Spy Shadow

Chapter 1069 Full Support

Not just Korea, but radio stations all over the world are active at this time.

Agents from all over the country were dispatched and got the explosive news immediately. The first person to get the news was Mike. The furious Mike threw away the pipe in his mouth and kept cursing.

He cursed many people, including his intelligence staff and the CIA at home.

How did they investigate the information?

The Chinese appeared under their noses without any knowledge. These were not just a few people, but dozens of people, but tens of thousands of people.

And it's the least.

Now he has no idea how many troops have come over. It can be said that he is like a blind man, having no idea about his opponent's situation.

"Joined the war?"

Chen Zhanli received a reply quickly and his eyes widened. In fact, he also guessed that the organization might be involved, but after the incident happened, he was still shocked by the organization's courage.

The opponent this time is not the Fruit Party, but the United States.

In other words, many countries led by the United States.

After receiving the information, Chen Zhanli immediately sent a telegram back to Yuanshen Shrine. This information must be reported as soon as possible without delay. This is his greatest role in South Korea.

His future work is more important and he cannot lose Ishihara Hiroshi's trust and support.

The person who received the message was Chi Zhouji.

He previously assisted the US military at the airport. After Mike led the army away, he regained his freedom and went to the Hosokawa family to explain the reason.

He was fine recently, so he was put on duty at the headquarters.

"Ishihara-kun, they have joined the war. The US military has been caught off guard. The war has expanded."

Chishang quickly came to the president's office. Chu Lingyun has been spending more time here recently, mainly waiting for information from Chen Zhanli, and by the way, he thoroughly sorted out the affairs of the Yuan Shrine.

Takemoto has seven training agents to help him and is working hard to review new members.

There are thirty people to be audited this time.

"Are you really joining the war?"

Chu Lingyun stood up. He already knew the result, but living in this era, he knew even more how difficult and courageous it was for the organization to do so.

In the eyes of the whole world, the two sides are not rivals at the same level at all. One has a lot of money, weapons, and a powerful country that can be said to be the world's most powerful country. The other has just been established for a year, has no money, no weapons, and no In the poor world of equipment, the two cannot be confused at all.

Many people in many countries who have received intelligence assert that the new China is asking for trouble, and they will soon bear a huge price.

At this time, no one knew how powerful this red support army was, not even they themselves knew that they were already standing on top of the world.

Chu Lingyun immediately forwarded the information to Taipei.

Chu Lingyun's information was transmitted relatively early. At this time, only senior officials from various countries knew about it. The eldest son was the first to know about it through Chu Lingyun.

"They went to war?"

The eldest son was extremely shocked, and the shock soon turned into ecstasy. He knew very well that the United States was powerful, and the Red Party was definitely no match for the Americans. Their rash provocation of the United States this time gave them a great opportunity to counterattack.

The eldest son immediately got up, called a car and rushed to the camp.

Soon, Taipei became busy as well, with meetings held everywhere to discuss the impact of this incident on them.

Almost everyone agreed that the day for them to go home was not far away, and it would not be long before they could fight back and dominate again.

Some people even asked their families to prepare to sell their houses in Taipei. Once they go back, housing prices here will definitely drop.

While prices are high now, you can get a good price by selling in advance.

There are many smart people, and the number of houses listed on the market has suddenly increased, and many of them are big and good houses.

United States, CIA.

"What do you do for food? There is such important information, but there is no news at all before?"

The director was cursing at the director of the intelligence department. There were other forces on the battlefield, and they didn't know until they were hit right in front of their eyes. After Katemen got the news, he was very angry and scolded the director of the CIA.

This is a serious dereliction of duty on their part.

If this matter is not handled well, the director will step down. It is related to his own future and future. You can imagine the anger in the director's heart.

"Director, I'll go check it out right away."

The Director of Intelligence did not dare to refute. He was in charge of intelligence, and this incident was indeed his mistake. The more he distinguished, the harsher he was scolded.

"Now I know about verification, what were you doing before?"

The director did not accept his words and continued to curse. Thinking of how badly he had been scolded and how his future was in danger, he wanted to kill the henchman in front of him.

After being scolded for more than ten minutes, the intelligence director finally left.

Hart was quickly called to the office by him, and Hart was in charge of the intelligence there.


Hart lowered his head, feeling uneasy. He had already received the news. When he got the news, he was completely stunned. How could this be possible? How dare they do this? How could they do this?

Hart even wondered if today was April Fools' Day and someone was deliberately playing a joke on him.

