Spy Shadow

Chapter 261 They want to run away

Chapter 261 They want to run away

Let alone two cities, two lines in the same city are not allowed to inquire about each other's situation.

This is not rigid, but an experience gained through bloody lessons and extremely painful costs.

"You go back first, and I will find a way to transfer the information to my comrades in Shanghai."

Secretary Liang asked Director Yang to leave first. Although this time it had nothing to do with them, no matter where they were, as long as they were their comrades, they had the responsibility and obligation to protect them.

After Director Yang left, he took out the information and looked through it carefully.

There is only an address, and the information is too general. It is possible that Ms. Qiu herself does not know who the comrades there are, so she cannot provide names.

This shows that it was not easy for him to obtain this information, and he probably took a huge risk. After obtaining the information, he immediately handed it over to them to prevent his comrades from suffering.

To further speculate, it was the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office who discovered the comrades there. When reporting to their headquarters, Ms. Qiu found out.

In this way, Miss Qiu's status in the Party Affairs Investigation Department will not be too low, otherwise she will not have the opportunity to access such confidential information, but it will not be too high, so that she can know detailed information.

In his mind, a mysterious figure appeared, carefully hiding in the heart of the enemy, searching for all useful information, facing various tests and dangers at all times, Miss Qiu was not easy.

It was too late, so Secretary Liang decided to send this urgent information to his hometown immediately and asked them to notify Shanghai.

Shanghai, Lotus Restaurant.

The telegraph operator routinely turned on the phone at eleven o'clock in the evening and soon received a secret message. The contents of the secret message were handed over to the person in charge, Director Pan.

Director Pan frowned and immediately went to decipher it himself.

This is a top-secret message, and only he has the code book to decipher it. Such a secret message shows that this message is very important.

After translating the message, he was stunned for a moment and looked out the window.

It's too late. It's not impossible to go out at this time, but it's easy to be questioned by the police.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth, burned the information and went out immediately. He couldn't take such information with him, he could only remember it and report it later.

The information was very important, and he had to notify the leader as soon as possible.

This was a warning message. It did not tell them how they obtained the intelligence source, but since their hometown had informed them, they must take it seriously.

There were no dangers along the way. He was lucky enough to meet a patrolman on the way. The patrolman only extorted some money from him without asking anything.

Soon he arrived at Secretary Wang, the person in charge of Shanghai.

"Why are you here so late?"

Secretary Wang had already gone to bed. He was very surprised to see him. Director Pan immediately said: "A secret message just came from my hometown, telling us that Wumen Lane is in danger."

He also doesn't know who is in Wumen Lane, but since there is danger, he must pay attention to it.

He wanted to notify Secretary Wang in time that he had obtained the information. If his mistakes caused losses to his comrades, he would never forgive himself.

"Wumen Lane."

Secretary Wang's eyebrows jumped. As the responsible leader of Shanghai, he knew the situation in Shanghai best. There really was a comrade of theirs in Wumen Lane, and his identity was very important.

Lao Ma is responsible for the propaganda work within the organization and is also one of the leaders of the organization. The consequences of his accident are very serious, and many people, including himself, need to evacuate.

"How did my hometown know that something happened in Wumen Lane?"

Secretary Wang asked quickly. Just by looking at Secretary Wang's expression, Director Pan understood that this information was true and that there were indeed their comrades in Wumen Lane.

"The message didn't say anything. It just asked us to pay attention to ensure the safety of our comrades."

"Did you tell me the specific situation?" Secretary Wang asked again.

"No, that's all." Director Pan shook his head.

"You call back your hometown tomorrow and ask them for details. You will go back today. Please pay attention to safety on the road."

Secretary Wang didn't explain too much. Director Pan and Lao Ma were not on the same line, so there was no need to tell him.

Director Pan is in charge of the radio station, which is also very important. The Shanghai Organization currently only has one radio station, and their contact with their hometown and the outside world depends entirely on this radio station.

The conditions are difficult, let alone them, even in their hometown there are not many radio stations, and every radio station is their treasure.

After Director Pan left, Secretary Wang looked out the window and frowned.

Lao Ma is in danger and must be evacuated as soon as possible. The family did not tell them what the danger is. The more this happens, the more delay they can have.

But it was too late now. Lao Ma was in danger. There was most likely a spy hiding around him. If you went to notify him late at night, not only would you not be able to evacuate, but the person who went to notify him would also be in danger.

Moreover, when it is dark at night, if there is a firefight, it may seem easy to escape, but it is actually much more difficult than during the day.

There were many people during the day, and they could use the crowd as cover to escape. At night, when there was no one on the road, they could easily be surrounded. With the police rounding up them, no one could escape by then.

