Spy Shadow

Chapter 198 Break the legs

Chapter 198 Break the legs

It's a pity that Fang Wanchao ran away. If he hadn't run away, he would have been able to arrest someone and meritorious service this time.

There won't be that many spies in the Neon Club, and one of them is already an unexpected gain. Even if the Japanese want some useful traitors for them, they can't send several people to such a place at the same time.

The discovery of Fang Wancao proved that Chu Lingyun's guess was correct. The Japanese were really interested in such an organization.

Xu Wu was interrogated by Zhu Qing and Liang Yu together. He did not last long before recruiting him. Such a traitor has no faith at all, so it is very easy to interrogate him.

According to Xu Wu's account, it was Fang Wancao who took the initiative to find him at Neon Club.

Fang Wanchao said that he had connections and could make the Japanese accept him, but he had to show his useful value and the Japanese did not want waste.

What value does Xu Wu have? We can only start with his own work.

He was just a patrol officer and could only play a limited role, so he told Fang Wanchao that if he could become a police sergeant, he could apply to be transferred to Huanan Road.

There are many important military and political officials living on Huanan Road. Information about these people can be obtained and provided to the Japanese.

After thinking about it for half a month, Fang Wancao agreed to accept him.

At that time, Xu Wu knew that Fang Wanchao was Japanese, but he didn't know Fang Wanchao's true identity. The other party didn't tell him anything, and he didn't even know Fang Wanchao's real name.

Three months ago, Fang Wancao gave him two gold bars to help him successfully get promoted to deputy chief of police.

But the deputy chief of police was not enough, the deputy chief of police did not have enough authority, and any work had to be reported to the chief of police. Two months ago, Fang Wanchao used eight gold bars to help him get promoted to chief of police.

Afterwards, he followed the order and collected information on all the important military and political officials there.

However, the other party did not let him check the secrets of these people. Japanese spies are not stupid. How could a small branch sergeant find confidential information? What he was asked to do was the same as Chu Lingyun guessed, which was to pay attention to the travel and contacts of these people. .

By remembering this information, he has achieved merit.

All the information is compiled once every half month, and then Xu Wu puts it in a dead mailbox prepared for him in advance. Someone will pick it up when the time comes, and they will not meet during this period.

If there is an emergency, Xu Wu is not allowed to take the initiative to contact him.

Such a traitor is really pitiable. He sacrificed his life for the small benefits promised to him by the Japanese.

He contacted the Japanese spies and provided intelligence to the Japanese spies. He could not escape the death penalty.

To become a spy's lackey in this era is to harm his family.

Xu Wu is not important. What Chu Lingyun values ​​most is Fang Wanchao.

If you catch Fang Wancao and pry open his mouth, you might be able to get more important information and even catch more spies.

Chu Lingyun didn't think highly of Xu Wu, but to Zhu Qing, catching a traitor was also a credit. Xu Wu was the person Wang Sheng entrusted to him, but after all, it was the Military Intelligence Department that he brought back and asked him to participate in the interrogation. He wanted to remember Chu Lingyun's favor.

Chu Yuan came back after a while, and whispered to Chu Lingyun: "Team leader, those three gangsters have some background, do you want to let them go?"

He's just a hooligan, what's his background?

"What's going on?" Chu Lingyun asked displeasedly.

"They are outsiders of the Party Affairs Investigation Department. According to them, they are investigating the Red Party."

"Chu Yuan, isn't it your first day joining the Military Intelligence Department?"

Chu Lingyun's voice suddenly became louder, and Chu Yuan was so frightened that he lowered his head.

"A few outsiders from the Party Affairs Investigation Department scared you? Let alone outsiders, even if people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department are here, you can't let me go."

"Yes, team leader, I understand."

Chu Yuan responded hurriedly, but at the same time he was annoyed, why did he listen to the threats of those gangsters, but he was scolded by the team leader.

"Bring those people here."

Chu Lingyun said, Chu Yuan did not dare to say any nonsense, and immediately asked the team members to run over with a few people who were tied up firmly.

Apart from being tied up, these three gangsters had no injuries on their bodies, and they held their heads high, as if they were very proud.

"Call me."

Chu Lingyun just gave the order without hesitation, and the team members next to him immediately stepped forward and grabbed whatever they had around. After a while, the three of them were beaten and howling like ghosts.

"Stop fighting, we are one of our own."

"We are members of Captain Yan of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, you can't beat us."

"Stop fighting. We have important information to report. We have found the Red Party and are determining their identities."

The three of them kept begging, and Chu Lingyun frowned and walked over.

Seeing him coming, the other team members stopped beating him.

