Spy Shadow

Extra 3: Three medals

Zuo Xuan truly admired Chu Lingyun and was not lying.

Especially during the last meeting in the capital, Chu Lingyun asked him to live a good life and specifically reminded him to take care of his companions who stayed with the Red Party, leaving Zuo Xuan with a memory that he will never forget.

Everyone looked at them, even more shocked.

The age gap between the two was obviously different. They were almost a generation apart. As a result, the older one had great respect for the younger one.

And it's the kind of respect that comes from the heart, and everyone can see it.

Listening to their conversation, the older man used to be the younger man's subordinate?

How old is he?

Judging from his appearance, he is only in his forties. He was born during the Anti-Japanese War at most, and grew up during the New China period. How could he be the boss of an older person?

Everyone didn't understand.

"Mr. Chu, we have prepared the car. Do you want to go over now?"

The person in charge of the reception was also an old man. Secretary Wang, who was next to Ke Gong at the time, was still alive. This time, the organization specially asked him to receive Chu Lingyun.

"Let's go."

Chu Lingyun recognized him and responded with a smile. Ke Gong was very protective of him at the beginning, and even the people around him had never seen Chu Lingyun's true appearance.

But Secretary Wang finally knew everything.

Before Ke Gong left, he told him all the truth and left him the medals and other rewards that Chu Lingyun deserved, so that he could give them to Chu Lingyun in the future.

He originally thought there was no hope in this life, but he didn't expect this day to come.

When he first learned about Chu Lingyun, he was extremely shocked.

The number one agent of the Fruit Party, the one who can control the situation in the Fruit Party, the most popular person around the eldest son, and the person with a lot of wealth, is their comrade?

Not only that, but he has made countless contributions to the organization and made many great achievements in the past.

It even caused upheavals on the Japanese side, and it is still affecting Japan to this day.

If Ke Gong hadn't said it himself, it would be difficult for him to imagine such a person.

Ke Gong has confessed before that this is the biggest secret and must not be leaked to the outside world. He has always kept this secret in his heart. Until now, there are still very few people in the country who know about it.

Chu Lingyun still pushed the wheelchair and walked out together.

We put our parents in the car and the motorcade set off quickly.

They will not stop in Shanghai and return directly to Ningcheng.

Feeling homesick and eager to return, my parents don’t want to go anywhere, they just want to go home.

Travel back in time to their home.

Zuo Xuan and Secretary Wang were in a car, and both of them were filled with emotion.

Zuo Xuan finally understood why the level of confidentiality was so high. The identity of the team leader was different. He really needed to pay attention when he returned home, especially since the team leader had huge influence on the opposite side.

The eldest son has already taken the throne and had invited Chu Lingyun back. Chu Lingyun did go back for a while.

Although he did not stay there, Chu Lingyun's influence has always been there, and he is still the person whom the eldest son trusts the most.

The fleet drove all the way. The country has developed well in recent years. Although there are not so many expressways, the highway system has been improved a lot. There is a direct highway from Shanghai to Ningcheng.

There were not so many vehicles in this era, and they arrived in Ningcheng at night.

"Mr. Chu, you and your family should rest first. We will visit again tomorrow."

Secretary Wang said softly that it was a little late today. They had been driving for another day, especially the two older people. What they needed most at this time was rest.

"Thank you, Secretary Wang."

Chu Lingyun replied with a smile. Chu Yuan sent Secretary Wang and others away. Looking at Secretary Wang's back, Chu Yuan couldn't help but smile.

When he went to Yanzhou, he pretended to be Secretary Wang. I wonder if Secretary Wang knew about this.

After entering the house, Chu Yuanchen stood up shakily, with red eyes, and came to the sofa in the living room, touching here and there.

In 1936, the couple was tricked by Chu Lingyun into opening a school in Chongqing, and he never came back here again.

He Wanrong came back, but only once.

Forty-four years have passed, half a lifetime.

The appearance of the house still maintains its original appearance, but everything inside has been changed. The original furniture was mostly replaced after the Japanese occupation, and later all was replaced.

The current furniture was made in advance by Chu Lingyun according to his own memory and is not the original one.

Even so, Chu Yuanchen couldn't help but get excited when he saw something vague in his memory.

He Wanrong was not much better than him. They both looked the same and kept touching everything, including sofas, tables, etc. Chu Lingyun supported her father and took him into every room to take a look.

When he arrived at the study, Chu Yuanchen could no longer control himself and burst into tears.

Back, back home.

He never had any regrets in his life. Even if he left tomorrow, he would leave happily.

The couple has been educating all their lives, and they can be said to be full of students.

Regardless of whether they are at home or abroad, they have many students. Some students are really successful and they respect them very much.

This is a comfort to them, but their biggest wish is still to come back.

Fallen leaves return to their roots.

He Wanrong quickly entered the study, took Chu Yuanchen's hand, and cried with him.

