Lingyun pulled her face down, and the two of them were instantly dumbfounded.

Are you here for another month?

It's terrible.

"Go, I'll go, let's go help the team leader at the front line first."

Ni Loach hurriedly changed his mind. A good man doesn't suffer the immediate consequences. He already felt very boring at this time. If he were to stay here for another month, he would go crazy.

"Go on, leave quickly, don't bother me here."

Chu Lingyun waved her hands, and the two of them retreated obediently, packed their things, and prepared to leave for the United States.

They really don't want to stay here.

What Loach said about playing a front-line position was flattery. Chu Lingyun didn't need them to play a front-line position. Chu Lingyun knew the United States much better than they did.

At least he has been there several times, but these two guys have never been there once.

Chu Lingyun asked Chu Yuan to send a report to the United States, and asked Liu Shukui to pick them up and take them around. Anyway, they were fine, and they were just traveling.

See more, walk more, broaden their horizons, let them know the gap between China and others at this time, and don't be a frog in the well.

Television stations are very common in the United States, but the Fruit Party doesn’t even have a single TV here, which is not even the slightest bit worse.

Do you think cars, gramophones, movie theaters, and coffee shops constitute a luxurious life?

They'll realize how much of a bumpkin they are when they get there.

Chu Yuan sent them to the airport the next day. The two left, followed by about ten people. Chu Lingyun directly asked his plane to take them there.

He won't be able to fly for the time being.

Even if he returns to China, he will do so secretly and cannot take his own plane.

When the time comes, both he and Chu Yuan will use disguised identities.

Shuicheng Jun was out every day, choosing a place to build their club headquarters.

The place needs to be big and the location is good.

The original shrine will definitely be very important in the future, and the construction of the headquarters cannot be careless.

It can't be worse than the literary club. According to Shuicheng Jun's idea, the new club headquarters should be bigger and more luxurious than the literary club.

Their number of members will be greater in the future, not just the two hundred before.

Takemoto was also busy and conducted a detailed investigation on Saburo Wiyama.

There is nothing wrong with Saburo Wisama himself. What happened to his father is nothing but unlucky. They were allies with Germany and Italy at the beginning, and there were more people there who praised him.

Saburo Weishan got married a little late and now has a son who is just three years old.

He has a clear sense of himself and understands that the fault of the war belongs to him. He is an enlightened person and has a strong family relationship. Such a person will be better supported in the future.

It's not that people from civilian backgrounds can't do it, it's relatively more difficult.

If the starting line is different, the future achievements will definitely be different.

"Ishihara-kun, there is nothing wrong with Saburo Kaizan. His current position is not high and he is best suited for support."

Zhuben reported to Chu Lingyun that Chu Lingyun would go to the teahouse every few days.

"Let him come here and I'll talk to him alone."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Since there was no problem in the investigation, the next step was to let him make the bones of a thousand-dollar horse to let others understand the benefits of joining the original shrine.


Takemoto resigned, and it was someone else who notified Weishan. Takemoto was only responsible for the investigation and never took the initiative to contact the members.

It didn't take long for Weishan to run over and learn that Ishihara Hiroshi wanted to meet him alone. Weishan was very surprised. He was smart and immediately understood that his opportunity had come. When he introduced himself last time, Weishan's performance was pretty good. Satisfied and aware that one is performing better than others.

Being summoned alone now must be to help him.

He didn't do anything wrong or say anything bad. The most important thing is that everyone in the Weishan family has a friendly attitude towards China.

Saburo Uishama's father had always opposed the war.

Under the influence of his family, the same is true for Saburo Wiyama.

There are not many big families like this in Japan.

This is one of the reasons why Chu Lingyun chose to focus on training.


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