Spy Shadow

Chapter 1102 The box office exceeded 100 million

After the movie ended, everyone looked at Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun clapped his hands together. This movie was well shot. It was slightly different from the historical Star Wars series, but the core essence was retained, especially the special effects.

Chu Lingyun is willing to invest. The visual effects of the special effects may be a little different from those of later generations, but they are more exciting.

Anyone who has seen the sample film will understand that this is definitely a movie that can become a hit.

For a film that is completely novel and so shocking, it makes no sense that it would not be popular.

It is a pity that the United States has not landed on the moon yet, otherwise the impact would be greater.

However, Chu Lingyun specially arranged for them to shoot a short section of the moon scene, which is very similar to the future moon landing. After the actual moon landing, it is estimated that there will be even more doubts about the studio shooting, who made the similarity so high.

This is Chu Lingyun's little bit of bad taste.

"You guys did a great job and we can have a happy Christmas this year."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile. Everyone was even happier after receiving the approval from the big boss. They had absolute confidence in this movie. After all, it was the hard work of so many people, including the director and the cast.

There were not many people in the viewing room, and not everyone could see the complete movie in advance. There was no certain level, and they had to wait until it was released later.

Chu Lingyun is very strict about protecting movies.

It's not that he's worried that someone will steal the film and release it in advance, as doing so will put him in jail. What Chu Lingyun is wary of is his competitors, to prevent them from causing trouble.

Chu Lingyun knew very well how dirty the world of capital was.

"Team leader, you are so amazing. I can't even imagine that you can make such a movie."

Loach first flattered him. This flattery was true. Before watching it, he really couldn't imagine that the movie could be made like this.

"There will be more and better movies coming out in the future."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded, while Ni Loach nodded excitedly. They had invested in this movie, and they could make a lot of money by following the team leader.

He was already thinking about how much the movie would eventually earn at the box office.

Roman Holiday, which cost two million, had tens of millions at the box office. Why should this movie cost hundreds of millions?

Hundreds of millions is certain. After all, the team leader still has a sum of money reserved for publicity. When the funds were not enough before, he would rather invest additional money than spend this publicity fee.

If the publicity is good, the box office of the movie will be higher.

What's more, there are so many TV sets now. Just showing some exciting clips through the TV set will definitely attract a large number of people to watch the movie in the cinema.

"The publicity work can begin. Posters should be placed in major movie theaters in advance, on subways, in business districts, on TV stations, in newspapers, and more actors should appear in programs. We must build the momentum of the movie."

Chu Lingyun ordered, and the people from the film company nodded hurriedly.

The promotion effect of the movie was very good last time, and the boss has customized a new promotion plan for them. This time it will definitely be even better.

This time they spent two million on promotion, which is the entire cost of a small- to medium-budget movie.

Spending so much money can make more people look forward to the movie and enter the cinema to watch their movie.

As for the box office, everyone believes it will exceed before.

Their film company is going to set a new record.

Movie tickets for big-budget movies are different from ordinary movies. Movie tickets are higher. The previous movie ticket for Roman Holiday was only three cents, but the movie ticket for this movie is sixty cents, even if it is just the same as the previous movie. With the same number of moviegoers, their box office revenue will double to over 100 million.

If a movie's box office exceeding 10 million is a benchmark, then one that exceeds 100 million would be the top.

The top of the pyramid can also leave a place in film and television records.

The entire company and Loach and others are very confident in this.

This movie is so classic that there's no reason why it shouldn't be successful.

Ni Loach is no longer the country bumpkin he was when he first came to the United States, and felt strange about everything he saw. He is already a multi-millionaire in the United States, and is on his way to becoming a billionaire. It won't be long before his assets exceed 100 million.

He has a vicious look now. No wonder the team leader would take them with him. This was purely to give them money.

I am so lucky to have such a team leader.

It's worth working for such a team leader, unlike others, especially people like Qi Limin, who don't take the lives of their men seriously at all.

The movie was well shot, with a strong commercial film atmosphere, and also added a lot of new technologies.

Chu Lingyun has not let go of any props that can be patented. Whoever wants to make similar movies in the future using the same props, sorry, just get the money first.

This series is to prepare for the future. It is a very good tool for making money. Naturally, you should use the things you can use to the extreme.

