Spy Shadow

Chapter 208 The tail appears

Chapter 208 The tail appears

Especially at Wuhan Station, there will definitely be no problems there. Chu Lingyun has already sent a message to Wang Yuemin, asking for his assistance.

The purpose of the secret investigation is not to give the spies a chance to react. As long as they do not make arrangements, they can get back all the remittance records in these cities.

If they react slowly, they will still have time to find more spies and clues.

"Team Leader Chu, you are back."

Back in the office, Chu Lingyun saw He Xiangyang standing at the door and hurriedly invited him in.

"Team Leader He, you didn't even make a call in advance when you came."

He Xiangyang and he are at the same level and are both team leaders. Even if there is information exchange, there is no need for a team leader to come in person, just send someone casually.

Chu Lingyun didn't know how much pressure there was on the Intelligence Department now. Xu Yi had specifically ordered that Chu Lingyun should be notified immediately of any new investigation results. How could He Xiangyang dare to be careless?

"It's okay, I just arrived."

He Xiangyang smiled, followed Chu Lingyun into the office, and said immediately: "We found a printing factory that prints movie posters. All the posters for Nanjing Cinema are printed by them."

"According to what they said, movie posters are not used much. Several theaters usually print fifteen pieces collectively. However, these posters are very popular and many people like them. They will print more every time and sell them on their own. A total of fifty copies of the poster we found were printed."

After He Xiangyang finished speaking, he looked at Chu Lingyun.

The cinema only needed fifteen copies, but the printing house printed fifty copies, more than three times what was needed. It seems that they secretly sold a lot of them themselves.

Chu Lingyun can understand this. Not to mention now, in the 1980s and 1990s, those pictorials with movie stars were not always popular.

Especially the heroine of this movie, Katharine Hepburn, who is a great beauty and an Oscar-winning actress.

There are probably many people rushing to get a poster like this.

"Have you found out who sold the posters besides the movie theaters to them?" Chu Lingyun asked directly.

He Xiangyang immediately replied: "We have already started investigating. Because a long time has passed and we can't conduct a large-scale investigation, it may take some time."

He Xiangyang did not dare to talk too much and did not give an accurate time.

The poster from half a year ago cannot be used to arrest people. A secret investigation would indeed take time.

"Thank you for your hard work. If you need the cooperation of my operations department, just tell me and I will arrange someone to assist you."

This time it was a joint case, He Xiangyang did not refuse and nodded immediately: "It would be great to have the help of Team Leader Chu. As you know, our Intelligence Section does not have as many formal personnel as you, and now there are thirty-five posters to investigate. , we really need people.”

The reason why He Xiangyang accepted Chu Lingyun was because he had his own little calculation in his heart.

The section chief trusts Chu Lingyun so much. If he fails to do his job, he will definitely be scolded. With Chu Lingyun joining him, even if something goes wrong, the section chief will not be so angry.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll make a call."

Chu Lingyun called Ni Loach's office and called Ni Loach over: "Zhao San, this is Team Leader He from the Intelligence Section. There is a case that we are jointly investigating with the Intelligence Section. Now there are clues to investigate. I will take your People go and help Team Leader He.”

"Team Leader He, this is my second captain Zhao San, nicknamed Loach. He is very smart. If you need anything, just give him orders."

In front of outsiders, Chu Lingyun must introduce Ni Loach's name, but the Military Intelligence Department has heard of many Ni Loach, and not many people know his name.

"It turns out to be Captain Zhao, whose name I have admired for a long time."

He Xiangyang said politely that he had really heard of Loach's name. The Operations Section had repeatedly made meritorious deeds, and almost all of the credit came from the Operations Group Four.

Needless to say about the team leader Chu Lingyun, their section chief couldn't dig it out despite all his efforts, which became the section chief's biggest regret.

The three team captains of the fourth group are all known to the department, especially Ni Loach, who has made the most meritorious deeds and has been promoted the fastest.

"You're welcome, Captain He. From now on, I will be your soldier. I will fight wherever you point me."

Loach was very tactful. Even if Chu Lingyun was here, he knew what to say. Chu Lingyun and He Xiangyang both laughed at these words.

Chu Lingyun knew him too well and even pointed out where to shoot. After so many actions, Loach only fired once, and his hands were shaking with fear. It was impossible for him to shoot him.

But investigating clues is definitely Loach's strength.

"Thank you, Team Leader Chu. I won't bother you. We'll go investigate the case now."

