Spy Shadow

Chapter 1113 Extra 1: Granted the wish

1980, spring.

At Guangzhou Airport, several young people in casual clothes were chatting quietly. In front of them sat an old man with silver hair.

Behind the old man is a middle-aged man.

He heard what several young people were saying.

Several people were wondering who they were going to pick up today and why was it so grand?

Only the elderly and middle-aged men knew the identities of the people to be picked up.

The middle-aged man is the son of the old man and now works in the National Security Bureau. These young people are his subordinates. They don't even know the true identity of the old man in front of them.

A middle-aged man named Zuo has cracked many espionage cases and received many commendations.

But he understood that what he did was nothing compared to his father.

Father is the real great one.

At that time, he was lurking in the enemy's military command and made many military exploits. After the liberation of Peiping, he even captured thousands of Fruit Party agents hiding in Peiping.

The old man's name is Zuo Xuan.

At this time, he was waiting to greet an old friend. Decades had passed, many of his comrades who had been with him had already left, and there were not many left alive.

Zuo Xuan worked hard and received many awards and promotions until his retirement in the 1960s.

After retiring, he encountered some troubles, but someone said hello, and he was the real hero, so he got through it safely until today.

Although he does not work in the intelligence department, his legend is still preserved in many places.

Especially for many new comrades, many of the practical cases they learned were cases handled by him.

Just to protect his safety, Zuo Xuan is now in seclusion, and even outsiders do not know his relationship with his son.

This time an old friend was coming back, so Zuo Xuan personally came to the airport to greet him.

He hadn't received someone like this in years.

The plane finally landed, and he looked out the window with his eyes slightly in a trance.

The war years were the most unforgettable time in his life. He lurked in the war situation group, fought in Shanghai for eight years, and fought against the Japanese for eight years. The war situation group made great achievements, and he had a share of the credit.

Except for him, everyone in the war team contributed.

Only after the Guo Party was defeated did he know that there was a comrade of his in the war group, and it was someone he had never expected.

Shocked at first, then understanding.

If anyone can think of it, how could this comrade have been lurking for so many years?

What he didn't expect even more was that this comrade was willing to bear the infamy and left lurking again. It had been almost thirty years since he left.

How many thirty years can a life last?

After thirty years in a foreign country, he never forgot his true feelings and provided a large amount of technical information for the motherland. In Zuo Xuan's heart, Chen Zhanli did better than him and suffered more than him.

Fortunately, everything is over and the hero can finally go home.

On the plane, a thin old man came to the exit and looked at the scenery outside, his eyes slightly moist.

He took a deep breath. This was the smell of his motherland. He was finally back.

Chen Zhanli really didn't expect that the last time he lurked would be such a long time. He never came back in nearly thirty years.

But in the past thirty years, he has never forgotten his identity and has been working diligently to provide everything needed for the motherland.

He has been in Japan for thirty years.

However, his work ended ten years ago. Kubo died ten years ago, the former Shrine Training Office was disbanded, and all the agents were taken away by Hiroshi Ishihara. However, Chen Zhanli and Kubo both saved a lot of money from their previous jobs, and their lives were not any problem.

After Kubo's death, Chen Zhanli spent the most stable ten years in Japan.

But during these ten years, he never wanted to go home. The further he went, the more anxious he became. He didn't want to die in a foreign country as a traitor. Fortunately, the final result did not disappoint him.

The country has not forgotten him. His information is still there, but he belongs to the highest level of agents. The organization contacted him again. Chen Zhanli immediately made his request. He wanted to go back.

Today he finally returned home.

Exiting the station, Zuo Xuan stood up.

He saw Chen Zhanli, old. Now they are all old, and they are no longer what they were when they were young.

"Old Chen."

Zuo Xuan slowly took two steps forward. His legs were not very good and he could not stand or walk for long periods of time.


Seeing the old friend in front of him, even though he hadn't seen him for thirty years, he still recognized the other person's identity. Zuo Xuan's son led people to guard the back and did not get close, allowing the two old friends who had not seen each other for decades to have a good time. Have a chat.

"Welcome home."

Zuo Xuan said with a smile, with a little excitement in his voice, while Chen Zhanli stepped forward quickly and hugged his shoulders with both hands.

"Thank you, you are old."

Chen Zhanli was even more excited, but one could hear his happiness at this time.

