Spy Shadow

Chapter 274 Time to close the net

Chapter 274: Time to close the net

"Chief Lin, their radio station will not be turned on today, so we will go back first."

Deng Lifu told Lin Peilun that they were not an intelligence department and did not need to investigate. They were only responsible for monitoring. There was no need to stay here after the station was normally used.

"Chief Deng, thank you for your hard work."

The Telecommunications Section can leave, but the Intelligence Section cannot. There was no scope before, but now there is at least an area. Lin Peilun worked overtime and night to investigate.

The team members were careless, the technicians complained, and the results of the investigation can be imagined.

After staying up all night, he only checked a few hundred households. The efficiency was so low that Lin Peilun was helpless.

The next hope is still in the monitoring vehicle.

As long as the monitoring vehicle can help him narrow it down to a certain range, he can find the radio station and catch the red party inside.

At this time, Lin Peilun firmly believed that this radio station must belong to the Red Party.

As soon as it got dark the next day, the monitoring vehicle drove into the east of the city and waited quietly at its original location. As long as the other party's radio station turned on and sent a report, they could quickly locate it.

Until twelve o'clock in the evening, there was no movement from this radio station.

It was still the same on the third and fourth days, and Lin Peilun had a bad feeling in his heart.

The radio station that used to work continuously has now been silent for three days. This is very abnormal.

There can be no luck in intelligence work. Lin Peilun knows very well that the Red Party is likely to escape, and this time it is destined to gain nothing.

But he couldn't figure out how the Red Party escaped at the critical moment when they were discovered?

In order to keep it secret, he did not tell anyone in the Intelligence Section until Deng Lifu notified him, and then he summoned everyone in the Intelligence Section.

By the time he informed several team leaders, the radio signal had been interrupted.

The problem this time is not with the Intelligence Department, but with the Telecommunications Department?

There is a Red Party traitor in the office, and he is hiding in the Telecommunications Section, but this cannot be justified. After all, the Telecommunications Section has been investigating this radio station for more than a day. How could it be such a coincidence that the radio station suddenly disappeared just when it was found?

Lin Peilun was puzzled.

In Mr. Xu's office, Lin Peilun and Deng Lifu stood in front of the desk. Mr. Xu looked at them with a gloomy face.

"Perun, tell me first, why is this happening?"

Xu Laogui knew about the detection of a suspected Red Party radio station, and Lin Peilun and Deng Lifu reported it together.

He attaches great importance to this case. If he can seize the Red Party's radio station and catch the Red Party, it can very well change the Chairman's impression of him.

Unexpectedly, things that were going very smoothly were suddenly interrupted and ended up completely failing.

"Virgin, it is not yet certain that this radio station is owned by the Red Party. I will continue to investigate the area and finally determine whether it is the Red Party."

Lin Peilun said bravely that he had actually concluded that this radio station was a red party, but he could not say this now.

What he said would offend Deng Lifu, and even make Mr. Xu think that there was a mole in the telecommunications department.

The Intelligence Department just made such a big fuss. If the Telecommunications Department does it again, no one in the department will dare to do anything in the future.

"Virgin, Chief Lin is right. We have only detected the suspected radio station and have not yet determined the identity of the other party. What's more, the radio station is a sensitive electrical appliance. If it suddenly breaks down, they will not be able to send a report."

Deng Lifu hurriedly followed and glanced at Lin Peilun gratefully.

If there is really a problem this time, it must be in his telecommunications department. They are very aware of Mr. Xu's behavior style, and they also have lessons learned from the intelligence department.

"I'll give you three days to find out the truth. If it's not a red party, then find out who it is. If it's a red party, find them, and find out why they suddenly stopped using the radio."

Old Ghost Xu glared at them, understanding that they were shirking responsibility, but he couldn't say harsh words until he understood the facts.

"Yes, Virgo, don't worry, I will definitely find out."

Lin Peilun responded. Fortunately, he did not give up the investigation these days and was checking every day. Many families in the circle have been eliminated as suspects. In the remaining three days, the location of the radio station should be found.

If it was like what Deng Lifu said, it would be best if the radio station was temporarily broken, so that they would still be in the same place and there would still be hope of catching them.

What they fear most is that they get the information and run away. Once this happens, unless someone is caught, it will be difficult to find out how they got the information.

