Spy Shadow

Chapter 210 A blockbuster

Chapter 210 A blockbuster

There was no chair next to him, so Chu Lingyun directly found a dry place and sat down.

Seeing the team leader sitting down, Shen Hanwen could only sit down.

"Old man, why don't you eat?"

Seeing that the old man only took a bite and then stopped, Chu Lingyun asked curiously.

"Leave it to my son. He has to work a lot and will have more to eat when he comes back."

The old man said carefully, and then he held the piece of cake in his hand.

"Don't worry, these are all for you, enough to eat."

Chu Lingyun gave all the pancakes in his hand to the old man, which was several kilograms and enough for them to eat for two days.

"Thank you, thank you, you are a kind person."

The old man was shocked. He took the pancake and kept thanking him. Chu Lingyun was not well-dressed and was no different from the people here. He was very satisfied to give him a piece of pancake. He didn't expect to give him so much.

"Old man, how long have you lived here?"

After sending out the pancakes, Chu Lingyun asked casually. Only when the old man had pancakes did he dare to eat the remaining piece in his hand.

"It has been more than 20 years. Unfortunately, I have no ability. My wife ran away and my son has to suffer with me. He has not yet married a wife."

When he talked about his own affairs, the old man's face was full of pain.

He is sixty-one years old this year, and his life of poverty and hard work makes him look no different from the eighty-year-olds of later generations. Some of the well-maintained eighty-year-olds in the cities of later generations look better than him.

His son, who is in his early thirties, can only work as a coolie on the dock to barely make ends meet. He is still a bachelor, and even a widow cannot look down on their family.

"Don't be anxious, things will get better gradually."

Chu Lingyun was silent for a moment and said slowly.

Nowadays, many people in China are not living a good life. There are many people like the elderly who have worked hard all their lives without even having enough to eat.

Even with the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, this situation has not improved.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, although it was still not wealthy, at least the people were the masters of the country and there was no such heavy exploitation. As long as they worked hard, they would definitely be able to eat.

It's a pity that the old man in front of me will probably never see this day again.

"It will be fine."

The old man nodded, but there was no anger or hope in his eyes.

"I want to ask you something. Are you familiar with the people who live here?"

Chu Lingyun cheered up. Now the ancestors are throwing their lives and blood and working hard so that future generations can have enough to eat and live a stable life.

Their hard work was not wasted. Decades later, future Chinese people will live a stable life and become one of the few safe countries in the world.

In the future, no one will go hungry, and the Chinese will no longer be third-class citizens in the world. All their wishes will be realized in the future.

"It's familiar. Of course it's familiar. There's no one here that I don't know."

Hearing this question, the old man nodded immediately. He can't work now. He is here every day. He knows clearly who lives around him and their situation.

"Let me ask you, who are the people living on the streets around here?"

Chu Lingyun continued to ask. There was still doubt about the identity of the homeless man. He may not be a real homeless man. But now that there are no more clues, we can only investigate from this point.

"Many, many people can't work and can only go out to beg or pick up food. My legs are bad, otherwise I would go out."

The old man said quickly. He finally finished the small piece of cake. Looking at the remaining cake in his hand, he didn't dare to eat it and put it away carefully.

"How old are most of them? Do they often go out at night?" Chu Lingyun continued to ask.

"They are basically in their forties or fifties. If they are younger and still have strength, they can work. Only those who can't work do this."

The old man immediately replied, "Forty or fifty years old. It is unlikely that he is a spy at this age, but it is not absolute."

However, the spy who can hide here must be a person with extremely strong willpower. He can endure such a difficult environment, which ordinary people cannot.

"Are there any who are younger and go out at night? Especially those who went out last night?" Chu Lingyun asked again.

"Last night, yes."

The old man was stunned for a moment, then nodded. Chu Lingyun immediately sat up straight, and Shen Hanwen's eyes widened.

"I was asleep last night. I heard a noise and found that boy Liu Wu came back from outside. But he is not a homeless man. He has a job."

The old man said quickly, Chu Lingyun glanced at Shen Hanwen, and immediately asked: "Who is Liu Wu, where is he from, and how long has he lived here?"

"Liu Wu is from Shandong. He has moved here for five years. He doesn't always live here. Sometimes the factory where he works can be accommodated, but he doesn't come back. But he comes back a few days every month. He often comes back in the middle of the night. It's easy for me to sleep. Wake up, he will wake you up every time."

