Spy Shadow

Chapter 248 Chu Yan’s Joy

Chapter 248 Chu Yan Dayue

In the Military Intelligence Department, Ni Loach came to Chu Lingyun’s office.

"Team leader, have you heard that the case of the Party Affairs Investigation Department has been messed up again?"

Ni Loach said with a smile. Chu Lingyun looked at him. Ni Loach immediately understood and continued: "The day before yesterday, they were monitoring the Red Party, but the surveillance point caught fire. The Red Party ran away and almost burned one of their captains to death. Last night they A Red Party traitor was captured and killed at home."

Mentioning the Red Party, Chu Lingyun's heart moved slightly, but her expression did not change: "How did you know what just happened so quickly?"

"Good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. There are many people who know about their trivial things."

Ni Loach said nonchalantly. He had many people outside and was well-informed. Although Ni Loach had no grudges with the Party Affairs Investigation Department, he was from the Military Intelligence Department after all.

In the entire Military Intelligence Division, the Party Affairs Investigation Division is the one I dislike the most.

The feud between the two intelligence agencies will continue for a long time.

"Okay, I will report this matter to the section chief for you."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Niyi was stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly: "Thank you, team leader."

Regardless of whether the section chief knows about this matter or not, reporting it to him will make him remember him once and increase his impression of him. The section chief will be deeply impressed by him, which will be more beneficial to his development in the future.

"Is this why you came to my place?"

Loach hurriedly replied: "Of course not, team leader, the Chen Wenchang who traded information with Claude, his details have been found out, he is Chen Tangji's man."

Chen Tangji?

Chu Lingyun immediately understood what information Chen Wenchang was buying. In the Guangdong and Guangxi incident that just happened, Chen Tangji was the leader. In order to oppose the old man, he actually confronted it directly.

The result was a natural failure, and the Fruit Party had removed him from his post.

The information that Chen Wenchang purchased was nothing more than the punishment within the party so that they could respond. This was indeed the favorite client of the intelligence dealers, and they also had the ability to obtain such information.

"Where is Chen Wenchang now?" Chu Lingyun asked as he thought.

"Still in the hotel, but he went to buy a boat ticket today, and he will probably leave soon."

"What's Team Leader He's opinion?" Chu Lingyun asked again.

This case originally belonged to the Intelligence Division, but they asked the Operations Division to take the initiative to jointly handle the case, and Chu Lingyun had a say in the case.

"Team Leader He asked me to ask you." Ni Loach replied.

After being reprimanded by the section chief, He Xiangyang stopped trying to grab credit. Later facts proved that holding firm was the most correct choice. If he had followed his previous idea and secretly arrested people in advance, he would not have gained so much later. .

Now that Risa Nakamura can be identified as an intelligence agent, and so many suspicious people have been found around her, it will definitely be a great achievement to close the net in the future.

Even if it is not full credit, this credit is not easy for them.

And this time only his group participated in the Intelligence Section, so the biggest share of the credit would definitely be on his head.

In this case, why argue? Just be honest and obedient.

After thinking about it, Chu Lingyun picked up the phone and called He Xiangyang: "Team leader He, what do you think of Chen Wenchang?"

"Team Leader Chu, we all listen to you. We will do whatever you say." He Xiangyang had a very good attitude this time.

"Then arrest people first."

Chu Lingyun was no longer polite. In the past, if someone like Chen Wenchang wanted to be arrested, it would be impossible without Virgo's consent.

Now that Chen Tangji has fallen, there is no need to ask for instructions. Chu Lingyun can make the decision himself.

"Team leader, do you want to arrest him now?"

When he heard that someone had been arrested, Loach became excited. After investigating this case for so long, the first person was finally arrested.

Even if it has nothing to do with the Japanese, they still arrested someone.

"Catch him, but be polite to him. His sense of resistance will not be too strong. Hand over his weapons, don't tie him up, just bring him back."

Chu Lingyun warned that a skinny camel was bigger than a horse. After all, his master was a former boss and someone who dared to directly confront the old man.

Moreover, there are no Japanese involved, so keeping a tightrope in doing things may reduce unnecessary troubles in the future.

"I understand, you are waiting for my good news."

Loach quickly left, joined the people from the intelligence department, and went to the hotel to arrest people.

This hotel is of high quality and the rooms are very good. Chen Wenchang is in the room. His purpose of coming to Nanjing has been completed and he will return to Guangzhou tomorrow.

After his master failed, he fled to Hong Kong. He sent the latest information he had purchased in a coded telegram.

