Spy Shadow

Chapter 1096 Ten Billionaires

Chu Lingyun was walking in front. Zheng Guangtao had just given a general report, and now Yu Huaqiang was giving a detailed report.

The main thing is how many workers there are, what the production capacity is, etc.

The factory in the Inspection Office is not a big one and is very profitable. It now has more than a hundred workers and only a dozen or so managers.

After seeing the factory in the inspection room, Chu Lingyun went to the one he invested in.

His investment was larger and the products he produced were more advanced. Yu Huaqiang was a little worried when he led the way.

There are some of their comrades in this factory who are learning skills and will go back after they have completed their studies.

He was worried that Chu Lingyun would notice something unusual.

"Now the factory's orders have been scheduled for three months. The quality of the tractor tracks we produce is very good. If there are sufficient raw materials, we can put them on another production line."

Yu Huaqiang reported softly that the quality of the tracks they produced was indeed good, but the raw materials were always in short supply.

In the past few years after the war, various places have been developing. There is a huge demand for steel around the world, especially in Southeast Asia, where steel is used everywhere.

"I will think of ways to use raw materials, and the new production line can be prepared now."

Since there is a market and production capacity, there is no need to wait and increase the production line as soon as possible.

As for the raw materials, he has a way to get them, and the amount they need is not particularly large.

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away."

Yu Huaqiang responded that as the production line increased, the two comrades who came to study could start learning from the installation of the production line, and after completing their studies, they could go back and teach more people.

The country also needs construction. There is no important information to collect now, but Yu Huaqiang is very happy to be able to help the country in construction.

After the factory inspection was completed, Chu Lingyun praised Zheng Guangtao and Yu Huaqiang.

The two of them did really well.

After receiving the praise, Zheng Guangtao was as happy as a child and went home in a hurry.

This year's Spring Festival, Chu Lingyun also spent in the United States.

During the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, he did not spend the Chinese New Year with his parents. Now that he has time, he can make up for it.

This year is very important for Chu Yuanchen and his wife.

After the New Year, they officially retired.

The principal Chu Lingyun found is very capable and has modern management. The couple is really old and they now have a grandson. As long as the school runs stably and the children can study, they are willing to delegate power.

Chu Yuanchen himself is not a power-hungry person, he only cares about his children.

"Uncle Chu, Happy New Year, do you have any red envelopes?"

On the first day of the new year, Loach and Lily brought their children to pay New Year greetings. The person talking was their youngest son, who has grown up now. Like his parents, he likes money and asks for red envelopes.

"Of course."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded, and took out the red envelope prepared in advance. They were in the United States, so the red envelope naturally contained US dollars.

Chu Lingyun is a billionaire, and his red envelope is not shabby, just one thousand US dollars.

Every child has it.

"Thank you, Uncle Chu."

After getting the red envelope, Ni Loach's child was very happy and jumped up and down to play with Chu Yuan's child. His sister was the oldest and had already gone to elementary school.

"Team leader, TV manufacturers are developing very well now. More and more people are starting to buy TVs. In the future, every household will have a TV."

Ni Loach chatted with Chu Lingyun alone, mainly talking about business.

His TV factory is now the hottest business and the most profitable industry.

Chu Lingyun is the same. Today, the number of TV sets in the United States has reached nearly 30 million, and nearly 50% of households have TVs.

As the number of television sets increases, TV stations follow suit.

Ni Loach also built a small TV station, renting the signal tower of Chu Lingyun TV Station. He did not pursue ratings, as long as he could make money.

His TV is mainly about selling things and advertising.

Many people hate this show, and you can imagine the ratings.

But poor ratings don't mean that he doesn't make money. On the contrary, Ni Loach's TV station can bring him almost three million US dollars in profits every year, which is very impressive.

Only slightly worse than his TV factory.

Now that Loach earns more than 10 million per year, it won't be long before he becomes a real billionaire.

"You are right, the TV industry is in the spotlight, seize this opportunity and make more money."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. It is indeed easier to make money in the wind industry, and it is the same in any era.

In the past year, Chu Lingyun's various industries were also good.

