Spy Shadow

Chapter 220 Meeting Qiu

Chapter 220 Meeting Qiu

This news must be known to the Red Party as soon as possible.

However, the information Chu Lingyun currently knows is limited. He only knows that Tu Fang went to the dock to guard. It is not clear whether they have obtained the exact information and know that these three comrades came from the waterway and know the exact time.

He could neither let Wang Sheng inquire, nor could he rashly arrest Tu Fang to undermine the actions of the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

The current evidence is not enough to put Tu Fang to death. After all, the remittance was not sent to him. If he refuses to admit it, given the relationship between the Party Affairs Investigation Department and them, he will definitely be beaten up by then.

Looking at the time, Chu Lingyun gave instructions to the remaining team members and then went out.

He did not go home directly, but simply put on makeup in the car.

Then we drove to the train station.

If you want to know whether the Party Affairs Investigation Office has confirmed the intelligence, you can see if they have made arrangements elsewhere.

If there is, it means that their intelligence is not complete and there is still room for maneuver. If not, the Red Party must be notified immediately so that they can take precautions.

This is not the future. Contact is very convenient. Everything can be done with just a phone call or a message.

The conditions of the Red Party are not optimistic. It may not be easy for them to inform their comrades.

When Chu Lingyun came to the train station, she did not go in, but walked around casually outside.

It didn't take long for him to find some better surveillance positions at the exit of the train station, and someone would look towards the exit from time to time.

These people disguised themselves as hawkers, rickshaw drivers and others. They behaved very professionally, but their minds were not on business. Chu Lingyun easily discovered their existence.

The order from the Party Affairs Investigation Office is to keep an eye on the exits, and they are not that wary of people outside.

Chu Lingyun didn't know any of these plainclothes men, and the Military Intelligence Department had not had any tasks recently. They were most likely people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

The train station is watched, and there is no need to look at the various places entering the city, it must be the same.

Chu Lingyun was sure that the information from the Party Affairs Investigation Office was not completely accurate. He only knew that the Red Party was coming to Nanjing, but did not know where they were entering the city.

This is good news, but the situation is still not optimistic.

Knowing their age and knowing that they came from the north, the party investigation office would have a high chance of finding them as long as they cast a fishing net.

After returning home, Chu Lingyun immediately changed her makeup to look like she did before, when she was in her thirties, very ordinary.

He put on this makeup very carefully and it took him an hour to complete it. Unless you went up to touch his face and wipe off the makeup on his face, you would not notice anything unusual at all.

After packing up, Chu Lingyun went out carefully when it got dark.

He changed newsstands and bought a few old newspapers. In a place where no one was around, Chu Lingyun cut out the words he needed and pasted them together again.

This time there is a little more content, using a long blank space in the newspaper.

After burning all the newspapers, Chu Lingyun slowly walked towards Lao Wu's house.

When walking, don't forget to look around to prevent being noticed and followed.

Lao Wu is at home, and the last shipment of goods has returned. Xiao Su's business is busy selling goods. After selling, they will have no worries about funds.

But the medicines sent twice were not enough for my hometown to last long. If my hometown didn't have other channels, they might not be able to supply it alone.

During the previous meeting, Director Yang told him that the medicine they sent had treated hundreds of seriously injured soldiers and saved their lives.

This makes Lao Wu very happy. Although they are at the heart of the enemy, they can still contribute to their hometown.

For them, that's enough.

After dark, Lao Wu suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to throw away the garbage at home when he went out today.

Picking up all the rubbish, Lao Wu was going to throw it into the garbage dump. It was all useless rubbish. Those that could be sold for money would be kept and sold to those who collected rags.

If you sell for a penny more, you can save more. If you save a little, you can save the lives of the soldiers.

Chu Lingyun came to Lao Wu's alley and was not in a hurry to go in. He walked around the outside and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

After making sure there was no problem, he arrived at Lao Wu's door.

He took out the cut piece of paper, stuffed it into the crack of the door, and then raised his hand to knock on the door.

Old Wu was carrying the garbage. When he walked to the door, he suddenly saw something stuffed into the crack of the door. He was frightened and stepped back. As a knock on the door sounded, Old Wu instantly understood what was going on.

He quickly opened the door and saw Chu Lingyun standing outside.

Chu Lingyun hadn't left after knocking on the door, and the two of them just looked at each other.

"Is it Miss Qiu?"