After thinking about it again and again, Secretary Wang decided to go ahead and notify him in the morning.

It is unclear about Lao Ma's situation now. If he has been caught, he will undoubtedly have thrown himself into a trap at this time. During the day, they can determine Lao Ma's situation and then take action.

However, Secretary Wang prefers that nothing happened to Lao Ma. Even if something happened, Lao Ma definitely did not betray the organization. Lao Ma knew where he lived. If he had betrayed, he would have been caught long ago.

After not sleeping all night, at dawn, Secretary Wang called his security guard: "Xiao Wu, Lao Ma is in danger. You go to Team Leader Gu and take their people to No. 97 Wumen Lane."

"When we get there, first determine the condition of the old horse. If the old horse is fine and is just being watched, see if we can secretly take the old horse out. If not, carry out an armed rescue."

Team leader Gu is the leader of the security team within the organization. Their security team is very strong. It is an armed force formed by Secretary Wang according to the red team model.

The red team was the famous dog-fighting team back then. Unfortunately, it was betrayed by a traitor and suffered huge losses, so it had to end.

If the dog-fighting team still existed, many people would not be able to sleep at night. The record of the dog-fighting team was extremely brilliant.

Xiao Wu is young, only twenty-five years old, and has excellent skills. At home, he is the nephew of Secretary Wang.

Lao Ma has never met Team Leader Gu, so he only asks people from the security team to go. Lao Ma will not believe it easily, but it is different when Xiao Wu follows. When he sees Xiao Wu, Lao Ma will understand everything.

"What about you if I go?"

Xiao Wu asked worriedly, Secretary Wang shook his head gently: "Don't worry about me, I will go to the safe house first and wait for news from you. If there is a fight, you run to the French Concession."

If something happens, as long as they escape into the concession, they still have a chance to rescue them even if they are caught by the patrol of the concession. If they are caught by the people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department, they can't even think of rescuing anyone.

"Yes, if I don't come back, you are ready to evacuate at any time."

Xiao Wu accepted the order. Whether it was him or Lao Ma, Secretary Wang would be in danger after the accident. At this time, Secretary Wang's safety was very important. He must prepare for evacuation in advance and not take any chances.

Team leader Gu is thirty-three years old. He was a sharpshooter in the army in his early years. Whether it was a long gun or a pistol, he could hit wherever he pointed, and his combat ability was extremely strong.

The Shanghai Security Team is quite large, with a total of twelve members. Their main tasks are to protect organizational leaders, rescue comrades and punish traitors.

Xiao Wu is actually also a member of the security team, and was sent by Team Leader Gu to protect Secretary Wang personally.

He was very familiar with the comrades of the security team, but time was tight. Team leader Gu was unable to summon everyone at the same time. Including Xiao Wu, only six people went to Wumen Alley.

At No. 97 Wumen Lane, Lao Ma has just gotten up.

His wife is cooking. Like him, she is a party member and has a firm belief.

They have a lovely daughter who is twelve years old today, but she is not with them. Their work is too dangerous and they cannot take the child with them. Currently, the daughter lives with her grandparents in her hometown.

"Old Ma, it's time to eat."

My wife called out, and Lao Ma came over with a smile. The breakfast was very simple, including porridge pancakes and pickles, but even this kind of breakfast was not available to many Chinese people.

Xiao Wu and Team Leader Gu arrived at Wumen Lane. Lao Ma's house did not have a back door and wanted to inform him that he must enter through the front door.

Team leader Gu had rich experience in struggle and carefully observed the surroundings of Lao Ma's house. Soon, an attic twenty meters away from Lao Ma's house caught his attention.

A crack was exposed in the attic window, which faced Lao Ma's home.

"Team leader, I asked, there hasn't been anything happening around here recently."

A team member ran back and took the opportunity to ask for directions. He made special inquiries. If Lao Ma was caught here, the news would definitely not be hidden from these neighbors.

Nothing happened, which is good news.

"It seems that the enemy has not taken action. They are probably there."

Team leader Gu pointed to the attic and whispered that if the enemy was really in the attic, as long as they showed up at Lao Ma's house or wanted to take Lao Ma away, the enemy could immediately run out and stop him.

Wumen Alley does not have exits on both sides, but only one entrance and exit. The innermost part is a factory, blocking the road.

"Team leader, what should we do?"

Xiao Wu asked. Team leader Gu was his old leader. Now that they were acting together, he naturally called him by his previous name.

"The two of us will inform our comrades to evacuate, and you two will cover. You are responsible for receiving and blocking the enemy."

