Spy Shadow

Chapter 1065 Find the Difference

In Tokyo, Chu Lingyun received a report from Ni Loach.

Everything goes well, Chen Zhanli has set off from Taipei and sailed to Japan.

Ni Loach specifically praised Chen Zhanli. His acting talent was extremely good, and there was no flaw this time. The eldest son didn’t want to use him, so no one could say anything about sending him to Japan. He could still do things for the eldest son here.

On the surface, he is a loach and belongs to the eldest son, but in fact he still serves the organization.

Chen Zhanli could tell which information needed to be reported and which information was unnecessary. The most important information must be given to the organization first. For this reason, the organization specially equipped him with a liaison officer.

This liaison officer would not meet with him and would only forward the password every time without even knowing the content.

This ensures Chen Zhanli's safety.

The war taking place in neighboring countries is actually related to the safety of New China. The organization attaches great importance to it from top to bottom. Chen Zhanli is very important. He can use the convenience of Japanese agents to collect useful intelligence for the organization.

Others don't know it, but Ke Gong knows very well that Chu Lingyun will definitely create such convenient conditions for him to help him collect intelligence.

For organizations lacking battlefield intelligence, Chen Zhanli's importance has once again increased.

Mr. Ke also received the report. After reading the telegram, he stood up and came to the window.

He still remembered that when Chen Zhanli came to the capital, he took the initiative to say that he wanted to lurk. There would be no lurking job for him, so he sent him to study. Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and Chen Zhanli needed to go to the enemy camp again.

Chen Zhanli was not online and would not let him know Chu Lingyun's true identity.

Unlike Fang Shiyi, he can pass on information himself, and his relationship with Chu Lingyun is not that deep. He will not let these intelligence agents have any connection unless necessary.

Moreover, Chen Zhanli's job is more dangerous. If he is exposed, Chu Lingyun can help him deal with it and save his life. However, if Chu Lingyun is also exposed, the problem will be serious.

"Yes, I'll be there right away."

Kubo answered the phone and immediately went to Genjinja headquarters.

This was the place where he used to work, and he was very familiar with it. Unfortunately, he didn't see the shadow of the former stone factory when he came here this time. It was so unfamiliar that he thought he had gone to the wrong place.

Majestic gate, luxurious building.

Kubo anxiously greeted the guard, who checked him and then took him in.

No one stopped the people called by the president.

"Master Ishihara, I have identified thirty new students. They are all excellent and of better quality than the first batch. I will identify the remaining twenty as soon as possible."

Seeing Chu Lingyun, Kubo took the initiative to report. He thought Ishihara Hiroshi asked him to come here to inquire about the recruitment status of new students in the training office.

The old students will graduate in just over a month, and new students must keep up, without any gaps in the process.

"Very well, as soon as possible."

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly, while Kubo breathed a sigh of relief.

"I found the person you want for you. He just happened to have committed some crime in Russia. I asked him to come to Japan through Chinese connections. He is on a boat to Tokyo tomorrow. You go pick him up and bring him into your home." Training Office.”

Chu Lingyun said lightly, Kubo was slightly startled, and immediately understood who Ishihara Hiroshi was talking about.

Last time, he took the initiative to ask Ishihara Hiroshi to help him find Chen Zhanli and let Chen Zhanli be his assistant. Ishihara Hiroshi didn't agree on the spot, but he didn't expect that he got the thing done.

"Thank you, thank you, sir."

Kubo was excited and incoherent. With Chen Zhanli here, he believed that he could compete with Jiang Tengkong and Ishida, and the training center would definitely not be taken away by them in the future.

Chen Zhanli is best at winning people's hearts.

When the time comes, Jiang Tengkong should not try to snatch so many students away from him. As time goes by, he will definitely be the one in control of the training office.

"If someone gives it to you, do a good job for me. If you can't achieve results, I will take it from you."

"Don't worry, I will definitely do well. If I don't do it, you won't have to punish me. I'll give you my head."

Excited, Kubo talked about the promises made during the previous war. Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head, telling him the time and ship number of Chen Zhanli's arrival in Tokyo, and asked him to pick him up by himself.

Chu Lingyun met Chen Zhanli, but it was impossible to pick him up in person.

Chen Zhanli will arrive tomorrow. Kubo went back excitedly and hugged his wife. When leaving Yuanjin Shrine, Shuicheng Jun told him everything about Chen Zhanli. Chen Zhanli did join there and was sent to study in the Russian system, but he was killed there. man, sentenced to death.