The familiar rhythm of knocking on the door, as well as the things handed over through the crack of the door, made Old Wu very excited. He finally saw Miss Qiu's true face today.

Old Wu asked in a low voice, while carefully looking at the person in front of him.

Ms. Qiu is very ordinary. She has a popular face and looks to be in her thirties.

Chu Lingyun also saw clearly what Old Wu looked like. After Old Wu asked, Chu Lingyun did not answer, but suddenly turned around and ran away into the distance.


Old Wu just wanted to call someone, but he held back. Miss Qiu was a secret and could not be known, but why did Miss Qiu turn around and run away after seeing him?

Old Wu didn't think much and hurriedly chased him out.

It's a pity that Chu Lingyun ran too fast, and he didn't dare to chase too quickly for fear of attracting other people's attention. By the time he caught up to the entrance of the alley, Chu Lingyun could no longer be seen.

Then he thought of something again, and ran back immediately without caring about looking for Chu Lingyun.

The note Chu Lingyun handed over was lying quietly on the ground.

Old Wu patted his chest, hurriedly picked up the note, closed the door, and entered the room to read.

The content on the note made his expression suddenly change.

"The Party Affairs Investigation Office is conducting a comprehensive search at all entrances of the city for three comrades who are about to enter the city. Comrades, please be careful and do not enter the city in the near future unless it is urgent. Miss Qiu"

Miss Qiu is indeed here to deliver information, and it is very important information.

Lao Wu didn't know if any comrades had come to Nanjing recently, but if so, the party affairs investigation revealed that a dragnet had been laid, and the comrades were in great danger.

He didn't care to think about why Miss Qiu didn't recognize him, he hurriedly found the pistol, took the note and hurried out.

This information must be reported as soon as possible.

Chu Lingyun ran very fast. Fortunately, the other party did not rush to chase him.

Secretly noticing that Lao Wu had returned and focusing on information, Chu Lingyun was finally relieved.

Under the current situation, Chu Lingyun has no intention of directly acknowledging each other. It's not time yet.

Lao Wu was in a hurry to go out, but he did not forget to observe the surrounding environment. To his disappointment, he did not see Miss Qiu just now. He understood that Miss Qiu had already left.

After making sure that no one was following him, he quickly arrived at Director Yang's house.

"Director Yang, Miss Qiu is here today and I saw him."

The first words Lao Wu said when they met made Director Yang very excited, and he hurriedly asked: "Have you asked him if he is our comrade?"

"No, he ran away when he saw me without saying a word. You should watch this first."

The situation was urgent. Lao Wu didn't care about talking about Miss Qiu and immediately handed the note Chu Lingyun gave him to Director Yang.

Director Yang's expression also changed when he saw the content on the note.

Director Yang is not actually responsible for intelligence. He mainly manages money and finds ways to make money so that the organization can operate normally.

They didn't ask much about the intelligence line.

Nowadays, only Comrade Dragonfly under Lao Zheng occasionally provides information, followed by Miss Qiu.

"Please explain the situation clearly first."

Director Yang put away the note and asked quickly. He must report this news as soon as possible, but just now Lao Wu said that he met Miss Qiu, which is also very important information.

He wanted to ask clearly before reporting to Secretary Liang.

"It was a coincidence today. I was about to go out to throw away the garbage, and I saw someone stuffing a note under the door. I immediately thought of Miss Qiu. After opening the door, I saw the man standing at the door. I asked him, but He didn't reply and just ran away."


Director Yang frowned, and Old Wu nodded and said, "Yes, I will chase him out, but he has already run away, and there is still information from him at home. I dare not chase him, so I will go back immediately."

"You did the right thing. This information is very important. Have you seen his appearance clearly?"

"You can see it clearly. He is a very ordinary man. He is in his thirties but less than thirty-five, but his eyes are very bright."

Old Wu quickly replied, just look at the person clearly. Director Yang relaxed a little. Although he didn't know why Miss Qiu didn't recognize them and ran away when she saw the person, at least he knew what Miss Qiu looked like.

"What are the characteristics of his appearance?" Director Yang asked again.

"Characteristics?" Old Wu was startled, thinking of the Chu Lingyun he saw just now. He had a very ordinary appearance, the kind that would never attract attention if he was thrown into a crowd. In terms of characteristics, it is hard to describe him.

"She just looks very ordinary, not fat, and doesn't have any special features."

