Spy Shadow

Chapter 202 Wildcat Appears

Chapter 202 Wildcat Appears

The home that Fang Wanchao moved to that time was not close to the Department of Health and had nothing to do with the place where he worked. Chu Lingyun believed in his own judgment that there must be something wrong with the Department of Health.

After Chu Yuan left, he immediately conducted focused investigation and surveillance on the five key suspects according to the list. The five people ranged in age from 26 to 40, and did not have high positions. The highest one was a section chief, and the lowest one was just a clerk.

Chu Yuan was very serious about their verification and personally led the team to visit. Soon, he had a good grasp of the situation of the five key suspects.

These five are just ordinary people, and it is much easier to track them down than real agents.

"Team leader, Song Weilun has a problem." Two days later, Chu Yuan hurriedly came to Chu Lingyun's office to report.

"Song Weilun's income is not high, but he suddenly bought a bigger house a year ago. According to my investigation, half a year ago, he bought a small house and raised an outdoor room. He could not do this with his normal income."

Song Weilun is a section chief of the Logistics Section of the Department of Health. He is mainly responsible for the logistics and supplies of three nursing homes in Nanjing and often delivers supplies to these three nursing homes.

You can make some money from this position, but the money you can make is limited.

He has no purchasing power. All materials are purchased by the head of the logistics department. He is just a worker who delivers these things regularly.

Changing a house based on his salary is already a big deal, and it is impossible to afford an outhouse.

"Have you found out where he got the money?"

"No, according to our investigation, he does not gamble. No one in his family has left him any inheritance, and no one has given him money. But in the past year or so, his life has obviously changed a lot."

Without extra income, life suddenly improved so much that even they couldn't find out the source of the money, which was a major problem in itself.

"Check if there is any place he goes to regularly, and monitor his whereabouts twenty-four hours a day."

Chu Lingyun immediately ordered, and Chu Yuan took the order and finally found out the problem. He would never make another mistake this time and disappoint the team leader.

Japanese spies will not be so trusting of those who encourage rebellion.

Whether in Wuhan or Nanjing, the traitors captured by Chu Lingyun all have a common characteristic, that is, they only use dead mailboxes to transmit information.

On weekdays, they do not meet with Japanese spies, or they rarely meet.

If Song Weilun was the one who was instigated by Fang Wancao, his information would most likely be transmitted through the dead mailbox.

As for how the Japanese spy rewarded him based on the intelligence, this can be verified slowly.

There was progress on Chu Yuan's side, and there were gains on Loach's side at the same time.

"Team leader, I checked all these people. Zhong Sihai is very suspicious. He is probably a wild cat."

Loach ran over to report. Chu Lingyun sat up straight and asked him to tell the details.

"Zhong Sihai and his wife live alone. They currently open a tailor shop. Zhong Sihai is a tailor, but their shop mainly sells ready-made clothes and occasionally takes on some customized work."

"Zhong Sihai has the habit of subscribing to newspapers. He reads several newspapers every day. Jiang Tengkong's original secret code for contact was to use the newspaper's missing person notice, so he had the opportunity to contact Jiang Tengkong."

"The other two key suspects don't read newspapers at all, and they didn't buy any newspapers at home."

Loach used the elimination method. Wildcat and Jiang Tengkong took over, and they must have seen the joint signal sent by Guo Jiang Tengkong.

The secret code was given in the newspaper. It would be impossible to know it without reading the newspaper.

This method allowed him to find Zhong Sihai at once.

"I went to the homes of two other key suspects to investigate. They went to work during the day, their children went to school, and there was no one at home. No counter-investigation arrangements were found in their homes, nor was anything related to Japanese espionage. But Zhong Sihai The tailor shop is his home, and there is always someone there. Even if Zhong Sihai goes out, his wife will definitely be at home and cannot enter to investigate."

Loach was very careful. It was not safe to just use newspapers to rule out the problem. He also went to the house to investigate in person. Now that it is confirmed that the other two key suspects are fine, Zhong Sihai's suspicion will increase infinitely.

Moreover, Wildcat has a radio station. If the radio station is in his hands, he will be extremely careful on weekdays and will not even have any counter-investigation arrangements.

If the other two suspects had something hidden in their homes, it would be difficult to escape Loach's search.

"Focus on monitoring Zhong Sihai and find ways to monitor him."

Chu Lingyun ordered again. It was a double happiness today. Chu Yuan had made progress, and Ni Loach had made a major breakthrough.