"Sir, we are really Captain Yan of the Party Affairs Investigation Department. If you don't believe me, you can call him and ask him."

One person had a bruised nose and face. When he saw Chu Lingyun, he immediately said that he had already seen that everyone here listened to this young man's words.

Chu Lingyun took out his pistol and loaded the gun with a click: "I don't care which investigation department you belong to, or whether you are from Captain Salt or Captain Sugar. I am handling the case. Anyone who hinders my handling of the case, I can shoot him right now." .”

Being pointed at gunpoint, the three of them were so frightened that they almost wet their pants.

"Don't shoot, it's really a misunderstanding. We really found the Red Party. They live here. Others have just arrived at the Red Party's house. We were about to report it to Captain Yan. Can you please let us call Captain Yan?" , just make a phone call.”

"I broke their legs and sent them back to the prison to be locked up."

Chu Lingyun put away the gun, but did not let the three of them go. The team members next to him got the order and immediately struck hard. The three of them almost fainted from the pain.

"Where did you catch them?" Chu Lingyun asked calmly after they were taken away.

"It's in the middle of Wuyang Lane in front, not far from here."

Chu Yuan hurriedly replied, he didn't expect the team leader to be so cruel and had their legs broken.

This is not giving any face to the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

But when you think about it, it is understandable that their relationship with the Party Affairs Investigation Office is not so harmonious. They are very difficult to deal with Mr. Xu from the Party Affairs Investigation Office. This is the case above, but it is even more tense below.

"Continue the search."

Chu Lingyun nodded. He really wanted to shoot these three people just now. According to what they said, they discovered the red party, but they had not identified themselves yet and did not report it.

If it were true, it would likely cause huge losses if reported.

But after they revealed the red party, Chu Lingyun knew not to kill anyone, otherwise it would only arouse the suspicion of the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

He is not afraid of the Party Investigation Bureau, but it is troublesome to be watched.

Just because you can't kill them doesn't mean you will let them go. Give them a lesson first. Such people will kill them sooner or later.

Is there really a red party in Wuyang Lane?

Chu Yuan kept his head down. He thought the team leader was angry because Fang Wancao ran away, and the three gangsters bumped into him again, so he was so angry.

He really didn't do a good job this time and disappointed the team leader.

In a residential building in Heping Lane, Naoki Yasuda was hiding in a large tank in the side room.

This vat was big enough and was originally used to hold grain, but the family obviously didn't have enough food, only a little bit at the bottom.

Such a space can hide, but Naoki Yasuda understands that this is not the best hiding place. If people from the Military Intelligence Agency come to search, he is likely to be found.

Unfortunately, time was running out and he didn't have time to find a better hiding place.

His pseudonym is Fang Wancao, and he has been active in Nanjing for three years. Before that, he was in Qingdao and was engaged in lurking work, but the environment in Qingdao is much safer than that in Nanjing.

When he came to Nanjing, he was ready to destroy the empire.

In the past three years, he has changed six places. Regardless of whether it is safe or not, he will move once every six months. His main job is not to spy on intelligence, but to instigate rebellion and find suitable people to instigate rebellion.

In three years, he successfully instigated the rebellion of four people who were useful to the empire.

This efficiency was praised by Section Chief Naru Kitagawa, and his military rank was promoted to captain.

He originally thought that he could continue to perform meritorious service until the empire occupied this fertile land. Unexpectedly, he suddenly found out that he was being followed today. After that, he realized that he had been exposed and there was no chance of him taking any chances.

He wanted to escape, but the other party moved too quickly and blocked the intersection in time, trapping him in this area.

Now he had to wait until dark. After dark, he would have a chance to escape their blockade and regain his life.

Yasuda Naoki silently prayed to the gods in his heart. He is a loyal believer in the emperor. He is not afraid of sacrifice, but he does not want to sacrifice fearlessly. He also wants to do things for the empire and instigate more useful Chinese to serve the empire.

"Open the door, open the door."

There was a fierce knock on the door outside, and Yasuda Naoki was highly concentrated in an instant. The space in the tank was not small, but it was far from enough for him. He could only hide inside, and it was difficult to move his body.

If he is discovered, he has no chance to resist.

He did not bring a pistol or grenade with him when he went out this time. There were many police patrols on the streets and they would often conduct searches. Unless he was on an emergency mission, he would not usually carry weapons.

But the poison was still in his collar. He silently grabbed the collar and put it to his mouth.

He is a noble imperial warrior. He can die, but he must not be captured, and he is not willing to endure those inhuman tortures.

The previous punishment training made him shudder, but the actual punishment was far more cruel than their training.