Old Wu shook his head and said, it's really hard to describe his appearance, it's too ordinary.

"Ordinary is also special. You go back immediately. I want to report this information as soon as possible."

Director Yang stopped asking, as long as Old Wu had met the person, no matter what the reason was for Miss Qiu not to recognize them, as long as she had met the person, there would always be a chance to find him in the future.

Director Yang is still convinced that Miss Qiu must be their comrade.

After seeing Old Wu off, Director Yang changed his clothes and hurried out with the information.

He didn't know if the three comrades were going to the city, but Miss Qiu had only delivered information twice, and each time the information was very important.

The information last time saved his life.

In Lotus Lane, Director Yang came to Secretary Liang and was quickly taken to the study.

Today is not the day to meet. Director Yang suddenly came over, making Secretary Liang very confused.

"Lao Yang, what's the urgent matter that brings you here so late?"

After sitting down, Secretary Liang asked first. Director Yang immediately took out the information and placed it in front of Secretary Liang: "Take a look at this first."

Secretary Liang immediately picked up the note and saw the familiar newspaper cut-outs on it. He immediately understood that this was information sent by Miss Qiu.

After reading the content, his expression completely changed.

Director Yang didn't know the situation, but Secretary Liang knew that as the main person in charge of Nanjing, he had been notified that three technicians were sent from his hometown to assist them in their work.

These three people are all telecommunications experts, and they also carry a radio.

With this radio station, they have two radio stations, which can make it easier to contact their hometown, and they can make better and safer arrangements internally.

They are in Nanjing, but they are not only responsible for work in the city.

Several surrounding base areas rely on them to contact the organization. These three people are very important. In addition to staying to help deliver messages, they also need to teach the people in the base area how to use radio stations. When there is an opportunity to equip the base area with radio stations in the future, this way You can strengthen your connection with them.

Secretary Liang did not expect that before they arrived, the people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department already knew about it and were keeping an eye on all places entering the city, waiting to arrest them.

"Lao Yang, does anyone know about this?" Secretary Liang raised his head and asked quickly.

"It's just me and Lao Wu, and the other one is Miss Qiu."

"This matter is confidential and cannot be told to anyone. You go back first and I will report this matter immediately."

Secretary Liang's words made Director Yang understand that three of their comrades were really coming, and Miss Qiu's information was too timely and important.

"Secretary Liang, there is one more thing. Old Wu met Miss Qiu today, but Miss Qiu did not recognize him."

"What, did you meet someone?"

Secretary Liang was startled again, looked down at the information, and immediately said: "Wait for me first."

After leaving the study, Secretary Liang told the housekeeper the information and asked him to go to the radio station immediately to report the news to his hometown. He must remind the three technicians to be careful.

If possible, don't go into the city in the near future. Protect yourself first and wait until later.

This information was very crucial. Fortunately, the three of them had brought radios with them, so their hometown might be able to contact them. If there was no radio and he could not notify them, he would have to send people out of the city to find a way to intercept them.

But the whereabouts of the three of them were secretive. There were so many places entering the city in Nanjing, and he didn't have that many manpower, so it was difficult to really stop them.

Once they are caught by people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department, the consequences will be disastrous.

Although they don't know much about Nanjing, they have been in their hometown for many years and are familiar with the situation there. They are also technicians and they also carry radio stations and code books with them. If these things are found by the Party Affairs Investigation Office, it will definitely be a heavy blow to them. .

After giving the instructions, he returned to the study.

The housekeeper was his bodyguard and was very reliable. He often helped him with some things, but Secretary Liang still didn't tell him about Miss Qiu. He only asked him to inform and send reminders to his hometown.

As for the information that Chu Lingyun cut, it is still in the hands of Secretary Liang.

"Lao Yang, please tell me in detail what happened when you met Miss Qiu."

Secretary Liang asked directly. Director Yang relayed exactly what Old Wu told him. After he finished speaking, he asked softly: "Secretary Liang, I think Miss Qiu must be our comrade. Does he have any concerns?" , so you don’t recognize us?”

"It's possible. Since he doesn't want to admit it, let's not force him. From the intelligence this time, it can be seen that Miss Qiu is probably working in the intelligence department, and she is in the Party Affairs Investigation Department. In this case, we must protect him even more. Safety."

"Secretary Liang, I have the same idea as you. Do you want Lao Wu to find a way to investigate and see if he can be found?"

