Spy Shadow

Chapter 242 Escape

Chapter 242 Escape

He Nian and Chu Lingyun returned quickly. Jiang Tengkong and others had already left the small restaurant. According to the people following them, they went directly to the private house they had rented before.

Moreover, when they returned this time, they did not take any anti-tracking actions, which further confirmed their previous suspicion of a trap.

"What's going on with the enemy now?"

He Nian asked immediately, and Liu Wannian immediately replied: "They set up two secret sentries far away from the rented house. It seems that they plan to keep watch all night."

The two secret sentries did not hide them. Now that these spies were concentrated again, it was not a favorable opportunity to arrest them just now. It was useless for Liu Wannian to worry.

"Keep an eye on them while the others go back and rest."

He Nian issued the latest order, and they had discussed it together when they were in Virgo. Even if they wanted to take action, they would have to wait until daytime.

It is difficult to move at night, and it is very likely that Jiang Tengkong will be accidentally injured. In addition, if the Japanese find that they cannot escape at night, they will fight hard and fight to the death.

Killing them all is not the purpose, this time it is not only to inflict heavy damage on them, but also to save the rose.


Liu Wannian did not ask further questions and had no choice but to accept the order. The section chief would not tell him if he asked.

Chu Lingyun came here early the next morning and did not go back in the evening to celebrate the New Year and stayed at the surveillance point.

The cases that Virgo personally investigated deserved his attention.

"Ling Yun, all sixteen Japanese spies have investigated their movements. Two secret sentries are at the farthest place, and two others are hiding on the roof. According to our investigation, they are probably snipers, just waiting for you. Showed up.”

Seeing Chu Lingyun, He Nian said quietly that he was a little surprised that the Japanese deployed snipers. It seemed that the Japanese wanted to kill Chu Lingyun at all costs this time.

"Section Chief, where are the rest of them?"

He Nian said: "Four people went to the city gate, probably responsible for the reception. There are two more people with Jiang Tengkong in the private house, and the other five people are ambushing opposite the private house."

The Japanese had laid an ambush on all sides, waiting for Chu Lingyun to show up.

If they had not known their plan in advance and learned that Jiang Tengkong was here, it was very likely that Chu Lingyun would lead the team to come forward, and they would have a chance of succeeding.

"Section Chief, get ready for action."

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly. They had all the enemy's arrangements under their control. Now the enemy could be said to be led by their noses.

"Okay, you must be careful."

He Nian warned again that he originally did not recommend that Chu Lingyun show up. Since the enemy was deliberately exposed, they could launch a surprise attack and severely damage them.

But Chu Lingyun suggested that it was better for him to show up and let the Japanese think that there was no problem with their plan, so that he could better protect Rose.

In the end, Virgo agreed to Chu Lingyun's plan, and He Nian had no choice but to obey.

Loach received a secret order. He would be responsible for leading people to attack Jiang Tengkong's hiding place, but he must not harm Jiang Tengkong.

Jiang Tengkong must be allowed to escape alive.

Is it acting? This loach is the best at it, but he has to lead the team himself, so there will inevitably be a firefight. Thinking of this makes him feel a little guilty.

Although he was acting, the enemy didn't know that, and bullets don't have eyes, so you still have to be careful.

Fortunately, everyone knows Loach's character, and if he lets it slip, others won't suspect anything.

In order to keep it secret, Ni Loach asked Chu Yuan to borrow more than a dozen people this time on the grounds that he was all busy. The people he brought with him this time were Chu Yuan's people. They didn't know the situation and only obeyed Ni Loach's orders.

Many of Ni Loach's men had seen Jiang Tengkong and could not take them with him.

Chu Lingyun was in the car and led people to Jiang Tengkong's vicinity.

If he doesn't come after receiving the news, he will be suspected by the Japanese, which is why he must come forward.

The Japanese who were secretly watching noticed Chu Lingyun and his party.

Near them, Chu Lingyun got out of the car to talk to others. The Japanese whistle clearly saw Chu Lingyun's appearance and immediately sent out the pre-arranged signal.

Their signals are very simple but functional.

Just by lighting a fire to boil water in the kitchen and letting the smoke rise, the person responsible for observing in the distance will receive their signal and understand that the target has appeared. The sniper can also notice the signal and be ready to shoot.

After receiving the signal, Kono Kobayashi was shocked.

Jiang Tengkong's plan was really good, and he really attracted Chu Lingyun.

They have prepared their escape route, just waiting to kill Chu Lingyun, complete the mission, and everyone evacuate the city.

This time Kono Kobayashi not only wanted to kill people, but also wanted to escape smoothly with his own people, so that the section chief could see the capabilities of their action team.

