Spy Shadow

Chapter 1094 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

Shun Mizuki's investigation was very fast. He was in the metropolitan government and knew a lot about Yuki Sakagami. With Kubo's assistance, it was very easy to investigate his situation.

In just two days, he found out what color panties Sakagami was wearing.

As for the agent in charge of Chen Zhanli, Chu Lingyun gave a death order to get what he needed even if he was exposed.

They are not afraid of being exposed. They are using fake identities. Mitsuo Yamaguchi has used many such identities.

If Sakagami falls down, nothing will happen to them, and they can continue to perform tasks under another identity.

Even if you can't do it in Japan, you can still go abroad.

"Ishihara-kun, Yuki Sakagami relies on his son-in-law in the United States. I checked his son-in-law, and he is indeed somewhat capable. In addition, we have also found out some dirty things about his company."

Shuicheng Jun came to see Chu Lingyun with the investigation results.

He brought a lot of information, and Mizuki Toshi didn't have much worry about Sakagami. On the American side, Ishihara Hiroshi's relationship was much better than Sakagami's.

Just look at them.

It's all the operation of Ishihara Toru. He can be the third-in-command of the metropolitan government. Sakagami's backstage is definitely not as good as Ishihara Toru.

"I understand, let's leave it here first."

Chu Lingyun asked Shuicheng Jun to leave his things in his office. This is the Yuan Shrine. This time Chu Lingyun came back as Ishihara Hiroshi and usually spent more time in the Yuan Shrine.


Shuicheng Jun bent down and left. Since the investigation was done, no one could save Sakagami this time.

Shuicheng Jun remembered an old Chinese saying, there is a road to heaven if you don't take it, and there is no door to hell if you break in.

This was the first person to really challenge Ishihara Hiroshi after the war. Shuisheng Shun really couldn't figure it out. How could he have such courage?

Even though he has a good son-in-law in the United States, Shuicheng Jun believes that no one can save him this time.

Shuicheng Jun left, and Chu Lingyun carefully looked through the information he sent.

It is very detailed. In addition to the details of Sakagami's family, there are also introductions to Sakagami's friends, senior executives of the company, and people he often contacts on weekdays.

Sakagami was not very prominent in his early years. He made his fortune during the war. At that time, he was mainly engaged in food processing business. Noting the situation of the company under his name, Chu Lingyun shook his head slightly.

They had an explanation during the war.

Many of the cans Chu Lingyun bought at that time came from their processing factory. Sakagami said everywhere that he was a war criminal businessman, wasn't he the same?

Sakagami did not participate in the war, but he made many connections during the war and made a lot of money through other channels.

After the war, he already had a substantial fortune.

He is very smart. After the failure of Japan, he sent his daughter to the United States to study. There he successfully met a young American talent, and the two got married. The son-in-law was capable and had his financial support, and his development was very good. Now a state legislator.

Sakagami's greatest confidence is his son-in-law, whose family has a certain background in the United States.

But just having a background is not enough. The United States is a world dominated by capital, and having a background requires money.

He thinks that having a state legislator son-in-law can do whatever he wants in Japan?

too naive.

Did he really think that everyone in Yuan Shrine relied on money to get promoted?

When it comes to relationships with Americans, Sakagami is no match for him in terms of flattery. There are so many people who support Chu Lingyun, and state legislators have to look at the situation when he is there. It is difficult for ordinary state legislators to meet Chu Lingyun.

It was easy to deal with Sakagami, and it just gave Ishihara Hiroshi his authority.

After a long time, they all thought that Ishihara Hiroshi, the tiger, had turned into a kitten. This time, let them take a good look at the results of the tiger showing off its power.

Sakagami is not important. The reason why Chu Lingyun waited for so long was to let more people know about it.

Then kill the chicken to scare the restless monkeys.

Unknowingly, ten years have passed since the war in Japan. A new generation has begun to grow up, and the influence of the war has gradually weakened. Especially the last time the United States lost to New China, some of the United States' control over Japan was reduced.

There are many people in Japan with new ideas. What is ridiculous is that they still regard the United States as their backing.

It's almost time, it's time to deal with this guy Sakagami.

The next morning, more than a dozen TV users suddenly gathered at the entrance of Sakagami TV's company to protest against Sakagami TV's damage to their TV sets, so that they could only receive Sakagami TV programs.

Employees of Hosokawa TV broadcast live.