It will be even harder to catch people when they are gone, and it will be an endless cycle again.

Investigate, must find out clearly. Lin Peilun mobilized everyone in the Intelligence Department and continued to search that one kilometer range. He even called the Operations Department to help. He must find out the location of the Red Party as soon as possible or find out the truth.

Otherwise, their lives will not be easy in the future.

In Shanghai, Bai Yuan went to his usual restaurant again and ordered his favorite food and drinks.

After collecting money last time, he still came to drink every day. The Japanese didn't show up again, and Bai Yuan gradually relaxed his vigilance.

In fact, he had felt that something was wrong in the past two days, but thinking that if he handed over the money, he might be in more danger, he could only hold on to the urge to hand it over.

If he sends someone to lurk on the enemy's side, he won't blink an eye, but it's absolutely impossible for him to do it himself.

There is no shortage of people like Bai Yuan in this world.

"Brother Bai, you are doing well these days."

Before the food and drinks were served, Kitajima Kawasuke naturally sat opposite Bai Yuan and greeted him with a smile.

Last time he was still called Team Leader Bai, but this time he got closer and changed his name to Brother Bai.

"I said, I have nothing to do with you, and I don't want to get to know you. What are you doing here again?"

Bai Yuan's heart sank when he saw him, and he shouted angrily, but his voice was not loud. After all, he had received money from the other party, so he didn't have that much confidence.

"Brother Bai, it doesn't matter what you think of me, but I admire you very much."

Kitajima Kawasuke was still smiling, Bai Yuan glared at him, suddenly stood up and sat on another table.

Kitajima Kawasuke followed, but this time he did not sit down, but dropped the same envelope: "Brother Bai, I won't disturb your enjoyment of drinking today, see you next time."

Looking at Kitajima Kawasuke's leaving figure, Bai Yuan was very confused.

Is it possible that the Japanese are still sending him money? If they really send money, he will not refuse. The more gifts, the better. If there is enough money, he will find a way to smoothen the relationship and transfer him away from Shanghai.

As for returning to his hometown, becoming a rich man was not something he considered. He was still young and wanted to work hard for a better future.

Opening the envelope, Bai Yuan's eyes suddenly tightened.

This time it was not money, but photos, three photos. The first one was of him and Kitajima Kawasuke sitting face to face, and Kitajima Kawasuke was holding an envelope in his hand.

The second one shows him opening the envelope, revealing the dollars inside.

The third photo shows him putting away the envelope and putting it away. Taken together, the three photos are clearly a complete chain of evidence that he accepted Japanese money.

Bai Yuan hurriedly put down the envelope, and when he ran to the door of the hotel, Kitajima Kawasuke was nowhere to be seen.

At this time, Bai Yuan finally understood that this was a trap, but unfortunately he fell for it foolishly. It was impossible for him to be caught in such a small trap before, all because of damn Chen Shu.

If he is still the intelligence team leader, he will definitely hand over the money after receiving it.

At this time, he didn't think about his responsibility. The real reason was that he was afraid that Chen Shu would let him perform a hidden mission, so he deliberately concealed the matter.

If he didn't hide it, the Japanese would have no chance of threatening him.

Back at the hotel, Bai Yuan sat down slumped. He knew very well that with these photos, he couldn't clean up his wounds after jumping into the Yellow River this time.

Because he didn't report the matter immediately, Chen Shu didn't want to see him at all. If he saw these photos, he would probably order his arrest directly.

Bai Yuan lost the interest in drinking. He only took a few bites of the food and then left the restaurant in a daze. When he realized what he was doing, he was already at home.

After being threatened by the Japanese, his first reaction was not to go back and confess, but to go home, which proved his inner choice.

At Shanghai Station, the new intelligence team leader Feng Qun came to Chen Shu's office.

"Stationmaster, the Japanese really found Bai Yuan again."

Chen Shu sat behind his desk, holding his chin in his hands, and asked in a low voice: "What did you give Bai Yuan this time?"

"You are really good at predicting things. He gave Bai Yuan another envelope, but this time it was not a front page but a photo. The person we were monitoring was a little far away and we didn't see clearly what photo it was."

"What else could it be? An old trick of the Japanese. Those photos that I gave him money for last time were used to threaten him."

Chen Shu snorted coldly. Chen Shu was a veteran agent who had made many achievements. He knew the Japanese very well and knew their methods very well.