This is America, the world of capital.

Not only is it right to do this, but it is normal. If you don’t do this, you will be laughed at.

The movie hadn't been released yet, so Chu Lingyun only paid them a hard-earned fee, which was not much, only a hundred thousand US dollars in total. After the movie was released, the box office would check the results and then reward them based on their merits.

This film is a customized film, and the film company comes up with ideas and collects scripts.

Then the director is selected, and all the problems encountered during the filming are solved by people from the film company. This time the film is given a dead salary without any share.

This is Chu Lingyun's request.

It’s not like he’s using a top-tier director. He doesn’t need the director’s reputation, as long as he can produce the results he wants.

This movie is destined to earn more, including subsequent revenue.

Video recorders and VCRs had been invented a few years ago, but Chu Lingyun did not get involved. There is no need to be involved in all industries. Invest if you have the opportunity, and forget if you don't. There are many opportunities to make money, and there will be more in the future.

The invention of the video recorder provided another way for movies to make money.

In the future, if these movies are sold on video tapes, they can make a lot of money, including peripheral music, cartoon dolls, etc. Don't underestimate these little things, many of them can make hundreds of millions of profits.

Not revenue, but profit.

Now Chu Lingyun's TV station and pharmaceutical factory only make a few hundred million dollars in profit every year.

After the movie was completed, Chu Lingyun handed over the subsequent publicity to Ni Loach.

Identify a movie that can make money and let him contribute.

He has a lot of clever ideas, enough publicity platforms for him to use, and sufficient funds. It just depends on how well he can promote it.

Chu Lingyun himself returned to San Francisco to stay with his parents.

After my parents retired, they have been taking care of their children at home.

Chu Ya and Chu Yuan's child is about to enter elementary school, and he speaks Chinese quite well.

Everyone in the family, including Chu Yuan’s parents, attaches great importance to their children’s education. Teaching their children to speak Chinese and write Chinese characters was unanimously approved by the whole family, and no one objected.

And when you are at home, try to speak Chinese to him as much as possible. You must learn English, and all your contacts with the outside world are in English.

Even though the child is young, he is now fully able to communicate in Chinese and knows some words.

The children are of pure Chinese descent, and Chinese is their mother tongue, so they must be able to speak it. They cannot be like some Chinese children here. Over time, they cannot speak Chinese at all. When you speak Chinese to them, it is like listening to a book from heaven.

"Uncle, do you think my plane looks good?"

The little guy is at home today. Now his parents and sister live in Chu Lingyun's manor. It is big enough and has better conditions. For the sake of their daughter and grandson, Chu Yuanchen and his wife also moved here after retirement.

The couple who had worked hard all their lives were finally able to enjoy happiness and live in a big house in their old age.

However, they are still not used to being served by servants and have to do many things by themselves.

Especially the things that children need for personal use are prepared by them themselves.

"Not bad, very beautiful. Who gave it to you?"

Chu Lingyun was basking in the sun in the garden. When she saw the toy airplane in her nephew's hand, she couldn't help but laugh and ask.

"This is a gift from Sister Long Mei. When will Sister Long Mei come?"

The little guy replied casually, but Chu Lingyun was stunned for a moment. He hadn't gone to see Long Mei yet when he came back this time. He didn't know when she would come over and give the child this gift.

"Do you want to see her?" Chu Lingyun asked with a smile.

"Yes I do."

"She'll be here soon."

Chu Lingyun smiled and replied that he would definitely attend the premiere of the new movie. Long Mei was the one who had to be invited. Now many people knew about their relationship and were waiting for when they would get engaged and married.

Long Mei is not old, and her father doesn't want to let his daughter leave home so early, but it probably won't be delayed for too long. It has been so many years since the Fruit Party failed, and Long Mei is now in her twenties.

It is expected that they will get engaged within two years.

Especially her parents, who now fully accept Long Mei, often ask them when they will get married.

It is not easy for Chu Lingyun to delay for so many years.

Time passed slowly, and Christmas Eve came soon.

Christmas is equivalent to the Chinese New Year, and Christmas Eve is the New Year's Eve. This is a holiday for Americans, and it is also the most lively festival, with many people in various cities.