If the wildcat is found, it is likely that an intelligence team of Japanese spies will be uprooted again.

Wildcat is the leader of the intelligence team.

"Yes, I'll make arrangements right away."

It is not easy to monitor Zhong Sihai. He runs his own shop and there is no public phone. No one enters the backyard where they live on weekdays.

There are always people at home, which brings great inconvenience to installing bugs.

However, Ni Loach was not good at anything else and lost a lot of ideas. He rented a nearby private house and set fire to the firewood shed to fake a fire. He first caused a power outage, then disguised himself as an electrician and re-arranged the wires in this area.

Loach didn't dare to install a bug directly while repairing the wires.

If Zhong Sihai was a wild cat and an electrician had tampered with the electrical wiring in his home, he would definitely check it out and easily discover their arrangement.

When laying out the wires, he reserved a special wire on the roof of Zhong Sihai's house.

This wire was mixed with other wires. Even if Zhong Sihai went to the roof to check, he would not be able to find any problems.

Later, he used the opportunity to customize clothes to trick Zhong Sihai out, and then asked several people to go to the store to choose clothes. Zhong Sihai's wife was too busy to take care of the backyard, so someone sneaked in and carefully arranged a bug. .

The location of the eavesdropping device is not very good, it is placed too high. There is nothing we can do about it. You must be cautious when installing eavesdropping devices in the homes of suspected Japanese spies. You would rather have poor monitoring effect than be discovered by them.

With the bug, they could hear this in their usual conversations. Unfortunately, these two people were very cautious and did not speak loudly at home, and Loach did not listen to any useful information.

"Team leader, Song Weilun has a situation."

As soon as Chu Lingyun came back, he saw Chu Yuan waiting at his door.

Just now Chu Lingyun went to Loach's listening room. Compared with Song Weilun, Zhong Sihai's identity was more important. He might be Wild Cat, the team leader of the Japanese intelligence department. His significance was far more important than a traitor.

"Come in and talk."

Opening the office, Chu Yuan followed in and immediately said: "Song Weilun went to the hospital today, and then sneaked to the backyard morgue. There was no one there. I only dared to stare at him from a distance. He was in the morgue yard. I squatted down secretly in the corner of the garden, and after he left, I found the note he put inside."

"The original note was handwritten by him. I didn't dare to take it, but I made a copy. I have people watching that place. No one can escape our surveillance."

Chu Yuan said and took out a piece of paper written by himself. There were quite a few words on it.

After just one glance, Chu Lingyun's eyes tightened slightly.

The reason why Song Weilun was originally listed as a key investigation target was because he often went to three nursing homes, one of which was a high-end nursing home where many military and political officials usually stayed.

There, there is an opportunity to obtain important intelligence about these people.

Although it is not military intelligence, their physical and health conditions are still very important information. As expected, what is written on this note is the condition of the residents of that nursing home.

What Chu Lingyun didn't expect was that Song Weilun's writing would be so detailed.

"Zhou Fu'an, five days, heart disease, anemia, moderate."

"Zhao Kuoheng..."

The names of seven people were listed on the note, with the time, their disease, and the words normal, average, and inferior written on them.

These are not difficult to guess. It is probably due to their physical condition. Normal means they are fine, and the lower ones are probably not optimistic about their health.

The content is very concise, and it can be seen that this is to save space, so that limited information can be written in, and it can be more conveniently stuffed into a narrow mailbox.

Among the seven people, five are important government officials and two are high-ranking military officials. They are all very important figures.

Moreover, the names of the medicines taken by three of them also had names.

This information is very detailed and is definitely of great importance to the Japanese. Knowing the physical condition of these military and political officials, they can make targeted arrangements.

If it's wartime, we can even make arrangements to target their bodies to attack our commanders.

It is conceivable that if a leading general suddenly falls ill during a battle, the impact will be huge, and it may even lead to the failure of the entire war.

In order to obtain China's intelligence, the Japanese worked hard and started in various places, not sparing any detail.

After reading the information, Chu Lingyun's face turned pale.

It seems that this information made the Japanese very satisfied, otherwise they would not have given Song Weilun so much money to not only change his house, but also have a new love.

"Come on, take me there."

Chu Lingyun stood up and Chu Yuan nodded hurriedly. When they were in the car, Chu Yuan couldn't help but ask: "Do you want to arrest Song Weilun?"

"No need for the time being, it's not an exaggeration to shoot this scum, but catching him now will easily alert the enemy. First, keep an eye on the dead mailbox, find the person who obtained the information, and then keep an eye on him."

