Spy Shadow

Chapter 234 Ren Cheng is arrested

Chapter 234 Ren Cheng was arrested

After speaking, Fang Hai raised his head and looked at Chu Lingyun.

It's absolutely against discipline to take the proceeds from a house raid without permission, but everyone does it, and the things Ren Cheng takes are not valuable. If he, a deputy team leader, doesn't even get this benefit, will he still be able to work with peace of mind in the future?

The unspoken rules are indeed true, but they cannot be put on the surface. If it were not to solve the case, Fang Hai would not dare to lie, and he would probably not say it out loud.

"Team Leader Fang, please ask if anyone knows that Ren Cheng has this jade bracelet."

Chu Lingyun didn't care about this at all. When it comes to greed, he is the greediest among these people. He doesn't know how much he has made now.

The most important thing at the moment is to find Ren Cheng as soon as possible.


Fang Hai left in a hurry, and Shen Hanwen immediately said: "Team leader, why would he suddenly sell something? Even if he doesn't want to bring it because of the inkstone, there is no need for the jade bracelet. I have seen that bracelet, it is very beautiful."

Chu Lingyun didn't answer and was thinking.

Ren Cheng didn't buy ancient chess records, but instead sold what he had in his hands to cash out, which was indeed suspicious.

Normally, since he has defected to the Japanese, now that he is exposed, the Japanese should make arrangements for him, such as placing him in the Japanese Concession first, so that he can continue to serve the Japanese in the Japanese Concession.

With someone like him who knows Hangzhou Station very well, the future work of Hangzhou Station will be even more difficult.

Even if he doesn't want to stay in Hangzhou for safety reasons, he can go to Shanghai, Suzhou, or other important cities. He is very clear about the methods of the Military Intelligence Department. Even as a consultant, it will be of great help to the Japanese.

But looking at it now, Ren Cheng was not with the Japanese after he escaped.

Otherwise, he would not have taken the risk of finding an agent to rent a house and staying there for several days.

Now selling his own things for cash, Chu Lingyun finally made a bold guess that Ren Cheng was not with the Japanese after escaping, but only his family.

Chu Lingyun didn't know why this happened, but this was good news. Ren Cheng was not hanging out with the Japanese, so the possibility of finding him was much higher. If he was protected by the Japanese, it would be difficult to sanction him even if he was found.

"Team Leader Chu, let me ask you clearly. One of Ren Cheng's confidants has seen this bracelet. It belongs to Ren Cheng's wife. It is said that his wife likes it very much. I don't know why he sold it."

Not long after, Fang Hai came back and brought good news.

Even his wife's things were sold, which proves that Ren Cheng needs money now, otherwise he would not sell such things.

"In addition, the whereabouts of Goto Yahiro were also found out. He arrived in China more than seven months ago. He first went to Peiping, met with several Go masters, lived in Peiping for half a month and then went to Shanghai, but in After staying in Shanghai for only five days, I came to Hangzhou, and then went to play in the Oriental Chess Club and won a complete victory."

"Goto Taniyo is a famous master in the Japanese Go world. It is said that Dong Wenyuan wanted to play chess with him after losing, but he refused. Goto Taniyo only played Go."

"When he was in Hangzhou, he lived in the Japanese Concession Consulate. According to our investigation, he met the Japanese Consul Kitahara Hiroshi and had a good relationship. He stayed in Hangzhou for twenty days before leaving, returned to Shanghai to challenge the Shanghai masters, and won the Return to Japan in half a month."

Fang Hai quickly reported that Goto Yayo was a famous person and it was not difficult to find out information about him.

Even so, it took Hangzhou Station a day to find out.

Gotohiyayo was originally in Shanghai to challenge domestic chess players, but he came to Hangzhou before the game was over, indicating that he came to Hangzhou with a mission.

His mission is probably related to Ren Cheng.

Goto Yahiro is a Go master who came to China just for the challenge. It is unlikely that he is a Japanese spy. If he was, he would not return to China so soon.

Although the case is still a bit vague, it is much clearer than when Chu Lingyun first took over.

"How is the investigation of the whereabouts of the car dealership and Ren Cheng going?" Chu Lingyun raised her head and asked.

"Still checking, the results will be available soon."

Fang Hai hurriedly replied that when handling cases, he was more stressed in front of Chu Lingyun than in front of the stationmaster.

When the webmaster handles cases, he always only asks about the results and lets them do the rest by themselves, as long as there are good results. But Chu Lingyun is different. He will ask clearly about everything, big and small, so that they must run and go. Check these things out.

However, Fang Hai felt that Chu Lingyun's method of investigating cases was better and more effective.

He compared himself with Chu Lingyun, and the final result made him very frustrated. He really couldn't compare with them. Even in just one day, Chu Lingyun showed his extremely high talent in intelligence.