After confirming that the matter was true, he knew that he was in big trouble. He originally thought about going to Chloe to vent his anger today, but he suddenly lost any mood.

"You knew already?"

The director's tone was cold, and Hart nodded with difficulty: "Director, please listen to my explanation. This matter is not our fault. They hid it very well..."


The director slammed the table. Now the blame has been placed on them. It was their fault if something happened. Even the director couldn't protect himself. Hart actually said it was not their responsibility.

If this is said, they will be even more unlucky.

Hart didn't dare to say anything more. The director didn't scold him too harshly. The matter had already come out, and it was useless no matter how much he scolded him. The most he could do was to remove Hart.

Someone must take the blame for this matter, and the director is unwilling to take the blame himself, so the responsibility will inevitably fall on him.

The director doesn't want to step down even more because of such a responsibility.

He is not young. Once he is removed from his post, his career will come to an end. He does not want to end his career in despair. He has his own ambitions and wants to go one step further and become the director.

"Hart, I am very optimistic about you, but this matter has come out. It is a major mistake in your work. I can't help you this time."

Looking at Hart in front of him, the director rolled his eyes. He didn't want to take the blame, so he had to find someone to take the blame. Hart was undoubtedly the most suitable person.

He is the person directly handling this matter.

"Director, what do you mean?"

Hart was shocked. He had a premonition that something bad was going to happen after the accident, and the director's words confirmed his premonition.

"Go write a report and clearly state all the reasons and responsibilities. I will help you apply and try to keep your position."

The director shook his head slightly, and Hart's eyes were dull. This was not writing a report, it was just asking him to write a confession.

Once it is written, with such a big responsibility, let alone the director, the director cannot help him.

"Director, if you give me a chance, I will definitely be able to find out more detailed information."

Hart said urgently, and the director shook his head again: "Go ahead and write, this is an order."

They are not a military unit, but they are no different from military units, and the orders of their superiors need to be obeyed.

Hart left the director's office in despair. Will his bright future come to an end?

He was unwilling, but had no choice.

As a last resort, Hart wrote a report. In the report, he tried his best to clarify his relationship. He mainly focused on Russia. Russia did not move. He did not expect that other people would be involved, not to mention that they had no involvement in the new country. Available tipsters.

Even if he wants to deploy intelligence agents, he still needs time.

In Tokyo, Chu Lingyun received an urgent message from the eldest son, asking him to go back immediately.

Due to Dang's thoughts, even if Chu Lingyun didn't go back, he would understand that he was destined to be the moon in the mirror, which would have no effect.

It's October and it's starting to get a little cold.

This year is going to be a cold winter, a very cold winter.

Compared with the cold winter, the most difficult thing is the environment. Although Chu Lingyun sent some food to the country, it was a drop in the bucket. The food was not enough to support the use of so many troops.

What's more, they need to fight quickly and conveniently.

It's okay now, but Chu Lingyun knows that soon they will be short of food and will eventually be forced to use the simplest and most convenient fried noodles as dry food.

This kind of fried noodles is not the fried noodles of later generations, but fried flour.

Chu Lingyun has eaten fried flour. Pure wheat flour is fried, sprinkled with some sesame seeds and sugar, and mixed with some sesame oil. It tastes really good, but it can only be used as an occasional snack, and it is not enough to eat it every day.

But the cutest warriors use this stuff as their rations and eat it every day.

In order to enhance the feeling of fullness, their flour is not as fine and clean as that of later generations. Instead, it is mixed with 30% of other grains, and a little salt is added to increase the taste.

This kind of fried noodles is not only rougher, but also tastes a bit bitter. It is difficult to swallow when eaten directly. You need to mix it with water, twist it into a long dough, and then eat it in your stomach.

"Chu Yuan, prepare the plane, let's go to Hong Kong."

Chu Lingyun suddenly stood up and called Chu Yuan, just when the eldest son asked him to go back. Before going back, he first went to Hong Kong to personally arrange food aid.

The country is in difficulty and cannot produce much food, and now there are not as many complicated food preparation methods as in later generations.

If you haven't, just research. This war lasted more than a year, and at least for two years, the lovely soldiers lived a very hard life.

Chu Lingyun didn't know how many people he could help, but he could help one by one.

"Yes, team leader."

Chu Yuan accepted the order. It would be easy for them to go back. The plane was in Tokyo and they could fly back at any time.


Fang Shiyi greeted him at the airport, and Chu Lingyun got in the car without any nonsense.

