Spy Shadow

Chapter 1074 Oh, man

Half of the $50 million has now been spent.

Fang Shiyi knows best how much his boss has contributed to the organization. From the beginning of Ishihara Trading Company, the materials provided to the organization have been through his hands. The accumulation over the years is absolutely an astronomical figure.

When there was still famine, Chu Lingyun used his identity as Shi Yuanheng to issue loans.

Very little of the so-called loans were recovered, most of them were given to them, saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

This is what he knows, and he believes there must be things he doesn't know.

Fang Shiyi has indeed made much progress than before. He guessed right. All the resources available to Lin Shi were given by Chu Lingyun, and the gold bars given by Chu Lingyun alone were not worth mentioning.

It requires a pharmaceutical factory. Now the country can produce it independently and is preparing a mass production plan.

If not for the last moment, when all the people in the pharmaceutical factory were evacuated, production would have been possible.

That was the order given by the old man. Chu Lingyun was not there at the time and could not stop it.

With the formula, production is easy, but the difficulty lies in early exploration and experimentation. As long as it can be mass-produced, the output will definitely increase.

By then, it will not only be the frontline soldiers who are rescued, but also hundreds of millions of people who will benefit.

"Team leader, I'm going back first."

Ni Loach came to say goodbye to Chu Lingyun. He had no intention of staying in Taiwan now. The eldest son tried to persuade him to stay, but he still wanted to leave.

His reason is very good. The team leader has returned. There is no need to keep him here. He can come over at any time if necessary.

The eldest son retained Ni Loach's position and waited for his return.

"Let's go back."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Ni Loach wanted to go to the United States to personally prepare for filming a movie. Lily was too busy with both TV series and movies. In addition, Ni Loach followed Chu Lingyun's suggestion and went back to establish a TV factory and a small TV station.

Loach has a lot of ideas, and he will definitely not lose money as a TV station.

As for TVs, the sales are so good now that it will be too late to start. It is not difficult to build. Loach has money, so just recruit more people. Buy the production line and it can be produced at any time.

As for sales, there is no problem. He can use all Chu Lingyun's sales channels.

Loach asked before that if he was allowed to run a TV station and a TV factory, the team leader would not be afraid of him stealing business.

Chu Lingyun's answer to him was that this cake is only that big. If you don't come, others will come. Rather than letting others come to eat, it's better to bring you along.

The glorious period of television has begun. Chu Lingyun is right. He can't eat this cake alone, so he might as well drag the loach along.

The loach can be made bigger and better.

Loach did not go it alone and dragged Shen Hanwen to join the gang.

Shen Hanwen didn't have as much money as he did, and could only invest 300,000 yuan. This was already Shen Hanwen's bottom line, and it would all fall on Loach. If he lost the money, he would immediately become a pauper.

Pauper is a bit exaggerated. Even after all the compensation, Shen Hanwen's level is still there, so he will definitely not have to worry about food and drink.

"Ling Yun, Loach is gone, his heart is no longer here."

As soon as Ni Loach left, the eldest son took the initiative to come to the door and sighed slightly.

"Normally, his movies are very profitable. You should have heard that he made almost a million US dollars this time. How can he have the intention to stay here."

Chu Lingyun smiled, and the eldest son raised his head: "What about you?"

This is what the eldest son is most worried about. It doesn't matter whether Ni Loach leaves or not. As long as Chu Lingyun says a word, Ni Loach will come back immediately.

Once Chu Lingyun leaves, no one can call him over.

Everyone can see how important Chu Lingyun is to him now.

"Don't worry, senior brother, I won't leave."

Chu Lingyun smiled. He knew that the eldest son was worried that he would also go to the United States.

"Since you're not leaving, can you invest some money here? You can do whatever you want. I fully support it."

The eldest son asked, "There is no Chu Lingyun industry in Taiwan, which makes the eldest son uneasy the most. If there is an industry, Chu Lingyun will always take care of it, and he will definitely come back in the future."

"Okay, I'll do some small business later."

"How can what you do be a small business?"

The eldest son immediately felt relieved and replied with a smile. He knew Chu Lingyun's family property very well. It was billions of dollars and a top rich man. If Chu Lingyun was given some time to develop, it would be possible to reach tens of billions.

Of all the people in Taiwan today, who can compare with Chu Lingyun?