He Xiangyang got up and left with Loach. With the help of the Operations Department, not only did the manpower increase a lot, but he also shared his risks.

The pictorial case had a clear direction of investigation. Although it took a long time, there were only thirty-five posters leaked. It was not difficult to find out the whereabouts of each poster.

What Chu Lingyun has to do is wait patiently for their good news.

Early the next morning, Shanghai French Concession.

Compared with other cities, the post office in Shanghai is the most difficult to investigate. It has been found that two people's remittance orders were sent from the post office in the concession. Not to mention them, even the Shanghai Station cannot even think of conducting a high-profile investigation here.

"Brother Chu, I have bribed the business section chief of the post office, but you can't take the originals, you can only take pictures."

Outside the post office, Bai Yuan whispered to Chu Yuan that the Shanghai Post Office had a heavy business volume, and just taking photos would require a lot of film.

The price of film nowadays is not low. Fortunately, the post office has remittance details instead of individual remittance slips. Otherwise, they would not be able to capture everything.

"Thank you, Team Leader Bai."

Chu Yuan clasped his fists in thanks, and Bai Yuan waved his hand: "We're going in, the time is limited, you shoot as soon as possible."

The last time the Operations Section arrested people across districts, the Shanghai Station was disgusted, but fortunately the final result was good. The captured Japanese spies confessed, and they also caught one.

The bad thing finally turned into a good thing, and the Shanghai Station owed the Action Department a favor.

Regardless of whether the favor was voluntary or not, this time the Operations Department had something to ask for, so they had no choice but to agree and try their best to help.

What's more, He Nian spoke in person, and their webmaster had to give He Nian face.

Registration books were placed in front of them. In order to save film, four sheets of paper were photographed together. As long as they could clearly read the contents on them.

The four people took photos together with cameras, and in a short while they used more than a dozen rolls of film to take half of the picture.


Looking at the time on his watch, Chu Yuan ordered that the section chief they had bribed only gave them two hours. The Shanghai Post Office had a heavy business volume, so they had to take advantage of the lunch break to come in and shoot during these two hours.

In two hours, all the registration books within three months were finally photographed.

It wasn’t that they were unwilling to take more photos. Firstly, they didn’t have enough time, and secondly, the film was limited. After the shooting, they only had two rolls of film left. Fortunately, they had enough prepared, otherwise they might not be able to finish the filming.

"Thank you, Team Leader Bai. Our team leader has said that he will treat you to a drink when you arrive at the headquarters."

After leaving the French Concession and returning to the city, everyone felt at ease. Chu Yuan thanked him again, while Bai Yuan smiled: "Thank you, Team Leader Chu, for your kindness. I will definitely bother you if I have the opportunity in the future."

Bai Yuan is no stranger to Chu Lingyun.

The Shen Hanwen who came last time was Chu Lingyun's captain, and Chu Yuan was the same this time.

He had heard many times about the power of Chu Lingyun at the headquarters when he was in Shanghai. He had caught many spies and made many meritorious deeds. Now he was the most powerful team leader in the Operations Section, and he was also a celebrity in front of the director.

After all, he was out there and didn't know what was going on at the headquarters. Bai Yuan didn't even know that Chu Lingyun had only met Virgo twice and was only really summoned once. He was not a popular person.

However, there are rumors from the outside that the Chief has great trust in Chu Lingyun and gave him, a newly arrived team leader, full authority to track down the traitor. Moreover, the chiefs of the Supervision Section were all sent to Hangzhou because of the traitor case. Naturally, Bai Yuan did not dare to offend Chu Lingyun's subordinates. people.

Taking the film with him, Chu Yuan returned in a hurry.

This batch of films was very important. In order to ensure safety, he also borrowed some manpower from Bai Yuan to escort them back to Nanjing.

In Wuhan, before anyone from Chu Yuan's team arrived, Wang Yuemin personally led the action team to the post office.

Chu Lingyun finally asked him to help with something. Wang Yuemin took this very seriously, and the dignified deputy station director personally went to the post office to conduct a close investigation.

The postmaster was directly controlled by him and personally helped them obtain all the remittance records.

Afterwards, he even threatened the director. If the information leaked out, not only would he be unable to do his job as director, but he would also be shot.

The unreasonableness of the Military Intelligence Office was vividly demonstrated by Wang Yuemin.

After getting the things, Wang Yuemin immediately asked someone to take pictures, and the originals had to be sent back to prevent the Japanese from discovering them. Taking pictures required a lot of film, but this little money was nothing. Wang Yuemin had no intention of letting Chu Lingyun pay for it.