This time they were completely defeated, and I wonder if they will have a chance to rise again in the future.

"Is anyone still there?"

After Niyi took it with him, he immediately asked his subordinate who was responsible for surveillance. The subordinate nodded: "Yes, still in the room."

"Let's go." Loach waved his hand and led the people straight to Chen Wenchang's room.

"Dong dong."

Chen Wenchang was a little confused when he heard the knock on the door, but he still came over to open the door. When he saw so many big men with guns standing outside the door, his face instantly turned pale.

"Mr. Chen, the Military Intelligence Division is handling the case. Could you please come with us?"

Ni Loach asked someone to search him, while he said with a smile. When Chen Wenchang heard the words "Military Intelligence Department", Chen Wenchang's legs couldn't help but tremble.

He was no stranger to this department, the Generalissimo's intelligence agency, and it was targeting warlords like them.

Fortunately, Loach remembered Chu Lingyun's instructions and did not find any weapons on him, so he only asked a few people to watch him without tying him up or handcuffing him.

The entire room was searched, and a pistol was finally found in the suitcase. No other weapons were found.

"Collect the team."

Ni Loach took the people away, and Chen Wenchang was pushed into the car like a puppet and taken directly to the Military Intelligence Office.

"Team Leader He."

Outside the torture room, Chu Lingyun and He Xiangyang were talking. After the person was captured, they would participate in the interrogation. This meeting was waiting for them.

"Team Leader Chu, Risa Nakamura is so suspicious, when is the right time for us to close the net?" He Xiangyang took the opportunity to ask.

"Don't be anxious. After all the people around her are investigated, it's time to close the net."

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. He could understand that the Intelligence Department was eager to make meritorious deeds, but he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. The more detailed the investigation, the more he would gain.

"No rush, no rush."

He Xiangyang said with a smile, and quickly looked outside. Operation Group Four and his people were already escorting Chen Wenchang over.

In the torture room, Chen Wenchang was not hung up. He was only controlled on the torture chair, with his hands and feet free. Even so, he was so frightened that his whole body kept trembling.

"Chen Wenchang."

Chu Lingyun and He Xiangyang sat at the interrogation table together. They had just discussed how to interrogate. He Xiangyang did not argue with Chu Lingyun at all this time. Chu Lingyun just took the lead in the entire interrogation, and he just listened.


Chen Wenchang shook violently and replied hurriedly.

With his appearance, everyone knew that this interrogation would be easy, and Chen Wenchang would confess without having to torture him.

"You know where we are and why we arrested you. Tell us."

Chu Lingyun said lightly. Chen Wenchang raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him. He didn't know who Chu Lingyun was, but since he could preside over him, his level must not be too low.

"I said it, I said it all."

Chen Wenchang nodded hurriedly. He was not an intelligence officer, or even a real soldier. He was just a member of the Chen family, making connections for his cousin who came to Nanjing to collect the information he wanted.

After being caught, he could be said to be completely despairing, thinking that he was dead this time.

After all, what his cousin did was a serious crime against the Nine Clan in the past.

After Chen Wenchang finished speaking, he looked at the opposite side eagerly. Chu Lingyun's face darkened: "Since you want to say it, why don't you say it yet? Do we have to use torture?"

"No, don't use torture. I said yes, but you didn't ask."

Chen Wenchang shook his head anxiously. His appearance almost made Chu Lingyun laugh. He didn't speak about his feelings, waiting for him to ask.

"Explain why you came to Nanjing, what you did in Nanjing, and everything about Chen Tangji."

Chu Lingyun gave him a hint to dig out everything he knew.

"I'm coming to Nanjing..."

Chen Wenchang slowly told him the purpose of coming to Nanjing, the information he bought, what he had reported, and Chen Tangji's situation.

Chu Lingyun's guess was correct. He was indeed helping Chen Tangji to investigate how the Guo Party planned to deal with them.

The results of this investigation also made them relieved.

There is no intention within the Guo Party to drive them all out and execute them all.

Although Chen Tangji was fighting against the old man this time, he chose a good excuse, which was to ask the Guo Party to resist Japan and change his army into an anti-Japanese coalition.

The Japanese were ambitious towards China and invaded Northeast China and occupied Shanghai. Chen Tangji asked the Fruit Party to mainly target the Japanese and drive them out of the country.

Although he failed, Chen Tangji won the sympathy of many people.

Chen Wenchang was Chen Tangji's agent and spent a lot of money in Nanjing to help keep his cousin alive.

Now that the mission is completed, I will return to Guangzhou tomorrow. I didn't expect to be arrested today.