As the audience of the TV station increased, the benefits also increased, bringing him US$500 million in revenue a year. Now his TV station is valued at US$5 billion.

When every household actually has a TV, the valuation of TV stations will increase, and may even exceed tens of billions of dollars.

Chu Lingyun's personal assets have exceeded 10 billion for the first time this year.

The TV station is worth almost 5 billion. The pharmaceutical company released several popular drugs with excellent sales last year. Together with the various drugs previously developed, the value of the pharmaceutical company now exceeds 6 billion.

Higher than TV stations.

In addition, pharmaceutical companies also make a lot of profits, a little less than TV stations. They brought Chu Lingyun 450 million US dollars in revenue last year.

Including Chu's company, Chu Lingyun earned more than one billion US dollars last year.

The valuation of Chu's company is around 2 billion, and Chu Lingyun's total assets have reached 13 billion.

With more than 10 billion in the 1950s, Chu Lingyun can now be said to be a real giant in the United States.

He supports another political party, and with so many people who covertly and openly support him, not to mention walking sideways in the United States, at least there are not many people who dare to provoke him.

And movie companies.

The movie company became very popular because of Roman Holiday, and they made several more movies later, and Ben He became their queen heroine.

With Ben Hyuk starring, the movie's box office wasn't too bad.

Although I didn’t make much, at least I made money and didn’t lose anything.

This year the film company plans to release ten new films on its own and another twenty in collaboration with other films.

The film plan for the whole year is thirty.

Most of them are produced with small investment, but Chu Lingyun has already planned to make a large-scale science fiction film, which will be a hit by then.

As for the popularity and box office, he has no worries. Later generations have verified that the movies in this series are very good and very profitable.

As for the special effects, no matter the current computer technology, we can still produce good special effects that are fake and real.

Moreover, when the later series was filmed, there were no computer special effects, and they were still very good at making them.

This series of movies will be Chu Lingyun's main development direction in the future. Once produced, his film company will have a firm foothold and can be compared with other major film companies in the future.

After a year of running in, the film company has accumulated a lot of experience.

Chu Lingyun will also bring Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen to work on this series, giving them another chance to make money.

Chu Lingyun has never been stingy with his own people, especially Shen Hanwen. He made a lot of money with Loach last year by making TV sets.

He has no business acumen, he just invests money and then makes money while lying down.

Among the few people, Shen Hanwen was the most relaxed. Chu Yuan had to help his wife manage the pharmaceutical factory, so he was very busy on weekdays.

"Team leader, I'm going to open another branch and build two more shopping TV stations. Do you think it's okay?"

Ni Loach asked Chu Lingyun that the shopping TV station was what Chu Lingyun suggested to him. Chu Lingyun was working in a regular large TV station and it was not convenient for him to do this, but Ni Loach could do it.

As long as what is sold is not fake, no one cares now.

TV shopping at this time is like the live broadcast of goods in later generations, which has changed the way of shopping. You can see what you want to buy on TV, then transfer money to place an order, and buy it directly at home.

"Yes, if you want to, just do it as soon as possible. I estimate that TV sets will be saturated in a few years, but don't worry. Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places will all need TVs in the future. Countries in South America will also develop TVs in the 20s. TV manufacturers will not be short of orders this year.”

Twenty years is a conservative estimate. It will be better in twenty years. When newer TVs come out, they will have to replace them.

In this way, there is no problem for the TV factory to survive for forty or fifty years.

In fact, as long as it is done well, it will continue to exist. In the future, there will be Internet TV, and it is no problem for Loach to open a branch factory.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

The team leader agreed, and Loach's heart suddenly calmed down. Now he really has no interest in things in Taipei.

The era of fighting and killing has passed; now he only thinks about making money.

The team leader is a billionaire, and he must at least become a billionaire without losing face to the team leader.

In fact, Ni Loach still underestimates himself. Once the TV factory is ready to expand, he will also have the opportunity to become a billionaire in the future, or even higher.

By then, there will be a place for loaches in the circle of wealthy Americans.

And Shen Hanwen, if he follows Lying Win, he will also be able to earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the future.

Apart from anything else, as long as he keeps making TV sets with Ni Loach, and if they become bigger and better in the future, maybe the two of them can start a big electrical appliance company.