Song Weilun is not a spy and can be arrested at any time, so there is no need to be too anxious.

"Yes." Chu Yuan responded.

Song Weilun has appeared. If his guess is correct and Fang Wanchao is only responsible for instigating rebellion and does not have access to intelligence, then there will definitely be new spies here.

As for Fang Wancao's situation, Chu Lingyun believed that the spy already knew about it.

After all, there was so much noise during the search for Fang Wanchao, and a dead man was caught in the end. Many ordinary people knew about it. If the Japanese spies couldn't even get such information, then they would all have had their stomachs broken to be loyal to their emperor.

If you know, you will understand that Fang Waichao committed suicide and did not reveal any secrets. They did not move Xu Wu's death mailbox, but Song Weilun's death mailbox is likely to be used normally.

Soon we arrived near the hospital. This hospital is not small and there are usually many people.

But there are places that everyone avoids everywhere, including hospitals in later generations. Many people are unwilling to go to the morgue, which can indeed house death mailboxes.

Chu Yuan has already deployed manpower, and Liang Yu personally leads the team and is monitoring it.

The arrangement was okay. The team members pretended to be ordinary patients and doctors, or passers-by moving in the distance. They did not get close to the morgue, but they ensured that someone could always see the dead mail box near the morgue.

Chu Lingyun parked the car far away, not even approaching the hospital.

The more people there are, the more likely they are to alert Japanese spies.

No one had touched the dead mailbox until the evening. Chu Yuan was a little anxious, but Chu Lingyun was very calm. There was no fixed time for collecting information from the dead mailbox. It might be later, or even a day late.

It wasn't until it was getting dark, the number of people in the hospital decreased, and Chu Yuan's people had to retreat some, that there was finally some movement in the morgue.

A man in white clothes and a mask came near the morgue. He was not tall and had some white hair. He looked like someone who had worked in the hospital for a long time.

At the door of the morgue, he looked around and then walked in.

The team members who had already cheered up were suddenly disappointed.

The death mailbox was not in the morgue, but outside. I thought he was a spy who came to get information, but I didn't expect that he was just a staff member of the morgue.

Five minutes later, the man came out of the morgue. This time without hesitation, he walked directly to the death mailbox.

He also held a water bottle in his hand and watered some green plants next to him. While watering, he squatted down and quickly took out the note from the dead mailbox and put it on his body.

"Team leader, the spy has appeared and has obtained the information."

"Okay, keep an eye on him and don't disturb him. Chu Yuan, can you do it this time?"

Chu Lingyun looked straight at Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan's face turned red, he gritted his teeth and nodded heavily: "Yes, team leader, if I scare anyone again this time, I will give you my head."

"What do I want with your head? What I want is a spy. Keep an eye on him. You may gain more in the future."

Obviously, just one spy who came to get information could not satisfy Chu Lingyun's appetite. He wanted to follow the clues to find more spies and catch them all.

They must report this kind of information to their superiors. If they want to report it, they must have a radio station.

In a spy team, the person with the radio station is usually the team leader. Being able to find their radio station is equivalent to finding their team leader.

If all goes well, maybe we can take down Japan's entire intelligence team this time and achieve great success.

"Yes, team leader, I will make arrangements right away to ensure that we keep an eye on the person and not be discovered by him."

"Go ahead."

Chu Yuan's attitude made Chu Lingyun very satisfied. He got up wherever he fell. Fang Wanchao was gone, but hard work paid off. By investigating Fang Wanchao's relationship, they finally found another traitor and spy.

By catching them, Chu Yuan can wash away his shame.

This time, Liang Yu was being watched personally. He was the best student in the training class in Hangzhou. In terms of tracking ability, he was better than Chu Yuan.

After all, Chu Yuan was a monk halfway. If he didn't have a close enough relationship with Chu Lingyun, he wouldn't be able to be the captain.

Although Liang Yu was capable, his qualifications were too low and he was not as good as Chu Yuan.

After getting the information, Daichi Fujii felt a lot more relaxed.

He tidied up, watered all the flowers in front of him, and walked out slowly, everything seemed so natural.

Yasuda-kun is the bravest warrior in the empire. He has made great contributions to the empire. Unfortunately, he was discovered by cunning Chinese agents. The brave and fearless Yasuda-kun fought with the Chinese until the last moment and faced death with a smile.

He is a hero and a role model for himself to learn from.

Damn the Chinese, if there is a chance in the future, he will definitely kill more Chinese to avenge Yasuda-kun.