After he removed Bai Yuan and others, he secretly asked the people he brought from Tianjin to monitor these team leaders.

With such a big change happening at Shanghai Station, he didn't believe the Japanese could survive.

In other words, he did this deliberately to lure the Japanese to take the bait. Bai Yuan and other team leaders were just his bait.

Several of Wu Yuantai's confidants have no effect on him at all. Sooner or later they will be withdrawn, so they can be used as waste.

These team leaders did not know that their every move was under Chen Shu's surveillance.

In order to monitor them, Chen Shu did not use anyone from Shanghai Station, but his subordinates from Tianjin. These people he had not even brought to Shanghai Station. They had been responsible for monitoring Bai Yuan and others since arriving in Shanghai.

No one at Shanghai Station had seen them, and it was even less likely that Bai Yuan and others knew that they were being monitored.

The Japanese came to them and did not hide it from Chen Shu.

The performance of several other team leaders satisfied Chen Shu, especially the general affairs team leader, who actually wanted to catch the spy who came to instigate him.

It's a pity that even if you catch him, it's useless. There is no evidence. He showed his identity as a Japanese and it was a normal visit. It would be bad to arrest him.

But this attitude is worth encouraging. This person has passed the test and can be used again in the future. It is impossible for the general affairs team leader to give him another job, but there is no problem in letting him be the leader of other groups.

Or he could go back to General Affairs and become a deputy team leader first, and then let him choose what he wants to do.

The worst performer was Bai Yuan. It was true that the Japanese had forcibly left the money behind, but he did not report it. He really took the money home and took it as his own.

In this case, Chen Shu has nothing to be polite to him.

In fact, even if Bai Yuan reported it, Chen Shu would have used it to make him agree to the Japanese's request and become a counter-espionage.

Now that Bai Yuan has not reported, let him really become a lackey of the Japanese and serve the Japanese. The most terrifying thing about the traitor is that he does not know his identity and may leak the secret at any time.

Now he knows that Bai Yuan is the traitor, and he can use this traitor to deliver false information to the Japanese and lead the Japanese by the nose.

Chen Shu was very satisfied with his plan. He used Wu Yuantai's old people to complete his plan, which was perfect.

"Webmaster, the Japanese will speed up their contact with Bai Yuan and finally get him to compromise. It won't be long before he becomes a useful chess piece in your hands."

Feng Qun took the opportunity to flatter him. In terms of insight into people's hearts, no one among them could compare to this webmaster.

No wonder Virgo thinks so highly of the webmaster, since such an important place in Shanghai has been entrusted to him.

Shanghai definitely ranks first among all sub-stations, and no other station can compare with it.

"Keep an eye on him first, don't worry, the Japanese will still investigate him. How is the investigation going?"

Chen Shu asked again, and Feng Qun understood that the webmaster was asking about the traitor in Shanghai Station.

Before coming to Shanghai Station, the stationmaster went to Nanjing to meet Virgo. Virgo specifically told him that there was a Japanese traitor inside Shanghai Station and asked him to investigate carefully after taking office to find this traitor.

After arriving in Shanghai, Feng Qun has been secretly investigating the matter, hoping to uncover the hidden traitor as soon as possible.

"Stationmaster, I secretly investigated everyone in the original station. To tell you something you don't want to hear, I feel that everyone is suspicious, so I simply removed them all and replaced them with the old people from our Tianjin station. The original old people must be no problem."

Feng Qun shook his head and said, while Chen Shu glared at him and scolded: "Don't even think about it, continue to investigate for me, and be sure to find the traitor. This is your first task as a team leader. If you can't complete it, I will Just ask you."

If all people from Tianjin Station are replaced, what will Tianjin Station do?

Drive these people from Shanghai to Tianjin?

Not to mention that this is very unrealistic. There are many people in Tianjin Station bringing their families there, and they are not willing to come, not to mention that Virgo is unlikely to agree.

If there is a traitor, find it out. Substituting someone is purely an evasion and a sign of incompetence.

It is naturally impossible for Chen Shu to do this.

"Yes, stationmaster."

Feng Qun smiled bitterly and said that he didn't expect that the webmaster would put so much pressure on him because of a joke. He made a miscalculation this time.

At the Shanghai Station, everything is as usual, except that some people in important positions have been changed.

