Spy Shadow

Chapter 121 No evidence required

Chapter 121 No Evidence Needed

"For Japanese spies, no evidence is needed."

Virgo said coldly that he very much agreed with Chu Lingyun's view. As long as I suspect that you are a spy, I must take measures against you.

It has always been Virgo's behavior to rather kill the wrong person than let them go.

If Chu Lingyun hadn't found out that Zhu Lihua was a traitor this time, the other six people in the equipment department would have been buried with Zhu Lihua.

The other people in the equipment department had no idea that Chu Lingyun had saved their lives invisibly.

"Now that Chu Lingyun has come to Nanjing, with his work style and acumen, I believe that it won't be long before the Japanese spies in Nanjing will be wiped out."

Secretary Qi added in a timely manner, and Virgo was indeed delighted upon hearing this.

It was Chu Lingyun who cleared up the Japanese spies in Nanjing, but he was the biggest contributor. After all, he was the chief officer of the Military Intelligence Department.

The people above only look at the results, and all the achievements made by the Military Intelligence Office will be attributed to him.

"Limin, go and find out how Zhu Lihua got in, who brought her in, and who was the person who reviewed her in the first place."

The chief suddenly gave an order, and Secretary Qi immediately bent down, followed the order and left.

The Military Intelligence Department is not an ordinary unit. It is very strict in reviewing people who want to come in. If such a big mistake happened this time, someone must be responsible for it.

After He Nian came out of Virgo, he hurried to the torture room.

"Ling Yun, Virgo is very satisfied with your work. Virgo asked me to tell you that he is very optimistic about you."

Seeing Chu Lingyun, He Nian conveyed Virgo's words as soon as possible. This was Virgo's order and must be fulfilled first.

"Thank you, Virgo, thank you, section chief."

Chu Lingyun stood up straight and replied, Virgo's compliment was good, but it was illusory and had no substance.

Chu Lingyun has never been in contact with this Virgo, or even met him. But there are many evaluations of him in later generations. We already knew what kind of person he was. Even though he is so good now, if he made any mistakes, he would not be spared.

In this case, just listen.

"Has Hu Qun confessed?"

He Nian continued to ask, what he was most concerned about was the case. Wang Wei and Mikami had given up, and now only Hu Qun and Zhu Lihua were left to hold on.

"I was about to report to you, here we go."

Chu Lingyun smiled, He Nian was very excited, clapped his hands and said: "Great, both of them have been recruited. At least we can find out what secrets Zhu Lihua has leaked over the years. Zhu Lihua is not in a hurry, just take your time. Sooner or later, let her speak."

Zhu Lihua's injuries were too serious and she could not continue to be tortured. Now she was pulled down for treatment.

If you want to torture her, you have to wait until her injuries are better, otherwise she will probably be beaten to death.

Hu Qun's real name is Mikami Ohara. He is 41 years old and is an agent of Japan's Special High School Lieutenant. His codename is Liuyun.

He joined the special high school very early, but his level was not high. He had been working in Japan before. Three years ago, he was specially transferred to Nanjing in order to cooperate with Zhu Lihua.

He was older and being the owner of the store would not attract attention or suspicion.

His main job is to receive information about Sakura and send out reports. The radio is in his shop, hidden in a crack in the wall of the woodshed at the back, and will only be taken out when needed.

It doesn't matter where he hides it. As long as there is one, Loach will definitely be able to find it for him.

In the past three years, Sakura has provided information sixteen times, which is consistent with Sanhonjuku's account. Six of them were against Japanese spies. Except for the time when they captured traitors, all the others were resolved by Japan's Special High School.

The remaining operations were not against the Japanese, so there was no movement from them.

Because of Julie, the Military Intelligence Service failed at least five operations, and the targets of the five operations were seven people.

This result made He Nian very angry. If these seven people were caught, the total number of spies they caught would also be ten, which is only slightly worse than Wuhan. They would not be completely suppressed by Wuhan like now.

This also made him hate Wang Wei even more. For the sake of a bitch, he dared to say anything, not only ruining himself, but also causing him and Xu Yi to make many actions in vain.

Four people were arrested, and three of them have confessed. This is a very good result. With the confessions of Mikami Ohara and Yamamotojuku, and knowing the information that Zhu Lihua leaked, it is equivalent to getting one-third of Zhu Lihua's confession.

The rest is the introduction of Julie, her true identity and the secret that Mikami and the others don't know.

Chu Lingyun also has Zhu Shaojun who has been arrested, and can get some information from him, such as Zhu Lihua's true identity and so on.

So Chu Lingyun was not in a hurry, settled here, and immediately went to Shen Hanwen's place.

Shen Hanwen has already set his sights on Yang Jian's employer, who is also a big fish.

Keiko Chishima is so stubborn and has the rank of captain. If Yang Jian's employer can help Keiko Chishima find a substitute, his rank must not be lower.

Only people whom Chishima Keiko absolutely trusts will do these things. Otherwise, it will be an additional risk of being exposed. It is better not to use a substitute.

"Team leader, you are here."

Seeing Chu Lingyun, Shen Hanwen hurriedly greeted him. This time they did not ask the General Affairs Department for reimbursement for the money they spent renting the surveillance point.

Chu Lingyun will cover all the expenses first, and it will not be too late to reimburse them after the person is caught and the case is closed.

Even if Zhu Lihua is caught now, Chu Lingyun will still do this. One less person will know the action and there will be an extra layer of insurance.

"How is the situation?" Chu Lingyun habitually picked up the surveillance records and asked while reading them.

"The current name of Yang Jian's employer is Jiang Binghui. His published age is thirty-five years old and he works as a writer. He has not been out since yesterday. However, through our inquiries, we found that he has bought a lot of things since he arrived. Books, neighbors often see him going out to buy books.”

"Write down this detail and try to find out the bookstore where he often buys books."

Chu Lingyun immediately ordered, and Shen Hanwen nodded and continued: "According to the local security chief, Jiang Binghui came to Nanjing not long ago. He arrived the day before Yang Jian saw him, and he was seen by Yang Jian as soon as he arrived in Nanjing. Yes, this kid is really lucky."

Jiang Binghui just arrived, which surprised Chu Lingyun. She thought he had been lurking in Nanjing.

However, intelligence work cannot rely purely on guessing. It is normal to guess wrong. He is not a god, and all guesses must be correct.

"Yang Jian is also a lucky general."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Yang Jian contributed a lot to catching Hanako Abe last time. Without his portrait, it would be difficult for Chu Lingyun to find someone.

It was Yang Jian who drew the appearance of Hanako Abe that allowed them to finally catch him, and through Hanako Abe, they killed the entire Dujuan group.

"I heard that he doesn't dare to go out these days. He even asks his brother who protects him to buy food for him. He is so cowardly."

Shen Hanwen also smiled. Ever since Yang Jian met his employer, he was really worried. He once wanted to live in the cell of the Military Intelligence Department, but Chu Lingyun refused.

Yang Jian was indeed not very courageous. He was frightened and cried when he was arrested. He begged for his life and finally came up with the good idea of ​​portrait.

Updates will be added. This chapter will be updated from time to time. It will be updated tomorrow.

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