Chu Lingyun smiled and said nothing. Since he was asked to do business, he would do it. With the eldest son taking care of him, it would be impossible to lose money, but he needed to think carefully about what to do. There was no rush now.

The eldest son returned satisfied, while Chu Lingyun continued to handle official duties.

He is in Taiwan, but his eyes are on the whole world.

With money, a steady stream of supplies are sent to the motherland from all over the world, including necessary food, clothing, medicine, etc., as well as some nutrients that can improve the body of the soldiers, and other daily necessities.

Anyway, as long as the organization needs it, he will help buy it.

In Seoul, Hart returned to his residence tiredly.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that he was covered in dust, Chloe hurriedly stepped forward and helped him take off his coat.

"I'm fine."

Hart has been out for more than a month. He needs to go to the front line himself to collect intelligence. Hart is indeed capable, and this time he has gained something.

"It's like this, and you still said it's okay, go take a shower."

Chloe patted him coquettishly, and Hart laughed loudly and went to the bathroom. The sound of water soon came from inside.

"My dear, I have gained an important piece of information, which will definitely lead to my promotion this time."

Hugging his beloved, Hart couldn't help but say, while Chloe rolled her eyes: "You said the same thing last time, what was the result?"

"It was an accident last time, but this time it's different."

Hart retorted, and before Chloe could ask, he took the initiative to share his findings.

He was on the front line and discovered that some of the newly captured things came from South America, but South America did not have any trade relations with China.

These must be smuggled goods, and someone is transporting various supplies to China in South America.

Next, he will apply to go to South America to investigate in person. If successful this time, he will not only be able to resume his duties, but also return to the United States.

Hart has now found some clues and will apply to go to South America tomorrow. After investigating the case, he will return to the United States with Chloe.

Chloe wrote these things down and agreed to leave with Hart.

She has indeed had enough time in Korea.

Even though Seoul is the capital, there is no way to compare it with San Francisco, let alone Washington.

She was happy to go back early, but she didn't dare to hide this information. After Hart went out the next day, she sent the information.

The person who received the information was Ran Wu.

He followed Chloe to South Korea and knew their every move.

After noticing the information content, Ran Wu was slightly startled.

This Hart is quite capable. He is now in charge of matters in South America. Although he is not here, he knows a lot of things. It seems that Hart has really discovered something. If he goes to South America, he may find some evidence.

Ran Wu sent a report immediately when he returned, and Chu Lingyun quickly received the information.

"South America?"

Seeing the content of the intelligence, Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. Hart was indeed good. Now that he had found it, let him go and take advantage of this opportunity to firmly control him.

Ordinary charges are of no use to him, especially in South America.

Chu Lingyun wants to make a plan. Next, he will tie up Hart and make him work with all his heart. If that doesn't work, then get rid of him. South American intelligence cannot be handed over to the CIA.

Hart didn't know that the people around him who he trusted the most didn't share his heart at all.

It was also Hart who really fell in love with Chloe, and since he was going to South America with Chloe, he simply told her the reason.

If it were anyone else, including his wife, he wouldn't say it.

Such a person in future generations will definitely say: Ha, man.

After Hart reported the information, the CIA really took it seriously. Hart volunteered and his request to go to South America to investigate in person was approved. As soon as he came back, he said to Chloe: "Have you packed your things? I'm going to the airport right away. "

"It's been packed a long time ago, and it's just waiting for you."

Hart hugged Chloe happily: "Baby, I'm sorry for you. I bought a ticket for you. You leave tomorrow and I will pick you up then."

They were not together when they came, but they were the same when they returned.

Chloe rolled her eyes, which made Hart feel itchy. She didn't care that the flight had been arranged, and rolled on the bed first.

Hart left, Chloe was leaving soon, and Ran Wu was also going to South America.

The boss sent instructions to keep an eye on Hart and take the opportunity to control him.

If you want to control Hart to death, you must have his absolute handle.

Normal ones won't work, like killing people.

Chu Lingyun knew very well how rogue people in the CIA were. Not to mention Hart killing people in South America, even in the United States, as long as the people he killed were not important people and were not widely exposed, the people in the CIA would protect him.

If the ordinary one doesn't work, then use the extraordinary one.

Loach happened to be back in the United States, and this time he asked Loach to help him, and put a good trap on Hart.