Team leader Gu quickly laid out an action plan. He and Xiao Wu would do the most dangerous notification work. The remaining people had a clear division of labor. If the enemy pursued them, all of them would split up and escape to the French Concession.


After giving the instructions, Team Leader Gu didn't waste any time and immediately took Xiao Wu towards Lao Ma's house. Team Leader Gu's hand was always on his waist, where he had his pistol.

He uses two pistols and can shoot with both hands at the same time. Using both guns together does not affect his accuracy. He once shot and killed two people at the same time.

His marksmanship was famous during his time in the army.

"Old horse."

Xiao Wu knocked on the door directly and shouted quickly that the enemy might appear at any time and they had to buy time.

Hearing Xiao Wu's voice, Lao Ma immediately put down the food in his hand and ran out to open the door. When he saw Lao Ma, Xiao Wu's heart relaxed slightly.

Lao Ma is at home and there is nothing wrong with him. It seems that the enemy is only watching and has not arrested anyone.

"You've been exposed. Take your sister-in-law and follow me."

Xiao Wu didn't talk nonsense. One sentence frightened Lao Ma so much that his heart beat wildly. Fortunately, Lao Ma was not a newcomer and understood that now was not the time to ask why, let alone waste time.

"Xiao Cui, there's danger, let's retreat."

Lao Ma hurried back to the room and dug out his weapons and several important documents. These were important documents that had not yet been destroyed and must not fall into the hands of the enemy.

Fortunately, there are not many of them and they are easy to dispose of.

While burning, he ran outside. Team leader Gu was already hiding at the door, secretly observing the attic opposite.

"Captain, there's a situation."

The Japanese spy was monitoring Lao Ma 24 hours a day. After noticing Team Leader Gu and Xiao Wu, the surveillance team member immediately shouted.

Yasuda Mitsuyoshi was eating breakfast and quickly ran to the window with a steamed bun stuffed in his mouth.

Team leader Gu and Xiao Wu were hiding, but at this time the door of Lao Ma's house was wide open, and he immediately saw Lao Ma running outside with his wife in the yard.

"Baga, go after them. You must not let them run away."

After spitting out the steamed buns, Yasuda Mitsuyoshi cursed loudly, and the three of them picked up their weapons and ran outside. They finally had a chance to make meritorious deeds, but they didn't want to let the credit they received just go away.

As for whether the three of them could catch someone, Yasuda Mitsuyoshi didn't even think about it at this time.

They were the most heroic samurai in the Japanese Empire. He believed that if they were to fight against the Chinese, one of them could fight ten of them. Even though there were only three of them, he was still very confident in dealing with several Chinese.

"Captain, there is movement among the Japanese."

Shen Hanwen, who was also eating breakfast, received a report from his subordinates. He choked on a mouthful of soup before finishing it, and kept coughing.

"Ahem, what, ahem, what's going on?"

After finally asking, Shen Hanwen's face turned red, and the team members next to him hurriedly came over to help him pat his back.

"No need to hammer." Shen Hanwen pushed the team members away and looked at the person reporting.

The Japanese were always monitoring Lao Ma, and Shen Hanwen was always monitoring the Japanese. As soon as the Japanese ran out, they were discovered by the surveillance team members.

"All three of them ran out. They were very anxious and seemed to want to run away."

Shen Hanwen's surveillance point was behind the Japanese, and Lao Ma could not be seen here.

He also sent people to monitor Lao Ma, but the surveillance point was far away and only two people were there.

"Asshole, why didn't you make it clear just now?"

When he heard that the three of them were about to run away, Shen Hanwen became anxious and cursed loudly. He quickly picked up the gun on the table and shouted: "Everyone come out with me. We must not let the Japanese escape."

There were many people in Shen Hanwen's room, so it was a little chaotic. Everyone hurriedly picked up their weapons and ran outside.

Team leader Gu and Xiao Wu took Lao Ma and his wife and immediately ran towards the entrance of the alley. Team leader Gu had already pulled out two pistols and was staring ahead.

Yasuda Mitsuyoshi ran out with his men, just in time to see them running over.


Yasuda Mitsuyoshi raised his gun and started shooting. When they ran out, Team Leader Gu noticed him and turned around to shoot at the same time. Neither of them could hit each other. Yasuda Mitsuyoshi hurriedly found a bunker.

The bullet just passed by. If he hadn't seen the other party turn around and stopped in time, this shot would have killed them.

"Chase, don't let them get away."

Yasuda Mitsuyoshi escaped, but did not give up. After the leader Gu fired, he took Lao Ma and the others and ran out. He did not know the number of enemies. Once there were many enemies and they were surrounded, they would want to run away again. It will become difficult.

The monthly ticket adds Chapter 7, which is updated today.

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