Spy Shadow

Chapter 179 Rewriting the Flyer

Chapter 179 Rewriting the Flyer

"This is it."

The old policeman pulled out Huang Ye's sketch photo: "His name is Liu Quan now, and he is registered as a Suzhou native. He is doing small business in Nanjing. I asked my neighbor about it. Liu Quan didn't live here before. He just moved in two days ago, but His house was rented a long time ago.”

"Well done, what's your name?"

Wang Sheng smiled happily. He didn't expect it to go so smoothly this time. He had just checked and found the person in less than a morning.

The old policeman hurriedly replied: "Chief Wang, my name is Kang Qiang, and I am the patrol officer in that area."

"Now you follow me and don't go anywhere without my orders."

Wang Sheng gave instructions and asked his men to go to the intersection mentioned by the old policeman and guard them first. He did not dare to let these policemen track people directly. They were wearing uniforms and their tracking ability was not strong.

If they leak their whereabouts and affect Chief Chu's actions, then not only will he have no merit, but he will have a fault.

"Don't move rashly, I'll be right over."

In the office, Chu Lingyun stood up immediately after receiving Wang Sheng's call.

He also didn't expect that it would go so smoothly and find someone so quickly.

Catching Huang Ye not only means catching another spy, but the most important thing is that he can prove Liu Dazhuang's identity. Huang Ye is very important and must be captured alive.

Loach was not there, so Chu Lingyun called the remaining fifteen team members and immediately set off to Huang Ye's hiding place.

As soon as he arrived at Wang Sheng, he greeted him: "Sir Chu, he lives in the west door on the second floor of that building. I checked and found that there is a window in that house close to another alley. Now I have placed signs at the entrances and exits of the alleys on both sides. If he kills someone, he can’t escape even if he jumps out of the window.”

Wang Sheng was very smart, and he made all the arrangements he could before Chu Lingyun came.

It was not his task to arrest people. All he had to do was keep them under guard and prevent them from escaping before Chu Lingyun arrived, and he had accomplished a great feat.

"Very good, Wang Sheng. If you catch someone this time, I will give you credit and promote you to sergeant."

Chu Lingyun said happily that Wang Sheng had made a meritorious service again. The sooner Huang Ye could be caught, the less pressure they would have. Now Liu Dazhuang refused to admit that he was a spy. If He Nian hadn't been helping him withstand the pressure, I'm afraid all the pressure would have been on him.

Not only Han Xianghui of the Supervision Department was always watching the case, but the General Affairs Department, Telecommunications Department and other departments were also watching him. After all, it was not a trivial matter to have a traitor in the department, but Chu Lingyun arrested the person without providing sufficient evidence.

Without evidence, one can say that Liu Dazhuang is a traitor today, and tomorrow they can point to their people and say that he is still a traitor. This will easily put everyone in danger.

Chu Lingyun came to a secret place in the alley and looked at the building where Huang Ye lived with a telescope.

A three-story building that is not too old, and another one next to it. There are many such houses in Nanjing, and most of them are occupied by people who have some income but not much money.

And most of the people living here are tenants, and most of these houses are self-built.

It is determined that Huang Ye is not a victory. The most important thing is how to capture him alive. The Japanese have the habit of carrying weapons and poison with them. The arrest operation must be well planned. Once Huang Ye is killed, all previous efforts will be wasted.

"Team leader, let me take the main attack, I will definitely catch someone."

Zhao Dong took the initiative to ask for help. At this time, the three captains of the fourth operation group were not around, so it was just an opportunity for him to perform.

The three captains of the fourth operation team are all old people who came from Wuhan with the team leader. These newcomers know that it is difficult to compete with them.

In particular, the section chief attaches great importance to the team leader. If they want to rise, it is best to follow closely behind the team leader.

And their team leader is really powerful. Just a short time after the establishment of Action Team 4, they have captured more spies than all the previous ones at the headquarters.

This also made everyone in the fourth team of the operation very motivated, thinking about making more achievements.

"Not urgent."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't give Zhao Dong a chance to make meritorious deeds, but that it was a bad idea to rush in and arrest people directly.

Huang Ye was in the room. No one knew his current situation, and the police couldn't be sent to investigate. The police had been there once, and he would definitely be alert if they went there again.

If he rushes in and arrests him by force, if he detonates a grenade, it is likely to cause casualties.

The best way is to lure him out.

It's a pity that no more people can be sent to the door. At this time, Huang Ye is on high alert. If anyone comes by in a row, he will definitely become suspicious.

When the police came to arrest Watanabe Ichiro for the second time, Watanabe Ichiro was alert. If Zhong Hui and Shao Yuan hadn't decisively attacked, he would have probably run back into the room to get the weapon.