The photos were taken and developed directly at Wuhan Station. Wang Yuemin kept all the photos himself to ensure confidentiality.

People who came to Wuhan had the easiest time. As soon as they arrived, they were picked up by Zhong Hui and invited to have a meal. After the meal, they were met by Wang Yuemin. Finally, they returned with photos and films with seals. They didn't even see the post office. Mission accomplished.

At the pier where Zhong Hui was sending people off, he asked a lot about Chu Lingyun while eating and picking up people.

At this moment, Zhong Hui really regretted it.

At first, he was obsessed with being an official, thinking that if he didn't leave, he would most likely take over Chu Lingyun's position, but he didn't expect that he would only be promoted to squadron leader, the same level as Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen.

Chu Yuan, who followed Chu Lingyun to the headquarters, has now become the captain.

But how can the captain of the sub-station be compared with the captain of the headquarters? What's more, Chu Lingyun has become the team leader of the headquarters and will be promoted in the future. Whether it is Ni Loach or Shen Hanwen, first comes first, and their future development will definitely be better. Better than yourself.

Not to mention, they have made a lot of great contributions at the headquarters.

One wrong step, one wrong step after another. Even if he applies to be transferred to the headquarters now, the team leader may not want him again, not to mention that there is no place for him in the headquarters. It is better to stay in Wuhan Station, at least there will be opportunities for promotion in the future.

Tianjin and Hangzhou are also going very smoothly.

Tianjin Station gained a lot last time. It already owed a favor to the Operations Department, and it was Chu Yuan who had been there for a long time. They had known each other for a long time and helped them get the remittance records without saying a word.

Afterwards, they were entertained with good wine and good food. If they weren't on a mission, they would have dared to get everyone who passed by the headquarters drunk.

There was a slight accident at Beiping Station, but I finally got my stuff.

Chu Lingyun also sent people to Chongqing, Guangzhou, Changsha and other important towns. Regardless of whether the Japanese spies had made remittances there, he would first get their remittance records.

If it's not missing, even if it's not, it's just an extra trip.

The people going to Guangzhou were still halfway there, so Chu Yuan returned to the headquarters.

It was already night when he returned. Chu Lingyun did not go back, nor did he let Chu Yuan rest. He immediately arranged for someone to develop the film he brought back, and then started comparing it.

Time is running out, and the sooner we find clues, the more likely we are to catch the spy.

Japanese spies are not fools. Now that the remittance order has been exposed, they may think of the loophole of the remittance location at any time.

Once they discover that remittance records in various places have been searched, they will most likely abandon these people who were instigated to rebel in order to protect their own agents.

If that's the case, even if we find these traitors, we won't be able to catch a single spy.

About twenty people worked overtime together, checking the list on the photo.

"Team leader, this name does not appear in our remittance order."

After more than two hours, someone finally found a missing name. Chu Lingyun went over immediately, and Chu Yuan also hurried over.

This person's name is Luan Zhengyang, and he is the chief engineer of the shipyard. This shipyard in Nanjing produces general marine police ships and some cargo ships. But if he is bribed to instigate rebellion, not only will the parameters of the marine police ship be known to the Japanese, but he will even be able to plant some safety hazards.

People like him are very valuable, and it is normal for Japanese spies to keep tabs on them.

But the engineer's income is not low. Chu Lingyun noticed the amount of remittances he received, and sent him one thousand and five French currency in three months. No matter how high his income was, it was not so much every month.

It's a pity that another person has been corrupted by money. Now Luan Zhengyang is under serious suspicion, but he is only the first one.

"Well done, let's continue the comparison and find out all the names that are recorded and not in our remittance slips before dawn."

Chu Lingyun praised them, and then ordered the comparison to last all night.

Everyone was very excited when they found one, and Chu Lingyun also breathed a sigh of relief.

The Japanese are rigorous enough, but they have not erased the records of the remittance place. If they did, they would be destined to gain nothing this time.

They probably didn't expect that people from Nanjing would go out on a large scale to retrieve remittance records from various remittance places, and then bring them back for comparison.

Time passed by minute by second, and when it was almost dawn, all the records were finally compared.

In Shanghai's remittance list, a total of three names did not appear in their remittance orders. All three of them had formal jobs and had access to important information.

"Chu Yuan, your people are outside, but the case needs to be investigated quickly. How about asking Shen Hanwen to help you?"

Chu Lingyun called Chu Yuan to the office and spoke to him alone.

