Spy Shadow

Chapter 1072 Outstanding Talent

Chu Yuan still couldn't let go in the end. Chu Lingyun noticed her sister's face and smiled secretly in her heart. It would be unlucky for Chu Yuan to go back.

They were in pairs. Chu Lingyun didn't want to be a light bulb and asked Liu Shukui to take him into the car.

"Boss, the TV station has been developing very well recently. We still rank first in ratings, but other TV stations are catching up a lot."

Liu Shukui took the initiative to report to work. His boss was away. He relied on his previous programs and the TV series produced by Loach and the TV station. He still maintains the first place in the ratings, but the ratings have dropped.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can maintain it, what about the benefits?"

Chu Lingyun nodded. There are so many TV stations. It is impossible to monopolize them. Just stay first. The purpose of TV stations is to make money and control public opinion. Just keep these two.

"The results are pretty good, with a monthly revenue of basically 10 million US dollars."

With a revenue of 10 million, this is a pretty good result. At present, the main income of TV stations still relies on advertising, of which national TV programs account for the majority.

10 million per month, that’s more than 100 million per year.

Including taxes, staff salaries, various rents, equipment maintenance and other miscellaneous expenses, the annual operating cost is about 90 million.

In other words, the TV station can now bring Chu Lingyun almost 30 million US dollars in income every year.

"I'll find a way to allocate 20 million US dollars from the TV station to me later. I'll do it in batches. Take your time and don't let others know."

Chu Lingyun ordered that Liu Shukui and his son, like Feng Yong and others, were loyal to him, so there was no problem in letting him handle this matter.


Liu Shukui asked. Like his father Liu Chengzhu, he always obeyed Chu Lingyun's requests without asking any more questions.

The TV station can take out 20 million, and the pharmaceutical company can take out another 20 million, which is 40 million.

Enough time for him to purchase what the organization needs.

Especially the frontline needs materials that are not available in the country or are in small quantities. The country's current foreign exchange reserves are very small. If you want to buy them, you can only use gold. Before leaving, the Party took away a large amount of gold.

Nowadays, most of the things we want in China are bartered, but there are still many people who don’t sell to them.

Back home, Chu Lingyun felt a rare relaxation.

Time passed slowly and it was Christmas.

Christmas in the United States is very lively, but unfortunately many families cannot wait for their children. These children are still suffering in North Korea, which makes them very dissatisfied.

Antipathy toward war has become more common in the United States.

Some people believe that this war has nothing to do with them. The Korean government will benefit from winning the war, but they want their children to risk their lives to fight. Chu Lingyun's TV station specially conducted an exclusive interview on Christmas.

Aired on Christmas Day.

The TV station maintained a neutral attitude and invited three people who were opposed to the war and those who supported the war.

The interview turned into a heated debate.

Those who support the war have many reasons, but those who oppose the war seize one point and silence them.

"Do you have any children on the battlefield? If not, please send them and get our children back."

In this selection, the TV station specially selected people who have children. Anti-war people are not stupid. They understand the dangers on the front line. How can they let their children take risks?

They are just doing this for their own selfish interests, and naturally they are unwilling to do anything that harms their interests.

This sentence resonated with many people, not only those with children on the front lines, but also many people who sympathized with them and joined the anti-war movement.

The TV station seemed neutral, but in fact it was biased against the war.

Even the host is an anti-war person, and the result is predictable.

Chu Lingyun knew that doing so would not prevent the war, but it would at least make Kate and the others worry and prepare for future negotiations.

Victory needs to be achieved so that other countries will take China seriously in the future.

This program premiered on national television and was rebroadcast on local television stations, which had a considerable impact.

It led more people to oppose the war.

Someone even wrote to Mike, saying that since he couldn't win, he might as well resign, which made Mike very angry.

It's a pity that it's useless for him to be angry.

They were still having a hard time fighting on the front line. They had so many advantages, but in the end they were retreating steadily.

As time passed slowly, frontline pressure forced the United States to increase its troops, and the organization was also increasing its troops. More and more support army soldiers sang songs and crossed the Yalu River to join this cruel war.

Casualty numbers were rising on both sides.

Chen Zhanli did very well in Seoul, and the newly trained agents made rapid progress.

This time they are a third party, and both parties are collecting intelligence. Accordingly, the safety factor is very high. Even if they are discovered, they will be expelled at most, and their lives will not be in danger.

