Spy Shadow

Chapter 1067 US Army Landing

"We understand, don't worry, we will definitely cooperate with Ishihara Hiroshi's work in the future."

Jiang Tengkong responded immediately, and Ishida Koyama also made a similar guarantee. It seemed that Ishihara Hiroshi's energy was more powerful than they thought, and Chu Lingyun was not completely able to suppress him.

This is indeed understandable. After all, Ishihara Hiroshi has made great achievements in Japan. If Chu Lingyun needs him, it is impossible to really fall out with him.

"Go back and work hard. The boss can guarantee that nothing will happen to you in the future."

Chu Yuan nodded slightly and just knocked. These two people were very smart and knew what to do next.

The two returned together, and Ishida was sighing on the way: "Ishihara Hiroshi is really powerful. I didn't expect even Chu Lingyun to be so afraid of him."

Jiang Teng nodded: "Normally, Ishihara Hiroshi is a tycoon, and Chu Lingyun is no worse than him. If the two of them work together, both parties will benefit. We are careless and should not openly compete with Kubo."

"Aren't you going to fight anymore?"

"How is it possible? But it's not about fighting. You don't understand what Chu Yuan means. We can fight, but it can't affect our work. These superiors are all the same. They want absolute control and want us to do well."

"If we don't have enough power, how can we do a good job? These students will be assigned soon. If we don't have control, we can only watch them perform meritorious services."

Ishida asked rhetorically, the goal of their competition was not the jurisdiction of the training office, but the future leadership of these agents.

With leadership, they can ensure their own interests and security.

"Don't worry, since Chu Lingyun specifically gave us a warning today, he won't do too much to us in the future. However, we probably won't be able to earn the ten people who went to South Korea. In this case, we will fight for the remaining people in China. This time we will try to get at least thirty people to come. You can lead them, and I will stay and keep an eye on Kubo."

Jiang Tengkong is very smart and knows that what is needed above is balance.

Since it is a balance, it is impossible to give everyone to Kubo. The best ten people are given to them, and he has to take the remaining thirty.

Even if it wasn't that many, it would still be at least twenty-five, definitely not less than Kubo's number.

This is the first batch, and there will be a second batch, a third batch, and so on.

If they have enough agents in their hands, neither Ishihara Hiroshi nor Chu Lingyun will be able to easily touch them in the future.

This is their greatest confidence.

"Okay, the mission in South Korea is the most important. Kubo will definitely send Chen Zhanli out. Then it will be our opportunity."

Ishida understood what Jiang Tengkong meant. They could not argue openly or covertly. They could not give in on the distribution and control of students.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Zhanli firmly established himself in the training center. All the students and instructors liked him very much. Even Jiang Tengkong and Ishida Xiaoshan couldn't say anything about him.

Jiang Tengkong has indeed kept a low profile during this period, carefully studying how to teach classes every day to cultivate the abilities of these people.

Troops participating in the war from various countries are constantly gathering, and Mike is even busier now.

Chu Lingyun still stayed in Tokyo, and a steady stream of intelligence was reported to the organization through his summary.

The eldest son also has a very valuable optimized and selected version.

Even if it is not complete, the eldest son is still very happy. Chu Lingyun personally takes action, which is indeed different from others. Even though they are allies with the United States, the United States never tells them its military trends.

They can't just ask.

Even the selected version is more detailed and more detailed than the information collected by Qi Limin. Qi Limin has been blamed by the old man and has become angry recently.

At home, Mr. Ke was not happy after receiving the latest intelligence compiled by Chu Lingyun.

The U.S. military has gathered more than a dozen countries to form the United Nations Army, and the current total strength has reached hundreds of thousands.

Coupled with their aircraft and warships, this force is very powerful.

South Korea is a peninsula with a long coastline. After they land anywhere, they can directly intercept the North Korean army from the rear.

Without logistical supplies, the fate of those cut-off troops can be imagined.

Chu Lingyun specially issued a reminder and reminded several places.

They have already told them this, and I don't know if they can stop it.

Once it cannot be stopped, the war may move to the north, which borders China. This is Ke Gong's biggest worry.

According to the results of domestic deductions, it is not very beneficial to North Korea.

The strength of the US military is too strong. The next step is to see whether they can hold on. Don't be paralyzed by the victory in front of you, let alone be arrogant or careless, otherwise it may cause huge disasters.