As for most ordinary people, what they should do is what they should do, and it doesn't have much impact on them.

A few team leaders who had been kicked off became their talking points. They were such prosperous people in the past, and they always talked about everything in the station, especially Bai Yuan. When stationmaster Wu was here, even deputy stationmaster Wang Jaw didn't dare to offend him easily.

Now without Webmaster Wu, he is nothing, and he doesn't even come to work normally.

In Nanjing, Zhang Acheng rushed into Chu Lingyun's office.

"Team leader, we made a major discovery. Zheng Guowei and Li Jianqiu met again in the teahouse. Zheng Guowei told Li Jianqiu some important information, and we recorded it."

"Did they pass on the information?"

Chu Lingyun smiled. After staring at it for so long, he finally got good news. I wonder if Chu Yuan has arrived in the United States now. I believe he will be very happy when he receives this news.

Although Chu Yuan is gone, the command of this case has always been with him, and his contribution will not be lost after the case is solved.

"That's right, they talked about the Pinghai. Zheng Guowei didn't say much. There should be more specific information passed on."

Zhang Acheng nodded quickly, while Chu Lingyun remained silent.

Pinghai is a cruiser built independently by China, with a displacement of more than 2,000 tons. Although it is not large, it is of great significance to the Chinese Navy at this time.

This warship has been under construction for a long time. The original plan was to purchase parts from Japan. As Japan invaded Northeast China, Japan no longer provided these parts and had to stop work.

Fortunately, the Navy Ministry did not give up. It was finally built and launched last year. The Japanese did not provide parts and were not clear about the construction of this warship, so they based their ideas on intelligence.

"Where did Li Jianqiu go?"

After a while, Chu Lingyun raised his head and asked, no matter what the content of the intelligence is, this information cannot be obtained by the Japanese.

They must be intercepted before they send the message.

A warship is not important, but it can show the current level of China's shipbuilding. Pinghai is a meritorious warship. After Japan fully invaded China, it has been fighting the Japanese army on the Yangtze River.

Unfortunately, the enemy's air force was too strong and the air battle was unfavorable. The warship was eventually bombed and sunk in the Yangtze River by the Japanese.

But at that time, all the officers and soldiers on the ship fought bravely against the enemy, the gun barrels were red, and shot down many enemy planes. This was a warship with great military exploits.

Chu Lingyun had seen an introduction to this warship in his previous life, so he remembered it.

"Already returned to the foreign bank." Zhang Acheng replied hurriedly.

"Prepare to arrest Zheng Guowei and target foreign companies. Pay attention to whether they talk about this information today. If so, arrest him immediately."

"In addition, I will apply for a radio monitoring vehicle. If they have not discussed the intelligence, I will arrest him immediately when they send the report."

With the teahouse recordings, the identities of Zheng Guowei and Li Jianqiu can be determined.

However, it is impossible to confirm that everyone in the Japanese company is a spy. During the past few days, the monitoring did not hear them discussing intelligence matters.

Without evidence, people in foreign companies cannot be arrested at will, especially the Japanese among them.

This is different from when Chu Lingyun caught the spy lurking in the Communications Section of WH City Government. The spy's apparent identity was Chinese, and the Military Intelligence Department caught him immediately.

If he admits that he is Japanese, it is tantamount to showing evidence. What are you, a Japanese, doing pretending to be Chinese?

No one except a spy would do this. The Japanese spy did not dare to admit his Japanese identity.

There is also Endo Yuki. Because of his identity as a Japanese, Wang Yuemin did not dare to execute him after arresting him.

After all, Asakou Ono had inquired about information, but there was no evidence against Endo Yuki, only a piece of business intelligence in their hands.

Although commercial espionage was a spy, it did not pose a threat to national security and was protected by consular jurisdiction. Wang Yuemin had no choice but to hand him over to the French Concession Patrol Room.

There is no consular jurisdiction between the French and the Japanese.

The same is true now. There is no problem in arresting Zheng Guowei and Li Jianqiu based on the current evidence, but others in the Japanese company cannot move, especially those Japanese.

Chu Lingyun made two preparations. The first was to obtain evidence of their intelligence probing, which was the monitoring recording.

In addition, surveillance vehicles are dispatched. As long as they report any behavior, they will be arrested immediately.

At this time, they sent a report, which was 90% likely to be the information Li Jianqiu got from Zheng Guowei today.