"Team Leader Fang, if you work hard, will you still have enough manpower?"

Chu Lingyun said softly that Fang Hai was not his subordinate and could not say harsh words. It would definitely not take such a long time for him to investigate these things if he were replaced by Loach.

"The manpower is a bit tight. There are too many things to check." Fang Hai answered honestly.

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly: "Call Team Leader Zhu here, we have a new task."

Hangzhou is not the headquarters and has sufficient manpower. There is only an intelligence team and an action team here, and their total number of people is not as large as that in Wuhan.

There are indeed a lot of things to investigate now, especially Ren Cheng's whereabouts, which requires a lot of manpower.

Fortunately, there is Zhu Qing, and Zhu Qing has someone in his hands.

"Team Leader Zhu, please assist Team Leader Fang to immediately monitor all pawnshops and antique stores in Hangzhou. If there is insufficient manpower to monitor so many places, we will deploy manpower at the intersections that must be passed through."

The investigation into Ren Cheng cannot stop, but with new clues, arrangements must be made.

Since Ren Cheng is short of money, he will probably sell his things to cash out. There are only a few ways to sell the things in his hands, including antique stores, pawn shops, and dealers who specialize in receiving goods.

Since Ren Cheng has appeared in the antique store, it means that it is unlikely that he has direct contact with the dealer. The pawnshop and the place where these things are collected can be closely monitored.

"Team Leader Chu, I can't leave." Zhu Qing hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head.

Chu Lingyun's mission is to solve the case, but his mission is to protect him. He must never leave Chu Lingyun's side.

"Team Leader Zhu, you don't have to go. Let all your men pass. I won't leave Hangzhou Station. Nothing will happen at the station."

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. Zhu Qing's protection for him was indeed sincere. His help these few times was not in vain. He would write down this favor first and repay it when he has the opportunity in the future.

Fang Hai was not surprised by Zhu Qing's attitude. He had already guessed that Zhu Qing was not here to handle the case at all, but just to protect Chu Lingyun.

The team leader's protection of the team leader really shocked him and the webmaster.

"That's no problem."

Zhu Qing grinned. Chu Lingyun would not be in danger unless he left Hangzhou Station.

Many people at Hangzhou Station are outside, but there is still a certain amount of protection inside the station. What's more, this is the urban area of ​​HZ and is within the control of the government.

Not far from Hangzhou Station is the garrison headquarters. If an emergency arises, they can provide support at any time.

After lunch, Fang Hai came over again.

He always reported the things he found before to Cai Zheng first, and then to Chu Lingyun. After Cai Zheng looked at it several times, he finally told him not to report to him anymore, but to report it directly to Chu Lingyun.

No matter how stupid Cai Zheng is, he still knows the importance of time. Fang Hai will report to him first, and he can't make the next step, so he might as well leave it all to Chu Lingyun to save time.

He has already paid for the hard work. As long as Chu Lingyun handles the case seriously, he will help him.

"The car dealer has checked it out. Most of the time the car dealer rents out the car with the driver, and a few rent out the carriage alone. Only the Lin'an car dealer has a carriage that was rented out alone at that time. There were two people renting the car. Someone in the car dealership knows them, they are the second boss of the Mi Gang and his subordinates."

"What does Mi Bang do?" Chu Lingyun asked directly.

"Mi Bang is a small local helper. There are not many people, only about a hundred or ten people. They mainly make a living by carrying rice at the dock. To put it bluntly, they are coolies. I remember Ren Cheng helped Mi Bang once. He knows Mi Bang people."

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly, but said nothing.

Ren Cheng helped the rice gang. Although these gangs were not powerful, some of them were very loyal, which meant that Ren Cheng used his people to pick up the mother and did not let the Japanese intervene.

Ren Cheng rented a house by himself. When renting a house, he didn't ask anyone from Mi Bang for help, so he wouldn't be hiding in Mi Bang.

People in the Mi Gang are talkative, and it is related to him, so it is easy to be exposed.

In this way, finding out these two people is not very useful, but they have helped Ren Cheng and they must be arrested.

How to catch it and when to catch it are crucial.

What Chu Lingyun was thinking about was whether Ren Cheng would know about the arrest of the Mi Gang people, so as to alert the enemy.

If Ren Cheng feels that Hangzhou is very dangerous, he will probably leave the city immediately, unless he starts searching all exits to prevent Ren Cheng from leaving the city.

But doing this would make it easier to disturb Ren Cheng.

If Ren Cheng has been hiding and the blockade cannot be maintained for too long, once it is relaxed, Ren Cheng may have a chance to escape.

It is definitely not possible to arrest people secretly. The Mi Gang is not just one person, but hundreds of people.