Director Yang was very curious about Miss Qiu's identity and wanted to find out what happened to this comrade.

Old Wu has seen people. As long as he goes to the Party Affairs Investigation Office and keeps an eye on Miss Qiu when she goes to work, he will definitely be able to see them, so that they can establish contact with Miss Qiu in the future.

"No, not yet. Miss Qiu must have his reasons for not wanting to recognize us. Besides, he has been helping us, so we can't bother him rashly."

Secretary Liang actually wanted to get Miss Qiu back. If he worked in the intelligence department, he would be too important to them.

But today, Miss Qiu saw Old Wu, but left directly. No matter what the reason was, they couldn't rush to find someone, otherwise it might cause trouble or even danger to Miss Qiu.

Miss Qiu appeared three times, twice to deliver important information and once to send money without any request or reward.

Now he can't just think about himself, he must think about Miss Qiu and pay attention to his safety.

"All right."

Director Yang nodded regretfully. Secretary Liang disagreed. He could not act rashly.

"In the future, Lao Wu's work will be lighter for him. His safety is also very important."

Secretary Liang said suddenly. Director Yang was stunned and immediately understood what Secretary Liang meant.

Lao Wu has met Miss Qiu. If he is in danger, Miss Qiu will also be in danger.

Moreover, Miss Qiu is only in contact with Lao Wu now. If something happens to Lao Wu, their contact with Miss Qiu will be interrupted.

There is no doubt about the importance of Miss Qiu, especially the information this time. Seeing Secretary Liang's eagerness to report it, you will know that it is true, and the identities of the three comrades are definitely extraordinary.

"I will reduce Lao Wu's workload in the future."

Director Yang agreed, and Secretary Liang nodded slowly, then looked down at the note in front of him.

The words cut out from the newspaper showed that Miss Qiu was very careful and did not leave any handwriting. He was very careful to protect himself, which is a good thing.

Secretary Liang believes that if Miss Qiu obtains any important information in the future, she will definitely inform them, which means they have an important source of information.

Chu Lingyun returned home and immediately washed off her makeup.

It was an accident to meet Lao Wu suddenly today. Fortunately, he was cautious and put on makeup when he went out. It didn't matter even if he was seen.

This look was a makeup specially put on to connect with them.

I hope that after they get the information, they can stop the three comrades in time, or find another way to enter the city.

Chu Yuan had returned to the surveillance point opposite Tu Fang's house. As soon as it got dark, Tu Fang took his team home and did not spend the night at the dock.

During the day, Tu Fang led his team members and all the police. As long as a ship docked, everyone who came off would be carefully inspected by them.

They arrested more than a dozen men in their thirties.

Tu Fang didn't care if he was a member of the Red Party or not, he would arrest the person first. Even if he wasn't, it didn't matter. He could still let them extort some money.

In the evening, after confirming that there were no ships docking behind him, Tu Fang gathered up his team and left.

Not all of them would leave when the team was withdrawn. Tu Fang left four people behind and continued to stand guard, not watching the boat, but watching the police.

Today, the police assisted in handling the case. They knew what they were looking for. They were not allowed to go home until they caught someone. Tufang restricted their freedom and did not care about their food and lodging, leaving them to solve their own problems. This made these police even more dissatisfied.

With his arms unable to twist his thighs, the police sergeant at the dock went to argue, but Tu Fang stopped him with a sentence of military secrets. If he had asked again, the other party could have arrested him for spying on military intelligence.

The Sheriff couldn't afford this crime, so he had to give up trying to reason with them and find a way to provide dinner for his people.

After returning, all the arrested people were put into the prison of the Party Affairs Investigation Department. Tu Fang didn't care at all and asked two of his confidants to interrogate them. The so-called interrogation was mainly to try their luck to see if anyone could be caught.

If not, those who are not suspected will ask the family to get some money and then let them go.

This is not the first time they have done this kind of thing, they are very familiar with it.

It's a pity that we can't get much profit from these ordinary people, otherwise Tu Fang wouldn't be so casual and only let his men come to interrogate.

After returning home, Tu Fang didn't know that there were several pairs of eyes staring at him in the darkness.

After dinner, Tu Fang changed his clothes and went out in a big way.

As soon as he appeared, Chu Yuan led people to follow him.

Tu Fang first came to his casino. People here knew him. He was a regular customer. Even the boss greeted him friendly when he saw him.

After playing for an hour, Tu Fang left the casino cursing, apparently losing money again.