"Does he come back late often?"

"Not much, maybe two or three times a month." The old man shook his head.

"Do you remember the last time he came back in the middle of the night?"

"Almost half a month, I forgot the specific day."

The old man whispered, and Shen Hanwen was very excited. Half a month was in line with the rule that Japanese spies would go out to collect information once every half month.

He came back last night. There were very few people coming back at night. Liu Wu was a serious suspect.

Chu Lingyun thought more. After moving here for five years, he didn't live here often, but he came back to live a few days a month and often came back in the middle of the night. The possibility of Liu Wu being a spy was very high.

"Old man, how tall is Liu Wu and what does he look like?" Chu Lingyun asked again.

"He's not tall, about this tall."

The old man stood up with difficulty and gestured to Chu Lingyun. Liu Wu was in his thirties and very thin. There were almost no fat people here, most of them were skinny.

But Liu Wu is not as cunning as them, unlike those who work hard all year round, and the factory where he works is not so tiring. Usually the old man's son is quite envious of Liu Wu. He once asked Liu Wu for help and asked if he could be introduced to the factory. Inside the factory.

Here, being able to work in a factory is already a big deal.

Liu Wu is not a tramp, but the spy last night may not be a real tramp, and it is possible to disguise himself.

Chu Lingyun asked several more questions in succession, including Liu Wu's facial features, the factory where he worked, his usual return patterns, and all other rumors and information about Liu Wu.

The most important thing is Liu Wu's residence.

After asking clearly, Chu Lingyun stood up: "Old man, I'll give you this money. Don't tell anyone what I asked you today, including your son."

Chu Lingyun took out two yuan and didn't dare to give him too much. Giving him too much might not be a good thing.

Two dollars was a huge help to him.

"Thank you, thank you, you are a good policeman."

The old man was very excited, but his words made Chu Lingyun stiffen.

"Old man, why do you say I'm a policeman?"

"I knew as soon as you came here that you are not from here. Although you are wearing shabby clothes, you are too fat and your flesh is not strong. You have not done heavy work. You gave me food just now. I took a look at you secretly. Although your face It's dusted, but it's clean. It's definitely not a coolie. You asked so many questions about Liu Wu, so I guess Liu Wu committed something outside. You came here to check on him."

The old man said slowly, Chu Lingyun shook his head helplessly, who said the common people are so simple?

He had tried his best to disguise himself, but he could still be seen clearly, but the old man didn't know his true identity and just guessed that he was a policeman.

"Now that you know my identity, today's matter must be kept secret."

Chu Lingyun warned that he did not deny it. It didn't matter if the old man mistook him for being a policeman. At least the policeman was a big shot in their eyes, and they did not dare not listen to what the policeman said.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything."

Not to mention that Chu Lingyun gave him food and a lot of money. Even if he didn't have these things, he didn't dare to mess with his tongue, for fear of bringing disaster to himself and his son.

As for Liu Wu, his son didn't help him when he asked him for help before, so what does his life and death have to do with it?

Chu Lingyun and Shen Hanwen were wearing tattered clothes, which are common clothes for people here. They were chatting with the old man there and were seen when they were leaving, but no one paid attention to them.

The people outside were busy with their own affairs and had no idea that the old man had received a lot of reward just for saying something.

"Team leader, you are still awesome."

After coming out, Shen Hanwen sighed to Chu Lingyun. He felt like the sky was falling when he lost someone yesterday, and he didn't think of investigating.

As a result, the team leader took action personally and immediately identified the suspect.

"Don't be in a hurry. As long as he appears and leaves traces, you will definitely be able to find him."

Chu Lingyun smiled. If he couldn't find out the situation, there was still a way to find the spy.

Conduct a large-scale investigation of the people here. Since he has been here before, we will definitely be able to find him through careful investigation.

"Team leader, captain, what are you doing?"

In the distance, two team members and two policemen hurried over. They were shocked when they saw Chu Lingyun and Shen Hanwen.

"Say it in the car."

Someone was passing by here and it was not convenient to ask questions, so Chu Lingyun simply took the two policemen into the car.

I also took off my rags in the car and put them aside.


The two policemen were a little worried, looked at Chu Lingyun, and asked in a low voice.

Although Chu Lingyun looked like a coolie, the person who brought them here was called the team leader. When the two people from the Military Intelligence Office found them, they almost scared the souls out of their minds.

For them police officers, being targeted by Military Intelligence was the absolute worst thing that could happen.