Unfortunately, these are beyond their control and everything depends on future development.

Time passed slowly, and many countries paid attention to the war. Everyone understood that if Mike did not move for a day, the war did not really begin.

Mike has given the Korean side a death order. If the front cannot be defended, then the rear must be defended.

Especially in Busan, we must defend it. If we cannot defend it, we will go to the sea to feed the fish.

He was still waiting, now was not the best time.

In August, both Tokyo and Taipei are very hot.

Chu Lingyun did not go to Yuan Shrine. Everything was stable there, Shuicheng Jun and others were there, and he was at his residence.

Air conditioning is installed here.

During this period, air conditioners were definitely a luxury product and were mostly installed in shopping malls, theaters, cinemas and other places.

The price of an ordinary household air conditioner is more than a thousand dollars. The per capita income in the United States is only over a thousand dollars now. How can you buy an air conditioner after working hard for a year without eating or drinking?

And today’s air conditioners are not that stable.

Ordinary people can't afford it, but the really rich people basically have it.

Chu Lingyun is no exception. They are installed not only in Japan, but also in the United States. Chu Ya and her parents now live in an air-conditioned room, which is very comfortable.

It's definitely better to have the air conditioner blowing on a hot day than to be exposed to the heat outside.

Genjinja has not been installed yet.

Don’t rush now, wait until the future to install it. Air conditioning is a good industry. Not only air conditioners, but many household equipment will be very good in the future, as well as the automotive industry and so on.

Chu Lingyun would not do this by herself.

No matter how powerful he is personally, he cannot dominate all profitable industries.

You don't need to have complete control if you want to make money.

Just invest.

If you invest in good industries early, the future returns will be considerable. Chu Lingyun only needs to seize a few of his core industries.

For example, his current three pillar industries are television stations, pharmaceutical factories and shipping companies.

He has bitten off more than he can chew. These industries have helped him make money. In the future, he will have plenty of funds to invest in other good industries.

These three are his pillar industries, which does not mean that Chu Lingyun only has these three companies.

Holley in Japan, the company where Gomori works, as well as small companies in Brazil, Argentina, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and other places.

There is also a bank registered in the United States and operated in Hong Kong.

Chu Lingyun’s industries have already spread all over the world.

It’s early September, and there’s no sign of the weather getting cooler for the time being. Even next month, autumn tigers are still going strong.

All the people on Mike's side have arrived, and the United Nations troops may be dispatched at any time. Mike is waiting for an opportunity, a good opportunity to become famous in one fell swoop.

Chu Lingyun knew that he would definitely take action this month, so he finally sent out his analysis.

I reminded you once before, let’s do a detailed analysis again, and I won’t say any more unnecessary words.

If anything else, he couldn't explain it.

This time the analysis was more comprehensive. As an outsider, he conducted a well-founded analysis based on the current number of U.S. military personnel, equipment, Mike's personality, etc.

In the end, a deduction of more than 70% was reached.

Reasoning is reasoning, it cannot be written too high, and there must be other aspects of reasoning.

However, the proportion of other reasoning is very low, no more than 30%.

This telegram was more than 800 words long and was sent in eight batches before being finally summarized.

It took too long to send a report at once, which could easily attract the attention of Americans. It was divided into eight times, using different radio stations and different fingering methods. Each time it was more than 100 words, and it was forwarded through people such as Fang Shiyi and Chu Ya to avoid being People notice.

Even so, the sending time is still not short.

But at least it's within control.

Mr. Ke finished translating all the messages and stood up immediately.

This was very important information. He understood that this was the final report that Chu Lingyun had worked hard for more than two months after arriving in Japan. This information must be handed over as soon as possible to let the people there make preparations.

Chu Lingyun is a very perceptive person, and has a very good relationship with Mike. He understands Mike's temperament, and since he is in Tokyo, the detailed analysis he made is likely to be Mike's action plan.

Knowing the enemy's actions in advance is in their best interest.

After sending the telegram, Chu Lingyun did not send any more messages or inquire.

He has done what he can. As for whether it will be taken seriously, that is not something he can interfere with, but he can predict the result.

Continuous victories have indeed made the people there despise the enemy, especially when victory is imminent. Not to mention that they will not completely believe it. Even if they believe it, they will not be able to retreat directly.