Leading people out is the best strategy.

After Huang Ye comes out, it will be much easier to arrest him. Arrange the sneak attack and capture him when he is not expecting it, so that he cannot detonate the grenade or have the chance to take poison.

But even if Huang Ye comes out, he will still be on guard and may miss.

As for the best strategy, it is to use one thing to attract Huang Ye, not only to make him leave his residence, but also to divert his attention, so that the certainty of arrest is the greatest.

Chu Lingyun prefers the last best option, which is the safest.

A person's hobbies may usually become his weakness. Some people like money, and it is easy to buy them with money. Some people like beautiful women, and it is difficult for him to escape the beauty trap.

Huang Ye doesn't gamble or go whoring, but he has hobbies, he likes fishing.

"Zhao Dong, first send someone to find a suitable place and keep an eye on Huang Ye."

Chu Lingyun had an idea in his mind and asked Zhao Dong to find a suitable surveillance point. Now that Huang Ye was discovered, it was almost impossible for him to escape. There was no need for the Loach team to continue searching outside. With the manpower withdrawn, they could lay an iron trap. The barrel array made it difficult for him to fly.

Keep an eye on the person first, then find a way to lure him out, and find opportunities to divert his attention to facilitate arrest.

"Wang Sheng, go check and find out which fishing masters there are in Nanjing. It would be best if you can find them for me."

In the absence of Loach, Chu Lingyun handed over the investigation to Wang Sheng. Although Wang Sheng had not received professional training, he was smart and had no problem just investigating some obvious things.

"Yes, Sir Chu."

Wang Sheng immediately accepted the order. Chu Lingyun's words just now made his blood boil. He wanted to mention him to the sergeant. It had only been a while, but his promotion was like a rocket.

The deputy chief is good, but he is far less powerful than the chief. Once he becomes the chief, he is considered a figure in the police department.

There are only four sergeants in their police headquarters, and he will be one of them soon.

"Officer Wang, I'll go with you."

The old policeman Kang Qiang was always there and said something hastily. Wang Sheng glanced at him, showed no objection, and took him away quickly.

Today, Kang Qiang found the person who helped him make a contribution. Now that he is asking for help, Wang Sheng will not refuse.

"Team leader, have you found someone?"

Before Wang Sheng came back, Loach ran over with someone. Chu Lingyun smiled: "You are really well informed. Wang Sheng has found the person."

This kid, Loach, doesn't need to notify himself, he can run faster than a rabbit if there is any slight disturbance.

"Wang Sheng did a great job. The team leader was so smart and talented that he actually thought of bringing him to Nanjing together."

Ni Loach clapped his hands excitedly. Wang Sheng was the person he introduced to Chu Lingyun and was later accepted as his disciple.

He can be regarded as Wang Sheng's leader. Wang Sheng has made contributions, and he also has face.

What's more, now that Shen Hanwen and Chu Yuan are not here, the team leader will definitely use him if he wants to arrest someone. The credit for arresting Huang Ye this time will go to him again.

But even if Huang Ye is caught, he can only be ranked second in the traitor case, and Chu Yuan is the first.

It was Chu Yuan who worked tirelessly for many days and finally found Liu Dazhuang's flaw and found the spy. He knew very well that he could not compare with Chu Yuan in terms of this achievement.

After this meritorious service, Chu Yuan's military rank will definitely be raised, and then he will legitimately take over as the captain of his team. No one will have any objection.

"Wang Sheng did really well this time."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said that he didn't want to take Wang Sheng with him at first. It was Zhong Hui who gave up the opportunity to come to Nanjing with him that made him think of Wang Sheng.

At present, Wang Sheng plays a greater role. It is very necessary to have someone outside, especially within the police system.

"Sir Chu, there are four recognized fishing masters in Nanjing City, but I only found two and brought them here."

Wang Sheng hurried back and brought two people with him. They were both very young. The younger one was in his forties and the older one looked to be sixty.

"What do you call them?" Chu Lingyun always had a good attitude towards outsiders and took the initiative to ask.

"Sir, you're welcome, old man Mu Zhengyuan." The older man clasped his fists first. He was wearing a black robe and had a long beard on his chin. Although he was old, he was very energetic.

"This is Du Litong, I've seen you, sir." The other man also clasped his fists, but he was wearing a suit.

"Both of them are masters in the fishing industry. I would like to ask, are there any popular fishing activities in Nanjing?"

If Chu Lingyun wants to attract Huang Ye, he must start with his hobbies. He likes fishing, so he should use fishing to seduce him.

"Yes, there are many. There was a large-scale fishing competition last month, and the old man won the first place."