Controlling Hart means that Chu Lingyun will know clearly what happens to the CIA in the future.

After receiving the order, Loach bought a ticket to Brazil without saying a word.

His movie is still in the preparation stage and has not yet started. Besides, South America is not too far from the United States, so he can come back anytime he wants.

The team leader's affairs are the most important.

Brazil, airport.

Loach arrived first, and Ran Wu was later than him.

"Brother Zhao."

Upon seeing Ni Loach, Ran Wu immediately stepped forward to say hello, and Ni Loach took him to a temporarily rented house.

Ran Wu was originally saved by Ni Loach, and he was grateful to Ni Loach.

"The team leader asked me to take charge of this matter. Is it okay for you to cooperate?"

Loach opened the window and looked out. He had already checked everything in the room, and there was nothing abnormal.

"No problem, I will listen to you."

"It's no problem, let's let Hart have a good drink this time."

Ordinary methods don’t work, what about betrayal?

Hart is guilty of betrayal, and as long as the CIA finds out, he will definitely die.

This is what Loach came up with.

There are many ways to make Hart betray, and Loach has many tricks.

In addition to coercion, there are also inducements.

During this time, Hart spent a lot of money, mainly because of Chloe.

Chloe is a good spender, and Hart can no longer afford to support her, so he wants to be promoted as soon as possible to earn more funds for himself.

If he gets promoted, he will be the deputy director and will get more benefits.

Many unscrupulous people in later generations praise the United States, thinking how bright they are. In fact, the United States is just as corrupt, but they do it in the dark, not in the open.

Their methods of corruption are more sophisticated than many people imagine.

Finally, he tied up Hart with money to ensure that he could not fly out of his hands.

That was when Hart was promoted. Not to mention the deputy director, there was no problem with the director. If he could do better, Chu Lingyun would still praise him.

Hart wanted to run away, so he ran to Brazil. Now that he is here, this time he will be completely pushed down the mountain, and he will never be able to stand up.

Chu Lingyun was in Taipei and didn't care about Loach.

He might take care of it if you leave it to others, but he would be most at ease if you leave it to Loach.

The air conditioner in the inspection room finally arrived, and all offices were busy installing it. Zheng Guangtao had changed the circuit according to Chu Lingyun's request, otherwise he would not be able to carry so many air conditioners.

In the future, the inspection office will definitely be a large consumer of electricity.

They don't have to worry about insufficient electricity. The inspection office has money and if the electricity from outside cannot come, then they can generate their own electricity.

Just use another sum of money to save the old man who is always worried about their small treasury.

Chu Lingyun has already planned the new business.

The popular and profitable industries are all in the hands of the three major families. Chu Lingyun has no interest in competing with them. He is in the movie theater business.

Open a few more. The film industry here has not officially started yet. Take advantage of the limited time to occupy the market first.

As for TV, now is not the time.

He knows the old man's temperament very well. Once he discovers the public opinion power of television, he will definitely find a way to get it into his own hands.

Even if he was afraid of himself, he would still put his hand in first.

It's better not to do it than to make him sick.

There will be a chance to open again in the future, there is no rush now.

After the eldest son takes power, what will he want to do?

Chu Lingyun personally inspected several places and opened twelve movie theaters in one go, all in important cities.

There are not many twelve companies, and they will slowly expand in the future.

There are only twelve companies, and the investment is not large. It can be done with a few hundred thousand dollars. The eldest son frowned when he heard the news. He hoped that what Chu Lingyun invested in Taiwan was a big business, not such a small deal.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are a drop in the bucket for Chu Lingyun.

"Ling Yun, why do you want to start a movie theater? Can't you do something else, such as shipping, a TV station, or a pharmaceutical factory?"

The eldest son came to Chu Lingyun in person and made a request directly.

Chu Lingyun smiled. The eldest son had a big appetite and wanted him to transfer one of the three major industries here.

Not possible.

"The shipping company is more suitable in Hong Kong. The Americans will not agree with the pharmaceutical factory. It is meaningless to build a branch factory at most. I would like to work in a TV station. Can you persuade the chairman of the committee not to have any interference in my TV station?"

Chu Lingyun asked back, while the eldest son was stunned.

He is not a novice. He has seen TV and knows its function. With a TV station, he really can't guarantee that his father will not intervene.

Once his father intervenes, with Chu Lingyun's temperament, he is likely to give up, leave Taiwan, and never come back.