Wang Zhengxian of the Fifth Bureau, the former director of the General Bureau, is a lesson learned from the past.

Even their director can't stop the Military Intelligence Department from arresting them whenever they want, let alone small soldiers like them.

"It's okay, I just want to ask you about the situation."

Chu Lingyun comforted him and gave them cigarettes. After taking the cigarettes, they did not dare to smoke and held them carefully.

"At around ten o'clock last night, did you encounter a homeless man in Liangyuan Lane?"

Chu Lingyun asked slowly. The two policemen were stunned and nodded hurriedly: "We met one. From a distance, we saw him sneaking around. When we got closer, we found out that he was a beggar. We kicked him and sent him away."

"Have you noticed his appearance, age and height?"

Chu Lingyun asked again. These two policemen were crucial. If they could confront the old man as they said, then it would be certain that the person who obtained the information last night was Liu Wu.

If it doesn't match up, the investigation needs to continue, but Liu Wu came back very late last night, and he is a huge suspect.

"Who cares about beggars?"

A policeman replied casually. Seeing Chu Lingyun's face tightening, another policeman said hurriedly: "The beggar is about thirty years old. He is a man. He is not tall and very thin. Probably, he is taller than the roof of the car. Yes, he has a pretty face, he has a long face, his teeth are very yellow, and he must smoke a lot."

"How do you remember so clearly?" Chu Lingyun looked at another policeman.

"I saw that he was suspicious yesterday, so I paid some attention. I originally wanted to ask him, but Lao Zhao said that beggars were unlucky, so I didn't ask again."

The policeman said carefully that the characteristics he mentioned matched those of Liu Wu.

He is not tall, thin, has a long face, and the most important thing is that he smokes. The old man has said that Liu Wu can indeed smoke, and he smokes a lot.

The old man also said that Liu Wu didn't want to save money to get a wife, and all the money was taken away by him, so he was a prodigal.

"Okay, keep today's matter a secret and don't tell anyone, otherwise you will know the consequences."

"We understand. Don't worry, sir. We will pretend we have never been here."

The policeman hurriedly promised that Chu Lingyun would let them go back, and the two hurriedly ran away, fearing that they would change their minds and call them back again.

"Team leader, Liu Wu is the spy from yesterday."

Shen Hanwen said firmly that he was beside him when he was questioning the police just now. It was originally the case that he was responsible for, and Chu Lingyun would bring him with him when questioning.

Let him listen and save himself the time to convey it. Even if he hasn't seen anyone yet, Shen Hanwen is completely sure that Liu Wu is the one who took the information.

"You are right. Investigate everything about Liu Wu immediately and keep an eye on him. He has just received the information and is very likely to report it in the next two days. Whether you can find a channel for him to report is the key. Remember, stabilize your mentality and don't be impatient. , there are always more solutions than difficulties.”

Chu Lingyun nodded, and Shen Hanwen stood up straight: "Yes, in a humble position, you must stabilize your mentality and not be impatient."

This time, he really understood the importance of Chu Lingyun's instructions to him.

If he still followed his previous temperament and was afraid of being embarrassed and arrested him directly, let alone whether he could be caught or not, he would definitely alarm a lot of people.

If someone is caught, the Japanese may also know about it. If they are not caught, or someone is killed, it will be more troublesome.

Although he lost track of the person yesterday, it does not mean that there is no result. When the team leader came today, he found this person again. As the team leader said, there are always more ways than difficulties.

In the future, he should use his brain more when doing things and not be reckless.

Helping Shen Hanwen find the Japanese spy again, Chu Lingyun did not stay here anymore and immediately returned to the Military Intelligence Office.

Right now is the busiest time for work. Chu Yuan has found out the Japanese spy. The investigation by Ni Loach and the intelligence team has made further progress, and remittance lists are being brought in from various places.

Although I haven't arrested many people recently, I am accumulating precipitation. If I don't move next time, it will be a blockbuster.

The spies and traitors that have been discovered, as well as the new spies and traitors that will be discovered in the future, the harvest this time will definitely not be lower than before.

"Team leader, I compared the list brought by Tianjin and came up with one."

As soon as Chu Lingyun came back, the team member responsible for the comparison came to report the good news. Now, a total of five traitors who were instigated to rebel have been compared. These people should never think of serving the enemy and murdering their compatriots in the future.

3000 monthly ticket can be added in advance.

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