Spy Shadow

Chapter 263: Taking the credit

Chapter 263: Taking the credit

Chu Lingyun received Shen Hanwen's message and immediately came to the New Year's Office.

"So that's it. Shen Hanwen did the right thing."

He Nian kept nodding after reading the telegram. Although the purpose of the Japanese surveillance was not clear yet, at least two people were caught alive and can be interrogated at any time when they wake up.

"Section Chief, Lao Ma's identity is very suspicious."

Chu Lingyun reminded that Lao Ma had evacuated safely and there was nothing he couldn't say.

Unexpectedly, Shen Hanwen also helped them. Without Shen Hanwen's arrest, even if Lao Ma could escape, he would probably be damaged.

This time I can give credit to Shen Hanwen.

"You are right, Ling Yun, who do you think Lao Ma is?"

He Nian agreed very much with Chu Lingyun's words. Lao Ma was stared at by the Japanese, and they only stared at him for a day before running away. There were people supporting him when he ran away, which was indeed suspicious.

"It's still unclear. I have sent a message to Wuhan Station asking them to help investigate Lao Ma's details, but I have not received a reply yet."

"It's not urgent, Ling Yun. You tell Shen Hanwen to keep an eye on the people. Don't give them to anyone who wants them. We can extract their confessions as soon as possible. If necessary, I will send someone to pick them up."

Shanghai is not their territory, and He Nian will also consider whether the Shanghai station will steal credit.

Three Japanese spies were not many, and one was dead, but no matter how small a mosquito was, it was still flesh, let alone that these were real Japanese spies. Last time, the person was handed over to the Shanghai Station because there was no other way. This time, they have been handling the case for so long and there is no reason for them.

Moreover, this time they knew first that the Japanese wanted to assassinate Yan Kui'an, and they were keeping an eye on the Japanese spy Yan Kui'an had found.

Even if a lawsuit is filed against everyone, everyone is not afraid of that. This is indeed their case.


Chu Lingyun responded. He didn't ask about Lao Ma's identity during the New Year greetings, and Chu Lingyun didn't even mention it.

In the French Concession, Team Leader Gu and his team arrived safely without any pursuers behind them.

After confirming that there was no danger, the group of people went back from the French Concession.

Xiao Wu, team leader Gu, and Lao Ma and his wife returned to Secretary Wang, who was still waiting for news from them.

Secretary Wang was not at home, so he went to the safe house. Two hours later, Secretary Wang saw the safety signal, opened the door and walked in.

"Secretary Wang."

Lao Ma and his wife stood up in a hurry. Secretary Wang waved his hand and took them to the study room to talk, while Xiao Wu and Team Leader Gu were on guard.

"How were you exposed?"

Secretary Wang asked immediately. Lao Ma was a little confused, but he still said: "I don't know, but I went to Yan Kui'an yesterday. Yan Kui'an reminded me that there were Japanese people near him and asked me to be careful."


Secretary Wang frowned. The information given by his hometown did not mention anything about the Japanese. It only said that Wumen Lane was in danger. Was Lao Ma being targeted by the Japanese?

"Yes, it was very strange when we evacuated today. Team leader Gu did find someone watching me, but when we came out, there were very few people blocking us, and there was another group of people who helped attack the people blocking us, so Our evacuation went smoothly today."

"Did someone help you?"

Secretary Wang frowned even more. He didn't send anyone. Who helped them?

"That's right, Secretary Wang, was he sent by you? And how did you know that I was exposed?"

Lao Ma asked carefully, Secretary Wang shook his head slightly: "I didn't send anyone, and I don't know who is helping you yet. The news you exposed was an urgent message from your hometown last night, but I don't know how they knew. "


Lao Ma's eyes widened. Even his hometown knew about him?

It's a big deal this time.

"Lao Ma, no matter how you were exposed, you can't stay in Shanghai any longer. You can make your own choice between going to your hometown or the base."

The old horse has been exposed and is not suitable to stay in Shanghai.

He had to evacuate. Lao Ma understood this and looked gloomy: "Let's go to our hometown. When the child is older, we will pick him up there. Then the two of us can be teachers and teach more people to read."

"You were exposed. Have you made any arrangements at home?"

Secretary Wang suddenly asked, and Lao Ma was startled. Yes, he was exposed now, and another gun battle broke out. If the Fruit Party suspected anything, his daughter and family would be in danger.

"Secretary Wang, I haven't made any arrangements yet."

"Why are you so careless?"

Secretary Wang glared at him. Lao Ma used his real name in Shanghai. He graduated from a prestigious university and it was easier to find a job.

In fact, many red parties have their true identities to the outside world. When they are not exposed, others do not know that they are red parties, which also helps their lurking.

Unlike the Japanese, they have never lived in the country and can only fake their identities.