His heart beat faster, and Naoki Yasuda felt his hands tremble a little. He tried his best to control his emotions and held onto his collar.

"Has any stranger come into the house?"

People outside began to shout rudely. There was only an old man and a young man living in this house. They stood aside in fear and said no.


The people who came in did not just listen to their stories and started searching.

He heard the sound of someone entering the side room.

At this moment, he suddenly felt unable to breathe, and the strong sense of suffocation made him a little dizzy. He knew very well that once the other party searched, he would not be able to escape from the place where he was hiding.

Soon, the cylinder cover overhead was lifted.


The person who opened the cylinder cover suddenly shouted and backed away quickly. Yasuda Naoki showed a sad smile. At this moment, he suddenly missed his mother and the sister who had followed him since childhood.

Their figures kept flashing in his mind.

"Mom, sister, farewell."

Yasuda Naoki didn't hesitate anymore. Before the people outside caught him, he opened his mouth and bit his collar.

He bit his collar and let the people outside pull him out of the tank with a weird smile on his face.

"Quick, take the clothes out of his mouth."

The members of the Military Intelligence Department outside saw the collar in his mouth and hurriedly shouted. Unfortunately, by the time they tried their best to pull the collar out of his mouth, it was already too late.

After a while, Yasuda Naoki's whole body twitched, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose at the same time.

This kind of poison can make them die quickly in a very short period of time. Not only will the pain be minimal, but they will not have to worry about betraying the empire because they cannot withstand the punishment.

"We found someone."

Someone ran over and shouted, Chu Lingyun came over immediately. Fang Wanchao did not escape from the encirclement. He was not familiar with this area, so he was finally found after a close search.

Soon Chu Lingyun arrived, his brows furrowed.

At this time, Fang Wanchao had turned into a corpse. When he was discovered, he took poison decisively. This was the third time that Chu Lingyun failed to catch a spy, and another one died.

Once Fang Wanchao died, there was no chance of getting information from him.

"Collect the team."

Chu Lingyun's face was ashen, no one dared to speak, and Chu Yuan kept his head lowered.

The stuck point on the Loach side was also notified to be removed. Fang Wanchao did not run away. They did not need to continue to block it and could close the team.

In Wuyang Lane, two men were holding pistols and carefully hiding behind the door. Soon a person walked in from outside.

"The searchers have all withdrawn. I just made inquiries and it seems that they are arresting Japanese again."

The visitor let out a long breath, and the two put away their pistols, feeling a little lucky at the same time.

They are members of the NJ Municipal Committee of the Red Party, and one of them is also the director. They held a small meeting here today, but unexpectedly they encountered an emergency search.

At that time, they thought they were searching for themselves and were prepared to go all out.

"The Japanese should be arrested, but fortunately Director Yang was alert and we did not act rashly, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

When those people searched their place, the two almost took out guns, but Director Yang persuaded them. In the end, it proved that it was indeed a false alarm.

"The people have evacuated, and we continue to hold meetings. The situation in our hometown is not good now, and we are in urgent need of various supplies. We must open a lifeline as soon as possible and send back what they need."

Director Yang said slowly that he was forty-seven years old and had been in the party for more than ten years. He was a veteran soldier who was extremely loyal to the party.

"I have raised a batch of money and established connections in the black market, but it is useless if it cannot be shipped out."

Another man whispered that if Chu Lingyun saw his back, he would be able to identify him as the person who was following him that night.

Director Yang looked at the youngest person: "Xiao Su, how are you managing your relationship in the Fifth Precinct?"

Xiao Su shook his head: "It's not going well. Director Wang Zhengxian of the Fifth Branch has too much appetite. We want to use his channel to get at least this amount every month."

He held out two fingers, and Director Yang understood that he was talking about two gold bars.

Not a small gold bar, but a large gold bar of ten taels.

This price is indeed too high. They are short of supplies, but they are even more short of funds. If they give the police chief so much money every month, they will be able to buy a lot less things in the future.

"Try again. If you really can't agree to it, your hometown is the most important thing."

Director Yang gritted his teeth. There must be transportation channels and they must be absolutely safe.

Thanks to Xia Zhihong for the reward of 5,000 starting coins, thank you to Clown Fish 0624 and Fengyun Danmo for the reward of 1,500 starting coins each, and thank you to Book Friends 20220406155804890, Book Friends 20190314235753959, and Little Naughty Ghost for their rewards of 100 starting coins each. Thanks to all my friends, we have increased the number of monthly votes by more than 200, far exceeding Xiaoyu's expectations. There are three updates today. However, in order to increase the average subscription data, the next two chapters will be combined into one. It is an 8,000-word chapter, and the word count will definitely not be few.

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