Spy Shadow

Chapter 139 Many Fools

Chapter 139 Many Fools

Back home, Chu Yuanchen was still frowning. He had completely believed Smith.

Smith showed great sincerity. Not only did he donate to build the school, but he also gave them a one-time three-year operating expenses. With this money, they will definitely be able to help many poor students.

It's a pity that Smith is too stubborn. He must be the principal, otherwise the school will not be built.

Although Smith said that when he returns to China again, he will build it himself, but he returned to the country after disposing of his business. Who knows when he will come to China next time?

Maybe I will never come to China again.

In this case, if you don't agree to be the principal, it will be like losing a school in the country.

But if he agreed, he would have to go to Chongqing, which really made him difficult to make a choice.

"Dad, do you have any concerns?"

Chu Lingyun asked in a low voice. Chu Yuanchen did not speak. He Wanrong sighed and said softly: "Your father is worried about the students he is helping."

Chu Yuanchen still has many students in Ningcheng, and some students are receiving assistance from them.

Once they leave, these students have no support and are likely to drop out.

Chu Yuanchen couldn't let go of these students, and neither could He Wanrong, so she understood her man very well.

"What did I think was going on? Dad, Mom, don't worry. After you go to Chongqing, I will continue to support these students until they finish college."

"Do you have money to support them?" Chu Yuanchen raised his head.

"My salary is not low, and I have made meritorious services many times, and the bonuses are very large. Last time, the office awarded me a thousand dollars in one go, and I have no problem supporting a few students."

Chu Lingyun didn't say that she had extra income. She couldn't tell them this kind of thing, otherwise the scene would arouse their suspicion.

"Yuan Chen, there are two hundred students."

He Wanrong held Chu Yuanchen's hand with hope in her eyes. Chu Yuanchen was slightly startled. His wife was right. They only supported a dozen students here, but in Chongqing, they were able to help two hundred people.

A dozen versus two hundred, how to choose is very clear.

"Ling Yun, I'm very happy that you have such a heart, but don't touch your money. Your parents haven't been able to help you save any money over the years. I'm afraid they won't be able to help you much when you get a wife. Your money is your own. Save it for later use.”

"For the students here in Ningcheng, we cannot give up our help half-way. We must let them finish their studies with peace of mind. Didn't Mr. Smith promise to give me a remuneration of one thousand US dollars a year? You can take this money and send it to them regularly. Some, we are too far away in Chongqing, you can go home and have a look when you have time, and help us understand their situation."

Chu Yuanchen said slowly, while Chu Lingyun felt relieved.

It was done, and my father agreed. If the school could help two hundred poor students, he knew he couldn't give up.

However, Chu Lingyun admires the noble sentiments of his parents in his heart. Whether now or in future generations, many people may say that they are stupid, but it is precisely because there are many such fools that our country, our Only then will the nation flourish and grow rapidly, and only then will the Chinese nation be able to usher in a great national rejuvenation.

After saying that, Chu Yuanchen looked at He Wanrong again: "Wanrong, following me failed to bring you happiness. Now we have to leave our hometown and go to a strange place. Do you regret it?"

“If we don’t regret it, no matter where we go, our life will not be in vain if we can do more meaningful things.”

He Wanrong still held Chu Yuanchen's hand and said seriously.

There is absolutely nothing to say about the moral character of his parents. If Ning Cheng was not unsafe, Chu Lingyun would not have made such a move.

Everyone has selfish motives. His personal power is too small to save too many people, but his relatives must be saved. Knowing the outcome of their stay in Ningcheng, it is better to let them leave now.


Chu Yuanchen also held his wife's hand tightly, turned around and said to Chu Lingyun: "You don't have to wait for tomorrow. You can reply to Mr. Allen now. I agreed, and also help me convey my gratitude to him."

Chu Lingyun did catch his father's weakness and successfully made him willing to go to Chongqing.

The price of 20,000 US dollars is not small, but the money is not thrown away in vain. The money can help 200 students. As my mother said, it is a very meaningful thing.

Chu Lingyun went to see Smith and praised Smith.

I had given him one hundred dollars before, but this time I gave him every penny of the nine hundred dollars.

"Chu, thank you very much."

Taking the money, Smith was a little excited. Since he went bankrupt, all his former friends have stayed away from him. When he was at his lowest and most helpless, Chu Lingyun helped him.

"Smith, no need to thank me, this is your reward."

Chu Lingyun was very satisfied with Smith's performance. Although the money was a bit too much, it could keep his parents safe. No matter how much money he had, he would not hesitate.

"I know that my acting skills are very good. When I return to the United States, if my business has not picked up, I will consider going to Hollywood to become a professional actor."

Smith laughed loudly, and Chu Lingyun couldn't help but smile.

"Go back to China as soon as possible. Please keep this matter a secret for me and don't tell anyone."

"Chu, don't worry, I swear on my dignity, I will never tell anyone."

Smith raised his hands and said seriously that his oath was still credible.

Chu Lingyun didn't ask when Smith left. To him, Smith was just a passerby in his life, and maybe the two would never meet again in this life.

Chu Lingyun had already prepared twenty thousand dollars.

When they got home and placed the $20,000 in front of their parents, they were stunned again.

"Mr. Allen is so generous. I thought we needed to sign a contract to restrain us, but I didn't expect that he just gave us the money."

Chu Yuanchen sighed slightly, this is twenty thousand US dollars, hundreds of thousands of French currency.

In an environment where ordinary people only have a monthly income of ten or twenty yuan, this amount of money can make many people take risks or even go crazy for it.

"Dad, Smith is a good man."

"From now on, I'm going to call people Mr. Allen. It's not polite to call me by my first name."

Chu Yuanchen glared at his son and was taught by his father again. Chu Lingyun looked helplessly at his mother. This time, her mother did not help him.

Forget it, he was the one who directed and acted this scene, and it was absolutely fine under his father's education.

With money in hand, his parents were not willing to delay at all and proposed to buy a boat ticket to Chongqing the next day to fulfill Smith's wish.

In the end, Chu Lingyun persuaded them and let them stay for three more days.

In this era of war and chaos, Chu Lingyun was not at ease with them bringing so much money, so he asked Wang Sheng to find a few young men with innocent backgrounds, whose families were all in Nanjing, and who had wives and children. Priority would be given to those with military or martial arts experience.

A total of eight such people were found. For this reason, Chu Lingyun also asked the busy Loach to take time to screen them.

After confirming their character, they were able to hire these people with confidence and let them protect their parents when they went to Chongqing. From now on, they would stay there in batches to protect the safety of their parents and sister at all times.

The parents sent him off, and then he returned to the topic and continued to catch spies.

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