Japan is developing very well, but he has never regarded himself as a Japanese. He is a Chinese and a member of the Chinese Red Party. He always remembers his responsibilities and has worked for a lifetime. Now he only has Make your last wish.

This wish has been fulfilled.

"You are different. You are old, so you don't have to laugh at me."

Zuo Xuan smiled heartily. Seeing that they had been chatting for a while, the middle-aged man hurriedly stepped forward and picked them up in the car.

This was a simple reminiscence, allowing them to express their feelings. It was not suitable for a long chat, not to mention that he knew his father's condition and could not stand for a long time.

"This is my first time coming to Guangzhou."

Looking out the window, Chen Zhanli couldn't help but sigh. He had been lurking in Shanghai. He once went to Chongqing to receive awards from the Fruit Party, and later went to Peking.

Later came Russia and Japan, and Guangzhou was indeed the first time.

"Don't worry. When you come back this time, you can go wherever you want. There are many places you can visit."

Zuo Xuan smiled and said that he understood the meaning of Chen Zhanli's words. The two were not only comrades, but also partners who had been lurking together in the past. Even though they did not know each other's identities at the beginning, they were both working for the organization.

Chen Zhanli did a lot of things for the organization in Shanghai, saved many people, and even found ways to provide funds for the organization.

The same was true for him in Peiping.

"Okay, I must take a good look."

Chen Zhanli is not young. He was in his thirties when he first lurked. Now, more than forty years have passed and he is already eighty years old.

Zuo Xuan looked at him, his eyes slightly moist.

He knows one thing.

Chen Zhanli did not get married and is still single to this day. Although Chen Zhanli joined the organization later than him, he is a person who truly dedicated his life to the organization.

Chen Zhanli looked out the window and said no more.

Nothing else matters to him, as long as he can come back, and the organization recognizes him and is willing to accept him, he will have no regrets.

"Old Chen, have you been wronged over the years?"

At night, two old brothers drank alone in the room, with guards outside.

"What do I have to feel wronged about? The salary is high there and the food and drinks are good."

Chen Zhanli laughed and picked up his chopsticks to deal with the food in front of him as usual.

Zuo Xuan smiled and shook his head. Despite Chen Zhanli's free and easy words, as a former lurker, he knew very well how difficult lurking work was.

Chen Zhanli has not had any contact with the organization for more than ten years.

How did he get here in the past ten years?

Zuo Xuan had only lost contact with the organization for a few months, and he was already very worried. Chen Zhanli had been there for more than ten years.

What's more, Chen Zhanli is lurking as a traitor, and his inner torment will be even greater.

Zuo Xuan was right. After losing contact at first, Chen Zhanli was really panicked. He dreamed many times that he was back in China and in the arms of the organization.

But every time I wake up it's a dream.

"Ke Gong mentioned you before he left."

After a while, Zuo Xuan said slowly that Ke Gong was not in good health and left early. To the people in their intelligence system, Ke Gong's departure was like they had lost their backbone.

During that time, even Zuo Xuan was confused.

"It's a pity that I can't come back."

Chen Zhanli's eyes were slightly red. When Ke Gong passed away, he received the news in Japan. He could only pay homage secretly and cry bitterly without letting anyone know.

"Secretary Wang also mentioned you before he left."

Zuo Xuan said again. He understood that these words would make Chen Zhanli sad, but they were also the greatest comfort to Chen Zhanli.

Secretary Wang was Chen Zhanli’s leader and he developed Chen Zhanli into the organization. He has never been forgotten at any time.

"I know."

Chen Zhanli's eyes were even redder. Not only Secretary Wang, but also many people he knew who were related to him passed away, and it was very difficult for him to live in Japan.

People in China could at least attend funerals, but he could only secretly buy paper and burn it.

Every time something like this happens, he will drink some wine, but he doesn't dare to get drunk for fear of getting drunk and causing trouble.

"I have reported your identity issue to the organization. The organization intends to rehabilitate you directly. You are old and will not arrange any job for you, but will repay your salary and retirement benefits over the years."

Chen Zhanli joined the job before liberation and did a very good job. Like him, he can enjoy retirement benefits.


Chen Zhanli finally couldn't help but shed tears. Money is not important. He has saved a lot of money in Japan. He has no children. The money will be donated to the country in the future. The most important thing is to affirm his identity.