The Yasuda-kun that Fujii Daichi thought of was Yasuda Naoki, Fang Wanchao's real name.

The Japanese did know that Fang Wanchao was exposed and died, but they did not know the specific circumstances. They fabricated a lie to turn Fang Wanchao into a hero who fought with the Chinese until the last moment.

Daichi Fujii had no idea that the hero in his heart was so frightened that his hands were shaking at the last moment, and he committed suicide by taking poison without resisting at all.

With the information, Fujii slowly walked out.

He was dressed like a doctor, which did not arouse anyone's suspicion. When he walked into the hospital building, he casually entered the toilet, and when he came out again, he looked completely different.

The white coat disappeared and turned into a robe, and the original half-white hair turned into jet black, just like a normal young man in the hospital.

He was holding a bag in his hand, with medicine at the mouth, and walked out naturally.

If Liang Yu hadn't been observing him and found that his body shape hadn't changed, he would have almost been deceived by him.

Liang Yu followed Fujii, and for safety reasons, he asked other team members to enter the bathroom to check the situation and make sure there was no one inside.

"Team leader, the spy is very cunning. He changed his clothes and disguise in the toilet. Fortunately, Liang Yu saw through it."

Chu Yuan will make a report soon. Chu Lingyun nodded slightly, as long as he is not disconnected. He has long understood the cunning of Japanese spies, but now they are hiding and the spies are working openly. As long as they are not discovered, these foxes will become their prey sooner or later. .

Fujii left the hospital and waved for a rickshaw.

The driver stepped forward and pulled Fujii out of the hospital.

Near the hospital, Chu Yuan had already arranged some rickshaw drivers, disguised by his team members, but it was impossible to ensure that all the rickshaw drivers were his.

If you rashly drive away the rickshaw drivers who come here normally, you may alert the Japanese spies.

Unfortunately this time, Fujii's car was not his team member's car.

"Follow him."

After learning the latest situation, Chu Lingyun immediately ordered that it didn't matter whether they got into their team members' cars or not. Their ultimate goal was to follow people.

The team members covered each other, some were pulling the cart, some were riding in the cart, and some were riding bicycles, all following Fujii's rickshaw.

Track and monitor alternately before and after, and change people at any time, so as to ensure that Fujii will not be discovered.

Fujii was very cautious and took the rickshaw to a remote place, then walked.

It's not easy to follow him here. Fortunately, someone has arrived in front of Fujii before and is walking slowly in front. Generally speaking, the person being followed pays more attention to what's behind him and doesn't pay too much attention to what's ahead.

When he came to a deserted alley and made sure there was no one behind him, Fujii suddenly walked back again.

This is a normal anti-tracking action. Chu Yuan has suffered a loss once and has already kept all these in mind. No matter where Fujii goes, he will only follow him from a distance to avoid surprising people.

After walking two blocks, Fujii asked for a newly loaded rickshaw again.

This time he was not so lucky and got into Chu Yuan's team member's car. This car had been deliberately dropping people off here to see if it could attract him.

The people who came down were naturally their team members.

"Auspicious Road."

Fujii reported a place name, and the disguised driver pulled up the vehicle and ran quickly. The sky was already darkening, and the driver followed his own understanding and wanted to chat with Fujii.

Many coachmen, because they are bored when pulling a coach, will talk to passengers without saying anything, which may easily arouse the other party's alertness.

After saying a few words, Fujii ignored him. The driver shut up and continued to pull the cart.

"Here we go, two cents."

The driver stopped the car on the roadside of Jixiang, reached for the towel on his shoulder, and wiped the sweat from his face. Everything seemed so natural.

"I made a mistake, go to Yoshihara Road."

Fujii suddenly said that the Japanese spy was indeed cunning, and he did not really tell his destination when he got into the rickshaw for the second time.

But he didn't change cars, he was still in the car.

"It'll cost you three cents to get there."

The driver said hurriedly, and Fujii nodded.

These greedy Chinese people only know how to increase the fare. In fact, the price from where he took the bus directly to Jiyuan Road is the same 20 cents, but just because he stopped, he added an extra 10 cents.

But the driver's behavior did not make him have any doubts.

This kind of coachman is considered normal. If you don't say anything and just send him off, he will be alert.

Yoshihara Road was not far, and it took a few minutes to arrive. Fujii got out of the car, took out thirty cents and handed it to the driver, and then walked inside.

At this time, his vigilance was obviously not as high as before.