"I'll make arrangements right away."

Lao Ma stood up in a hurry. He understood the consequences of his exposure. If his family was not settled early, they would probably be persecuted.

At the Shanghai Station of the Military Intelligence Department, Cai Xiaofeng and Wen Zhiyuan reported their investigation results to Wu Yuantai.

"I asked people at the hospital. There were six injured in total, one died. Three of the remaining injured were Captain Shen's people, and two were unidentified."

"I went to the morgue specifically and looked at the man who was beaten to death. Sure enough, he was Japanese."

Wu Yuantai looked at him: "How are you sure you are Japanese?"

"He's wearing crotchless pants. Who else can he be if he's not Japanese?"

Cai Xiaofeng checked the body and could easily tell the identity from the clothes. It was already certain that Shen Hanwen was arresting Japanese in Shanghai.

"Stationmaster, the operations department is not authentic. There are two injured Japanese in the hospital. Should we find a way to pick them up?"

Wen Zhiyuan's eyes were a little fiery, these were two Japanese spies.

Last time, the Operations Section sent two Japanese spies, but they were people accepted by the Intelligence Team and had nothing to do with their Action Team.

If they snatched people away this time, it would be the unique credit of their action team.

"Let me think."

Wu Yuantai did not agree immediately. He Laohu from the Action Department was not so easy to get along with. It was obvious this time that he had no intention of handing over the person to him again.

Would it offend He Nian if he just went to grab it?

However, the last time he killed an American made Virgo very angry. Now he urgently needed credit to prove himself to Virgo. How could Wu Yuantai really hold back, knowing that there were two Japanese spies in front of him?

"How do you want to pick someone up?"

Wu Yuantai asked, and Wen Zhiyuan immediately understood that the webmaster was tempted and wanted to snatch this piece of fat, but he needed a reason.

"This is too simple. Shanghai is our jurisdiction. It is a mistake for the Operations Section to come to our jurisdiction to handle the case without saying hello. This is our home field. As long as we produce the evidence that we have also targeted these three Japanese spies before, then Even Virgo has nothing to say."

Wen Zhiyuan said excitedly that he may not be good at investigating crimes, but he is good at taking credit.

"That's not right. We don't know the identities of these three Japanese spies, so we won't be able to explain ourselves at that time."

Wu Yuantai shook his head and said, Virgo is not that easy to fool. They forged evidence. Once discovered by Virgo, he, the webmaster, will really do his best.

"Stationmaster, we can check their identities first. They are on our territory now. The Operations Department only has one captain here, and they are not familiar with the place. Let us stabilize them first, then find a way to find out the situation, and finally make a request. people."

Wen Zhiyuan said quickly, he still didn't want to give up this credit.

"You can try it first, but don't let them notice our purpose."

After thinking about it, Wu Yuantai finally nodded. After all, it was a credit, and the operations department was so unkind that they handled the case on his territory without even saying hello, which made him very angry.

If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust.

"Yes, stationmaster."

Wen Zhiyuan took Cai Xiaofeng away and soon came to the hospital and met Shen Hanwen.

After all, Wen Zhiyuan was the leader of the major team, and Shen Hanwen did not dare to neglect him and was very polite to him.

It didn't matter that he was being polite. Wen Zhiyuan dragged him to the hotel and said that he wanted to calm down his shock. Wen Zhiyuan smiled at him and was of a higher rank than him. Shen Hanwen really had no choice but to agree.

During the dinner, Wen Zhiyuan poured a lot of wine into Shen Hanwen. Fortunately, Shen Hanwen knew the severity and stopped drinking anyway. He was still handling the case. Drinking was against the rules. If the team leader found out about being drunk, he would definitely be punished. punish him.

From Shen Hanwen's words, Wen Zhiyuan did not get what he wanted most, especially the identity of a Japanese spy.

In fact, Shen Hanwen didn't know their true identities, and Wen Zhiyuan couldn't ask them out even if he was drunk.

In the evening, Japan High School in the Japanese Concession.

The leader of the intelligence team, Nao Iijima, hurried to Kitagawa Naru's office: "Section Chief, I just received urgent information. Today, one of our people who was performing a mission outside was arrested by the Military Intelligence Department. It is said that there was a firefight. The arrester He’s still from Nanjing.”

"People from Nanjing, arresting our people in Shanghai?"

Beichuan Ming was stunned and immediately asked: "Where did this information come from?"

"It came from the mole who instigated rebellion at the Shanghai Station of our Military Intelligence Office."

The intelligence from Mole is very credible. Are there any of them performing tasks outside now?

Kitagawa Naru wanted to call Kono Kobayashi to come over and ask about the situation. When he picked up the phone, he remembered that Kono Kobayashi had been loyal to the emperor and the current leader of the operation team was Miyamoto Sawa.