It's a pity that there are so many people. Mike may not be good at other things, but he does have certain talents in military affairs.

Chu Lingyun understood that this difficult battle to establish the country was inevitable. Don't say that he couldn't explain it clearly. Even if he could explain it clearly, it would be impossible for the other party to retreat.

Victory is right in front of him, and it is impossible for anyone to say it, let alone him.

Time passed slowly, September 15th.

Mike finally made a move and chose to land at Incheon, quickly completing the penetration. The troops that were going deep south were immediately cut off.

However, this time the landing was more difficult and the US military suffered greater losses.

Although it was impossible to retreat, they still paid certain attention to this possible risk and made a tighter defense. Unfortunately, Mike was very well prepared. After waiting for this day for so long, they could not stop him at all. .

The trend of war has begun to change.

After receiving the news, Chu Lingyun was not surprised. He sighed slightly and came to the window.

The real battle for the founding of the country, the most tragic battle, is about to come.

At home, Ke Gong received the information and immediately came up with Chu Lingyun's previous analysis.

Sure enough, Mike chose Incheon, which was the most likely place that Chu Lingyun had analyzed in detail before, including the way Mike used it, the force he dispatched, etc. Not to say they were exactly the same, they were almost exactly the same.

In fact, these are Chu Lingyun's inferences. He is in Tokyo, has a close relationship with Mike, and knows so much information. It is not difficult to infer these.

Moreover, Chu Lingyun did not have this information in his memory. He only knew the general direction and partial dates of the war.

Apart from those who actually study history, how many people remember some important information related to the war?

For example, how many people know the date of the outbreak, the date of the Inchon landing, and the most important date of victory?

Chu Lingyun later saw a short video in which two female college students traveled to this period. They had manicures, facials, and contact lenses, but they had forgotten the day of victory.

The soldiers at that time were very disappointed.

This day should not be forgotten, and all Chinese should remember it.

From this day on, the Chinese people have truly stood up. No one in any country in the world dares to despise China or our nation.

Chu Lingyun also knew that in random interviews on the streets of later generations, at least half of the people would not be able to answer this question without searching for the answer.

The country will soon be on the stage, and Chu Lingyun's real mission is about to come.

He has made a lot of preparations in advance. The blockade is imminent. The last batch of goods has been loaded on the ship. If he wants to send things to them in the future, he can only transfer them through Russia, and the blockade is also very strict.

Fortunately, Chu Lingyun had already made arrangements.

All the previous 500,000 sets of cotton-padded clothes have been sent there, hoping to provide more warmth there.

The victory of the United States brought applause to the Fruit Party.

The people in Taipei were even more excited. The eldest son and Qi Limin were both busy. Qi Limin needed to collect more information to prove himself, but he knew that no matter what he did, he could not beat Chu Lingyun.

Qi Limin found another shortcut. Since he couldn't match the intelligence on the United States, he would collect intelligence on the mainland and Russia.

On the Russian side, he once again sent two intelligence teams, adding to the previous one there were already three.

Learning from the lessons of the first intelligence team, the second team had been dormant since its arrival and had not been activated, otherwise it might have been over long ago. Unfortunately, he did not know that even if it had not been activated, they would be watched as soon as they arrived.

The businessmen who came here at this time did not do serious business after arriving here, or did very little. Do you really think that the intelligence officers over there were just like them, just messing around every day?

The people he sent out were destined to be ineffective.

In the training office, the one-year training work is coming to an end, and the final comprehensive training and simulation training are now being carried out.

Simulation training cannot be done in the yard, it is all placed outside.

Start with an ordinary place first to see if they can quickly integrate into the unfamiliar environment and collect information for them to investigate.

The place for testing was arranged by Jiang Tengkong.

Jiang Tengkong was not lazy at all, and he arranged the arrangements together with Kubo, Chen Zhanli and other instructors. This was a major matter related to the interests of all of them, and it was proof of their hard work for a year. Neither he nor Kubo was allowed to have any problems.

Including Chen Zhanli, a total of nine instructors truly worked together in this test.

The results of the test were not particularly satisfactory. They made many mistakes, and their identity was seriously suspected, and they failed to complete the task.

There are also various flaws in the lighter ones.

Nine instructors went out together, observed them secretly, and finally gave them scores. As a result, no one scored above 90 points. Fortunately, most of them reached 60 points, and only eight people failed.