It is said that they are collecting intelligence from both sides, but they mainly collect intelligence from the US military.

They are behind the U.S. military, and the intelligence collected here is naturally dominated by U.S. troops.

In this way, a steady stream of important information came into the hands of the organization, including Russia's increased understanding of the situation of the US military.

Some intelligence is duplicated, and Russia also sends people, so it will not rely entirely on the organization.

However, they were very surprised by Chen Zhanli's performance. The information collected by Chen Zhanli was very detailed, and some of the information they did not have. The information reported by Chen Zhanli could be a good supplement to their information.

Time passed slowly, the weather got warmer and warmer, and the soldiers who had endured the entire winter were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

More supplies from the rear can be sent to the front line, and the most difficult days are basically over. Dehydrated vegetables and self-heating items are especially popular among the soldiers.

The Americans also discovered these things through seized materials.

They don't need dehydrated vegetables. They have fresh vegetables every day, so they don't need to be dehydrated. The taste of fresh vegetables is much better than those after dehydration.

There is no need for them to self-heat, they can make a fire for cooking.

However, the CIA still investigated the matter and specially sent people to the UK.

Hart has been having a hard time lately.

He was suspended, and his report, although it tried hard to exclude himself from responsibility, still could not absolve him of blame.

Fortunately, the director was replaced because of this incident, and the director of the intelligence department was transferred. Otherwise, he might not be simply suspended.

But this incident still brought him great trouble.

"Chloe, I might be going to the battlefield."

Holding Chloe in his arms, Hart suddenly said that the suspension brought him a great sense of crisis. He didn't want to lose this job, let alone stop moving forward from now on.

He understood that if he wanted to get back on his feet, the only one he could rely on was himself.

And it requires taking risks.

If he goes to the front line, finds useful information, and helps the US military fight, he will definitely get a reward when he comes back. Only in this way will he have the opportunity to continue to be promoted in the future.

"We are going to the battlefield. How long will it take?"

Chloe frowned. She knew Hart's situation better than anyone else and had already reported it.

Liu Shukui asked her to stay with Hart and wait for the boss's order.

"I don't know, it could be a few months, it could be a year. Don't worry, I will be back in a year at most."

Hart promised hurriedly, and Chloe frowned: "I don't want you to leave."

Her mission is to stay by Hart's side. Once Hart leaves, she will have no value.

She is really afraid of her boss. If he knows that she has no value, he will soon continue to ask her for money or even send her to jail.

"I know, and I don't want to leave, but I can't help it."

Hart was very pleased that his love for Chloe during this time was not in vain, and she was really doing it for his own good.

"I see."

Chloe is in a low mood. She has no feelings for Hart, but it's just because of her mission.

She continued to report the matter as quickly as possible.

"Hatter is leaving?"

Chu Lingyun was stunned for a moment after receiving the report. He knew that Hart was suspended. He knew that Hart was just a small chess piece, so he stopped as soon as he stopped.

But he is leaving now, where is he going?

Another city, or leaving the United States?

Chu Lingyun thought carefully. It was unlikely that he would go to other cities. If he really wanted to go somewhere else, he would at least ask Chloe if she wanted to go with him. Chloe's small job was nothing.

Hart is likely to go abroad.

If he goes abroad at this time, where can he go?

At present, North Korea needs intelligence agents the most. Hart is an excellent intelligence agent. He was sent to North Korea?

Chu Lingyun was not in a hurry and asked Liu Shukui to contact the intelligence bureau's insider to find out if anyone would be sent to North Korea in the near future. In addition, he asked Chloe to lie down and find out Hart's real movements.

It didn't take long for both parties to reply to him.

The Intelligence Bureau has no plan to send anyone, they have their people over there.

Chloe's reply was simpler and more direct, North Korea.

Under Chloe's questioning, Hart finally revealed the truth. He was in urgent need of credit now. He was idle at home and could not make meritorious deeds. Only North Korea could get the opportunity.

Going to North Korea is a bit risky, but he is not a combatant and does not have to stay on the front line. The rear is safe.

These were his words to comfort Chloe.

After getting the result, Chu Lingyun smiled and quickly gave an approval.

"You want to go with me?"

Hart asked in surprise to Chloe beside him, and Chloe nodded: "That's right, I don't want to let you go. Can I go with you?"