He is not a traitor, he is a hero, and he enjoys retirement benefits.

"And these were given to me by Ke Gong. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to wait until you came back, so I gave them to my son. Now that you are back, I can just give them back to you."

He turned around and took out a paper bag, a thick paper bag.

In the paper bag are the certificates and medals that Chen Zhanli received for his previous meritorious service. During the last national war, Chen Zhanli provided a lot of important information in South Korea and made many meritorious services.

In addition to the certificate award, there are also two very important medals.

Zuo Xuan introduced these awards and medals to Chen Zhanli one by one, but Chen Zhanli was already in tears. He stretched out his hand to take the two medals and wiped them carefully in the palm of his hand.

These are affirmations of his work and even more of his identity.

With these, no one can question his identity.


Chen Zhanli thanked him again, and Zuo Xuan stopped introducing him. He picked up the wine glass, touched it with Chen Zhanli, and took a careful sip.

They are too old to drink too much.

The next day, Zuo Xuan took Chen Zhanli on the train. They were going to Shanghai. This was Chen Zhanli's request. He wanted to go back to Shanghai first.

He was originally from around Shanghai, but now his hometown has been included in Shanghai.

Secondly, Shanghai is the place where he fought.

Zuo Xuan took him to Shanghai and settled him in a house. Zuo Xuan asked Chen Zhanli where he wanted to live in the future.

Chen Zhanli has determined that he will not return to Japan.

It doesn't matter even if his identity is exposed, not to mention that the organization will still help him keep it secret to ensure the safety of the hero.

Chen Zhanli’s final decision was Shanghai.

He didn't want to go to the capital. Relatively speaking, he was more familiar with Shanghai. He was from here, so he could just stay and live in Shanghai.

Zuo Xuan immediately sent a telegram and applied for him, and the organization quickly arranged a house for Chen Zhanli. Chen Zhanli was retired. In addition to the house, if he felt unwell, he could go to the hospital or nursing home at any time.

Even though Chen Zhanli has been out and lurking for many years, his level is not low.

Among the two medals, the Medal of Freedom is Level 3, but the medals behind it are Level 2. What's more, he has been lurking outside for many years and provided a lot of important technology.

In the United States, Chu Lingyun received the telegram from China with a smile on her face.

He also hasn't been back in these years.

However, he kept doing things. In the 1960s, he picked up the families of Fang Shiyi and others, and then sent many good things there.

In the United States, Chu Lingyun's company has been developing steadily.

The TV station is already one of the three major TV stations in the United States, with assets worth hundreds of billions, and the pharmaceutical company is also of similar size.

The film company has caught up from behind, produced many successful movies, and created a series of brands. Today, its total assets are not low.

The most important thing is that Chu Lingyun finally entered the financial industry in the late 1950s. Now he holds shares in many banks and fund companies. His wealth has long been among the top in the United States.

Chu Lingyun has never lost contact with China.

After Ke Gong left, Hu Gong personally took over his relationship. Until now, few people know his identity.

Chen Zhanli went back, but he didn't know that it was Chu Lingyun who helped him to go back.

After he lost contact with the organization, Chu Lingyun did not move during that time.

When the appropriate time came, Chu Lingyun immediately reported to the organization and reported Chen Zhanli's situation.

He knew what Chen Zhanli's greatest wish was.

The organization quickly sent people to get in touch with Chen Zhanli again, and then Chen Zhanli's return to China was announced.

Chen Zhanli was his former subordinate. On the surface, he was promoted by Secretary Wang, but in fact, it was Chu Lingyun who promoted him.

At the beginning, he suggested to Ke Gong that the organization should do Chen Zhanli's work and develop him.

It can be said that he has always been Chen Zhanli's leader and his comrade.

It's a pity that Chen Zhanli doesn't know this.

After reading the telegram, Chu Lingyun stood up. Chen Zhanli had returned to China. He was almost there and would definitely go back soon.

His parents were too old and probably wouldn't last long. His father was seriously ill three years ago. Fortunately, Chu Lingyun was in the pharmaceutical business and invested in a hospital, which finally saved his father.

The thought of parents returning home has never stopped, and it is time to help them fulfill this wish.

Thank you to Brother Daliang for the 1,000 starting coin reward, thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward, and thank you to book friends 20180603091432940 and Muzi 99999 for the 100 starting coin reward.

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