"Thank you, team leader. It would be great if Captain Shen could help."

Chu Yuan responded immediately. He didn't have many people around him now, and his people couldn't investigate these three people at all.

He also understood what Chu Lingyun meant. If Shen Hanwen was asked to help, some of his credit would definitely be shared.

He really didn't care much about this. Shen Hanwen had leaked the house Wanchao he checked to him before, so he just wanted to return the favor.

"Okay, you go get some sleep first, we have to investigate the case in the morning."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Chu Yuan had a good view of the overall situation, but before Shen Hanwen could intervene, he had to talk to him first.

Just like when Chu Yuan was asked to help Shen Hanwen, Chu Lingyun greeted Shen Hanwen.

In Shanghai alone, three suspects were identified. When all places are compiled and recorded, more people can be identified.

Lying on the sofa, Chu Lingyun took a brief rest.

He also didn't sleep all night, but he finally got good results, making this post office investigation not in vain.

"Han Wen, these are the two suspects who were instigated by Chu Yuan. Now I will leave them to you to investigate."

After going to work, Chu Lingyun called Shen Hanwen to the office and placed the names of the two people in front of Shen Hanwen.

"Chu Yuan found out, give it to me?" Shen Hanwen was stunned and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, he is short of manpower and needs your assistance."

"Thank you, team leader. I will investigate it carefully."

Shen Hanwen understood and immediately responded, reaching out to get the list, but Chu Lingyun suddenly held it down and said seriously to him: "Your current mentality is not good, you are too impatient. I can leave these two people to you, but you have to adjust Mentality, don’t always think about arresting people and making meritorious deeds, you must find out all the clues you can find, can you do it?”

Shen Hanwen is not in the right state now and must be reminded.

"Yes, team leader, don't worry, I can definitely do it." Shen Hanwen was stunned and responded hurriedly.

"I'm not that reassured."

Chu Lingyun shook his head again and stared at Shen Hanwen: "Remember what I said, investigate everything clearly, and then report to me. You are not allowed to take action without permission. If you make another mistake, I will send you to Hangzhou to study for half a year. Don’t even think about coming back.”

It's a reminder, but also a threat.

Shen Hanwen trembled. Going to Hangzhou to study for half a year? Then he should never try to catch up with Loach again.

Gritting his teeth, Shen Hanwen nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely listen to your orders, be patient, and find all the clues."

"This is what you said, remember what you said."

Only then did Chu Lingyun reach out and let Shen Hanwen take the list. The opportunity had been given to him, and it was up to him whether he could seize it this time.

Luan Zhengyang was forty-eight years old. He was born in the late Qing Dynasty. He came from a good family. He studied in Japan when he was young. Later he studied in Japan and saw the world.

Now he has three sons and two daughters, and he is living a good life. Two years ago, one of his Japanese classmates suddenly came to China. He was very happy and invited this classmate to dinner and drinks.

He drank a little too much, and when he woke up, he found that he had slept with his classmate's girlfriend.

This startled him, and his classmates rushed into the room at this time and treated him relentlessly.

This woman was young, about thirty years old, and not bad looking. His classmates said that he had seen the wrong person. He did not expect that Luan Zhengyang would be such a beast and bully his woman.

The classmates also took photos to discredit Luan Zhengyang.

Luan Zhengyang is the chief engineer. If his reputation is bad, even if the shipyard does not fire him, he will have no shame in staying in the shipyard in the future.

He begged hard, and his classmates asked him to bring out the drawings of a newly designed ship as a guarantee. Only then did he realize that he had fallen into a trap.

But he didn't dare to disobey, so he could only do it.

After the classmate got the blueprint, he not only gave him a thousand French coins as a reward, but also asked the woman to stay with him for another night. He had no choice, so he simply broke the pot and enjoyed it.

After that, his classmates asked him to continue to provide information about the shipyard. He already understood that his classmates were Japanese intelligence agents, but unfortunately they got on the pirate ship and could not get off.

And the Japanese paid him a lot of money. With this money, even if something happened in the future, he would be able to live outside with his wife and children.

In this way, he simply willingly provided all kinds of intelligence to the Japanese. In the past two years, he sold everything in the shipyard to the Japanese, and also helped the Japanese design dangerous marine police ships.

Every month he would receive a considerable amount of remuneration. He did not dare to touch the money and exchanged it all for gold bars. He thought that when he made enough money, he would take his whole family to Hong Kong.