After turning a corner, he walked into a private house. When he entered, he did not forget to look behind him again.

Returning to his home, he took out the information he had taken out earlier and read it carefully.

After reading it, a smile appeared on his face. As expected of his idol, Mr. Yasuda was really smart to use Song Weilun to find out the intelligence of these military and political officials in the nursing home.

The stupid Chinese people would never have thought that the physical conditions of many of their important officials are already well known to them.

It's a pity that Yasuda-kun died, otherwise he could have made greater contributions to the empire.

In fact, Fujii only learned about Yasuda Naoki's situation a few days ago. After confirming that Yasuda Naoki committed suicide, Japan's Special High School decided to use him as a model to inspire lurking Japanese agents.

After deliberately exaggerating it, I told some people about Yasuda Naoki.

Only then did Fujii realize that the mole he was responsible for was a hero who instigated rebellion, and Yasuda became his new idol.

"Check who lives here, when they moved here, where they work, who they mainly interact with, and where they often go."

Chu Lingyun immediately gave the order after knowing that the spy who was collecting information entered a house and never came out again.

They did not alert the spy, who was extremely careful along the way. This was probably his hiding place.

Knowing his hiding place will make subsequent surveillance much easier.

This was the first time he was being followed, so be careful not to go offline, otherwise you would have to wait until he gets information next time to follow him again.

Now that I know where he lives, I won't be afraid if he gets lost when I follow him in the future. As long as he doesn't scare anyone, he will return to his residence sooner or later.

Chu Yuan was also very happy and finally found another spy.

He knew very well that if the team leader hadn't still trusted him and given him the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, he would never have been able to find this spy.

After Fang Wanchao's death, the team leader did not give up and continued to investigate, which ultimately led to huge rewards for both him and the team leader.

The team leader is still very powerful, even dead people can still make him speak.

Soon Chu Yuan came to the car and reported: "Team leader, I found out that the person living here is named Deng Yuanqi. He is a gardener by profession. He takes care of many gardens nearby. He moved here three years ago. , has always lived here.”

It was three years ago again. Could it have something to do with wild cats?

Chu Lingyun thought for a moment and then shook his head. No matter whether he had anything to do with Wild Cat or not, he would be targeted since his head was exposed. It would be better if he was a member of Wild Cat. He could catch one directly. Otherwise, he could follow the clues and find other Japanese. espionage intelligence team.

But he came here three years ago, which shows that his job is not just to collect information about Song Weilun.

Song Weilun was incited to rebel for only a year and a half at most. It was impossible for a spy to lie dormant for that long just to wait for a mole.

There is still a lot of information to be mined from Deng Yuanqi.

"Keep an eye on him."

Chu Lingyun ordered and found a new spy. Chu Lingyun was also very happy. After waiting for a day, the wait was not in vain.

It was already dark, and Chu Lingyun left all the remaining matters to Chu Yuan.

At this time, Chu Yuan is now in the stage of making meritorious deeds. This mission is of great significance to him. He can only succeed and cannot fail.

After a night of silence, Chu Yuan didn't dare to sleep much at night. Deng Yuanqi had just obtained the information about the mole and might hand it over at any time.

Deng Yuanqi went out early in the morning. He was wearing old clothes and pushing a cart.

On the cart were his tools for gardening. Soon he arrived at a public garden and started pruning the flowers and plants inside.

Chu Yuan was in the distance, observing all Deng Yuanqi's movements with a telescope.

The team leader had analyzed it for him before. Deng Yuanqi was just a person who obtained information, and his level was not too high. In this case, he needed to report the information obtained in a timely manner.

However, the information he obtained this time was not timely. No one knew when he would report it or how he would report it.

From now on, until he submits the information, Chu Yuan cannot be careless and must keep a close eye on him.

Throughout the morning, Deng Yuanqi made no move to hand over information and went home for lunch as usual.

He lives alone and cooks his own meals.

In the afternoon, Deng Yuanqi took his cart out again, this time to another place.

Chu Yuan had people record every move he made and everything he did. If his behavior of submitting intelligence was missed, these things could be analyzed afterwards to find out the reasons.

Chu Lingyun had told him that there was no need to put too much pressure on him. If he did not find a way for him to submit the information this time, then wait until next time. Now Song Weilun and he were both under surveillance. As long as Song Weilun was not arrested, they would definitely come back next time. There will be action.

But in Chu Yuan's heart, he was not willing to let Song Weilun provide information to the Japanese again.

