Spy Shadow

Chapter 12 Want a case

Chapter 12 Want a case

In fact, even if Ichiro Watanabe changed his phone number to call, as long as the person he called was Henry, Chu Lingyun would find out.

However, the phone number was not changed, but Yang Jian was exposed to Chu Lingyun's sight in advance, and arrangements were made in advance to keep an eye on him. This was Chu Lingyun's gain after Ichiro Watanabe's mistake.

"How did you know the time and place of their meeting?"

Chu Lingyun asked again, and Ichiro Watanabe raised his head slightly: "I have a dead mailbox, and they will send messages to me through the dead mailbox."

Chu Lingyun frowned: "Don't you have a radio station?"

If the radio station and code book could be found from Ichiro Watanabe, the credit would be more than doubled. Now Ichiro Watanabe only receives messages through the dead mailbox, which somewhat disappoints Chu Lingyun.

The so-called dead mailbox can be anywhere, such as beside a wall, under a chair, or even in the cracks of the floor in a restaurant. As long as it is not a place that is easily noticed, only intelligence officers know the location of the dead mailbox and can take out and put new information into it.

"No, I am an observer. Observers do not have radio stations and can only communicate through dead mailboxes."

Ichiro Watanabe shook his head. The observer had a secret identity. He usually did not contact intelligence or send or receive intelligence. Naturally, he did not need a radio station.

"Let's talk about Yang Jian."

Unable to find the radio station, Chu Lingyun could only give up. Watanabe Ichiro shook his head again: "If you don't tell me, I don't even know his name. I only know his phone number. According to the requirements, I can only call when it is very urgent. I cannot Any contact with other people.”

Watanabe Ichiro didn't know Yang Jian as well as Chu Lingyun, which made Chu Lingyun very regretful.

At this moment, Zhong Hui came back.

Zhong Hui has turned over the place where Watanabe Ichiro rented, but in the end he gained nothing.

In fact, Chu Lingyun understood that since Ichiro Watanabe had confessed, he would not hide the existence of the radio station. His wish to seize the radio station from Ichiro Watanabe was completely ruined.

But being able to catch him, catching this real spy, is a great achievement in itself. This is Chu Lingyun's credit, and no one can take it away.

After letting Ichiro Watanabe sign the confession, Chu Lingyun ended the interrogation.

"elder brother."

Behind him, Wang Jialiang was scratching his head like a cat, his eyes full of impatience, and he couldn't help but bark at Wang Yuemin.

"Call the stationmaster."

Wang Yuemin said something displeased, and Wang Jialiang immediately changed his title: "Webmaster, can we talk alone."

Wang Jialiang's voice was very low, but Wang Yuemin could guess what he was going to say with his toes. He was just jealous when he saw Chu Lingyun's meritorious service.

"Come out and say it."

After leaving the torture room, Wang Yuemin went directly to the interrogation team's office. It was quiet here and not as dark as the torture room.

"Webmaster, this case belongs to me. Can you ask Chu Lingyun to return it to me?"

As soon as he entered the office, Wang Jialiang said anxiously.

Ichiro Watanabe confessed and confirmed his identity as a Japanese spy. He could not take away the credit for capturing Ichiro Watanabe, but there was Yang Jian behind him, who was a bigger fish.

Catching him is also a huge achievement. With such a feat right in front of him, it's surprising that Wang Jialiang can hold back.

He and Chu Lingyun have a good relationship, but depending on what is going on, this kind of interest is related, and even matters related to one's own future, anyone will fight for it and will never give up.

Wang Yuemin glared directly and scolded: "What the hell are you thinking? This case is yours, so what did you do yesterday? Why were you deceived by such simple false information?"

Thinking of the twenty minutes he was scolded by Virgo, Wang Yuemin became extremely angry.

If his cousin could live up to his expectations and see through the fake business information yesterday, he wouldn't be so passive and be scolded so miserably.

"I made a mistake yesterday, and I promise I will never do it again in the future."

Wang Jialiang is a little aggrieved. He was not the one who was deceived yesterday. Weren't you also deceived? It was you, not me, who ordered the release of the two Japanese spies.

But how could he dare to say these words directly to Wang Yuemin? He could only guarantee them again and again.

"Don't think about the case. I noticed something was wrong yesterday and asked Ling Yun to take over. Fortunately, I had the foresight and was not as stupid as you to give up on the case completely."

Wang Yuemin shook his head, how could he not know what his cousin was thinking.

If this case was in the hands of others, maybe he would be really shameless and help Wang Jialiang get the case back. After all, Wang Jialiang also had a reason, and the previous case did belong to him.

But the person in charge of the case now is Chu Lingyun. This is a confidant he has personally trained. The subordinate who will be reused in the future is his right-hand man, not anyone else.

The palms and backs of his hands were all flesh, and it was really hard for him to show favoritism to anyone.

As for the foresight he said, it was purely a fig leaf for himself. He had really given up on this case. If it had been anyone else, he would not have even agreed to continue the investigation.

Chu Lingyun was regarded by him as a confidant who could not refuse, so he reluctantly agreed and told Chu Lingyun not to spend too much energy on this case.

It was an unintentional decision, but he didn't expect it to bring him a bright future.

Seeing that Wang Yuemin refused, Wang Jialiang rolled his eyes and had a new idea: "Brother, if the case can't be returned to me, then can our intelligence team also get involved? Investigating cases is the strength of the intelligence team, and the action team is alone If you do it, I'm afraid something will go wrong."

Judging from Wang Yuemin's attitude, the case was unlikely to come back, but he was unwilling to watch Chu Lingyun make meritorious deeds.

If you can't take back the leadership of the case, you can join in. When the time comes, you will have made a contribution, and their intelligence team will also be indispensable for this contribution.

Sure enough, his words made Wang Yuemin hesitate.

The people in the action team naturally had nothing to say in terms of action. Wang Yuemin believed in their abilities very much, but Wang Jialiang was right. The intelligence team was more capable of spying on intelligence and tracking down spies.

Moreover, Chu Lingyun is only the captain of the third team, with only fourteen people under his command. Now three people have to investigate at the same time. Chu Lingyun is short of manpower and may not be able to do what he wants.

This is a very important case, and it is the key to changing his image in Virgo's heart. There must be no mistakes.

"I'll talk to Ling Yun first, but you have to live up to your expectations. This kind of thing can only happen once, and it won't happen again."

Wang Yuemin glared at Wang Jialiang again, and Wang Jialiang grinned. It would be great if he could participate, but it's a pity that he can't lead this case. The biggest credit will still belong to Chu Lingyun in the future.

There was nothing he could do. Who made him give up the case so easily yesterday, and that was why he was so passive now.

"Thank you, webmaster. I promise there will be no mistakes this time."

Wang Jialiang reassured, Wang Yuemin shook his head, left the interrogation team's office, and went to discuss with Chu Lingyun.

In the Military Intelligence Department, it has always been the responsibility of whose case it is, and others cannot interfere, otherwise they will commit a big taboo. However, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. When faced with great achievements, few people can stand still. No idea.

There is nothing wrong with what Wang Jialiang did. Forget about him, at the headquarters, several of Virgo's confidants sometimes compete for credit, which gives Virgo a headache.

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