Everything Chloe said was against her will. She wanted Hart to get out, as far away as possible, but she had to listen to her boss's orders.

"Of course, that's great."

Hart hugged Chloe happily. She really wanted to do it for him, and even North Korea was willing to join him.

With Chloe by his side, he felt more confident on this mission.

Hart was particularly passionate today, scoring twice, a rare feat.

Hart is going to North Korea, and Chu Lingyun will not object. When he gets there, with Chloe by his side, it will be easy to know what intelligence he has obtained and avoid causing losses to the organization.

He has a high level. As long as he has been there, he must be the head of the Intelligence Bureau. He is only suspended, not demoted.

Hart soon applied, and it didn't take long for his application to be approved.

Hart is responsible for what happened last time, but the biggest responsibility is not his. It is the director and the intelligence director who ignored the intelligence there. Hart was implicated. The new director has learned about the situation of all the agents and compared Hart's abilities. recognized.

Since Hart took the initiative to go to North Korea, he would naturally not be stopped.

Two days later, Hart and Chloe set off for South Korea respectively. No matter how reluctant Chloe was, there was nothing she could do about it.

"Mr. Hart, welcome to South Korea."

The person who came to pick them up at the airport was Carter. His level was not worthy of Mike's coming in person. Not even Davis, Carter could just come and deal with it.

With Chu Lingyun's help, Carter is now a lieutenant colonel.

He provided Chu Lingyun with a lot of information about Mike, even including this war. Chu Lingyun got some information from him.

He also said before that he would never betray Mike.

After boarding the ship, many things happened out of his control, especially after being fattened, and he took the initiative to report information.

Every time he reported it, Chu Lingyun would give him a good reward based on the importance of the information.

"thank you."

Hart hurriedly replied that he could not offend the people around General Mike. This Carter was a guard around General Mike, and he was still very close.

Chloe was not with him. He was on a military plane, while Chloe had to take a civilian flight.

He didn't dare let anyone know Chloe's identity casually.

Chloe still doesn't know he's married.

"Section Chief, you are here."

Not only Carter came to pick him up, but also people from the CIA, and they were Hart's former subordinates.

Facing his men, Hart nodded slightly. When he came here, all the people naturally came under his command. Those who came before did not get much useful information, which made it easier for him to act.

Hart is confident that he can do what they cannot.

Time passed by slowly, and it was April soon.

Mike was beaten to a disgrace, and he thought about revenge on the mainland, and even wanted to send out more powerful bombs. Fortunately, Kateman did not go crazy with him, and European and other allies did not agree to expand the war.

Everyone understands that once the war expands, they will not be able to control it, and it is very likely that it will eventually evolve into a full-scale war. Countries have not yet recovered from the trauma of war, and what they fear most now is war.

Ketmen will never allow another worldwide war.

Kateman knew very well about Mike's temper. This kid had disobeyed orders more than once. If you refused him, he would dare to kill you first and then show off.

Just like Japan's following gshang.

Ketmen didn't dare to take the risk and simply replaced Mike.

On the 11th, Kateman suddenly ordered that Commander-in-Chief Mike be relieved of his duties and replaced by Ma Bang, Commander-in-Chief of the Eighth Army.

"Damn it, bastard."

When Mike learned the news, he was furious. Kate was so abominable that he dismissed him from his post without even saying hello.

He was extremely dissatisfied with Kate Gate.

"General, I'm sorry."

Ma Bang quickly brought someone to hand over the situation. He was younger than Mike. When he was studying in the military academy, Mike was already his teacher.

At that time he was only a second lieutenant.

"Don't underestimate them."

Mike snorted coldly, the order had been given, and it could not be changed unless he disobeyed and rebelled.

Mike was angry with Kate and had no idea of ​​rebellion.

Besides, he is simply seeking death by relying on these people to rebel. Many people will not listen to his orders and follow him to the end. When the time comes, he will be captured by his own people first.

Even if he rebels, how can he maintain it?

Do you want to occupy South Korea?

It's even more impossible. When the time comes for resistance from all over the country, and with the power from the United States, he won't be able to stop him at all.

If you can't refuse, you can only accept.

Mike left in despair. He himself did not expect that this departure would be the complete end of his military career.