This time, because the note was written by Song Weilun himself, Chu Yuan did not dare to switch it. If the handwriting was slightly different, it might be discovered by Japanese spies. However, regardless of any information, as long as it was useful, Chu Yuan did not want the Japanese to actually obtain it.

The best result would be to find out who Deng Yuanqi was and kill them all before they reported it.

"Captain, Deng Yuanqi is making some moves."

Chu Yuan just squinted for a while and then suddenly sat up. He had been staring for too long and couldn't hold on any longer, so he asked other team members to stare with binoculars and rested for a while.

Unexpectedly, just after taking a nap, the fox actually moved.

Chu Yuan took the telescope and looked carefully into the distance. Deng Yuanqi was drinking water. He was sitting on a chair by the garden, holding a kettle in his right hand, but his left hand stretched out from under the chair.

"Did you see clearly just now? Did he put the information under the chair?"

"Look clearly, he did put something under the chair."

The team member said hurriedly, Chu Yuan clenched his fist, great, it seems that the way Deng Yuanqi handed the information to him online was also a dead mailbox, and that chair was the location of his dead mailbox.

Next, keep an eye on this chair to find out the next person who comes to get information.

Chu Yuan lost any sleepiness and continued to stare at Deng Yuanqi.

After putting down the information, Deng Yuanqi looked around, then stood up and started brushing something on the tree not far from the chair.

After doing this, he packed up his things and went home to cook.

Chu Yuan came to the tree he painted last and found that the tree had been painted with a layer of white stuff. It was not just this tree, but several trees around it.

But the colors on this tree are clearly new and brighter than those on other trees around it.

Chu Yuan looked around. Although this park was not in the downtown area, there were many people passing by. After looking at it for a while, he gave up the idea of ​​taking photos of all passers-by.

That would require taking too many photos, and there would be no suitable photo location.

But this tree and that chair must be watched closely.

Especially those who have stopped by the tree or sat on the chair, you must find a way to take photos of them.

After arranging the task, Chu Yuan waited patiently. His people had been dispersed. Now the task was very heavy. Song Weilun had to keep an eye on it, and Deng Yuanqi had to monitor it 24 hours a day.

Now we have to keep an eye on the chair and the tree, and there are people who specialize in taking photos, which requires a lot of manpower.

Today, while Deng Yuanqi was out during the day, some team members sneaked into his home, but no poison, pistol or other items were found.

I don't know if he carried it with him or hid it somewhere else.

In the evening, inside Sihai Garment Store, Zhong Sihai looked at the clock and said to his wife beside him: "I'll go out for a while, and you can look after the house at home."

"Okay, be careful." His wife stepped forward to help straighten his collar and warned him softly.

Zhong Sihai nodded, said nothing, picked up two packed clothes, and rode his bicycle out.

As a tailor, Zhong Sihai earns a pretty good income, and he has the money to buy such second-hand bicycles.

He rode out to deliver two pieces of clothing to a customer. When he came back, he took a detour and came to the garden where Deng Yuanqi worked in the afternoon.

From a distance, he saw the tree that had been newly painted with white limestone.

Turkey has new information for him.

Turkey is Deng Yuanqi's code name. He is in charge of three moles, collecting information from them and then passing it on to himself.

He would regularly come to this dead mailbox to collect information, and then report it to Section Chief Beichuan Ming of Shanghai Special Higher Education Course.

Riding a bicycle, Zhong Sihai walked around the garden without stopping at the chair.

Years of lurking have made him very cautious. He only takes action to ensure safety.

It was already dark, and there were not many people in the park at this time. Chu Yuan did not dare to deploy manpower in the park, and only placed a few people in the dark outside.

Seeing someone passing by, Chu Yuan's spirits tightened.

Thanks to Clownfish 0624 and Fengyun Danmo for the reward of 1,500 starting coins per person. Thanks to 777 Wufeng777, Little Naughty Ghost, Boy with Melon, and Edi Shen 11 for the reward of 100 starting coins each. Xiaoyu was careless yesterday and missed the reward. I would like to express my apology here.

It's my son's birthday today. I have to spend the evening with him and have a half-day break. I only have an 8,000-word chapter. I haven't spent much time with him these days, so I have to compensate him today.

Children attach great importance to their birthdays and hope that their friends will allow them to take a day off.

Continue to work hard tomorrow. There are still 60 votes left in the monthly ticket and it’s time to add an update. I hope friends can give Xiaoyu more support. We will still update with 12,000 words tomorrow.

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