Spy Shadow

Chapter 265: Caesarean section to apologize

Chapter 265: Caesarean section to apologize

Shen Hanwen tortured the spy in the hospital, but the spy lost too much blood and was very weak. He fainted from the pain within a few moments.

After a doctor's examination, the spy's body could not withstand the subsequent punishment, so Shen Hanwen had no choice but to give up.

The convoy from Shanghai Station came to the hospital in a mighty manner. The team member on duty at the entrance of the hospital stepped forward to ask, but was stopped directly and even fired his gun.

Wen Zhiyuan led people straight to the ward. Cai Xiaofeng was in high spirits and held his head high.

The investigation record was forged by him, but others did not know that it was false. In his eyes, it was true, and it naturally belonged to him.

With this merit, maybe his military rank can be promoted to lieutenant.

Lieutenant Shen Hanwen was promoted through continuous meritorious service. It is said that he was still a top soldier when he was stationed in Wuhan a few months ago.

Cai Xiaofeng didn't think he was worse than Shen Hanwen. He wanted to use this merit to be promoted to lieutenant, so that he would have the opportunity to compete for deputy team leader or even team leader in the future.

A group of people walked to the ward, and the team member responsible for guarding the corridor immediately stood up.

"Where is your Captain Shen?"

Cai Xiaofeng went to ask directly. The team members recognized him and immediately replied: "Our captain has gone to rest. Captain Cai, what are you doing with so many people here?"

The team members had already noticed something was wrong and winked at the teammates on the side.

Just as the teammates were about to leave, several people from Shanghai Station stepped forward to block them.

"It's nothing. The Japanese spy you captured, Mitsuyoshi Yasuda, is someone our Shanghai Station has been investigating for a long time. Now I want to take him away."

Cai Xiaofeng said lightly. Shen Hanwen's men's eyes widened. Is this a direct robbery?

"We can't make the decision on this, we have to report it to our captain."

"No need to report. After Captain Shen wakes up, just go to the station and ask."

Wen Zhiyuan said suddenly, and after speaking, he ordered his men to enter the ward to take people.

"Captain, someone..."

The team member suddenly shouted, and the people at the Shanghai Station instantly held him down and took the gun away from him.

Shen Hanwen woke up instantly, grabbed the pistol on the table and jumped out of bed. He rushed to the door without having time to put on his clothes.

"Team Leader Wen, Captain Cai, what are you doing?"

As soon as he ran out, he saw Wen Zhiyuan and Cai Xiaofeng walking towards him, as well as his controlled men.

"Captain Shen, I'm sorry, you are so unkind. Mitsuyoshi Yasuda is the person we have been investigating for more than half a year, and you arrested him without saying a word. We just learned about the situation, so just hand him over to us now."

When Cai Xiaofeng came up, he complained first. Shen Hanwen was stunned for a moment, and then his face filled with anger.

His brain is not as bright as a loach, but no matter how stupid he is, he knows that Shanghai Station is trying to steal credit.

"Nonsense, this is the person we have been watching for two months."

Shen Hanwen raised his pistol, and instantly more than a dozen guns were pointed at him.

"Captain Shen's gun was fired."

Wen Zhiyuan spoke, and Shen Hanwen's eyes turned red with anger, but in the end he did not dare to shoot.

They have fewer people, but the other side has more people. If they shoot, he will really have to explain this today.

He is not afraid of death, but he does not want to die in the hands of his own people in such an unknown way.

The team members in the ward also ran out. After a while, they were all controlled by Cai Xiaofeng, and everyone was forcibly taken outside.

"Wen Zhiyuan, Cai Xiaofeng, you despicable villains, your conspiracy will not succeed. I will definitely report you to the superior."

When Shen Hanwen was taken out, he kept cursing. Wen Zhiyuan looked grim and directly ordered Shen Hanwen's mouth to be blocked.

He has a higher rank than Shen Hanwen. Shen Hanwen is one of the following criminals and he has the right to deal with it. He is not afraid that the headquarters will know about this matter.

Shen Hanwen and all his team members were locked in the utility room behind the hospital, with several people guarding them there.

In the ward, Wen Zhiyuan and Cai Xiaofeng saw the two spies who were still in a coma.

"It's them, this is Yasuda Mitsuyoshi."

Cai Xiaofeng said happily, and Wen Zhiyuan nodded. These two people must be taken away as soon as possible. Even if they cannot be detained in their Shanghai station, they must be transferred to other secret hospitals.

It's a good thing that both of them are unconscious, so the possibility of them confessing is very low. As long as they don't confess, the final credit belongs to them.

Especially Yasuda Mitsuyoshi, it would be of great significance if he could pry his mouth open.

