Spy Shadow

Chapter 230 Helping Virgo (Part 2)

Chapter 230 Helping Virgo (Part 2)

(I was in a hurry to update just now, but I made a mistake. The two chapters were written separately, and only the second chapter was updated. You can see the new content by refreshing the previous chapter)


Several section chiefs took the order together, and Cai Zhengzheng continued: "Tell the people below to pay more attention these days. Whoever finds Ren Cheng first will be rewarded with ten gold bars regardless of life or death."

Money is not a big incentive for team leaders, but it is very useful for the people below.

This time, Cai Zheng went all out to find the person. There must be a brave man under the heavy reward. Ten gold bars are a huge reward for many people below.

This money will definitely not be reimbursed by the office, and he will have to find a way to smooth it out himself.

If it's not fair, he has to pay for it himself.

Cai Zheng's heart bleeds when he thinks of this, and he becomes even more resentful towards Ren Cheng.

Everyone at Hangzhou Station got into action, mobilized all informants, and searched frantically for Ren Cheng. Chu Lingyun was still in the school, ignoring what was going on outside the window, and was peacefully working as an instructor.

These days of classes have made these students completely convinced by him. Every time he talks about a case, the students will put themselves in his shoes and think about what they would do if they were Instructor Chu.

The final result made them very frustrated. They couldn't be as good as Instructor Chu.

Many cases, they can't even solve.

Chief Chu did such a good job, no wonder he was so powerful, and the Japanese spies were defeated one after another.

Shanghai, super high school.

Kitagawa Naru called Iijima straight to his office and asked him about his recent investigation.

"Section Chief, there is not much information about Chu Lingyun. I only found out his grades and performance in the military academy. When he was in the military academy, his performance was not the best. He was just above average. After entering the army, he was average. I didn't expect to be transferred to the military. The intelligence service has performed so well.”

"It is said that he was transferred back to the headquarters after performing too well in Wuhan. Now I believe Jiang Teng's words. The losses of our groups are probably caused by him."

Iijima Nao said quickly, while Kitagawa Naru showed disappointment: "That's not what I want. His residence, his hobbies, who is around him, where he often goes in and out, and where his family is. Have you found out about these? "

"We are investigating, but there are no results yet."

Iijima didn't dare to look up. He hadn't found any useful information for several days. He would definitely be punished by the section chief this time.

"Not yet, why?" Beichuan Ming was slightly startled and asked angrily.

"We couldn't find his information in the Military Intelligence Office, but I did find his home address. In Ningcheng, his parents are local teachers, and he has a younger sister at home. But the people I sent to Ningcheng reported back, His parents left two months ago, and no one knows where they went. They only know that they went far away and will not come back in the next few years."

Iijima Nao said carefully, Chu Lingyun, he didn't expect the information to be so difficult to check.

I found my home address, but it was useless.

"Forget it, I'm going back to China tomorrow, please ask Kono and Jiang Teng to come over."

Beichuanming waved his hand, feeling very tired.

For so many days, no results were found after checking the individual. Nao Iijima's work efficiency made him very dissatisfied.

But Iijima has always been his confidant. He is going back to China soon. He has no intention of cursing at this time. He wants to arrange everything before returning to China.


Kono Kobayashi and Jiang Tengkong knelt down in front of Beichuan Ming.

"Tomorrow you will set off to Nanjing and look for opportunities to kill Chu Lingyun. Jiang Teng knows Chu Lingyun better. Kono, listen to his opinions when taking action."

If we can't find out clearly, we can only forcefully arrange the action.

When he returned to China this time, he didn't know if he could pass this hurdle. If he couldn't, he didn't want his successor to continue to face the threat of Chu Lingyun.

He wanted to completely eliminate this hidden danger while he was still the section chief.


Kono Kobayashi and Jiang Tengkong nodded together, and then Kono Kobayashi raised his head and looked at Beichuan Ming.

When he looked like this, Kitagawa Ming immediately understood what he meant: "Iijima is incompetent and failed to find any useful clues. He doesn't even know where he lives. When we arrive in Nanjing, we should be careful to find him and then find a way to kill him." he."

"The residence was not found?"

Kobayashi's eyes widened. Nao Iijima was the intelligence team leader and the section chief's first confidant.

Why is Nao Iijima so bad this time? He didn't find any useful clues.

"He can't help it. Our intelligence network in Nanjing has suffered too much loss, and what he can find out is limited."

Kitagawa Naru was dissatisfied with Nao Iijima, but she still wanted to speak for him.

Without those moles, especially after the loss of insiders in the Military Intelligence Department, it became extremely difficult for them to investigate this opponent.

"I understand, don't worry, I will kill him as soon as possible and take his head back."