After Chu Lingyun got in the car again, the car drove slowly near Jiang Tengkong's hidden house, but at an intersection, the car stopped and Chu Lingyun did not show up.

The two snipers on the roof couldn't see anyone and didn't dare to act rashly.

In another house, He Nian received the news that Chu Lingyun was in place and immediately ordered: "Act."

Liu Wannian, who was already impatient, immediately rushed out with his men.

Before him, Loach had quietly approached Jiang Tengkong's secluded house with people. Kono Kobayashi noticed them, but Chu Lingyun never showed up, so he could only hold back his restlessness and wait.

A secret sentry was successfully held down by Liu Wannian's men and the first one was captured alive.

The two snipers had no idea that they, the mantis hunting cicadas, had already been targeted by the oriole.


A gunshot suddenly sounded, and Kobayashi was startled. This was not his sniper's gun. He didn't know what happened, but he understood that something was wrong.

The snipers didn't fire, and it wasn't even the sound their guns made. It's likely that the operation was already leaked, and the next step was to attack by force.

But no matter what, Chu Lingyun has appeared, which is good news. As long as Chu Lingyun can be killed, the mission can be completed.

"Come with me."

Kobayashi Kobayashi shouted in Japanese, and as soon as the gunfire rang out, the people on Loach's side immediately threw smoke bombs into the house where Jiang Tengkong lived. Jiang Tengkong and the two operatives hid at the door after hearing the gunfire.

"Baga, smoke bomb."

One team member cursed angrily. The smoke bounced off quickly. They had to rush out as soon as possible, otherwise it would be difficult to escape in the thick fog.

When the time comes, they will either be shot to death or captured alive.

Jiang Tengkong didn't want to leave, but the two of them couldn't help but pull him and run out. Niyi had already given an order that no one was allowed to shoot without his permission. When the three of them ran out of the house, he shouted loudly: " Chase, don’t shoot randomly, catch the ones alive for me.”

Ni Loach's acting skills were good, but he looked more like he was frightened. Many of Chu Yuan's team members were disdainful, but after all, Ni Loach was the commander and the senior commander of their captain. No one dared to show it directly in front of Ni Loach.

The team members with Jiang Tengkong wanted to support Kono Kobayashi along with Jiang Tengkong.

How could Loach get what they wanted? He kept asking people to shoot in front of them, forcing them to change direction.

On Kono Kobayashi's side, he was discovered by Liu Wannian's guard as soon as he rushed out. In fact, the first shot was fired by He Nian, and this shot was a signal for full-scale action.

It was a signal not only to Liu Wannian, but also to Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun's mission has been completed. He only needs to protect himself and drive Jiang Tengkong out. Liu Wannian is the main force against the Japanese.

"Bang bang."

There was a sudden rapid sound of gunfire. As soon as the two snipers on the roof changed their positions, they were shot one after another. One fell from the roof, and the other lay there with his life or death unknown.

One secret sentry had been captured before, but there was something wrong when the other secret sentry was arresting, but they also captured the person, but shot him when the other person resisted. Fortunately, it was not a vital part, and he would not be killed.

As for Kono Kobayashi, as soon as he rushed out, there were many people rushing out from all directions. Kono Kobayashi saw that the situation was not good and immediately retreated, but unfortunately it was already too late.

For this operation, the Military Intelligence Department dispatched nearly a hundred people, and there were forty or fifty people around Kono Kobayashi. It was easy for so many people to deal with five of them, and it was an ambush.

Kobayashi Kobayashi was forced to retreat into a dead end, and two of the four people around him had already fallen.

Kobayashi Kobayashi's eyes were red. The enemy was not lured at all. He was clearly well prepared and just waiting for them to take the bait.

His action plan was very thorough. Who revealed the secret?

He immediately thought of Jiang Tengkong. Among all the people, the only one he didn't trust was Jiang Tengkong, but he quickly gave up the idea.

Jiang Tengkong was treated very strictly by him and had no chance to contact the outside world.

What's more, he just saw someone going to arrest Jiang Tengkong, and the arrangements were very strict. I'm afraid Jiang Tengkong will be in trouble now.

"Team leader, what should I do?"

The only two remaining team members shouted in panic. Now they were surrounded by so many people. It was almost impossible to escape, let alone kill the target.

"What's the point of panic? The worst that can happen is that the jade will be broken for the Emperor."

Kono Kobayashi scolded him. In fact, he was panicking, but he couldn't show it.

"Bang bang bang."

There was another burst of gunfire, which prevented them from showing their heads.

"Those inside, put down your guns and surrender. I will spare your life."