Mu Zhengyuan stroked his hand and said with a smile, he was not good at other things, but when it came to fishing, there were few who could be better than him.

"There are indeed many such activities. There will be another competition seven days later. That event is even bigger and will be hosted by our fish club. The winner will receive a bonus of 100 yuan."

Du Litong followed. It was obvious that he was not too convinced by Mu Zhengyuan.

"Where will your competition be held in seven days and how to register?" Chu Lingyun asked immediately.

Du Litong replied: "Xuanwu Lake, anyone can sign up. The registration place is at our fish club."

Chu Lingyun looked at the small building in the distance and thought quickly in his mind.

Seven days was too long, and he couldn't wait that long. Using fishing activities to attract Huang Ye, there was a chance to arrange a suitable capture, but how to get him to receive the news was the key.

And the news that must make him excited cannot rely on bonuses. He is a latent agent and will not risk going out specifically for some money.

"How do you notify those who like fishing to participate in the competition?" Chu Lingyun asked again.

"It's mainly about publishing newspapers. Sometimes I also send out some flyers, or stick them in fixed places."

It's okay to publish it in the newspaper, but Huang Ye is hiding it. If he doesn't buy the newspaper, he won't be able to see such advertisements.

But the flyer had a chance for Huang Ye to see it.

After thinking for a while, Chu Lingyun gradually came up with an idea.

"Mr. Du, your fishing competition will be held in advance, and it will be held in three days. You have to publicize it on a large scale in the past few days. The bigger the noise, the better."

Chu Lingyun said, while Du Litong was a little embarrassed: "Sir, we have set the time a long time ago. It is not impossible to change it, but it is too troublesome, and we don't have that much money for publicity."

"You just need to change the time, and I will help you with the publicity."

Chu Lingyun waved and said, Du Litong didn't say anything. The person who came to them was from the police headquarters, and he was wearing a sergeant's uniform. The sergeant followed the young man in front of him.

He didn't know Chu Lingyun's identity, but he knew very well that this kind of person was not someone he could offend. Let alone Chu Lingyun, they had to listen even to Wang Sheng's request.

The current fish association cannot be compared with the various associations of later generations. It is purely a spontaneous association of a group of fishing enthusiasts and does not have any real power.

"If the chief can help us publicize it, there is no problem in changing the time." Du Litong is the president of the Fish Club, and he can make the decision on this matter.

"Where is your fish club? I'm going to take a look at your event flyer." Chu Lingyun asked again.

"You don't need to go there. I brought the flyer for this event. This is our flyer."

Du Litong took out a folded leaflet from his body. Chu Lingyun opened it and looked at it, and found that the content on it was very simple.

On what day of the month, the Fish Club will hold a fishing competition in Xuanwu Lake, inviting people who like fishing to participate, and then there will be bonuses and so on.

Such a simple flyer may be attractive to ordinary fishing enthusiasts, but it is obviously not attractive to Huang Ye.

After all, Huang Ye's safety comes first now.

"Let me change this flyer for you."

Chu Lingyun took out a pen and paper and quickly wrote down a new leaflet.

'Fishing friends, the Fish Club will recently hold the first fishing competition with the largest scale and the largest number of people, with 3,000 people. By then, Xuanwu Lake will be crowded with people and become a paradise for fishing friends. All friends who like fishing and can fish can participate. We will release a sufficient number of big fish to ensure that everyone will gain something. The champion will receive a high reward of 300 French currency. All fishing friends are welcome to come and participate in our event. , registration address... holding time...'

Du Litong was completely stunned when he saw the content of the new leaflet written by Chu Lingyun, and Mu Zhengyuan also widened his eyes.

Can a leaflet still be written like this?

Is the competition of three thousand people that exaggerated? There are only so many people in Nanjing. Normally, hundreds of people would participate in their fishing competitions, which is already a huge event. They never dared to think of a thousand people, let alone three thousand people.

They didn't know that if it weren't for the different times, Chu Lingyun would have dared to write a contest involving ten thousand people.

The more people there are, the greater the attraction will be to Huang Ye, which will make him think that there is no danger for him to participate or watch, and the large number of people will make him feel safe enough.

"Wang Sheng, take Mr. Du to print this. Print it immediately and publish it in the newspaper."

Chu Lingyun handed the written content to Wang Sheng on the side and asked him to take Du Litong to print it, just to ensure that the leaflet was the same as before.

He was not sure whether Huang Ye had seen similar leaflets before. If he had seen them, the leaflets they printed were different from the past, which might arouse Huang Ye's suspicion.

The first update, thank you for the character reward of 233 starting coins for a knife. Xiaoyu expresses his gratitude for Chu Lingyun.

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