It was the Chinese who rescued him, mainly because of the situation on the Russian side.

He also asked for a copy of this information later.

The Chinese would not reuse Chen Zhanli, so Ishihara Hiroshi asked them to bring Chen Zhanli. How he uses it is Kubo's own business, but one thing is that he must ensure that nothing happens to him again, otherwise Kubo will be implicated.

Kubo even vouched for Chen Zhanli again and again.

Unexpectedly, Chen Zhanli has experienced so much and received professional training. This is better. He is here to help him train new students. Chen Zhanli will be stronger with professional abilities.

When he needed each other the most, Chen Zhanli's sudden accident was simply the best gift God gave him.

After Chen Zhanli's accident, he could not return to the mainland. If the party did not want him, Chen Zhanli would have no choice but to follow his own path in the future.

This time the two of them can definitely cooperate well and run the training office well.

The happy Kubo drank some wine in the evening, hummed a little tune, and kept thinking about the days when the two of them worked together in Shanghai. As he thought about it, he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, giggling alone.

Yoko noticed his expression, smiled and packed her things.

Since the man found this job, his whole person has completely changed and he is very active and hardworking.

He knew that his man's life was not going well recently. There were competitors in the company where he worked, and his relationship with him was not good. His man often said that it would be great if his former assistant could come over. The two of them could definitely outperform each other together.

For the past year, my man has been trying to find someone, but to no avail.

The good news finally came today. His boss found the person he couldn't find for him, and he would arrive tomorrow to help him.

Seeing the man's happy look, Yoko was also very happy.

She doesn't have any extravagant ideas. She just wants her family to live peacefully. If her husband and son are doing well, she will be doing well too.

At noon the next day, Kubo came to the dock early.

Chen Zhanli's boat didn't arrive, so he waited outside.

Chen Zhanli suffered a lot in Russia and came here by boat. Kubo specially bought some delicacies that Chen Zhanli liked and waited for him. After seeing him, he first rewarded his stomach.

He knows what Chen Zhanli likes.

Jiang Tengkong and Ishida don't know yet that Chen Zhanli is coming, and they will definitely be shocked when they find out.

The days when the two of them joined forces to bully him officially ended from today.

Kubo knew best how powerful Chen Zhanli's mouth was, which just made up for his shortcomings of being stupid. Jiang Tengkong couldn't let Jiang Tengkong do all the reporting work in the future. Chen Zhanli would definitely be able to help him get the credit back.

Don't let Jiang Tengkong take away what belongs to them.

The ship finally stopped, and Kubo stood outside, looking at the passenger ship.

There were many people standing on the deck. This was a ship coming to Japan from Southeast Asia. It passed by Taiwan. He knew that Chen Zhanli was on the ship, but after looking carefully for a long time, he didn't see Chen Zhanli.

At this time, Chen Zhanli was still in the cabin and did not come out immediately.

He was not transferred here this time, he was assigned, and neither Hongguo nor Hongguo wanted him. At this time, he should be in a depressed mood and must not show any excitement or joy.

Chen Zhanli pays great attention to details. Although Japan is better than the fruit party, both Kubo and Jiang Tengkong are veteran agents.

Especially for Jiang Tengkong, Chen Zhanli also knew that he had long been an undercover agent who instigated rebellion by the team leader. Now that he was working with Hiroshi Ishihara, it must be the arrangement of the team leader, and he couldn't be careless in front of him.

After waiting for a long time, when there were few people on the boat, Kubo finally saw that familiar figure.

Facing Chen Zhanli, Kubo waved his arms excitedly.

"Zhanli, this way."

Chen Zhanli is finally here, and he will no longer fight alone in the future.

"grown ups."

Arriving in front of Kubo, Chen Zhanli forced a smile. Seeing his appearance, Kubo immediately understood that Chen Zhanli was not in a good mood at this time.

Thinking about it, after experiencing so much, he was eventually sent to Japan and became homeless. It was strange that he was in a good mood.

"Don't think so much, let's go, I'll take you to take a bath and catch the wind for you."

Kubo patted him on the shoulder and said happily. Chen Zhanli brought a suitcase. He didn't have many things. If Loach hadn't bought him a few clothes, he wouldn't have even any clothes.