Besides, we can't just arrest the second-in-command. Since Ren Cheng helped the Rice Gang, the first-in-chief is also suspected. But if they arrest their important leader, the Mi Gang will naturally cause trouble.

As for arresting everyone in the Mi Gang, there is no need to think about it, as that will cause even more noise.

"Send someone to keep an eye on the Mi Gang, don't touch them yet."

Chu Lingyun finally made the decision that arresting people would do more harm than good, so he would not arrest him for the time being.

"I have arranged for someone to keep an eye on him."

Fang Hai said something hastily, and Chu Lingyun glanced at him in surprise. This time they finally did something right.

"Well done. Right now we are mainly checking Ren Cheng's previous whereabouts and keeping an eye on where he might appear."

Fang Hai smiled when he was praised by Chu Lingyun. This praise made him very happy.

As more and more clues come out of the investigation, the traitor case gradually becomes clearer.

The Japanese used Ren Cheng's hobby of Go to attack him and successfully instigated his rebellion. It is not clear what Gotoya Yo did in it, but it must have played a vital role.

Ren Cheng found out that he was exposed, and instead of using the Japanese to help him escape, he escaped on his own and is probably still in Hangzhou.

Ren Cheng was in a hurry when he was escaping, so he had no choice but to rent a house on his own and asked the rice gang he had helped to pick up his mother, so that the whole family could escape.

But he knew it was useless. His mission was to eliminate the traitor. If he couldn't find Ren Cheng, the mission would be a failure.

In the afternoon, Chu Lingyun was looking through the case information, while Zhu Qing was drinking tea leisurely in his office.

"Ring ring ring."

The phone on the table suddenly rang, and Chu Lingyun picked it up casually.

"Team leader, we caught it, we caught Ren Cheng."

Shen Hanwen's excited roar came from the phone. Chu Lingyun stood up suddenly and asked quickly: "Are you sure it's Ren Cheng?"

"It's him. We checked. He quietly came to a small pawn shop this afternoon. He happened to be on our side. Team leader Zhu's team members found him and immediately informed us. After he left the pawn shop, we attacked decisively and successfully captured him. Its captured.”

"Great, bring him back immediately."

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Ren Guo went to cash out again, and was discovered by Zhu Qing's people.

Once someone he has hidden like this shows up, his fate is sealed.

"Yes, we will bring people back right away."

Shen Hanwen hung up the phone in a hurry, and Zhu Qing stood up without caring about drinking tea.

He was far away and did not hear Shen Hanwen's words, but when he heard Chu Lingyun's question, he had clearly caught the person and was returning to the station.

"Team Leader Zhu, your people found Ren Cheng and captured him. They will be back soon."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said to Zhu Qing. Zhu Qing was stunned. It was his people who caught the traitor?

He brought a whole team. When performing the mission today, Shen Hanwen and his captain were jointly leading the team, but Shen Hanwen was the main leader.

Zhu Qing is here to be a bodyguard. He doesn't care about the case, he is only responsible for sending people out.

Unexpectedly, these people were so lucky and got the first arrest.

"So, the mission is about to be completed?"

Zhu Qing's eyes widened. How long had it been? He just arrived at Hangzhou Station yesterday and he caught someone today?

It only takes a little more than a day to make a full calculation.

What Chu Lingyun had not been able to do for such a long time at Hangzhou Station was accomplished in one day after Chu Lingyun arrived. Zhu Qing didn't know what to say.

He participated in the whole process of this case, and he was very clear about Chu Lingyun's solving process, and he also understood Chu Lingyun's interests and risks.

It may seem like a tedious investigation, but it hits the mark every time, and the person is eventually found.

"Yes, if everything goes well, we will return to Nanjing tomorrow."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. He had caught the person. The task had actually been completed. The order given to him by the chief minister was to catch the person regardless of life or death.

He doesn't have to worry about the next thing that belongs to Hangzhou Station.

But there was something fishy about this case, and Chu Lingyun still wanted to find out all the circumstances before going back.

"Team Leader Chu, I admire you."

Zhu Qing gave Chu Lingyun a thumbs up sincerely. If you have never handled a case with Chu Lingyun, you would not know how strong Chu Lingyun's grasp of details is.

Not long after, several cars quickly drove into Hangzhou Station, and Ren Cheng was tied up, gagged, and taken out of the car.

Seeing this place he was very familiar with, Ren Cheng's expression was full of complexity.

Chu Lingyun and Zhu Qing had already arrived at the office building and were waiting. Shen Hanwen and Zhu Qing's captain strode up to them and saluted at the same time.

"Team leader, we have captured him alive."

Shen Hanwen grinned. Not long after he started to follow them, a pie fell from the sky and hit them directly on the head.

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