Cai Xiaofeng personally led people to search the room where Shen Hanwen lived and found what he wanted, including the spy's surveillance records and even the translated content.

This thing is of higher value, and with the surveillance records, they will be more successful this time.

"Great, let's go."

Wen Zhiyuan was very happy to see the surveillance records. The biggest difference between this time and the last time the Operations Department sent someone to them was the attribution of credit.

As long as they provide all the evidence, the entire case will become theirs, and Shen Hanwen will become a villain who steals credit. They can even frame him as the one who overheard their conversation when he came last time, and then targeted Shen Hanwen. Mitsuyoshi Yasuda.

In this way, all the credit belongs to their Shanghai station.

Jiang Tengkong led his people to gather near the hospital. As soon as he gathered one of his subordinates, he came to report.

"Sir, there are a lot of cars parked outside the hospital, and there are two ambulances."


Before Jiang Tengkong could speak, the captain next to him, Hayano Shiro, screamed.

"Keep your voice down." Jiang Tengkong glared at him dissatisfied.

Jiang Tengkong was right to lead the team, but Miyamoto Ze did not fully trust him and sent another of his confidant captains to be his deputy.

Jiang Tengkong is an outsider in the action team, and these people prefer to listen to people they know well.

"Your Excellency, Major, the Chinese are trying to transfer Yasuda-kun and his friends, we must do it as soon as possible."

Hayano Shiro reminded him, and Jiang Tengkong said calmly: "It's normal for the hospital to have an ambulance. Maybe there are new patients coming, or other patients need to be sent out."

"Major, your Excellency, the hospital has an ambulance, but there won't be so many other vehicles at the same time. This hospital is not a big hospital, and no important people will be sent here specially. Therefore, they must want to transfer Yasuda-kun. .”

Hayano Shiro suppressed his temper and explained softly that he didn't take Jiang Tengkong seriously because he was Miyamoto Ze's confidant.

However, Japan is very hierarchical, and he did not dare to confront Kang Tengkong directly when it was made public.

"Captain Hayano, what you say makes sense, but I am responsible for the safety of all Imperial warriors and must investigate thoroughly before taking action."

Jiang Tengkong squinted his eyes and smiled, but Hayano Shiro seemed to be choked and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Tengkong was the commander of this operation, and he did not say not to take action. He only said that for safety, he had no reason to object.

In fact, Jiang Tengkong failed to pass on the information, so he thought about working as a foreigner.

He doesn't care if the action fails, as long as his handling is correct, even if the action fails, at most he will be dismissed from his post.

He, the deputy leader, was not popular in the action team. Miyamoto Ze did not give him rights, and no one below listened to his orders. He did not care at all whether there was such a deputy leader.

"Keep exploring."

Regardless of what Hayano Shiro thinks, Jiang Tengkong lets people continue to explore the situation. It is best for the people who do the investigation to alert the Chinese and make this operation fail.

He knew before coming that this mission would not only save people, but also kill the Chinese.

Jiang Tengkong didn't know Shen Hanwen's identity, but he was now serving the Chinese, so naturally he was unwilling to kill the Chinese, lest he angered the terrible Chu Lingyun.


His men left quickly, and Jiang Tengkong stood there with narrowed eyes. Hayano Shiro was very dissatisfied, but he had nothing to do.

"Sir, many people have come out of the hospital, and they are carrying two people to the ambulance."

Not long after, the explorers came back again to report the latest situation.

"Your Excellency Major, they are about to move, we must take action."

Hayano Shiro couldn't help shouting, but Jiang Tengkong ignored him and asked the explorer: "How many are there?"

"Dozens of them, quite a lot of people."

"Your Excellency, Major."

Hayano Shiro shouted again, his patience had reached the extreme, and if Jiang Tengkong didn't take action, he would lead his team members to rescue people by force.

There is also a good habit in the Japanese military, which is to defeat the superior.

On the surface I respect you, but if I turn around I can kill you just as well.

Jiang Tengkong ignored him and continued to ask: "Have you seen the person clearly? Are you sure they are transferring Yasuda Mitsuyoshi and others?"

"No, it's too dark and too far away to see clearly."

The investigator shook his head. Hayano Shiro couldn't bear it any longer. He took out his gun and ordered: "Everyone, follow me and rescue Captain Yasuda."

In addition to Hayano Haku's own team members, the people who came this time included many Yasuda Mitsuyoshi. These people all obeyed Hayano Haku's order and followed immediately.

There were only about ten people left around Jiang Tengkong in an instant.

Hayano Haku no longer cares about Jiang Tengkong. After this mission is completed, he will go back and sue Jiang Tengkong properly. This coward is not worthy of being the deputy leader of their action team, let alone staying in their action team.