However, the second plan has the risk of their information being leaked, but it is the safest method. Only in this way can both the person and the person get the stolen goods.

Li Jianqiu has been active in the foreign bank, so it is very likely that their radio station will be located in the foreign bank.


Zhang Acheng responded loudly, it was finally time to close the net.

Chu Lingyun went to He Nian to apply for a radio monitoring vehicle, and asked people to keep an eye on Zheng Guowei. The foreign company made a move here and arrested him at the same time.

This will minimize the risk of surprising the Japanese.

The radio monitoring vehicle was dispatched. They knew the location of the Japanese company. They only needed to arrange a concealed location within one kilometer for easy access without having to drive to the door.

Chu Lingyun came to Yangxing's surveillance point and monitored it personally.

Most of the time in the foreign trade company, they speak Japanese. Chu Lingyun's Japanese is the best and he can clearly understand what they are talking about.

This monitoring did not disappoint Chu Lingyun.

Not long after, three people were talking in Japanese.

"Major Matsuda, Zheng Guowei has given me the detailed parameters of the Pinghai. There is a lot of content. We need to send someone out."

Matsuda Ben is the boss of this foreign company, and he is indeed an agent in disguise.

They had not monitored such content before, mainly because Li Jianqiu had not obtained intelligence. These people were very cautious and rarely talked about work matters on their own territory. This time they obtained the intelligence, which finally exposed their flaws.

Chu Lingyun is not in a hurry. Now only what Li Jianqiu said has not been recorded yet.

"Nagai-kun, you are indeed the most capable warrior. With this information, we can make corresponding arrangements for the Pinghai. You have made a great contribution this time."

Matsudamoto finally spoke, and Chu Lingyun showed a sneer.

"Stupid Chinese people will betray their motherland for profit. Just five gold bars bought such important information. It's so worth it."

The third person's voice appeared, that of Ichikawa Naito, the general manager of the foreign bank. There were nine people in the foreign bank. Zhang Achengdu conducted a detailed investigation and recorded their voices many times.

Chu Lingyun had heard it several times and could tell who it was.

Five gold bars, selling such important information is indeed stupid and worthy of death.

"Prepare for action."

With this recording, it was confirmed that the information was in their hands, and it was a very large amount of information, so they would not use the radio to deliver it.

Even if a radio station is used to provide such information, only brief information can be transmitted, and someone must be sent to deliver the detailed information.

In this case, the first plan takes effect and the second plan is not needed.


Zhang A Chengzheng took the order and rushed out with his people. There were nine people in the foreign company, four of whom were Japanese, and the rest, like Li Jianqiu, were all Chinese on the surface.

There may be truly uninformed, pure employees here.

But regardless of whether they know it or not, everyone must be arrested at this time, and they will be screened after they are arrested.

Zhang Acheng led a team into the Matheson store, immediately controlled the two Chinese employees inside, and rushed upstairs. Matsuda and Ben were in the room on the second floor at this time.

Fortunately, when they installed bugs, they installed more than one bug in several important rooms to prevent the leakage of important information.

"Do not move."

Zhang Acheng came to the room where the three of them were, and several guns were instantly pointed at Li Jianqiu and the others. The three of them were stunned for a moment, but Zhang Acheng was not stunned. Several people rushed over and pushed all three of them to the ground.

Everyone was gagged and their bodies carefully searched.

There was no poison or grenades. Only a gun was found on Li Jianqiu's body. The two Japanese didn't even have any weapons on them.

Two of the nine people from the foreign company went out to deliver goods, and the remaining seven were all captured. Information shot on microfilm was also found from the owner of the foreign company, Matsuda Ben.

Zheng Guowei provided a lot of information and it was a thick book.

If he was holding something like this, he wouldn't even be able to get out of the Admiralty and would have to condense it into the film.

When they took action, the Navy Department also received orders. Zhu Qing personally led people to rush in and directly held down Zheng Guowei who was in the office.

"What are you doing?"

A naval officer with the rank of colonel came over and shouted sternly.

The Navy Department is not an ordinary unit, and Chu Yuan is not here. Chu Lingyun is worried that others will not be able to control the situation, so he specially asks Zhu Qing from the third group to come forward to help arrest people.

Zhu Qing did not refuse Chu Lingyun's request and happily accepted the task.