The call was made, and within a few minutes Miyamoto Ze arrived at Kitagawa Naru's office.

"Professor, are you looking for me?"

Miyamotozawa knelt down in front of Kitagawa Nao and nodded friendly to Iijima Nao, but Iijima Nao didn't look at him and sat quietly.

Iijima Nao has a good relationship with Kono Kobayashi and is not that cold towards Miyamoto Sawa. If Kono Kobayashi had not had a problem this time, Miyamoto Sawa would never have had the chance to take over as the team leader.

"Is there anyone in your action team performing tasks outside?" Beichuan Ming asked directly.


Miyamoto Ze immediately replied that the action team doesn't have many tasks now, but it still has them. As the deputy leader of the action team and taking over as the team leader, he understands these situations very well.

"Who is outside?" Beichuan Ming asked again.

"Two people are carrying out investigation tasks in the French Concession, and Mitsuyoshi Yasuda is monitoring Yan Kui'an in the city. Good news just came back yesterday. They found a red party member while monitoring Yan Kui'an. They have found out the red party's address and are monitoring it. .”

"Red Party?"

Beichuan Ming did not expect that the action team found the red party. Although he was not a member of the fruit party, it was still a credit to him for being able to attack the red party.

"Tell me the specific situation."


Miyamoto Ze slowly said that Yasuda Mitsuyoshi was his person and everything he did was reported to him.

The purpose of monitoring Yan Kui'an was to find the right time to attack him, but then there were successive incidents within the Special High School. He and Kono Kobayashi were both busy and did not pay attention to that area for the time being.

Yasuda Mitsuyoshi did not personally monitor Yan Kui'an. He was investigating the red party in the French Concession.

The French Concession patrol house captured a Red Party member. The Party Affairs Investigation Office of the Guo Party asked for the person, but was rejected by the arrogant French. Yasuda Mitsuyoshi later heard that the Red Party member was bailed out of the French Concession.

A celebrity came forward, but it was Yan Kui'an who provided the money and effort behind the scenes.

After knowing this, Yasuda Mitsuyoshi suspected Yan Kui'an and thought that his team members were spying on the opponent, so he went to check the surveillance records.

Through surveillance records, he discovered that before Yan Kui'an rescued the Red Party in the French Concession, a person visited him three times in a row.

This made him suspect that Yan Kui'an was not the real Red Party, but the Red Party used his way to save people.

Although Yan Kui'an is arrogant and slanders the empire everywhere, he is indeed not like the Red Party. The Red Party is not as high-profile as him.

Yasuda Mitsuyoshi decided to personally monitor Yan Kui'an and find out the red party member who entrusted him to save people. He wanted to use this person to find more red party members and inflict heavy damage on them.

Later, the man appeared again. Yasuda Mitsuyoshi sent people to follow him, but only one person was sent, and he was eventually lost.

After following him, Yasuda Mitsuyoshi was sure that there was something wrong with this person. How could ordinary people get rid of professional agents like them?

Just yesterday Mitsuyoshi Yasuda called him and told him through code words that he had found the Red Party's residence and was keeping an eye on it.

"Go and see if Yasuda Mitsuyoshi is still at the surveillance point."

After listening to the report, Kitagawa Naru immediately ordered that the information obtained by Nao Iijima was about what happened in the city, and the French Concession did not need to interfere.


Miyamoto Ze bowed out of the office respectfully and asked people to investigate Yasuda Mitsuyoshi's situation. Not long after, he returned to Kitagawa Naru's office again, but this time he looked a little panicked.

"Section Chief, I can't contact Yasuda Mitsuyoshi. The people I sent found out that there was a gun battle at Yasuda's surveillance point this morning, and several people were injured."


Beichuan Ming was furious, stood up and slapped Miyamoto Ze. Miyamoto Ze didn't dare to move, lowered his head and admitted his mistake again.

Nao Iijima's information was correct. Something happened to his people. What was ridiculous was that he had no idea about it and had to rely on the mole who was instigating the rebellion to tell them.

He was not very satisfied with Miyamoto Ze as the team leader. If Kono Kobayashi hadn't suddenly had an accident, Miyamoto Ze would not have been the team leader.

"I don't care what method you use, you must rescue them, otherwise you don't have to be the team leader anymore."

Beichuan Ming said coldly that he was a guilty person and the country had warned him that he must make achievements and not make any more mistakes, otherwise he would be dismissed and investigated.

There are no results at the moment, and Kobayashi Kobayashi's mission failed. If things continue to happen, he, the section chief, may really end up doing his job.

Thanks to Cang Hai Nan Hui for the 500 starting coin reward, and the monthly ticket will be added to Chapter 8, which is updated today.

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