"Purchase more grain immediately, and someone will place an order over there to deliver the grain as soon as possible."

Back home, Chu Lingyun directly ordered that he had made a plan before the war. There was one of their people in Russia who had nothing to do with them on the surface. He was a businessman.

He also didn't know Chu Lingyun's true identity.

Through his procurement, raw materials were transported to Russia, where factories were set up and organized to purchase the rations they made.

It is said to be a purchase, but in fact it is almost like giving it away for free. The current organization does not have the financial resources to purchase materials in large quantities.


Fang Shiyi already knew that the organization was participating in the war. Fortunately, he had sent a lot of good things before. The boss came in person today, obviously to continue to support the organization.

"Most of the food is grains and vegetables, and we let them purchase meat there themselves."

Chu Lingyun ordered again, and he had thought of a way to deal with it on the way here. Food was not difficult, but not even Chu Lingyun could provide them with enough food.

We can only rely on Russia to make them, and then send them a batch to help the most needy soldiers on the front line.

"Secretly find someone to study the method of dehydrating vegetables. I don't care what method you use. It must be successfully developed within a month to remove 90% of the water in the vegetables and maintain the maximum nutrition of the vegetables."

Educated by later generations of movies and short videos, Chu Lingyun knew the disadvantages of fried noodles.

Fried noodles are very filling and have enough calories. Although they don't taste good, they can maintain the physical strength of the soldiers. The biggest problem is the lack of vitamins, which causes a large number of soldiers on the battlefield to suffer from oral ulcers.

Chu Lingyun didn't know when dehydrated vegetables appeared, but they really didn't exist in this era. This kind of vegetables is nothing more than drying technology. It's not too difficult to research. If you give them guidance and have enough money, they can definitely develop it.

The reason why is not because it is not needed now.

Who needs dehydrated vegetables when you have the chance to eat them?

"Yes, I will arrange for someone to study it immediately."

Fang Shiyi was stunned for a moment and immediately responded. He understood that this was the boss trying to get vegetables for the frontline soldiers to eat. This method was good. After the vegetables were dehydrated, the weight would definitely be reduced. It was not only convenient for storage, but also provided more vegetables for the frontline soldiers. to supplement nutrition.

Send enough grain and vegetables. As for meat, there is no shortage of meat in Russia. People there can buy and make canned ham and the like, and they can also send it over.

"As soon as possible, use the spare batch of money."

Chu Lingyun once again ordered that the spare money was with Fang Shiyi and had nothing to do with the Chu Company, so there was no need to go through the Chu Company's account.

This money was originally snatched by Chu Lingyun from Boss Dai, and it has not been used up yet. One can imagine how much money Boss Dai had robbed.

I can't keep any of them this time, I have to use them all up to help the soldiers purchase appropriate rations.

If it is not enough, Chu Lingyun will find a way to supplement it with his own small treasury. The company's money will not be moved as much as possible, otherwise it will be easy to find abnormalities, especially during this period.

Fortunately, Chu Lingyun also has a lot of money in his small treasury.

Those companies that are not under his name but are secretly controlled by Feng Yong and others can be said to be his small treasury, and together they have accumulated a lot of cash.

Even if all these companies go bankrupt, it is still worthwhile to support the country.

In addition to dehydrated vegetables, the staple food Chu Lingyun thought of was compressed biscuits.

The function of compressed biscuits is similar to that of fried noodles, but the taste is much better than that of fried noodles. It is easier to add other nutrients to it, allowing soldiers to obtain more energy.

The technology for compressing biscuits already existed. Chu Lingyun never thought that the current technology could be compared with that of later generations, as long as it was convenient for the soldiers.

Unfortunately, compressed biscuits have the same disadvantage as fried noodles, they need to drink water.

The soldiers had no control over the air and could not make fire. Once a fire was made, it would lead to bombing. When it was cold and there was no hot water, they would eat fried noodles and snow. Due to the lack of vitamins, their mouths would be sore after eating, even if their mouths were full of blood and painful. It’s unbearable, but I still persist.

Chu Lingyun thought of a way to deal with this problem.

If you can't make a fire, you can use self-heating technology, but this is more expensive and requires more funds.

Chu Lingyun is not afraid of spending money. This is a battle for the founding of the country and must be supported with all his strength.

Thanks to Brother Xiang666 for the 1,500 starting coin reward. The review was in poor condition today. The editor will have to ask carefully when I go to work in two days. These 4,000 words do not count as additional updates, and three chapters will still be added.

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