In a movie theater in Hollywood, Long Mei, who was dressed in fine clothes, took the arm of Chu Lingyun, who was also wearing a suit, and came to the movie theater together.

There were a lot of people at their premiere today.

Including Katemen, who has long since resigned, and Mike, who has a very good personal relationship with Chu Lingyun and is now retired at home.

After receiving the invitation, they all came to attend the premiere.

The movie Star Wars officially premieres today.

Some members of the creative team were also there. They were a little nervous from the beginning of the movie. When they noticed that many big shots around them were shocked by the movie in front of them, they gradually relaxed.

This movie will definitely be successful, which is the common confidence of everyone.

The movie ended quickly, and everyone including Long Mei was shocked.

The main reason is that the props inside are made too real and look too similar.

"Chu, is this true? Didn't you really go to an alien planet to make this movie?"

Long Mei asked in a low voice, and Chu Lingyun smiled slightly: "How is it possible? After the ceremony, I will take you to see these props and tell you how to shoot."

Of course the movie is fake and cannot be true.

Even in later generations, there is no way to use real alien planets to make such science fiction films.

"Okay, I'm going to go see it later."

Long Mei nodded excitedly. She was really curious and had never thought that a movie could be shot like this.

People attending the premiere applauded warmly. These big shots knew very well that this was a movie and everything was fake. They would not doubt that it was true like Long Mei did.

But they were also shocked that such an effect could be achieved.

Not to mention now, when this movie came out in the late 1970s, it still shocked a lot of people.

People from other places who watched the movie were all shocked.

Many film critics began to write their own reviews, and almost all of them praised it. This movie was so well shot, so real, and definitely worth the price of admission. No one will regret it after watching it.

This is an epoch-making movie, and it is also a great movie.

Unlike last time, there were a lot of criticisms last time, but this time there were almost none. Chu Lingyun did not bribe them with money. The main reason was that the film was really good. The few criticisms that were paid were quickly scolded by others. .

Anyone who has actually seen the movie will understand the shock of this movie.

There are already a lot of people watching the movie. Ni Loach's previous promotion was very successful. He deliberately selected wonderful special effects, but there was no follow-up, which made people feel itchy. If they want to see the follow-up, they can only go to the cinema.

The next day, the first-day box office was released.

Sixty-three million.

This big-budget movie has opened in many theaters, but it is a terrifying number to reach more than six million. Each movie ticket only costs 60 cents, which is equivalent to tens of millions of people watching it on the first day. this movie.

Even with the bonus of holidays, this is still a good result.

The huge box office on the first day was attributed to Ni Loach, and Chu Lingyun gave him credit.

The box office on Christmas Day soon followed, at 9.21 million.

The box office has increased by 50% compared to the previous day, and the number of moviegoers has risen to 15 million. There are only so many people in the United States now, and many people have already watched this movie in just two days. .

And there must be people who have watched it twice or even three times.

The box office in two days was 15.5 million. Judging from this figure alone, it has exceeded the production cost, but it has not yet reached profitability.

But everyone believes that this movie will definitely make money.

Just two days.

The day after Christmas, the box office dropped slightly and reached more than 7 million.

The box office in three days was close to 23 million, and Chu Lingyun was about to recover the cost.

Film critics have continued to praise it, and many well-known directors have also come forward to speak highly of the film and praise Chu Lingyun's film company and director.

This movie was really well made.

On the fourth day, the box office rose again, exceeding 8 million, and the total box office exceeded 30 million.

This is just America.

Canada is following closely. Movies that do well at the box office in the United States are almost the same in Canada. Everyone wants a movie that can make a lot of money like this.

After Christmas, Chu Lingyun didn't care much about the box office. On the day of the premiere, he took Long Mei to see the movie props and shooting methods, and then he returned to San Francisco with Long Mei.

A good life is spent with your family.

Loach paid close attention.

Fifty million, eighty million, one hundred million.

In just half a month, the movie has exceeded the 100 million mark. Although it will weaken a lot in the future, it will definitely bring in tens of millions more at the box office.

Film companies took the opportunity to release various peripheral products such as dolls. Once they were launched, they were snapped up. All previously produced products were sold out, forcing them to work overtime to continue production to meet consumer demand.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another reward of 2,000 starting coins. I also want to inform you that the book will be completed soon, and it is not expected to exceed this month.

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