Kono Kobayashi nodded. Without any intelligence, his operations team could still achieve results. This time he wanted to show the section chief that he was no worse than Iijima.

What Iijima Nao can do, he can do the same.

"Kono, Jiang Teng, please take care of me."

Beichuan Ming said seriously, and after speaking, he bowed his head and saluted them.

"Professor, please wait for my good news."

Kono Kobayashi hurriedly returned the gift, and Jiang Tengkong responded, still sneering in his heart.

With him following, how could this operation be successful?

However, the Special High School has dispatched operational personnel, and the operational team leader is personally leading the team. This news must be told to the Chinese as soon as possible so that they can take precautions.

In the Military Intelligence Department, the officer's expression was extremely gloomy.

He gave Cai Zheng the opportunity to get rid of the traitor and resolve this hidden danger within three days. As a result, three days later, the Cai government did not even find the traitor.

This result made the anger in his heart completely explode.

"Li Min, call me He Nian and Yin Bowen."

The director gave the order coldly, and Secretary Qi's heart tightened. He Nian was the operations section chief, and Yin Bowen was the new section chief of the inspection section.

Calling these two people together, it will be clear what Virgo is going to do.

If someone is sent to arrest Cai Zheng, once Cai Zheng is captured, his fate will definitely not be good.

"Virgo, Cai Zheng deserves to die, but I think that Hangzhou Station is not easy to move at the moment. Isn't Chu Lingyun in Hangzhou? You can ask him to help Hangzhou Station get rid of the traitor first. After the traitor is eliminated, you can deal with Cai Zheng. It’s not too late. Whether we capture him or kill him, he deserves it.”

Secretary Qi said quickly, "If you don't protect Cai Zheng, you can't do it. If you don't even protect Cai Zheng, how will others think of him in the future."

The closest relationship with him in the entire military intelligence department is Cai Zheng, followed by He Nian.

Virgo remained silent, while Secretary Qi felt a little relieved.

He is the person who knows Virgo best. He knows very well what Virgo values. Compared with dealing with Cai Zheng, catching the traitor and eliminating hidden dangers are more important.

Since Virgo didn't refuse directly, there was a chance to save the matter. If Virgo didn't even listen to this advice, then Cai Zheng was really finished this time and no one could save him.

"Send reports to Cai Ruzhu and Chu Lingyun respectively, asking Cai Ruzhu to assist Chu Lingyun in investigating the Hangzhou traitor case, and give Chu Lingyun enough authority. Everyone at Hangzhou Station will obey his orders. Anyone who disobeys the order, Chu Lingyun can kill first and then report."

Secretary Qi felt shocked and immediately took the order to go out and send the report.

Virgo is extremely disappointed with Cai Zheng, otherwise instead of letting him assist Chu Lingyun, he would let Chu Lingyun assist him.

Chu Lingyun is just a team leader at the headquarters, at the same level as the sub-station team leader. Even if calculated as a half-level higher by default, he is only at the same level as the deputy webmaster, or not as good as the deputy webmaster.

Now asking a webmaster to assist the team leader in handling the case proves that the director has great distrust of Cai Zheng.

Moreover, in order to prevent Cai Zheng from being ineffective in his work, Virgo gave Chu Lingyun the power of life and death, the Shang Fang Sword, to kill first and then report. This means that as long as you don't obey orders and do things properly, Chu Lingyun can punish him on the spot.

This authority is very large.

So far, such rights have not been given to many people. It was only given once when He Nian went out to handle a case. But He Nian is the section chief after all, so the level is there.

But at least Cai Zheng was saved for the time being. The next step was to see if he could acquit himself and make meritorious service. If he still couldn't do it well, there was nothing Secretary Qi could do.

Chu Lingyun and Cai Zhengzheng received secret messages from Secretary Qi.

Chu Lingyun did not have a radio, but Zhu Qing brought a radio to facilitate contact with the headquarters. This time, Chu Lingyun could receive the order by himself without the help of Deputy Director Yu.

"Let me take charge of the traitor case at Hangzhou Station?"

Chu Lingyun was stunned when he saw the content of the telegram. He knew nothing about Hangzhou Station. He didn't even know who the station manager was before. How could he be suddenly asked to handle such a case.

More importantly, it was obviously a case involving the Hangzhou Station, but they only assisted and gave him the right to kill it first and report it later.

This must be an order from Virgo. What is Virgo doing?

The message was unclear, but it only asked him to go to Hangzhou Station immediately and contact Cai Zheng, the director of Hangzhou Station. Cai Zheng would cooperate with him then.

At the training school, his course had just ended. He originally wanted to take a day off and then return to Nanjing, but now he couldn't go back.

"Deputy Director Yu, I suddenly received an order to go to Hangzhou Station now."

It was too late to say goodbye to the students, but Deputy Director Yu had to say hello.