"The investment in movie theaters is too small."

The eldest son was still a little unwilling, but his voice lowered a lot. He knew that he could not stop his father, and because he lacked confidence, his voice would naturally become smaller.

"Take your time. A dozen or so stores is a bit small. In the future, we will open up to a hundred stores. What about a thousand stores?"

Chu Lingyun chuckled and shook his head. The current scale does not mean that the cinema will make money in the future. It is a good long-term business and can be continued in the future.

"Are there so many people here?"

The eldest young master still frowned, but Chu Lingyun comforted him: "It's not happening now, but that doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. Senior brother, don't worry, I won't leave casually."

There is still Chu Lingyun's mission here, and he will not really leave.

If you want to leave, you won’t come back last time.

"Okay, I believe you. Senior brother, I don't have much ability. I will have to rely on your help in the future."

The eldest son nodded. He asked Chu Lingyun to invest because he didn't want him to leave. No matter how much he invested, if Chu Lingyun really wanted to leave, he couldn't stop him. Even if there was no investment, Chu Lingyun could stay with him as long as he was willing. .

This is not the past. They just occupied such a small island, and they have long lost the confidence they had before.

Time passed slowly, and good news soon came from Loach.

Hart was taken down.

He has enough evidence to ruin Hart's reputation and imprison him until he dies of old age.

If this kind of evidence is handed over, he will definitely die suddenly in prison, and the CIA will not really keep him.

Hart had no ability to resist.

In Brazil, Ran Wu walked in and handed Chu Lingyun’s reply to Ni Loach.

After reading the telegram, Loach burned it and walked slowly to another room.

At this time, Hart was inside, with fear and despair on his face.

He was fooled and got the whole trick.

After arriving in Brazil, he began to investigate the origin of those goods. It was not difficult to find out, and he soon found some.

As a result, during the investigation, he was targeted by a local Brazilian gangster. When he failed to investigate for a while, he was arrested.

The gangsters want to kill him.

Several Mexicans who were imprisoned with him told him that they had a way to escape. Seeing that he was white and unusually dressed, they could escape with him, on the condition that they would need to pay him a salary after escaping. These people pay for their lives.

Hart didn't think so much and agreed immediately.

The other party didn't want much, just ten thousand dollars. Unfortunately, Hart couldn't come up with ten thousand dollars at this time. It was just a lie to them.

Several people did escape with him, but he was not allowed to leave until they got the money.

Meanwhile local gangsters are searching for them.

Hart didn't expect that he would be so unlucky and in trouble.

Those people asked him for money, and Hart asked them to send a letter to Chloe and ask Chloe to give them money, but it turned out that Chloe didn't have so much money at all.

They became angry and beat Hart repeatedly.

Hart suffered a lot and finally had no choice but to reveal his identity.

As a result, these people became interested and kept asking Hart what he had done. Hart told the truth, telling almost everything in order to prove his ability to pay the ransom.

Several Mexicans changed their minds and asked him to provide important information without ransom.

They actually sold some of the things Hart told them, and they made a lot of money.

At this time, Hart was nearby, and several Mexicans were all Ran Wu's subordinates. Such people were easy to find.

Ran Wu and Ni Loach are not their true colors.

To this day, Hart still doesn't know who really caught him.

"Your information is good. We sold it for fifty thousand dollars. Let me tell you something."

Loach chuckled and asked someone to bring a player to play the recording for Hart.

They were all recordings of him handing over information.

"In the future, if you provide us with information, we will sell it, and then give you money. If you dare to play tricks, these tapes will appear in front of your superiors. You should understand how they deal with traitors?"

Hart suddenly raised his head and looked at Loach: "From the beginning, your target was me?"

"You are wrong. Our target is not you. We just see that you are well-dressed and want to make some money from you."

Loach would not admit it, but since he was on the boat, it was impossible for Hart to get off.

"Don't worry, we work according to the rules. From now on, you will get half of the reward for the information you provide. Originally, you should have been given 25,000 yuan this time, but you are still short of our 10,000 yuan ransom. Now I will let you go. This is what you deserve." of."

Loach took out fifteen thousand dollars and placed it in front of Hart.

Looking at the money, Hart's eyes were dazed. He understood that he was completely screwed. If the other party took advantage of him, he would have to do things for them in the future.