In the United States, Chu Lingyun knew the news earlier than Mike.

Before Kate removed the microphone, she greeted Chu Lingyun.

After all, Chu Lingyun and Mike have a good relationship. They do not look at the monk's face but the Buddha's face. However, Chu Lingyun did not remind Mike. This was also the request of Kate's family.

Who knows if this lunatic will do something crazy if he gets the news in advance?

Chu Lingyun had the same worries.

Not to mention that Katemen specifically mentioned it, it was impossible for Mike to know without mentioning Chu Lingyun.

"Secretary, Mike is gone, let's see how arrogant Chu is still."

In Taipei, Qi Limin's confidants came to the office and said with a smile that they got the news from the newspaper and were quite late.

"Mike is gone, what does it have to do with Chu Lingyun?"

Qi Limin raised his head and glared at his confidant.

After retreating to Taiwan, there were fewer and fewer people around him, and each one was worse than the last.

Although Xu Yuanfei was not very good at doing things before, at least he was much better than these people. Now, let alone helping him share the burden, it would be good if he was not allowed to wipe his butt.

"Mike has such a good relationship with Chu Lingyun. Now that he has left, he will definitely return to China. Isn't there no one in Asia to support him?"

The confidant explained, Qi Limin stood up suddenly and really wanted to slap him twice.

"Trash, Chu Lingyun has a good relationship with Mike, but he has a better relationship with Kate Gate. Also, do you really think Chu Lingyun relies on Mike or Kate Gate? No, he has a lot of energy in business in the United States. Not to mention that if Mike is not here, even if Kate steps down, we can't do anything to him."

Qi Liming laughed angrily. This idiot actually thought Mike was Chu Lingyun's backstage?

Mike treats Chu Lingyun as an equal. The two are friends, but Mike is not Chu Lingyun's supporter.

"That's right, I understand."

His men retreated in despair. Qi Limin sat down helplessly and rubbed his head.

This bunch of trash.

Now Qi Limin has a great sense of crisis, and he can feel the old man's alienation from him.

If he continues, I'm afraid he will really be finished.

The three intelligence groups in Russia were completely wiped out. Only a few agents were lurking in the mainland, and most of the others were captured. They retreated to Taiwan for more than a year, and almost 99% of the lurking agents were eliminated. It took a lot of time. The latent plan created with a large amount of manpower, material and financial resources was completely destroyed.

The old man scolded him, besides being able to spend money and make money, what else can he do?

Obviously, this was what the old man said in response to his disappointment.

He has nothing to do now, let alone sending people to the mainland. Even if he sends people to Russia, no one dares to go. After Zhong Hui's precedent, more and more people are absconding directly after receiving dangerous missions.

He caught a few and shot them directly, but he still couldn't stop some from escaping.

The Secrecy Bureau is now in a panic, and no one is working seriously at all.

If it were before, Qi Limin could still use his own money to subsidize the old man and keep his position without disappointing the old man.

Last time, Chu Lingyun gave him a big blow, and almost all his family property was confiscated. In the past six months, he had saved a little more, but unfortunately he didn't dare to touch it, let alone put it at home or in his own name, so as not to be confiscated again. Walk.

And he didn't dare to go too far. If the old man knew about it, he might really be doomed.

After scolding his subordinates, Qi Limin frowned and thought hard about how to reverse the current situation.

If the party is defeated and retreats to such a small area, he can't send people to the mainland. He can't retain those who were lurking before. Now he sends them there purely to deliver food.

Besides, knowing that they were going to the mainland, all of his men would probably be gone.

After thinking about it, now only the United States and South Korea can bring him some results.

The intelligence team in South Korea has sent back a lot of information, and he reported it to the old man. Normally, the old man would be very happy when this happens. However, these times, the old man's expression was dull, and there was no sign of happiness.

Qi Limin is not stupid. He understands that either the old man already knows the information he reported, or he thinks it is not that important in his heart.

His guess was correct. His useless subordinates were completely incomparable to Chen Zhanli. The eldest son always told the old man the important information reported by Chen Zhanli immediately. Now the old man paid more and more attention to the eldest son in terms of intelligence.

Time passed very quickly. Mabon was different from Mike. He was very cautious and deployed new magnetic tactics, which finally turned the situation around.

What Ma Bang inherited was a mess. When Mike was there, the so-called United Nations troops were frightened by the organization and their fighting spirit was extremely low.