Live broadcasts are no longer uncommon in the United States, but they are still a rarity in Japan. Even though there are not many TV sets now, there are still many people watching.

Major newspapers also sent reporters to conduct interviews.

"Boss, they are blocking the door. No matter how hard I try, they can't persuade me."

The people from the TV station stood carefully in front of Sakagami. Sakagami's face was as gloomy as rain. He didn't expect that his users would suddenly come to protest.

And they won’t leave even if they benefit from it.

The two hundred yen he gave was enough for what he was doing, but Chu Lingyun gave each of them two thousand.

Just one word, make me fight hard.

At the same time, reporters were arranged to conduct interviews to expose the dirty tactics used by Sakagami TV.

Deliberately modifying your own TV to prevent customers from receiving other TV signals is a serious violation of the rights of customers.

Newspapers reported quickly, and these people continued to make trouble the next day. Chu Lingyun gave them money to make trouble not just for one day, but for three days.

And does not accept reconciliation.

There were more people on the second day. During this period, Sakagami TV Station had modified hundreds of customers' TVs, and the same was true for newly sold TVs. The reports in the newspapers were very detailed. Not only did they come and lock the doors under the guise of repairs, The customer’s TV has also been locked on the newly sold TV.

Not only Sakaue TVs, but other imported TVs also do this.

Is this a big deal?

Anyone who can buy a TV knows something about the situation. Japan’s TV industry has just begun. There are currently only two TV stations, but that does not mean that there will only be these two in the future.

What's more, the programs of Hosokawa TV are indeed much better than those of Sakanoue TV.

They don't want to change themselves and use despicable means to block their opponents, which is unacceptable to any consumer or customer.

In addition to the dozen or so people invited by Chu Lingyun at first, the number increased to more than thirty people the next day.

The extra customers are all customers who got the news and came spontaneously.

Newspapers continued to follow reports, and TV stations continued to broadcast live broadcasts, and also played recorded broadcasts after the live broadcast. This novel TV program method made more customers dissatisfied, especially those whose TV sets at home were locked to channels.

On the third day, the number of protestors suddenly increased to hundreds.

This is no longer a small incident, and Sakagami is very worried. If he doesn't deal with this matter, the reputation of his TV station will be completely lost, and it will become harder to restore it in the future.

"Can't we arrest Ishihara Hiroshi yet?"

Sakagami was on the phone, calling his friend from the Tokyo government.

"It's not my decision to arrest him. He is a businessman. What I can do now is suppress him."

The person on the other side was patiently explaining, and suddenly raised his head while he was explaining.

Several people rushed into his office, and when he saw the leader, his eyes tightened.

Takemoto from the Special Search Department.

"take away."

Takemoto was expressionless and waved his hand. The people around him immediately stepped forward and arrested the person who was making the call. The phone fell to the ground. The second-in-command of the metropolitan government immediately understood that Ishihara Hiroshi's revenge was coming.

The public attack on Sakanoue TV and the investigation of him by the Special Investigation Department.

Takemoto personally came forward and arrested people directly. He knew that he was in danger this time. With fear on his face, he kept shouting: "Master Takemoto, please tell Master Ishihara that I know I was wrong."

Takemoto didn't pay attention to him at all. Now that he knew he was wrong, why did he go there earlier?

He's going to die this time too.

Now that Hiroshi Ishihara has taken action, Sakagami will surely die, and no one who follows Sakagami to cause trouble can escape.

"Kurosawa-kun, Kurosawa-kun, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the voice coming from the microphone, Takemoto stepped forward and picked up the microphone, with a sneer on his lips.

Takemoto ignored Sakagami, hung up the phone, disconnected the line, and walked away.

There is nothing to say to a dying man.

Sakagami heard the call was hung up and hurriedly called back, but unfortunately no one answered his call.

Sakagami had a bad feeling in his heart.

Things were still going on outside. Chu Lingyun's TV station first broke the news that Sakagami's food business contained a large number of foods that did not comply with regulations and had hidden safety risks.

These are relevant to thousands of households.

After the TV station reported it, the newspapers followed closely, covering the sky with unfavorable news about Sakagami Company. Government departments quickly intervened, sealing Sakagami's food company and conducting random inspections of the products inside.

The matter at the TV station has not yet been resolved, but there is a problem with Sakagami's core business.