He didn't believe what Ni Loach said, but he understood that the other party must be engaged in intelligence-related work.

"Is the channel through which you sell information safe?"

Hart did not take any money. Once the information he provided was leaked, it would be easy for the higher-ups to trace him, and he would still be dead.

"Don't worry, it's absolutely safe."

Loach smiled again, Hart gritted his teeth, and finally picked up the money in front of him.

"This is given to you by the information buyer. Just do it. If you don't do it, you know the consequences. By the way, the buyer gave us thirty thousand US dollars for this additional request. This amount is half of yours. I will keep it first and wait. I’ll give it to you after you finish it.”

Loach took out an envelope and handed it to Hart. When Hart picked up everything, the person behind Loach immediately put a blindfold on Hart and sent him away.

He will clean up here after Hart leaves, and then give up completely so that Hart can't find this place.

If he really dares to come, he will learn a deeper lesson.

After the matter was completely settled, Ni Loach snapped his fingers. He knew how to disguise, and Ran Wu could do the same. Ran Wu would use this look to meet Hart in the future.

It doesn't matter if Hart recognizes that he's not the same person, but twins?

Just enough to confuse his vision.

Hart was sent directly to the door of his residence. After getting off the car, he looked around and immediately knocked on the door.

"What's wrong with you? Who kidnapped you? They are so scary. They want money from me. They want 10,000 US dollars. How can I have so much money?"

Hart forced a smile. Brazil was too scary. He encountered such a thing without finding out the truth. He had no intention of continuing to investigate.

He has to go back to the United States first. He doesn't feel safe here for one more minute.

As for the investigation, the same goes for leaving it to others.

If the credit is gone, it will be gone. It is better than risking your life.

"It's okay. I've found the money and given it to them. It's such a mess here. I'll make them pay in the future."

After Hart finished speaking, he went to the bathroom as an excuse to take a bath and opened the envelope given to him by Loach.

After reading the content, Hart's eyes tightened suddenly.

The content in the envelope was very simple, requiring him to report as required. Isn't the CIA trying to find out who secretly supports New China and transports supplies to them?

Hart had already confessed when he was beaten. He didn't think these people were related to the Chinese, so it would be okay to tell them.

Unexpectedly, the buyer actually made such a request.

Is the buyer Chinese?

Isn't their energy a bit too great, with their hands reaching out to Brazil?

After reading it, Hart tore up the paper and flushed it down the toilet.

He is now in a difficult situation. This time, he must do what the other party said. Otherwise, once those recordings appear and the intelligence he provided before is used as evidence, he will be executed by the CIA immediately.

Hart didn't want to die. It was better to die than to live. If he obeyed, he could at least live for a while longer.

If he refuses, neither the Mexicans nor the CIA will let him go.

Hart doesn't have to worry anymore. On the one hand, he has taken the money, and on the other hand, he has his death certificate. With Chloe watching, he is a monkey in Tathagata's hands at this time, and there is no way he can get over Chu Lingyun's hand no matter what. Wuzhishan.

In early September, Chen Zhanli once again sent back important information, helping the organization avoid a loss.

After Chu Lingyun delivered the information, she silently walked to the window.

The war will definitely be won, and his arrival won't help much, but with so much support, at least those lovely warriors can survive longer.

Over in North Korea, the war continues.

Ma Bang does have some ability, but it is not enough to change the trend of the battlefield. The US military is still struggling.

They also made many jokes, including one of their own people beating themselves up and so on.

The United States was destined to lose, but they did not give in after their defeat. Instead, they intensified their blockade. What Chu Lingyun has to do now is to prepare for the future.

He wants to acquire more technologies and send these technologies to the country.

Chen Zhanli did not disappoint him and did a good job. After completing the task this time, Chu Lingyun had no intention of letting Chen Zhanli return. Chen Zhanli was a flexible person. In the future, the technology collection in Japan could be left to him.

The past few years have been enough for him to cultivate a group of high-quality commercial spies.

These spies are all Japanese and are even more concealed.

At the beginning of October, Kubo stood at the door, greeting Jun Shun and Takemoto.

Chu Lingyun did not come, and the second batch of training agents had graduated. The ten best trainees of this batch of agents were sent to South Korea and handed over to Chen Zhanli for command, while the rest were evenly distributed between Jiang Tengkong and Takemoto.