The lower-level soldiers in North Korea have completely lost their sharp words and smiles before. Most of them are numb, and more people just want to leave North Korea and return home as soon as possible.

Almost all senior military officers lost confidence in resuming the offensive.

The South Korean army was even worse. When they withdrew from Seoul, the South Korean soldiers abandoned all their heavy artillery and even rifles, and retreated in a disorderly manner in various vehicles. They had only one idea: to stay away from those terrible things. An army that cannot be defeated.

Mike had no other choice, so he clamored to go to the mainland.

Ketmen will not go crazy with him and dare to touch the homeland. Russia will not sit idly by and watch. Once Russia joins the war, it will definitely spread into a world war.

It will not be easy for Ma Bang to clean up this mess.

He took advantage of his air force advantage to create so-called magnetic tactics, using airborne troops to harass the rear and armored troops to advance from the front, which indeed brought a lot of trouble to the organization.

If there is trouble, solve it. The fighting will of the red soldiers is far beyond their comparison. After the commander changed his tactics, Ma Bang's magnetic tactics had less and less miraculous effects.

He fought this battle very cowardly, and at the same time he was even more shocked.

Is this the army of that backward country?

Such an army can definitely be called world-class. No, no army in any country in the world can compare with them. Fighting with them is simply a terrible nightmare.

Before Mike left, he told him that his opponent was terrifying and he should never take it lightly.

Now he definitely agrees with this statement.

Now he sticks to the third line, and domestic orders requiring him to defeat his opponents as soon as possible have been thrown into the trash can.

He doesn't have the ability to do it. Whoever has the ability and the method to defeat these terrible enemies quickly, then if it were him, I would be willing to give in.

A group of politicians only know how to enjoy themselves all day long, but they don’t understand how difficult it is on the front line. They still want to win as soon as possible?

Being able to hold on is already the greatest victory.

Ma Bang was also puzzled, how could the Guo army persist for so long and fight against such a terrifying enemy for three full years?

Is it because China’s strategic depth is too great?

This is definitely not the reason. There are still many powerful people in China, especially Principal Chang. He was able to persist for three years and can be said to be an outstanding military strategist.

The old man didn't know it yet, but he was being praised.

"Team leader, the new movie has been edited. Do you want to go and see it?"

Loach came to find Chu Lingyun. It was almost May, but Chu Lingyun still hadn't gone back. The eldest son sent more than a dozen telegrams, and every time he said to wait.

The eldest son understands that Chu Lingyun is really disappointed with them. If it weren't for him, he might not even say anything to deal with it.

Damn Qi Limin, every time he received a call back from Chu Lingyun, the eldest son would curse him.

"Let's go and have a look."

Chu Lingyun stood up. Ni Loach hired someone to make a movie based on the ideas he gave him. Ni Loach is now making TV movies. His company has produced six TV series, earning him three to four hundred thousand dollars.

Of the six TV series, four were exclusively broadcast by Chu Lingyun TV Station, and the other two were sold by Loach according to Chu Lingyun's wishes.

Make more money this way.

Ni Loach has experience in making TV series, and he made a hit at the beginning. Many people offered high prices for exclusive rights, but Ni Loach refused. He was worried that the popularity of the TV series would bring competitive pressure to the team leader's TV station, so he only agreed to sell it separately.

There is no other way, those TV stations can only buy according to his requirements.

There is a movie room in Chu Lingyun's villa where she can show movies by herself.

Loach got the copy and started playing it.

This is a small horror science fiction movie with a total investment of US$200,000, which I can't afford to pay.

The movie started to play. Today's technology is completely incomparable with later generations, but Chu Lingyun watched it very carefully. Although there were many shortcomings in the movie, it was much better than other movies.

This movie won’t make a huge profit, but it certainly won’t lose money.

"The movie is good, when will it be shown?" Chu Lingyun asked after watching the movie.

"The plan is two months later."

Niluo replied that two months is not a long time, and movies and TV series are different, but now that he has the approval of the team leader, he has confidence in his heart.

"It's okay to catch up on the summer vacation."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Summer vacation is about to begin in two months. Horror science fiction movies are now very popular among students.