If they can produce televisions, they can later produce washing machines, air conditioners, video recorders, etc.

Loach left happily, and took Lily to inspect the site to see where the new factory would be built.

This time, Shen Hanwen was also brought along to let Shen Hanwen invest. The new factory has Shen Hanwen's 20% equity.

Chu Lingyun brought Liu Shukui to the film company.

"Call everyone to a meeting."

Chu Lingyun ordered, and Liu Shukui immediately summoned all the management of the film company into the conference room.

"You guys worked well together last year, and the several sci-fi films you made were very good. This year we are going to launch a big project, with an initial investment of 10 million US dollars."

Chu Lingyun directly dropped the bomb. The most expensive movie they had produced before was Roman Holiday, which was only two million US dollars.

The rest are probably around one million.

Last year, among the several movies produced by the film company, only Roman Holiday had the highest box office, and the rest did not exceed 10 million.

Most are six or seven million.

You don’t lose money, but you don’t make much either.

Some other studios jokingly call them low-budget studios.

"Ten million, so high?"

It's now 1955, and the purchasing power of ten million US dollars is very strong. Chu Lingyun doesn't know how much it will cost to produce a movie in the future, but ten million dollars can produce what he wants.

"That's right, it's ten million. This is a science fiction movie. Now you can start collecting scripts. The story is mainly about the Galactic Empire..."

Chu Lingyun told some things that would be remembered by later generations, and everyone was stunned. No wonder the investment was so large, and it turned out to be such a magnificent movie.

Many people are very excited. When this movie comes out, who will dare to say that they are a small workshop after watching it?

Everyone remembered very carefully that Chu Lingyun was going to make Star Wars. This movie was only officially released in the late 1970s, more than 20 years ago.

It's a bit early to start now, but it doesn't matter. They already have the technology that was available in the 1970s. If they really can't do it, they can find a way to replace it with something else.

As for the director and screenwriter, it is definitely impossible to be the same as before.

In fact, as long as the content of the story is the same, just find a well-known director to shoot it. The average director is not too bad and can make a good movie.

The meeting ended quickly, and everyone in the film company was excited to know that they were going to be involved in a big project.

With big-budget movies, they can truly compare with the famous Hollywood movie companies. They will make more big-budget movies in the future. As long as they can succeed, they will be among the top movie companies.

As for the funds, they don't have any worries. It's different having a big boss behind them.

Their boss is rich and willing to invest, so there is no need to worry about money.

For this movie, Chu Lingyun each gave Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen 15% of the investment. Their total investment was three million. After Ni Loach knew that the team leader was going to be in a big movie, he transferred the money without saying a word.

The last movie made them a lot of money, and I believe they will still make money this time.

There is no possibility of failure when the team leader does it himself.

Loach has blind trust in Chu Lingyun.

The movie needs to collect scripts, and Chu Lingyun will personally review the scripts to see who writes the same story as he remembers, and then his script will be selected.

There is also an open recruitment for directors. For big-budget movies, some directors come to you on their own initiative.

The people in the film company are providing various services. They now have rich experience, especially having made several science fiction movies before, so they know what to prepare.

Chu Lingyun has been in Hollywood these days, and he needs to finalize the script.

He is the only one who can decide the script.

Two months later, among the scripts written by many screenwriters, Chu Lingyun finally selected two and let them be integrated together. The story they wrote best met Chu Lingyun's requirements, and was basically the same as the plot of later generations.

Once the script is finalized, filming can begin.

As for the director, he was selected earlier than the script. The director was already making preliminary preparations and started selecting actors as soon as the script was finalized. Before the script was finalized, the director only planned a few unimportant roles.

The real leading role should be chosen based on the script to see who is the most suitable.

Ben Hyuk did not appear in this movie. She mainly has a pure image, which is not consistent with this movie. Besides, Chu Lingyun wants to create a series and a brand.

This brand will be worth a lot of money in the future.

The entire Star Wars series will be worth billions of dollars in the future, and with the money earned from box office and spin-offs, this series will at least help Chu Lingyun earn billions of dollars in the future.

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