Takemoto's side is still reviewing members of Yuanshen Society, and Jiang Tengkong continues to send people to steal technology.

Over the past year, Jiang Tengkong's former students have collected a lot of useful techniques.

As long as it is a blocking technology, no matter whether it is useful or not, Chu Lingyun wants it.

Jiang Tengkong has not always been in peace and quiet. Two agents were discovered when they were stealing technology. Jiang Tengkong was criticized for this. Fortunately, Shuicheng Shun and Takemoto worked together, and these two people saved one.

The other one was disposed of.

He betrayed and confessed everything without punishing him. Such a person is simply stupid and deserves to die.

And when he was dealt with, he was in front of all the students. Whether Kubo or Jiang Tengkong, they were both people who had experienced war, and their hands were not soft at all.

Let these students understand how high the price of betrayal is.

The quality of the second batch of students was much higher than that of the first batch. The arrival of the ten best students gave Chen Zhanli more available manpower and more information.

"Ezaki-kun, we can't hide here any longer."

In Tokyo, Esaki He is still hiding. He dare not show his face at will. Now he is a wanted target. Once caught, the consequences will be serious.

"Are you out of money?"

Jiang Qihe took the initiative to ask, and the person who came nodded reluctantly.

"Then go out and I'll find a job."

Esaki He nodded. He had been hiding for a long time. If there was no war in Japan and his status was not particularly high, he would have been caught long ago.

"That's not what I meant. What I thought was that we should hide in the countryside. This way we can save money and be self-reliant."

The visitor shook his head, and Esaki smiled: "Going to the countryside saves money, but we will be exposed faster. Don't worry, I have a way to make money without being discovered by them."

Esaki He has worked as an agent and has experienced a lot, so he knows the situation in the countryside well.

His companion was a man who grew up in the city and didn't know much about things in the countryside. They were unfamiliar faces, especially him, and he could be rewarded for providing information about him.

Don't think that rural people are so simple and they will report it immediately if they have interests.

In the city, he pays more attention and puts on some disguise so that he is not easily discovered.

After hiding for so long, Esaki He has been changing himself.

Now he is much thinner than before, and he deliberately made himself darker so that he would have no problem doing some hard work in the future.

He is not afraid of hardship, and it’s not like he has never endured hardship. When he was helping the poor in China, he ate the most unpalatable pancakes and did the same work as those people.

"Ezaki-kun, I'm sorry."

The visitor lowered his head, feeling sad that he could not take care of his comrades.

"No, Imada, you have done a very good job. Thank you for taking care of me during this time. I will find a way to make money and wait for the dawn."

Esaki smiled and shook his head. Takeo Imada was a good comrade who worked hard and never complained. He was his companion who developed in Japan.

During this period, Takeo Imada did really well.

Esaki came outside and started looking for a job. Thanks to North Korea, many things needed to be purchased in Japan due to the war, which accelerated the recovery of Japan's economy.

Many factories are short of workers recently, and Ezakiga quickly found a new job.

The salary is not high, only 1,500 yen, but it is much better than Kubo's time.

The money was enough for him to support himself temporarily.

At Yagyu Company, Komori went home normally after get off work, while Hei Hayakawa watched his car leave from the window.

Hayakawa Hei has determined that the goods Komori secretly sold were to the Chinese, the Chinese Red Party.

He is related to the Chinese Red Party.

This crime is enough to make Komori irrecoverable, but Hayakawa Taira's target is not Komori at all, but the person behind him.

Chu Lingyun and Ishihara Hiroshi.

Ishihara Heng followed Chu Lingyun, was controlled by Chu Lingyun, and introduced Gu Sen to work in his trading company. What is the relationship between them?

After such a long investigation, Hayakawa Ping came to a conclusion that he could not believe.

Chu Lingyun and Shi Yuanheng were both working for the Chinese Red Party.

This conclusion is indeed unbelievable, but only in this way can we explain why Gu Sen was able to hide it from these two smart people. The things he did, whether it was Heng Ishihara or Chu Lingyun, if anyone came to investigate, they would be able to tell him Check clearly.

Things that shouldn't happen, keep happening.

After finding out the truth, Hayakawa Hei didn't move. Even if he knew that going now would kill Komori, he didn't dare to move.

Thanks to Wu Xiaoxiao for another reward of 500 starting coins

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