In fact, he didn't lose much, he was just pretending. After coming out, he randomly found a place to urinate, but his eyes were constantly looking around.

He is an intelligence officer, so he will naturally be wary of the surrounding environment, not to mention that he has important things to do today.

After confirming that there was no danger, Tu Fang picked up his pants and staggered towards home.

When he walked to a wall, Tu Fang suddenly squatted down and arranged his shoelaces.

At the same time, he looked behind him and noticed that there was no one in front or behind him. He quickly reached into the dog hole next to him and drew a line outside.

After doing this, he got up and left.

Although Chu Yuan was far away from him, he could see it after he paused. After he was far away, he immediately sent people to investigate the area.

After a while, they found a hollow space above the dog hole and took out a small, tightly wrapped note from it.

This is Tu Fang's death mailbox, and he dropped the information.

Chu Yuan carefully observed the note, and finally opened it carefully. When he saw the content inside, his face lit up, and he finally caught Tu Fang's handle.

The handwriting on the intelligence was crooked, which was obviously intentional. Tu Fang was an intelligence officer and would not leave his handwriting directly like other moles.

I don’t know if this character was written by a different hand or with my toes, but it’s very ugly.

But the content can be clearly seen. This information is about a red party that is going to enter Nanjing City recently. There are three people in total. The Party Affairs Investigation Office has blocked the entrance to the city and is just waiting for them to fall into the trap.

There is also Tu Fang's own analysis in it. These three people will not be big shots, but they are certainly important.

Otherwise, they would not search like this, and if it was a big shot of the Red Party, then not one of their action groups would be dispatched, but the entire Action Section, and even the entire Party Affairs Investigation Department would be dispatched.

If there are any gains in the future, or the secrets of the Red Party are obtained, he will continue to report.

There were a lot of words. Chu Yuan wrote down the content, restored the information to its original state, and put it back.

He doesn't care about the actions of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, he only cares about this dead mailbox. He wants to keep an eye on this dead mailbox and find the person who came to get the information.

If you find the person and catch the spy, you can confirm Tu Fang's crime.

Tu Fang returned home with peace of mind and fell asleep. He was very confident. He was very careful along the way and no one noticed his behavior of releasing intelligence.

Besides, this was not the first time he had done this kind of thing. He had always been fine before, which made him a little numb.

He was just a mole who was instigated to rebel, not a real spy. The Japanese suffered a lot during this period. They told their own people to be careful, but they would not inform these moles.

Early the next morning, Chu Yuan came to Chu Lingyun's office excitedly.

"Team leader, we found Tu Fang's dead mailbox."

"Found it so quickly?"

Chu Lingyun was stunned for a moment. He just stared at Tu Fang, and now he has gained something?

"This is the intelligence content he put out."

Chu Yuan handed the information he had copied down to Chu Lingyun. When he opened it, Chu Lingyun realized that his guess yesterday was correct. The Party Affairs Investigation Department did not have detailed information.

"How many people have seen this information?" Chu Lingyun raised his head and asked.

"Only I have read it, and I copied it myself." Chu Yuan hurriedly replied.

"Very good, don't leak the intelligence content, otherwise the mad dogs from the Party Affairs Investigation Department are likely to make a fuss about this matter."

Chu Lingyun nodded. If he had known that Tu Fang was releasing this information, Chu Lingyun would not have read it at all.

But I’ve already seen it, and there’s no point in regretting it.

As soon as Chu Yuan left, he immediately called He Nian and then came to He Nian's office.

"The Party Affairs Investigation Department has a good dog."

Seeing the contents of the intelligence, He Nian snorted coldly and found out the mole from the Party Affairs Investigation Department. This was a good thing. He had long disliked that group of people.

"Section Chief, Tu Fang is on a mission and is related to the Red Party. We know about this..."

Before Chu Lingyun finished speaking, He Nian interrupted: "What are you afraid of? They are just a bunch of trash. All the information has been provided to the Japanese. What can we do if we know it? Is it possible that we can still let the Red Party go?"

He Nian's face was full of disdain. He originally looked down on those in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, but now that he has something to do, he will not take them seriously.

"Yes, section chief."

Chu Lingyun responded, He Nian thought for a moment, and then said: "Keep an eye on the dead mailbox and find the person who took the letter. As for Tu Fang, we can secretly arrest him if necessary."

"I understand, Section Chief, I'm going back first."