Someone outside shouted to persuade them to surrender. Without saying a word, Kobayashi raised his gun and started shooting. Although he couldn't see anyone, he fired in the direction of the sound, fully expressing his attitude.

"Captain, there are three left hiding inside."

Liu Wannian ran over and his team members immediately reported to him.

"Don't worry, set off smoke bombs and make sure to capture them alive."

Liu Wannian hurriedly gave the order. The three spies were blocked inside. They could not escape. If they were captured alive, they would get the most credit.

Smoke bombs were thrown in one after another, and Kobayashi Kobayashi was forced to lead two of his men to climb the wall, trying to climb out and escape.

As soon as they climbed up the wall, gunshots were heard from all sides. Liu Wannian's men had already been deployed high up, and they opened fire as soon as they showed up.

Soon, Kobayashi heard chaotic footsteps coming from behind, and people from the Military Intelligence Office also appeared on their back path. This time there was no way to escape.

"You two, come close to me."

The smoke prevented them from opening their eyes. Kobayashi coughed many times after saying these words. When the three of them cowered together, Kobayashi fired the grenade without hesitation.

He would rather die than let himself fall into the hands of the Chinese.


As soon as the explosion sounded, Liu Wannian suddenly felt bad, but the inside was full of smoke, so he could only wait for the smoke to dissipate before going in to investigate the situation.

On the other side, the two team members around Jiang Tengkong saw that they could not support the team leader, and were forced to flee towards the city gate with Jiang Tengkong.

According to their plan, the two of them didn't actually need support. As soon as the battle started, they would immediately take Jiang Tengkong and flee to the city gate, meet there, and then escape from the city.

It was just that something went wrong during the operation, and they were worried about the team leader's safety, so they wanted to go over and help.

The place they rented was very close to the city gate, and Loach deliberately released water, so they quickly fled to the city gate.

The four team members who were deployed at the city gate immediately opened fire and captured the city gate after seeing them.

The eight action team members who had been hiding outside the city immediately came to support them. So many people shot together. The quality of the guards at the city gate was average, and there were only a dozen or so people. When the gunshots were heard, they fled in all directions. The Japanese could easily control them. Live at the city gate.

"Where's the team leader?"

A team member asked hurriedly. Jiang Tengkong and the two of them shook their heads. The plan had changed, and Kono Kobayashi hadn't been able to come over yet.

In the distance, Loach has already led people to chase him, and the number of people around him has also changed to about thirty people.

There were more than a dozen people from Liu Wannian who came over to take credit when they saw them chasing the Japanese spies. Fortunately, Ni Loach knew the inside story and could not drive away so many people, so he had to strictly order them to obey his orders.

The pursuers had arrived, and Loach noticed Jiang Tengkong and immediately ordered everyone to shoot from a distance.

His reason is simple, there are more enemies, don't take risks.

This time Liu Wannian's men did not rush forward rashly. The number of enemies was obviously much greater. If they charged at this time, they would die in vain.

At the gate of the city, there was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides.

"No way, retreat quickly."

Seeing that they still wanted to wait for Kono Kobayashi, Jiang Tengkong shouted hurriedly.

With such a big movement, more Chinese troops will arrive soon. Once the army arrives, let alone their small number, ten times more will be left here.

"The team leader will find a way to escape. Even if they are trapped in the city, they have few people and it will be easy to get out of the city. We will continue to stay and wait for the garrison inside and outside the city to arrive. By then no one will be able to leave."

This time it was not Jiang Tengkong who spoke, but the leader of the lurking team of the action team.

He knew Nanjing very well. With such a big movement, a large number of soldiers must have arrived quickly. After all, this is the capital of the Chinese.

"Retreat immediately according to the original plan." The team leader ordered again.

His seven team members obeyed completely. The other team members who came from Shanghai with Jiang Tengkong had no choice but to retreat with them first.

If I don't leave, I'm afraid I really won't be able to leave.

Only then did Loach lead his team in pursuit, following them from a distance and firing continuously.

In the end, two people were killed and two were injured. He also paid the price of one death and three injuries, and drove all the gang away.

Driving away is a nice way of saying it, but in reality, we didn't catch up and were escaped by the enemy.

After confirming that the dead person was not Jiang Tengkong, Niluo sat down on the ground, breaking out in a cold sweat. This gunfight was a rare and big scene for him.

He didn't feel much just now, but after the meeting ended, he felt a strong sense of fear. In an encounter of this scale, if he wasn't careful, any bullet could kill him.

Second update, there will be more to come, the update time will be later, friends who go to bed early can watch it tomorrow morning

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