Wen Zhiyuan was very satisfied when he watched the two spies being loaded into the ambulance.

The robbery went very smoothly this time, and Shen Hanwen was controlled by him again. The headquarters would not know what happened here in a short period of time.

"Bang bang bang."

Just as he was thinking about it, the fierce gunshots made Wen Zhiyuan tremble violently, and he hurriedly stopped and hid behind the car.

Several of the men he brought had been shot and fell to the ground.

The Japanese were very well prepared for this operation. In addition to pistols, they also brought a lot of rifles, and even two light machine guns and a lot of grenades.

Before Wen Zhiyuan and the others could react, various bullets were fired at them.

"Who, who is ambushing us?"

Wen Zhiyuan shouted. The fierce gunfire made him realize that there were many people on the other side. He immediately suspected that they were people from the operations department of the headquarters. But people from the operations department dared to risk the disapproval of the world and massacre their brothers like this?

"I don't know, team leader, there are many people on the other side, and the firepower is very fierce."

Cai Xiaofeng was beside him and kept shouting that Shanghai Station was caught off guard at first. Now many people found bunkers and were fighting back.

But the Japanese firepower was too strong. This time they came to rob people with only pistols and not even a few grenades. The firepower was completely unequal.

Hayano Shiro was at the front. There was a light at the entrance of the hospital, and they would shoot anyone they could see. In this time, they had already hit more than a dozen Chinese people.

This achievement made him very excited and kept shouting.

"It's Japanese."

Hearing their shouts, Wen Zhiyuan instantly understood that these were the Japanese who came to rescue the captured Japanese spies. Why did the damn Japanese come here at this time? Did they know that they would come to rob people today?

Wen Zhiyuan thought a lot. In the intelligence department, he would think of the worst when encountering anything.

The people guarding Shen Hanwen, as well as the members of the Shanghai Station who controlled the operations department in the hotel, were stunned, and they all ran out to check.

"Asshole, let us go."

Shen Hanwen's gagged mouth finally loosened and he immediately cursed.

The people at Shanghai Station had not moved yet, but they reported the situation outside. Many Japanese militants were attacking them from outside, and the firepower was very fierce.

"Give us our guns back and let's fight together."

Shen Hanwen continued to yell, and the people at Shanghai Station hesitated for a moment. Finally, someone came over and untied Shen Hanwen and the others.

They came here to grab credit and had no intention of killing Shen Hanwen and others. Similarly, Shen Hanwen and others were operational members of the headquarters and would not kill them even if there was a conflict.

But the Japanese outside are different. Once the brothers outside can't stand it, they may all die here.

"Quickly, notify all brothers and prepare to fight."

After getting the weapons back, Shen Hanwen immediately ordered that there were still sixteen of his team members in the hotel, and the Japanese were coming. At this time, he could not care about settling accounts with the Shanghai Station. He should fight off the Japanese first.

One person ran out to inform, while Shen Hanwen led others out of the hospital and beat the enemies outside.

Wen Zhiyuan and the others were stunned at first. He brought a lot of people, almost seventy people, but half the team went to the hotel and left a few people to guard Shen Hanwen. He only had about forty people around him. people.

As soon as they met, more than a dozen Japanese were killed. He now had less than thirty people, but Hayano Shiro had more than forty people on his side, and the weapons were stronger. They couldn't hold on anymore.

Shen Hanwen ran out at the critical moment, and suddenly more than a dozen people came to the hospital to support him, instantly blocking the powerful Japanese attack.

Three Japanese were shot, and Hayano Shiro had to hide aside.

"Hit me, the Japanese are here, beat me hard."

Wen Zhiyuan finally reacted and shouted loudly. Hayano Shiro became furious, used grenades to clear the way, kept moving forward, and soon arrived at the entrance of the hospital.

The distance between the two sides was closer, and there were more casualties.

After paying the price of eight people, Hayano Shiro finally came to the ambulance. Before he could be happy, someone suddenly opened fire in the car and hit two of his men.

There were two team members on each ambulance responsible for escorting them. They didn't get out of the car just now. When these Japanese came to snatch the car, they immediately shot back.

If the car was taken away by the Japanese, they would become prisoners of the Japanese.

"Kill them."

Hayano's eyes were red. He didn't expect that there were Chinese people in the hospital who were fighting back. Failure to check for a while caused huge losses. But now that the battle had broken out, he had to complete the mission, kill the Chinese people, and then save them.

Otherwise, this loss alone would be enough for him to have a caesarean section to apologize.

Second update, there will be an additional update tomorrow.

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