He is a naval architect and is not afraid of not having a job when he arrives in Hong Kong.


When Luan Zhengyang returned home from get off work, his youngest daughter immediately ran over. Seeing his daughter who was not yet five years old, Luan Zhengyang immediately smiled on his face.

He has three sons and two daughters. The eldest son is already married and he found a job in Hong Kong through his help last year. The second son is still studying and the whole family will go to Hong Kong in the future.

That was the escape route he left for himself.

"Niuniu, have you missed daddy?" Luan Zhengyang picked up the girl and kissed her forehead.


The little girl nodded seriously. They didn't know that someone in the distance was watching him closely and watching everything he did.

Chu Yuan personally investigated Luan Zhengyang. Among the three people, Luan Zhengyang's identity was the most important.

Holding his daughter in his arms, Luan Zhengyang returned home, where his wife was cooking.

The eldest son went to Hong Kong, and the second son studied abroad. Now the only ones at home are his eldest daughter, his youngest son and his youngest daughter.

The eldest daughter has good grades. Luan Zhengyang wants her to go to Hong Kong to study in the future, and then the whole family will move to Hong Kong to stay away from the dangers here.

He took it for granted and didn't know how much the Fruit Party hated traitors like them.

If he causes heavy losses to the Guo Party, even if he goes to Hong Kong, there will be an anti-corruption team to punish him. By then, the whole family may suffer along with him.

"Captain, Luan Zhengyang has a good reputation in the neighborhood. We secretly investigated his life and found no changes in his life. It is still the same as before."

"However, some neighbors reported that they had seen him several times in the black market in the past two years. They had never seen him going to that kind of place before."

"To the black market?"

Chu Yuan's eyes tightened. Most of the black market sold contraband, and there were also some goods with unknown origins.

Luan Zhengyang has never done business. He did not go to the black market to buy goods, so why did he go to the black market?

"Keep an eye on him. No matter what he does, it must be recorded. Where he has been and what he has done must be fully investigated."

Luan Zhengyang would not go to the black market for no reason.

There are many people in the black market, so it is unlikely to go there to deliver information, but it is not impossible. Maybe the information he delivers is important, and he does not use a dead mailbox, but has a special person to receive it, and this person is hidden in the black market.

This is better, maybe we can find out his contact earlier and catch the real spy.

However, this is just Chu Yuan's guess. He will not let go of any detailed investigation until it is confirmed.

After dinner, Luan Zhengyang went to the study and turned off the lights on time at 8:30 to take a rest. Chu Yuan had not installed a bug in his home, and the situation at home was not yet known.

Early the next morning, Luan Zhengyang went out early and came to the shipyard.

He is the chief engineer and is very respected here. Even the director of the factory will give him some respect. He can go anywhere in the shipyard.

After checking several marine police boats under construction, Luan Zhengyang returned to the office.

Recently, these marine police ships are about to be delivered. Luan Zhengyang has made changes in important parts in accordance with the requirements of the Japanese. There will be no problems with these ships during normal operation, but as long as they operate at high load for a longer time, they will inevitably become unstable. nest.

In times of war, this is a deadly threat.

For completing this requirement, he can get at least three thousand legal coins as a reward.

As for what would happen to the people on the ship after something goes wrong with the ship, Luan Zhengyang didn't think about it at all. He just thought about making more money so that he could live the life he wanted after arriving in Hong Kong.

Chu Yuan was very patient with his surveillance. While investigating his situation, he monitored all his whereabouts.

The Hangzhou team members also returned to the Military Intelligence Office and brought back the remittance records from the post office there.

Chu Lingyun immediately asked people to compare the records brought by Hangzhou and once again found a name that was not in the remittance slip.

No matter how cunning the fox is, it will be useless against a powerful hunter.

The Japanese spies haven't discovered it yet, and all the remittance records are in their hands. Even if they find it, it's useless. Some post offices in distant places, He Nian, have already let people from the sub-stations get the record list first.

When Chu Lingyun's people go over, they just need to bring back these lists.

These moles who were instigated by them will eventually be exposed to the sun and have nowhere to hide.

"You go to sleep first, I'll go out for a while."

Two days later, Luan Zhengyang finally made some noise. After telling his wife, he changed his clothes and walked out of the house as if for a walk.

He rarely went out at night these days. Chu Yuan immediately cheered up when he suddenly went out today.

Luan Zhengyang walked slowly and looked around from time to time. His appearance made Chu Yuan even more excited. With such caution, he would definitely take action tonight.