He was rescued from the cell by Loach.

This time when he came to Japan, Loach didn't give him much money, just two hundred dollars. He would have to make money on his own from now on.

Two hundred dollars is enough for him to live for a while in Japan.

"This is the house I prepared for you. You will live here from now on. See what else is missing and I will find it for you."

After taking a bath and eating, Kubo took Chen Zhanli to a small house. The place was not big, with two bedrooms and one living room. Although it was small, it was fully furnished. It was a place that Kubo specially rented for Chen Zhanli.

There was a dormitory in the training center, but the conditions were simple. Kubo didn't want to feel wronged by Chen Zhanli.

He paid for the rent, and Chen Zhanli didn't have to pay for it.

"It's very good here. There's nothing missing. Thank you, sir."

Chen Zhanli shook his head hurriedly, while Kubo pulled him to sit down and said with a smile: "I have told you before, don't call me Sir again. I already know about you. There is an old Chinese saying, a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise? Maybe it's a blessing in disguise?" You can live a better life here in the future.”

Kubo's comfort made Chen Zhanli's face relax a little.

"You may not know that Mr. Ishihara is still very powerful today. He founded the Genshin Shrine. The Genshin Shrine is very similar to the previous literary society, but now they are all officials. Shun Mizuki and Takemoto are still following him. Takemoto is even more powerful and is the special search department. Minister. You don’t know much about this department. Let me tell you one thing. Takemoto brought down the Prime Minister a few years ago. Now Genjin Shrine is very strong. We are helping Mr. Ishihara train agents. He will not will treat us badly."

Kubo told Chen Zhanli the situation here in detail.

Kubo is the head teacher of the training department, Jiang Tengkong is the deputy director, and Ishida is the training director. Chen Zhanli cannot arrange a suitable position for him at the moment, so he will start as an ordinary instructor first and then promote him later.

Chen Zhanli's salary is 10,000 yen, and there will be rewards after he is good at it.

In terms of salary alone, it was not too much. Kubo wanted him to be like himself, with 20,000 yen per month. Unfortunately, he couldn't make the decision. Everything depended on Ishihara Toru's opinion.

He didn't dare to waste Ishihara Hiroshi's money.

"I understand. Thank you, sir. I am very grateful that you are willing to take me in."

Chen Zhanli nodded lightly. It was really difficult for him to make any demands in his current state.

"You and I are brothers. You're welcome. Take a rest first. I'll take you to see Mr. Ishihara tomorrow."

Kubo said happily, Chen Zhanli deliberately showed a trace of hesitation, and finally said: "Actually, I know something, but you may not be sure about it."

"What's going on?" Kubo looked curious.

"Jiang Tengkong is Chu Lingyun's man."


Kubo was stunned for a moment. He was working next to Ishihara Hiroshi. Many things are now known. Ishihara Hiroshi has a very close relationship with the Chinese. Ishihara Hiroshi was captured by Chu Lingyun at the beginning. If he hadn't taken refuge, he would have died long ago.

No one knows the exact relationship between the two of them, but the relationship is definitely not ordinary, and Chu Lingyun's status is higher than that of Ishihara Hiroshi.

The reason why Americans are nice to them is entirely because of Chu Lingyun.

"When did it happen?" Kubo asked.

"Very early on, Jiang Tengkong was caught by Chu Lingyun inciting rebellion as soon as he was demoted to the Shanghai Special Higher Education School."

Chen Zhanli replied that he had asked Mr. Ke about whether he should take the initiative to talk about this issue.

What Ke Gong meant was that after he came to Japan, he would stay with Kubo. He and Jiang Tengkong no longer had a relationship, and there was no need to hide this.

"so early."

Kubo was stunned again. He really didn't expect that the Chinese had instigated Jiang Tengkong's rebellion before the all-out war.

No wonder Chen Zhanli was on No. 76 and Jiang Tengkong didn't do anything to him. His worries at the beginning were purely unnecessary. With Jiang Tengkong here, even without his arrangements, Nanyun couldn't do anything to Chen Zhanli.

Li Zhiqun, on the other hand, is very pitiful. His immediate boss is actually a Chinese undercover agent. How can he feel better?

It will definitely be a dead end in the end.

"Sir, do you want to report this matter to Mr. Ishihara?" Chen Zhanli asked deliberately.

"Need not."