"If you have a mission, put it first. Go ahead, Ling Yun. Thank you very much this time."

Deputy Director Yu was very surprised as to why Chu Lingyun had a mission in Hangzhou, but he was too smart to ask.

"Deputy Director Yu, you are very polite. I will visit you again when I have the opportunity."

Chu Lingyun left in a hurry and rushed to Hangzhou Station with Zhu Qing and Shen Hanwen. Zhu Qing was in the police academy every day these days. His men did nothing but patrol.

And he himself attended the lectures every day and was very interested in them.

At Hangzhou Station, Cai Zheng was even more shocked than Chu Lingyun after receiving the message.

Secretary Qi personally sent him a message and reminded him that Virgo was extremely angry this time. He was on the receiving end of a gun and must assist Chu Lingyun in handling the case.

At the same time, let him believe in Chu Lingyun. If even Chu Lingyun can't handle this case, no one in the Military Intelligence Department can do it.

This was the opportunity he had secured for Cai Zheng. After solving the case, he would have the opportunity to continue to work around and help him keep his position as webmaster.

Secretary Qi specifically told Cai Zheng not to be impulsive, to have a correct attitude, and to help Chu Lingyun solve the case.

Before leaving, Chu Lingyun called Hangzhou Station and told them they would be there in a minute.

Cai Zheng didn't dare to neglect, and personally took people to wait at the gate. Chu Lingyun was not as high in rank as him, but he was an imperial envoy, and he was guilty, so he didn't dare to neglect.

We don’t know much about Chu Lingyun and Cai Zheng. We only know that he was originally at the Wuhan Station. Because of his outstanding performance, he was recruited by the New Year greeter from the Operations Section of the headquarters.

He has made continuous achievements at the headquarters and has been promoted to major.

But he only knew so much. He had never paid attention to Chu Lingyun, and naturally he had not read any case files. He had no idea how Chu Lingyun achieved his achievements.

Cai Zheng was stunned when he saw a car approaching.

A team leader from the headquarters, and he was in Hangzhou before, how could he lead so many people? Could it be that solving the case was an illusion and the real purpose was to catch him?

Zhu Qing's team, plus Shen Shanwen's ten people, Chu Lingyun's side is almost fifty people, which is indeed a lot of people.

"Who is Team Leader Chu?"

When the people in the car got off, Cai Zheng stepped forward and asked anxiously.

"I am Chu Lingyun, but I am Station Commander Cai?"

Chu Lingyun immediately walked over. Virgo gave him a lot of rights, but the other party was a webmaster, higher than him in terms of seniority and rank.

He can't put on airs when he really has the power, as this can easily offend others.

"Cai Zhengzheng, welcome to Team Leader Chu."

Cai Zheng hurriedly hugged his fists, while Chu Lingyun returned the military salute to show respect.

"Team Leader Chu, please."

Seeing that Chu Lingyun did not take action, Cai Zhengzheng felt a little more at ease and hurriedly invited Chu Lingyun and his party into the station.

Zhu Qing followed Chu Lingyun. Only then did Cai Zheng realize that there were not just one team leader but two, and he hurriedly treated Zhu Qing politely.

"That's what happened. Brother Limin said that you are good at solving crimes. You are the only one who can help me this time. Brother, I am crazy about how old I am. I am asking you to help me. Brother Chu, please help me this time."

After Cai Zheng finished explaining the situation, he clasped his fists again. This time he said it sincerely.

If the traitor cannot be caught this time, he will really be taken back to the headquarters for trial.

"Stationmaster Cai is so polite. Don't worry, I will do my best to help you this time."

After finally figuring out what was going on, Chu Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief. He and Zhu Qing were the only ones here. Cai Zheng completely put down his dignity and asked him for help.

"Thank you for your kindness. If I can pass the test this time, brother, you will be my brother of life and death from now on."

Cai Zheng replied hurriedly that Secretary Qi asked him to have a correct attitude, but he was a little too correct now.

"Stationmaster Cai is very polite. Can you let me see the detailed file of the case now?"

Chu Lingyun nodded and said, Virgo asked him to catch the traitor. He now understood why he was so anxious and did not let him return to Nanjing, but stayed in Hangzhou to handle the case.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office just released a massacre, which made everyone happy for several days.

If the incident at Hangzhou Station is revealed, Virgo's good mood will disappear in an instant.

And Cai Zheng was very disappointed with Virgo. He failed to seize the opportunity given to him, so he asked him to come here to handle the case in Hangzhou. This was actually not to help Hangzhou station, but to help Virgo eliminate hidden dangers.

This task is very important.

I was a little anxious today, but I ended up making an own mistake. Today's third chapter does not count as an additional update for the monthly ticket, but as compensation, Xiaoyu apologized to her friends again.

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