Chu Lingyun's heart trembled. He heard the meaning of the New Year's greetings. He wanted to arrest Tu Fang, but he tried not to affect their actions.

In terms of dealing with the Red Party, the attitude of the Military Intelligence Division is consistent with that of the Party Affairs Investigation Division.

Chu Lingyun's expression did not change, but there was a sense of sadness in his heart.

In later generations, he only heard that the Fruit Party was more wary of the Red Party than the Japanese. Only in this era did he realize that what he said was not an exaggeration at all, and it was not even enough.

The Japanese occupied the Northeast and were eyeing the whole of China. At this time, the Kuomintang only thought about internal affairs and did not think about uniting all forces to resist the invaders.

As soon as Chu Lingyun left, He Nian came to the director's office.

Another important mole has been found, and he is from the Party Affairs Investigation Department. Virgo must like this news.

Sure enough, after listening to the New Year's greeting report, a smile appeared on Virgo's face: "Old Ghost Xu targets me everywhere. This time there is a spy within them, and we found it out. I'll see how he explains it to the Chairman."

"Virgin, because Tu Fang is on a mission, I asked Chu Lingyun to conduct a secret arrest during the operation."

He Nian said with a smile, and the smile on Virgo's face became even brighter: "You did a good job, I took note of this, and I will tell the Chairman if I have the chance."

"Thank you Virgo for cultivating me, but my humble position is that I am a Virgo person and just follow Virgo."

New Year's greetings are human beings, and Virgo will not be easily excited when he says it.

He said this to let Virgo understand that he is a person who can do things, and he did not really ask Virgo to ask for credit for him in front of the chairman.

He has never even met the chairman of the committee a few times, so it doesn't mean much for the chairman to remember him.

What's more, everything he has is given by Virgo. Only by following Virgo closely can he have a better future.

"I understand, you should go back first." Virgo's smile became even brighter, and he returned with a satisfied New Year greeting.

In the Chairman's heart, Virgo knows best who is the real enemy, so in other aspects he can undermine the Party Affairs Investigation Office as much as he wants, but when dealing with Hong, he must not cause trouble.

Otherwise, Old Ghost Xu bites back, and Virgo will not be in a good position.

He did a good job in greeting the New Year this time. He understood the general situation and left Old Ghost Xu speechless.

After discovering Tu Fang's death mailbox, Chu Yuan focused his surveillance here, leaving Tu Fang to his men to monitor.

Tu Fang couldn't escape, so it was most important to find his spy.

Behind this dog hole is a wealthy family, but this family doesn't like dogs and doesn't keep any dogs.

The dog hole is just a normal configuration for people like them. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it is always there.

Chu Yuan investigated this family and found that they were ordinary businessmen with clear origins and were not spies.

If there were really Japanese spies who could lurk so deeply, they would not be allowed to do such trivial tasks as collecting intelligence, let alone collect intelligence at their own homes.

The owner of the dog cave has no problem, the Japanese spies will definitely pass by here to collect information.

During the day, Chu Yuan noticed the traces of the Tu Fang painting last night. Last night was night, and they didn't dare to use flashlights, so they didn't see this mark.

This mark was taken and recorded by Chu Yuan. It was probably Tu Fang's code to inform the Japanese spies.

Since there was a coded notice, it wouldn't be long before the Japanese spies passed by here. Chu Yuan set up cameras and took pictures of everyone passing by the alley.

Even if the spy doesn't collect information, he will definitely come here to take a look. This is human nature.

At that time, the photos can be used as clues to find Japanese spies.

Chu Yuan learned these from Chu Lingyun. Although they are a little troublesome, they are very practical.

Jiro Miyamoto rode his bicycle and delivered letters and newspapers door to door.

He is a postman, responsible for sending and receiving all letters in this area, and is very familiar with all the people in this area.

No one knew that he was a lurking Japanese. When dealing with these Chinese, he was very friendly on the surface, but he looked down on them in his heart.

The stupid, greedy and stingy Chinese people do not deserve this rich land.

Sooner or later one day this land will belong to them, they will become the masters of this land, and then all these Chinese people will become their slaves.

It is a large chapter of 8,000 words, including the third chapter of the monthly pass, and there are still twenty chapters left. It's Monday soon, Xiaoyu is asking for some free recommendation tickets. Our recommendation ticket scores have always been good in the category, and we will try to maintain them this week.

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