Kubo immediately shook his head. Jiang Tengkong must have been arranged by Chu Lingyun. No wonder he was so arrogant. Ishihara Heng didn't like Jiang Tengkong in his heart. Seeing that he was weak, he really helped him find Chen Zhanli to come and help.

"There is no need to say anything. This is a good thing. Lord Ishihara must know about this and it is impossible to regard Jiang Tengkong as a confidant. But we are different. If we do things seriously, sooner or later we will be recognized by Lord Ishihara."

Kubo explained that his professional ability as an agent may not be good, but his political sensitivity is not weak, and he immediately understood the situation inside.

If it was too bad, he would not have had the chance to become Ying Zuo's confidant and leave No. 76 completely under his control. ,

"Yes, I'll do as you say."

Chen Zhanli nodded slightly, and Kubo chatted with him for a long time, mainly about how to treat Jiang Tengkong and how to train new students.

The first batch of students will graduate soon. According to Ishihara Hiroshi's instructions, ten people will be sent to South Korea to collect intelligence. Kubo means that Chen Zhanli will be responsible. This task cannot be taken away by Jiang Tengkong.

This is their chance to perform.

Early the next morning, Kubo brought Chen Zhanli to the headquarters of Yuanjin Shrine. He kept introducing the situation of Yuanjin Shrine to him on the way. Now that Ishihara Hiroshi no longer has military power, he is no less powerful than when he was in Shanghai before, so he must pay attention. .

Chen Zhanli knew that Hiroshi Ishihara was a high-ranking figure as early as in Shanghai. He didn't even have a chance to meet Hiroshi Ishihara.

Not to mention him, even Kubo was helpless in front of Hiroshi Ishihara.

At that time, Hiroshi Ishihara could be said to be very powerful.

A powerful person is indeed powerful. In the future, he will work under Hiroshi Ishihara and collect various information, so he must be careful.

"Sir, he is the Chen Zhanli I mentioned."

When they came to Chu Lingyun, Kubo introduced him carefully. His head was very low and he didn't dare to raise it up at all.

"You two worked well together before. I hope you can work together as well here. Chen Zhanli is lucky. Make more use of his luck and achieve more results."

Chu Lingyun glanced at Chen Zhanli. This kid was in pretty good spirits. He had been wronged so much this time, so he finally got him here.

He can play a big role with Kubo.

Bring him up again when there is an opportunity in the future to maximize his role.

"Don't worry, sir, we will never let you down."

Kubo immediately replied that Chu Lingyun did not keep them and let them leave after a few words of encouragement.

At the training office, Ishida quickly walked into Jiang Tengkong's office.

Jiang Tengkong is arranging students to learn what they need to pay attention to in the workplace, how to gain the trust of their bosses, how to obtain valuable business intelligence, and how to steal when necessary, including various safes, the principles of locks, and how to open them.

All these must be learned.

"Jiang Teng, I just saw that Kubo brought someone back, do you guess who it is?"

Ishida said quickly, and Jiang Tengkong raised his head. An ordinary person, Ishida, would not come here specially. He quietly waited for Ishida's next words.

The two have worked together for many years and have a tacit understanding. Ishida knew from the look on his face that he couldn't guess.

"Chen Zhanli."

"Chen Zhanli?"

Jiang Tengkong was stunned for a moment. Chen Zhanli was an undercover agent of the Chinese. He was a member of the Kuomintang. Later Jiang Tengkong returned to Japan. He had not paid attention to Chen Zhanli's affairs and did not know that Chen Zhanli was a three-faced spy.

"Kubo knows that he is no match for us. I guess he was brought here because he wanted to fight us together."

Ishida said, while Jiang Tengkong nodded: "You are right, Chen Zhanli is Chinese, what does Chu Lingyun mean, and why was he sent to help Kubo?"

"It may not be Chu Lingyun's opinion, it may be Ishihara Hiroshi's."

Ishida reminded that their sensitivity was not bad, and Jiang Tengkong immediately understood what he meant.

Ishihara Hiroshi didn’t want to hand over the training office to them, so he specially sent helpers to Kubo to fight against them.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Jiang Tengkong stood up and said with a frown, Ishida understood what he meant. After the defeat, he stayed in China for a while and knew that Chen Zhanli was actually an undercover agent of the Chinese.

This person is not as lazy as he seems, he is very scheming.

An undercover agent who became the boss and got rid of people like Li Zhiqun and Ding Mo, how could he be a loser?