The next day, TV stations and newspapers continued. The results of Sakagami's food sampling inspections were quickly released. A large number of inferior materials and even toxic materials were used in the food sampled, but there were no problems with the products they exported to Europe and the United States.

Typical differential treatment.

After the newspaper exposed it, people became angry. Not only did they block the TV station, but many people blocked their company.

Sakagami was in a panic. Not only was he being pursued by the media, but he had also received a request not to leave the country. As a last resort, he hurriedly sent a telegram to his son-in-law in the United States, hoping that he would come to save him.

Misfortunes never come singly, this sentence is most suitable for Sakagami.

Just as the TV station and food businesses were in trouble, his other core business, the construction industry, was also in trouble.

Sakagami also runs a construction company and receives a lot of government business.

When he was building the tunnel, six people died, but he concealed it, and the safety hazards of the equipment still exist to this day. Sakagami did not take human lives seriously at all.

As the news broke, people became even more angry at Sakanoue Company.

Regardless of whether it has something to do with them or not, everyone is protesting against Sakagami. People in his company don't even dare to go out. Some people have been beaten when going out.

"Yuuki Sakagami, this is an arrest warrant."

Mitsuo Yamaguchi personally led the team to Sakagami's home. He also didn't dare to go out these days.

When he saw the arrest warrant, Sakagami was stunned. His American son-in-law was helping him find someone. Unexpectedly, people from the police station came to the door first and wanted to take him away.

"I have a very good relationship with Americans. Can you let me make a call?"

Sakagami said in a panic that he didn't recognize Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi shook his head slightly and shouted: "Take it away."

You still want to make phone calls, maybe in the next life?

He knew what Sakagami had done, and he had no hope of getting out. He would die violently soon after entering. No one who offended Hiroshi Ishihara could survive.

Including Xi Tiao and Tu Yuan, both were hanged.

Sakagami was taken away, and the news in the newspapers against Sakagami's company did not end.

Their products suffered a large number of returns, the boss was absent, employees were unable to make decisions, and some angry people even stormed into their factory.

Equipment and raw materials suffered.

These devices were nothing, and many people soon sued Sakagami, especially Sakagami's dealers.

It was only a matter of time before his company went bankrupt, and Komori was ready to take over all Sakagami's properties.

However, the name must be changed after receiving it. Sakagami's own brand has become so stinky that it has no use value.

Ordinary people don't know what's going on, but the senior officials know very well that this is Ishihara Hiroshi's counterattack.

It had not moved before, but when it moved it was a thunder strike.

As expected of a hero, he is indeed ruthless.

Some people think that without the protection of military officers, Ishihara Hiroshi can be at their mercy?

I have to say, thinking too simply, Sakagami killed himself this time.

In the United States, Sakagami's son-in-law Carlo returned home and immediately saw his wife looking at him longingly.

"Honey, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do."

He shook his head. He had already contacted many contacts and contacted the headquarters in Japan, but all the people who helped him contact him said they could not help him.

The people at the headquarters ignored them at all.

"Dong dong."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. Carlo went over to open the door. There were several men in suits standing at the door.

"Mr. Carlo, please come with us. There are some matters that we need your assistance in investigating."

Now that Chu Lingyun has taken action, there will be no hidden dangers left, and Bangami's son-in-law cannot spare him either. Carlo does have good abilities, and the more capable he is, the more he must get rid of him.

"Investigation, what investigation?"

Carlo was very shocked, and the other party said coldly: "Please tell me about several cases you had when you were a judge, as well as your income and expenses, etc."

Carlo did serve as a judge before becoming a parliamentarian. His eyes tightened slightly. Did he commit a crime?

Before he could think about it carefully, he was taken away and his wife collapsed on the ground. What happened? Why was she so unlucky?

A telegram was sent to her from China, and her father was taken away for investigation. She asked her man for help and asked her father to come out first, but the man was taken away before he could do it.

What exactly happened here?

She didn't know why.

The root of everything is Sakagami.

On the tenth day after he was arrested, Sakagami died suddenly of a heart attack. This was an accident. Without him, the company was in a mess. Now the company is completely ruined. Even the TV station cannot operate normally and has stopped broadcasting.

The court accepted many hearings on Sakagami cases and the speed was very fast.

In just half a month, all Sakagami's assets became insolvent and had to be auctioned.

Gusen has been waiting for this day for a long time. All these industries will fall into his hands, and they will be renamed and operated again.

Thanks to File Cabinet No. 16 for the reward of 200 starting coins.

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