The United States does not yet have a rating system. As long as it does not violate the regulations, movies are not subject to age restrictions. Children who are too young are definitely not suitable. However, these rebellious teenagers like these movies the most. They can seek a sense of excitement while watching the movie. .

"Team leader, when will we go back?"

Loach asked directly, and Chu Lingyun looked at him: "Did the eldest son send you a telegram?"

"I did it, more than once."

Loach smiled bitterly. He was not the team leader. This time the eldest son ordered him to go back. He would report to the team leader first.

"The eldest son is a little anxious. You should go back first and I will wait."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. There would be nothing wrong if he went back now, but he had already settled things during this period and successfully transferred 50 million US dollars from several companies. This money was used to support the organization.

The TV station has 20 million, the pharmaceutical factory has 20 million, and the Chu Company has 10 million.

Taking away the money will not affect normal operations. There are other shareholders in the TV station, so don’t worry. Chu Lingyun has plenty of ways to deal with them. Besides, Chu Lingyun will slowly make up for the money in the future.

"Team leader, I don't want to go back."

Ni Loach shook his head. He was very happy in the United States during this period. He found that he really liked filming TV series and movies. Now he doesn't want to buy a boat and wants to be a film and television company.

If the film and television company does it well, it will definitely be more profitable than buying a boat.

"Since the eldest son has given the order, it is inappropriate for you not to go back. Go back first. I will go back soon."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. If the things here hadn't been finished, he would have gone back.

The main thing is purchasing.

"Yes, then I'll tell Lily and we'll go back in two days."

Ni Loach was helpless, and the team leader agreed with the eldest son. It would be impossible not to go back this time.

Three days later, Loach returned to Taipei.

Chu Lingyun was willing to let Loach come back first to prove that he did not stay in the United States and would never come back. The eldest son finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It has been almost half a year since Chu Lingyun left this time.

Half a month later, Japanese airport.

When Chu Lingyun got off the plane, it was not his special plane, but a civil aviation passenger plane. Chu Lingyun's plane went to Hong Kong, where there was Alchemist Yi covering it.

He himself returned to Japan as Ishihara Hiroshi.

This is the first time that Toru Ishihara comes back alone. Jun Shuicheng, Takemoto and others are very happy.

With Mike gone, Chu Lingyun's control over Ishihara Hiroshi has obviously decreased. It is best for Ishihara Hiroshi to come back this time and never leave again, so that their Yuan Shrine can develop best.

Mike left, but Takemoto's position as head of the special search department remained unchanged.

The new commander-in-chief has been busy with the war and has no time to take care of this.


Seeing Chu Lingyun get off the plane, Shuicheng Jun and others hurriedly greeted him. Chu Lingyun didn't say anything and got into the car directly.

With Ishihara Hiroshi's identity back, Chu Lingyun doesn't have to stay in the previous hotel.

There are many properties he purchased here, and he can live in any one he chooses. Not many people followed him back this time.

Before coming back, Chu Lingyun went to see Mike specifically to comfort him.

Mike left and brought Japan with him, but his influence is still there. There is no need for him to leave and ignore him. Mike scolded Kate in front of Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun listened with his left ear and heard with his right ear.

"Go back and talk."

Chu Lingyun nodded, and Shuicheng Jun and others happily took Chu Lingyun into the car.

"Ishihara-kun, the development of Yuanjin Shrine is very good. We have received more than two thousand registration forms."

Shun Shui Cheng first reported that the development of Genjin Shrine is very good. If they were not strict in recruiting people, I am afraid that they would have become the number one society in Japanese politics.

"Has it been reviewed?"

"The preliminary review has been completed, and only more than 200 people have passed the assessment."

Takemoto hurriedly replied that he was responsible for the review. More than 2,000 people signed up, but only more than 200 people passed, which is equivalent to one-tenth.

This data can be said to be very low.

But Takemoto understands that more people will eventually pass the exam and join the Genjin Shrine.

The first review is the loosest, based on their usual remarks and attitudes. If they have war tendencies, or do not believe that the previous war was their responsibility, they will be eliminated directly. Renyuan Shrine will not want such people at all.

The first trial is followed by a second trial, which conducts a more detailed investigation.

After that came the third trial, with Shuicheng Jun personally interviewing them and asking them various questions.

After the third trial, there is an inspection period. Only after passing the inspection period can you truly become a member of Yuanshen Shrine.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another reward of 500 starting coins.

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