"Actually, we don't have to worry. Ishihara Heng doesn't dare to go too far. If he goes too far, Chu Lingyun won't agree."

Ishida comforted, Jiang Tengkong walked back and forth, and finally said slowly: "Let's take a look first, don't underestimate Chen Zhanli, but you can tell his character first. After all, he is also a lazy person."

Jiang Tengkong and Chen Zhanli had cooperated before.

Now and then, although they are all working for Ishihara Hiroshi, they are obviously no longer their own people.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

Ishida nodded. Two days after Chen Zhanli came to the training center as an instructor, news about his past came out. The main reason was that he had no ability and only knew how to eat and drink. When he was in China, he made Kubo happy before he took the high position. .

Without Kubo's protection, he would have died long ago, and there would be no future at all.

"Damn it, it must be Jiang Teng and the others."

In the office, Kubo slapped the table angrily. He heard these rumors. Such words came when Chen Zhanli started working, which was very detrimental to his future image.

"Sir, it doesn't matter. They are actually helping us by saying this. I did not know much before, but now, I am better than them."

Chen Zhanli smiled confidently. Kubo wouldn't let him call him "sir", but Chen Zhanli didn't change and remained the same.

"Yes, but Jiang Tengkong and Ishida Xiaoshan are indeed capable. The students are very convinced of them. Can you compare with them?"

"Don't worry."

Chen Zhanli smiled slightly. He learned a lot of advanced technologies and methods in Russia. Jiang Teng and Ishida were great, but they mostly used old methods from the past, which were outdated compared to now.

In this regard, Chen Zhanli is really not afraid of them.

He admits that he is lazy and good at eating, but eating is also a kind of ability, and eating is the best way to get closer to other people.

Not to mention the present, but also the future.

Even if we don't know each other, when we sit down at the table to eat together and drink some wine, we will soon become brothers and sisters, and we won't differentiate between you and me.

"Okay, I believe you, keep going."

Kubo nodded. Needless to say, Chen Zhanli would work hard. He already knew what Kubo planned for him.

After graduation, the first batch of forty-seven students will select the best ten to go to South Korea to collect information about the situation there. If conditions permit, they will even be sent to North Korea.

All ten of these people understand Korean.

This task is very important. Although Kubo intends to put him in charge, if Jiang Tengkong makes trouble, it is likely to be destroyed by them. No matter what, he must seize this task.

If he wants to get the task, he must let the people above him see his ability, and at the same time convince these students.

In the afternoon, Chen Zhanli came to the classroom.

This was his first time teaching students. As soon as he introduced himself, Chen Zhanli noticed the looks of disdain from many people.

Their looks told Chen Zhanli that the rumors had worked.

"Students, let's change today's class to take place outdoors."

Chen Zhanli said softly, and all the students were stunned for a moment, not understanding why they suddenly summarized it, but they are students, Chen Zhanli is the teacher, and they are free to teach the class how the teacher wants.

All students followed Chen Zhanli to the empty field outside.

This is their playground, a little smaller, but enough for dozens of people.

"We are agents. There are many things that we need to pay attention to. There are also many things that we need to pay attention to. You have lived here for nearly a year and you should be very familiar with this place. Now take a closer look to see if there are any different changes here."

After all the students lined up and stood up, Chen Zhanli took the initiative to ask.

The student immediately looked around and examined carefully, but found nothing different.

"Now I will give you ten minutes to look for differences in the yard. I can tell you clearly that there are things that are different from the past."

Chen Zhanli announced liberation. Ten minutes was not long or short. All the students immediately dispersed. Some of them were together with a few people who were close to each other, some were alone, and some paid special attention to every corner. Chen Zhanli ignored them and stood with his pocket watch. Wait where you are.

These students have been studying for a year and are very motivated. We must get rid of their arrogance and make them truly convinced of themselves.

"The time is up, now each of you come and tell me what differences you found."

Ten minutes passed quickly. Chen Zhanli blew the whistle and all the students came back to assemble.

Their discipline is very strong. Both Kubo and Jiang Tengkong have extremely high discipline requirements during training.

What's the use of an agent who doesn't obey orders?

"Back to the instructor, I noticed that the bricks in the corner over there are placed differently."

A student replied first. Chen Zhanli did not answer and continued to ask: "Are there any more?"

"It's gone for now."