The interrogation of Chen Wenchang was very relaxed. Chen Wenchang told him exactly what color underwear he was wearing, without any concealment.

"Put it down."

After Chen Wenchang pressed his fingerprints on the confession, Chu Lingyun ordered, and several people escorted Chen Wenchang to the cell.

The identity of Claude's intelligence dealer has been confirmed, and his mole level is not low, otherwise he would not be able to obtain such information.

After copying a confession, Chu Lingyun came to the New Year's Office.

As for the original confession, he was given to He Xiangyang, and he also had to report to Xu Yi. The case originally belonged to their intelligence department, and He Xiangyang was so cooperative, so it was normal for him to give them the original confession.

"Section Chief, Risa Nakamura is definitely an intelligence agent. She should have bought more than one piece of information from Claude. Should we arrest Claude now?"

Information dealers like Claude must be caught.

But he is French, and Chu Lingyun must report the arrest of such a person, otherwise it will easily cause diplomatic disputes.

"Claude, don't worry, Chen Tangji seems to have really given up this time."

He Nian shook his head. Although Chen Wenchang was not Japanese, his cousin Chen Tangji was very important. It was a great achievement to get Chen Tangji's true thoughts from Chen Wenchang and report it to the old man.

"Section Chief, Loach also said something interesting today. Another mission of the Party Affairs Investigation Department failed in the past two days. Not only did the Red Party members under surveillance escape, but even the Red Party members who surrendered to them were killed."

"Is there still this matter?"

He Nian was obviously interested, but He Nian didn't know about it. Although they were at odds with the Party Affairs Investigation Office, they were not at the point where they were constantly paying attention to them.

Even if someone is paying attention, it's not him.

"Section Chief, if the chairman of the committee finds out about this, I'm afraid Old Ghost Xu's life will be even more difficult."

Chu Lingyun nodded dangerously, his eyes brightened and his smile became brighter: "You are right, I will report this matter to the director right away."

He Nian took the confession and hurried to the office. As soon as he reached the door, he saw Xu Yi coming.

He knew very well what Xu Yilai was doing.

The two looked at each other, smiled at each other, and entered the office together without saying anything.

"You guys did a good job jointly handling the case this time. This Chen Wenchang's information is of great value."

After listening to the report of the two people, Virgo was very happy. He could report this matter to the old man, and it would definitely make the old man happy.

As for Claude, He Nian and Xu Yi both made reports.

"Arrest the person, but be sure to pry open his mouth. It's best to get physical evidence."

After just thinking for a few seconds, Virgo gave the decisive order. Claude provided Chen Wenchang with information. This alone gave them reason to arrest him.

However, if physical evidence can be obtained, then the witnesses and physical evidence will be there, and the French will not be afraid of coming.

"We must catch them alive."

Virgo warned again that you can arrest people, but you must not beat them to death, otherwise it will not end well. Foreign adults these days are also superior to others in China.


He Nian and Xu Yi took the order together. This time they were jointly handling the case, and the case was shared by both parties.

"Virgo, there is one more thing, have you heard about it?"

After receiving the order, He Nian hurriedly said something more. Xu Yi also looked at him. The case had been reported and he didn't know what He Nian wanted to report again.

"What's the matter?" Virgo looked at the New Year greetings.

"Operation Four Team Nilu reported that the Party Affairs Investigation Office has made another mistake in the past two days..."

He Nian immediately told the story about the Party Affairs Investigation Department. Xu Yi's eyes widened with annoyance on his face.

Xu Yi already knew about this. The Operations Section usually didn't pay much attention to the movements of the Party Affairs Investigation Division, but as a competitor, the Intelligence Section needed to know the opponent's situation at all times.

He originally wanted to report this matter today, but he didn't expect He Nian to beat him to it.

"Haha, Mr. Xu has always been proud of himself, saying how many Red Party members they have captured and how many Red Party traitors they have absorbed. The Red Party members they absorbed this time were killed under their noses, and they just came here. Let's see how he shows up. The Chairman explains."

After listening to the report, Virgo was very happy. It was one of his greatest pleasures to deflate Old Ghost Xu.

"Loach is quite good. He also knows to pay attention to the Party Affairs Investigation Office."

Virgo added another sentence, feeling reassured in the New Year, the crisis of Loach has been resolved, and Virgo should not have any thoughts of silence in the future.

Virgos will always keep useful people, and only throw away useless people without hesitation.

Thanks to Yixin Qiuyue for the 2000 starting coin reward.

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