Of the forty-seven students, eight failed, almost one-sixth.

This ratio is not low.

Kubo and Jiang Tengkong came together to report to Ishihara Hiroshi. Both of them had their heads lowered, and this result was indeed a bit unsatisfactory.

They didn't dare to cheat. Five of the nine instructors were sent by Takemoto. If they dared to cheat and Ishihara Hiroshi found out, they would all be in trouble.

"This year is the first batch. Let's forget it this time. Next, we will strengthen their practical training. Next year's excellence rate must be above 20% and the passing rate must be 100%. Can it be achieved?"

Chu Lingyun said lightly. The two of them were startled and stood up straight in a hurry: "Yes."

"Very good, this is what you said. Next, step up training. I will be of great use after they graduate."

"Yes, don't worry, our next step will be all practical training."

Kubo responded that Chu Lingyun asked the two of them to leave. It was understandable that the results this time were not ideal.

In the beginning, Kubo was alone, and the support given to him was not very high. The conditions of the selected students could only be said to be average. Without a good start, the final result would definitely not be completely satisfactory.

Secondly, Jiang Tengkong and Chen Zhanli both joined halfway. Chen Zhanli was the only one with real experience in training modern agents, and he was the last to join.

Finally, due to their internal fighting, Chu Lingyun didn't have much time to pay attention to this side, which ultimately led to this result.

Regardless of their test results, they will definitely use them this time. Even if they lose them all, Chu Lingyun will not feel bad.

The most important thing is that Chen Zhanli leads the team, which can ensure that they do better and at the same time provide intelligence that is truly helpful to the organization.

Time passed slowly, the weather finally became a little cooler, and the first National Day came.

This is the first festival after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Everywhere in the country is decorated with lights and colorful lights and is filled with joy.

On the same day, Chu Lingyun came to the training office.

The yard is very ordinary, but Kubo has been given new funds to buy some surrounding areas, mainly to expand the training ground.

The number of students will not increase now, it is still fifty, the space is enough, but the pure training venue is a bit small.

The first batch of students will graduate soon.

In fact, their training time did not last for a full year. They would learn while practicing actual combat. Time could not wait any longer. After the Americans occupied the safe territory, the first batch of ten people had to be sent there first.

It also takes time for them to familiarize themselves with the environment there, find a good identity to hide, etc.

Today is their graduation ceremony, and Chu Lingyun came to attend it in person.

Also coming with Chu Lingyun were Takemoto, Jun Shuicheng, and Mitsuo Yamaguchi.

Kubo and Jiang Tengkong could only stand aside.

"I am the head of the special search department, Shusaku Takemoto."

The first person to speak was not Chu Lingyun, but Takemoto, who was the most famous in the Special Investigation Department. Letting him speak would be the most shocking to the wish.

The students had long heard that their real boss behind the scenes was so powerful that even the Special Investigation Department belonged to them. Sure enough, Takemoto came to their graduation ceremony in person.

Everyone is excited.

It would be great if Takemoto-sama could be selected into the Special Investigation Department. It is said that the treatment there is very good and the power is great. Those who are officials are most afraid of the investigators of the Special Investigation Department.

"You should know me and the Special Search Department. I can tell you that you have very good luck. You will definitely not be worse here than in the Special Search Department. If you do well in the future, your development will be better than in the Special Search Department. Now please let us Boss, Hiroshi Ishihara is speaking to you.”

Chu Lingyun was sitting in the middle, and the students had already noticed him.

Ishihara Toru is a big shot in Japan. Although these people are young, they have heard of Ishihara Toru's name many times before. They can do everything in Shanghai.

It's just that they are all in China, and their feelings are not as profound as those of the Japanese in Shanghai.

"Congratulations on your successful graduation."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, others hurriedly applauded, and the students followed suit.

"You are the first batch of students. You are very lucky. During your training period, you have a salary of 5,000 yen. After graduation, your current salary is guaranteed to be 10,000 yen. This guarantee means that you do nothing and every day An income of 10,000 yen per month.”

Ten thousand is not low in current Japan, and the students are even more excited.

Didn’t they choose to receive training in the first place just for a good job?

They are not serving the country, and Chu Lingyun will not use the spirit of Bushido to control them. Let them get enough benefits first, and then find good candidates later, bribe him and his family, and finally make them become retainer-type helpers. .