Chu Lingyun didn't speak. He understood that his parents were venting their feelings and crying for a while was not a bad thing.

The doctor is following, so he can respond in time if there is a real situation.

Early the next morning, Secretary Wang brought Zuo Xuan here.

"Comrade Zuo, I'll go in first, please wait for me for a while."

Secretary Wang said softly that the two were old acquaintances and had known each other for a long time. Zuo Xuan immediately agreed, while Secretary Wang himself carried a box and knocked on the door.

Chu Lingyun has already gotten up.

Chu Lingyun has a very stable schedule. His good maintenance is not only good at makeup, but also has something to do with his strict daily routine and habits.

"Secretary Wang, have you had breakfast?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a smile when she saw him. Secretary Wang hurriedly replied: "After eating, are you free now?"

"When we have time, let's go to the study and chat."

Chu Lingyun nodded and took Secretary Wang to the study. Chu Principle was waiting outside the door. Despite his age, he still had no problem dealing with one or two people.

Chu Yuan has never stopped exercising in these years.

"Mr. Chu, when old man Ke Gong left, he was still thinking about you."

After sitting down, Secretary Wang first said that this was not a lie. Ke Gong did explain a lot of things before leaving, including the matter of Chu Lingyun.

He was thinking about all the agents out there.

"I know, I have been asking him to quit smoking before, but he just doesn't listen."

Smoking has a great impact on healthy cerebral blood vessels. Ke Gong was injured and was not in good health. Adding on smoking, and smoking a lot of cigarettes, was very bad for his health.

Secretary Wang was silent and did not speak.

He remembered the time when Chu Lingyun came in disguise and took the cigarette from Ke Gong's hand.

At that time, he didn't know Chu Lingyun's identity, but he knew that for someone to treat Ke Gong like this, their relationship must be good.

It wasn't until later that he learned Chu Lingyun's true identity.

"Mr. Chu, your meritorious organization has never forgotten. Everything you have done before has been recorded and will be released to the world when you agree."

After a while, Secretary Wang said slowly that Chu Lingyun didn't care that much. He knew the attitude of Americans towards the Chinese. Even if relations have eased now, it was only because of the threat from Russia.

When the Russian threat disappears, the United States will attack it with all its strength.

Various economic wars, technological blockades, trade blockades, etc. Even Chinese companies that have developed in the United States have to be forcibly divested.

Total gangster.

"It doesn't matter. We'll talk about the rest later."

Chu Lingyun didn't say anything about making this public, but it was difficult to decrypt it while he was alive. It is estimated that he would have to wait until after his death and everything was stable before what he did was made public.

"These are your awards and medals. Ke Gong gave them to me before he left. Today I can finally hand them to you with my own hands."

As Secretary Wang opened the box, Chu Lingyun's reward was much greater than that of Chen Zhanli. Chen Zhanli joined the organization during the Anti-Japanese War, but Chu Lingyun was different.

Strictly speaking, he was already a member of the organization from the time he used the code name of Miss Qiu to work for the organization.

Chu Lingyun did more and made greater contributions to the organization.

As soon as the box was opened, Chu Lingyun looked straight inside. There were some yellowed papers and some small boxes.

These papers are all commendation orders.

Everything he did had results, starting from the time he reported to Director Yang in Nanjing, telling them that they had been exposed and asking them to move quickly.

Chu Lingyun opened these and looked at them very carefully.

Looking at him, he smiled. There were some things that he didn't care about, and he didn't expect them.

For example, when he told Ke Gong that Gu Dagu's true identity was Tan Wenbo, he gave Ke Gong the initiative to negotiate with Tan Wenbo.

Tan Wenbo left ten years ago.

Although he turned from the dark side to the bright side, after all, his hands were stained with the blood of his comrades, so he was not completely wronged.

Chu Lingyun will not make any comments on these.

After reading the commendation order, he began to open the box and gently stroked the medal inside.

He has the three most important medals.

Each medal represents recognition of his work. Chu Lingyun will bring these medals back to the United States. No one in the United States dares to check him easily. Besides, he has a place to keep these things. Even if someone checks, they can't find them.

It's not a big thing, so it's easy to hide.

Three medals, two first class, much higher than the medals Chen Zhanli received.

It's a pity that these medals were not given to him by Ke Gong himself.

This regret will never be made up for in the future.

"thank you."

Chu Lingyun looked at all the things and thanked Secretary Wang. Secretary Wang would not take these things away. They belonged to Chu Lingyun. He was just returning them to their original owners.

"Comrades from the Ministry of Commerce and Trade would like to have a good chat with you. You also know that the country is currently short of foreign exchange."

Secretary Wang replied in a low voice that the country had just opened up and many things and raw materials needed to be imported. Foreign countries did not want their money and could only buy it with US dollars or other common foreign exchange.

The US dollar is the most popular and is a global currency.

Thank you to the alliance leaders Pipitu and Ye Biling for the 1,000 starting points each.

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