"Very good, tell me, what did you find?"

Chen Zhanli did not comment and continued to ask other students. Some said that the grass was different, some said that there were more deliberately placed wood on the wall, and some said that there were mysterious footprints on the ground.

"To be honest, I'm a little disappointed in you."

After asking everyone, Chen Zhanli sighed slightly. Everyone was stunned and didn't understand what the instructor meant.

"You have lived here for so long, so you should be very familiar with it, but it is obvious that you don't pay attention to the surrounding environment. Let me ask you, what did the bricks you mentioned look like before?"

"It should be a few dollars more than before."

The student said uncertainly. Chen Zhanli did not say anything and took out a notebook filled with photos.

These are photos of the training process that Kubo took before. Chen Zhanli specifically asked him for them today. These photos cannot be leaked casually. They have always been kept by Kubo.

Finding the corner the practitioner mentioned, Chen Zhanli pointed to the photo and asked, "This is a photo taken two months ago. Take a closer look. Have the bricks been moved?"

Filming is done here every month, mainly during the training process. Kubo deliberately blurred the appearance of people’s faces.

This way even if the photo is stolen, the person on it will not be recognized.

The main thing is that he has to explain to Ishihara Hiroshi and let him know what training they have done. Ishihara Hiroshi doesn't look at these, but Yamaguchi Mitsuo and Mizuki Shun often come to check.

The students came forward and compared the photos carefully.

He was shocked to find that those bricks were like this two months ago, which was different from the changes he said.

The reason why he believed that Brick had changed was because of his misunderstanding, and it was also Chen Zhanli's temptation. When Chen Zhanli said there was something different here, they would subconsciously believe that some places were different from what they usually saw.

Wherever they doubt it, the more they look at it, the more they feel it is different.

It's purely a psychological manifestation.

"I remembered it wrong."

The student bowed his head in embarrassment and vowed to say that it had changed after remembering it wrong. It was indeed his mistake.

Chen Zhanli found some more photos and compared what other students said one by one. Only two students were right, but the so-called changes were made after so many people passed by or stepped on them. , not deliberately.

"Look here."

Chen Zhanli pointed behind him. Behind him was a wall. Students had already observed this wall and found nothing unusual.

"The place facing you, no one has noticed any difference now?"

Chen Zhanli asked softly. All the students immediately looked at the wall behind them, and after a while they shook their heads in confusion.

"Well, I don't know how you learn, but I'm disappointed in you."

"This is a photo, you can compare it."

Chen Zhanli took out the previous photos of this wall. Although they were black and white photos, they were very clear and there were more than one.

The students took the photos and compared them bit by bit against the wall.

"Instructor, have these lines not existed before?"

A student finally discovered an anomaly. There were symmetrical lines on both sides of several bricks. The main reason was that these lines were so natural that they never thought that they were something that had not existed before.

Just because you look at it often and pay attention to it often doesn't mean you will definitely remember it.

For example, if a person who lives in a building climbs stairs every day, ask him how many stairs there are on the first floor and see how many he can name.

If you see it too much, it’s easy to ignore it.

"That's right, this is my new painting. This kind of pattern is called neglect pattern. It usually blends in with the surrounding environment and is most easily ignored by people, hence the name."

Chen Zhanli nodded. This was the ability he learned in Russia, and it was more than enough to deal with the newbies in front of him.

As long as these lines are not drawn in front of them, they will not notice at all.

"Ignore the lines, why haven't we learned this?"

"You haven't learned a lot of things. You really think that what you learned before is the best. Let me tell you, your current technology is very outdated. Compared with the real top agents, you are far behind. Any one of them can easily Get rid of you."

Chen Zhanli scolded, no one said anything, they really couldn't find the real difference made by man in this place.

It would be fine if it was in a secret corner, but it happened to be on the wall directly opposite them.

Chen Zhanli told them with facts that they are now rookies and have very poor abilities.

"Next, I will teach you more. You study hard. I don't guarantee that you can compare with the top agents in the world, but you will definitely be much better than you before. I don't need to tell you the function of this pattern. You also understand. If you can’t recognize them, you won’t even know if someone touches you one day.”

Chen Zhanli said slowly, and everyone lowered their heads.

Apart from other things, they cannot detect this kind of pattern just by marking it. If people around them mark it, they can easily be found.

Although it's a bit troublesome, it's not impossible.

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