It's a bit difficult to kill soldiers like before. What Chu Lingyun wants is their loyalty, so he can just select a few cultivable talents.

"Those who perform tasks domestically will receive an additional 10,000 yen per month, and three months' salary will be added as a bonus every year. There will also be rewards for completing the tasks. Those who perform tasks abroad will receive an additional 15,000 to 30,000 yen, depending on the location. The amount varies from yen to 50,000 yen. For particularly dangerous areas, an additional 50,000 yuan will be added. The same is three months’ salary as a year-end bonus, and there will be additional rewards for completing the task.”

Chu Lingyun said something that made them breathe faster.

The minimum is 10,000, and an additional 10,000 will be added for domestic tasks, which is equivalent to a monthly salary of 20,000 yen?

This is still the lowest. If you go abroad, your income will be higher.

If it's a dangerous place, it could be millions a year.

This is an absolutely high salary in Japan, and they can't find such a job anywhere outside.

Not only that, but the year-end bonus is increased by three months every year. Calculated at the lowest level, it is 60,000 yuan.

Equivalent to their annual pure income, which is at least 300,000 yen?

The money, let alone them, is enough to live a good life with the family.

The key is the lowest.

"This is the reward for your efforts. I believe you can all get more. I'm not afraid of you doing too much. As long as you have the ability, I will give you a reward of millions, not to mention hundreds of thousands."

Chu Lingyun drew another cake for them. The stimulation of money is not a panacea, but it is the best incentive.

"Thank you boss."

Everyone shouted together, they were indeed very happy, and a great future was ahead of them.

"The benefits are given to you, but I will also say the ugly things. No matter where you perform the mission, there is only one fate for the betrayer, and it will affect your family. You must think carefully before doing anything. If you take my benefits, just To do good things, what I hate most is traitors.”

Chu Lingyun said softly, Tian Zao was given, but the big stick must also follow up. They could not let them think that their work was easy, and they could not betray and confess after being caught in an accident.

Although Chu Lingyun is not afraid of this, it is better to reduce the troubles.

"Don't worry, boss, we will never betray you."

The students promised that Chu Lingyun would just listen to their words and not take them seriously.

Not to mention them, how many of those Japanese spies who were severely brainwashed at the beginning could withstand the punishment?

Most eventually chose to confess.

Jiang Tengkong and Ishida Xiaoshan did it without using torture. At this time, both of them felt a little guilty.

"Very good, let's dismiss first and go back to the dormitory. The instructor will make arrangements for your next work."

Chu Lingyun nodded. He had already said what needed to be said. He was not afraid of true betrayal by sending them out, but the price of their betrayal was quite high.

Please be careful here in China, there is not much concern about commercial espionage.

The students returned to their dormitories, while the instructors all stayed in the small conference room.

Chu Lingyun is still sitting in the first place.

Shuicheng Jun asked someone to bring a box. The rewards for the students were generous, and the instructors were also good. They had worked hard for a year, and now it was time to reward them.


Chu Lingyun called Kubo's name first, and Kubo stood up immediately. He still maintained his past wartime style.

"You didn't disappoint me. You did a good job. This two hundred thousand is your sole reward."

As soon as Chu Lingyun finished speaking, Shuicheng Jun took out two piles of Japanese yen, all of which were brand-new one-thousand-face-value bills.

Kubo was stunned for a moment. His salary was originally 20,000 yuan, which was more than 200,000 yuan a year. Plus the bonus, it was almost 300,000 yuan. Now he was given an additional bonus of 200,000 yuan?

Altogether, he earns almost half a million yuan a year, which is an income that he could not even imagine before.

"Thank you, sir."

Kubo was very excited and respectfully took the banknote from Jun Shuicheng.

"The river is in the sky, and the stone field is on the hill."

Chu Lingyun looked at the two of them again. Each of them received the same reward of 200,000 yuan. They did a good job and made up for Kubo's lack of ability. Chu Lingyun should give them no less reward.

Three people is 600,000.

Next are five instructors, each worth one hundred thousand.

They are from Takemoto, and Takemoto will give them extra rewards. Their income is also not low, and they are very satisfied.

More than one million.