After all, Luan Zhengyang was not a professional intelligence officer. Even if he made observations, it would be impossible to discover the person who was secretly spying on him.

After walking around, he walked towards the river.

The shipyard is on the riverside, and his home is not far from the factory.

When passing by a house, he suddenly stuffed something into the family's mailbox, then walked forward, skipping two intersections, and returned home.

After delivering the information, Luan Zhengyang slept peacefully.

"Captain, I'm going to get information."

Chu Yuan's people have been staring at him. Ever since he put something in the mailbox, someone has been watching the mailbox all the time, and everyone around him has been checked.

In addition, the lights in that house were not on, so I don’t know what happened.

"Wait a moment, don't rush"

Chu Yuan shook his head. He always learned from Chu Lingyun in doing things, and knew that there was no need to rush at this time. There were many people living nearby. If someone looked in the room without turning on the lights, they would not be able to find it at all.

Except for Luan Zhengyang's side, Chu Yuan explored all the surrounding areas.

It wasn't until daybreak that he could notice whether there were people hiding behind the windows of nearby residents, and then he sent someone to quickly get the information.

After seeing the contents of the note clearly, Chu Yuan's lungs almost exploded.

There are not many words, just a few sentences: "The engine parts have been changed as required. Please verify it as soon as possible and pay the reward."

As the chief engineer, Luan Zhengyang changed the engine accessories at will. This was going to kill a whole ship of people.

In the event of war, no matter what happens to the engine, you can imagine the final encounter of the crew. They will either be bombed and sunk, or they will all be captured, without even the possibility of escape.

"Put the information back."

After copying down the information and checking whether there was anything secretly written on the note, Chu Yuan asked someone to put the note back.

This kind of handwritten information cannot be replaced, otherwise the other party will find traces of the package change from the handwriting, thus discovering their existence.

The team leader has been teaching them that intelligence work must not be careless, otherwise it may bring great hidden dangers.

The purpose of giving back information is to find the person who retrieved it.

For an important mole like Luan Zhengyang, the ones who come to get information must be Japanese. Maybe along this line, we can catch several more spies and crack the entire spy team.

Chu Yuan was very patient and only stared at Luan Zhengyang and the mailbox without asking anything else.

"Captain, we found out that no one has lived in this house for two years. It is said that the original owner went abroad. A company accepted their entrustment and came to clean the house on the 15th and the beginning of each month, so it seems to be still there. Very clean.”

The results of the survey on the residents of the mailbox soon came out. There was no one here at all. No wonder they put the dead mailbox here.

When Chu Yuan found the dead mailbox, he never thought that a spy lived in this house.

The spy was not so stupid as to leave the dead mailbox directly on his doorstep, and that was exactly what happened in the end.

But no matter where the spy is, he will always come to get information.

Chu Yuan paid attention to the time. Today was the 15th, which meant that someone would come to clean the house today. The person who came to get information was probably the one who cleaned the house.

Then just wait patiently.

Before noon, two people came from the mailbox resident. They opened the door very skillfully and went in to clean it. An hour later, a man came out to clean the front door. He also cleaned the mailbox and took out everything inside.

He glanced at the note secretly, then put it inside his personal clothes and re-entered the room.

Chu Yuan couldn't see what they were doing in the room, but it was enough to know that he had taken the note.

"Keep an eye on them and find out their identities."

Chu Yuan quickly ordered that the Japanese spies showed their tails. The next step was to see how many Japanese spies could be detected and how much harvest they could gain.

The two finished their work and left quickly. Chu Yuan was even more careful when following them. This may be a professional spy, and he must not let him discover his existence.

The two finally came to the Jia Aihua domestic help company. Chu Yuan asked people to find out their names and other information, and at the same time launched an investigation and surveillance on the company.

If it weren't for the fact that some team members came back one after another, Chu Yuan would not have enough manpower.

In the Military Intelligence Department, Chu Yuan stood in front of the desk and reported quickly.

"It has been found out that the person who took the information is named Kong Wanwan. He is an old employee of Aihua Domestic Help Company. He has worked there for five years. I am investigating his past, but there is no result yet."

After discovering the suspected Japanese spy, Chu Yuan immediately reported to the team leader that Kong Wanwan was worth more than Luan Zhengyang. Luan Zhengyang was just a traitor who was instigated to rebel, but Kong Wanwan might be a genuine Japanese agent.

Thanks? 1234 friends gave me 5,000 starting coins for the reward. The 12,000-word update was completed today.

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