This is Japanese yen, which is nothing. Not to mention that Chu Lingyun has made a lot of money in Japan. With enough Japanese yen, he has more US dollars.

Dollars are worth more when converted into Japanese yen.

Finally, there was Chen Zhanli. Because he arrived the latest and had short working hours, he only received a reward of 30,000 yen in the end.

Chen Zhanli doesn't care how much money he spends, what he cares most about is the upcoming work arrangements.

Kubo has already submitted a report to let him lead the team to South Korea. This is a task he is determined to win, but Kubo only has the right to make suggestions, and the final decision-making power still rests with Ishihara Toru.

The reason why he has been working hard is that he hopes Ishihara Hiroshi can give him this task.

"Forty-seven students, excluding the ten best, let Takemoto choose seven."

Students were finally assigned, and no one, including Kubo, expected that seven Takemotos would be given first.

Are these seven people going to join the Special Investigation Department?

They're so lucky.

Takemoto knew what was going on best. The seven people did not join the special search department. They wanted to secretly investigate the members of the Genjin Shrine and supplement them from another aspect.

Seven people are not many, but the number of members in Yuanshen Shrine is not large now, and they will be distributed to others after the second batch graduates.

"Jiang Tengkong, you pick twenty of them, send them to the manufacturing company, and lead them to collect the things I need."

Chu Lingyun then made the assignment, and Jiang Tengkong immediately took the order.

Twenty were given to him, which was a full ten less than the thirty he originally wanted, but fortunately, they were not given that many to Kubo. Obviously, Kubo also got twenty people.

It's a pity that the most important task was still taken away by Kubo.

But Kubo will definitely not be able to go to South Korea. The team leader must be Chen Zhanli. Chen Zhanli’s departure is also good news for them.

"Kubo, I'll give you the remaining ten. Continue to train them in actual combat, and let them replenish them if necessary."

Chu Lingyun looked at Kubo, who nodded immediately.

If I need to add something, where can I go?

Takemoto's side, or Jiang Tengkong's side?

No, this must be reserved for the reserve army to go to South Korea, and it is a supplement to South Korea, so they will continue to be trained after graduation to ensure their combat capabilities.

Now that everyone else has been assigned tasks, only the five Takemoto instructors and Chen Zhanli are left. Kubo believes that Ishihara Toru will not let Takemoto's people go on this mission, and it must be Chen Zhanli in the end.

This task is very important, and the most suitable person is Chen Zhanli.

"Everyone else goes out, Chen Zhanli stays."

Chu Lingyun said again, and Kubo glanced at Chen Zhanli and gave him an encouraging look.

Chen Zhanli himself felt relieved. It seemed that this task finally fell on him.

"Chen Zhanli, Kubo recommended you to lead the team to South Korea. I have carefully read your resume. You are indeed suitable, but your identity is too complicated."

Chu Lingyun said softly that he was Ishihara Hiroshi now and he wanted to do things from Ishihara Hiroshi's perspective.

Chen Zhanli must go, but there must be a warning.

"Thank you boss for your trust. Don't worry, I will definitely do it seriously."

"Very good, your relationship with Kubo is unusual. Kubo went to China specifically to find you, and you sent him money. You have to understand that if you don't do well in Korea, not only will you suffer, but Kubo will suffer as well."

Chu Lingyun used Kubo to threaten Chen Zhanli. This was indeed the only place that could threaten Chen Zhanli.

Chen Zhanli has no family, let alone a married family, and cannot be threatened elsewhere.

"Yes, I understand. I will never implicate Brother Kubo. He is really good to me." Chen Zhanli said immediately, even more vigilant. This time in South Korea, he must conceal his identity and must not be careless.

"It's best if you think about it this way. Get ready. We may leave at any time in the next few days."

Chu Lingyun stood up. What should be explained has been explained. Now the battlefield situation has been favorable to South Korea. Chen Zhanli and the others may leave at any time.

Before departure, all equipment must be prepared.

Kubo had nowhere to buy these things, so Chu Lingyun provided them with them.

The next day, Kubo took Chen Zhanli to take over a warehouse.

Inside is the equipment for their trip to South Korea.

They mainly collect all kinds of intelligence in South Korea, including South Korea, North Korea, and the United States.

But it doesn't include action.

There is no action team this time, and they are not required to do anything related to action.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward.

Provide you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters. The first release of this book??????????.??????

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