"Zhu Qing and Zheng Guowei, leaders of the third team of the Operations Section of the Military Intelligence Division, provided intelligence to the Japanese. We were ordered to arrest them."

It was true that the one who came to stop him was a colonel, but Zhu Qing was also a major. A major from the Military Intelligence Department was not afraid of colonels from other departments.

After looking at Zhu Qing's ID, the colonel was a little surprised.

"Is there any evidence?"

"Yes, he provided the Japanese with information about the Pinghai today, and the stolen goods are all there."

Zhu Qing did not know the results of the actions of the Japanese company, but he had great trust in Chu Lingyun. There must be no problem with the person Chu Lingyun personally arrested.

"Can you let us do the trial ourselves first?"

The colonel's tone softened a lot. If you behave daily, no matter how high your rank is, you will be finished if you are caught.

If Zheng Guowei really had access to the sun, it would be better not to wade through the water, but Zheng Guowei was his subordinate, so he had to ask.

"No, but we can inform you of the results of the investigation."

Zhu Qing shook his head, how could he let them interrogate him first? Who knows what the result would be after they interrogate him first. He must take away Zheng Guowei today.

"The rest of the people are waiting to leave. Why are you blocking here? Could it be that you are Zheng Guowei's accomplices and want to save him?"

Seeing more and more people coming around, Zhu Qing shouted loudly. As soon as this big hat was buttoned, many people immediately ran away.

Zheng Guowei turned out to be a traitor, but many people didn't realize it.

Zheng Guowei is usually a good person. He has never offended anyone and is unlikely to be punished. Could it be that he really knows people but not the heart, and Zheng Guowei has been betraying his country?

People who don't know the truth dare not stop Zhu Qing.

The colonel did not insist. He wanted to report to his superiors. It was not a trivial matter that a traitor appeared in the Navy Department. Not long ago, a traitor appeared in the Military Department. The Chairman was very angry. He did not expect that there was also a traitor in the Navy Department.

This matter must be reported as soon as possible so that the people above can respond.

Zhu Qing successfully brought the people back to the Military Intelligence Office. Not long after he came back, he saw Chu Lingyun's motorcade coming back in great force, and many tied people were escorted out of the car.

Seven of the nine people from the foreign company have been brought back. The two people who delivered the goods were followed and they couldn't escape.

Since both of them are Chinese, it would be easier to arrest them.

Upstairs in the Intelligence Department, Xu Yi stood in front of the window, looking outside.

Operation Group 4 arrested people again, this time a lot. If Chu Lingyun hadn't come, arresting so many people at once would have alarmed everyone.

But now seeing such a scene, many people are used to it. Four groups of people were arrested during the operation. They always arrested a lot of people at one time. This time, less than ten were arrested, which was already considered a small number.

"Team Leader Zhu, thank you very much."

Chu Lingyun came to Zhu Qing and thanked him. Zhu Qing laughed and said, "I should thank you for giving us the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. I won't disturb your interrogation. You can always give us orders when you need us."

Zhu Qing only helped arrest people and was not responsible for interrogating them.

The people from the Japanese company were detained separately. Chu Lingyun did not interrogate them for the time being. He interrogated Zheng Guowei first. After breaking through from him, he interrogated the spies again.

Zheng Guowei was hung up, his face full of fear.

"Zheng Guowei, do you know why I arrested you?"

Chu Lingyun sat at the interrogation table and asked calmly. Zheng Guowei nodded with difficulty: "I know."

"Then let's talk."

The traitor's bones are indeed not strong, especially when Zheng Guowei saw that Li Jianqiu and others were arrested together, his heart was completely messed up.

As long as his psychological defense is broken, it is not difficult to get the results of the interrogation.

While talking, Chu Lingyun was holding a box in his hand. It was the box that Zheng Guowei gave to Li Jianqiu. The box was empty. As for the film inside, it was taken for rapid development to wash out the contents.

"Damn it, I couldn't resist the temptation and provided intelligence to the Japanese."

Zheng Guowei suddenly cried. While crying, he said that he regretted extremely at this time why he had listened to his brother's slander and thought of using information to make money.

He was in the Admiralty and knew very well the consequences if something like this came to light.

As a result, nothing happened in the past two years, which made him relax his vigilance and thought he would be stable forever. Unexpectedly, he was suddenly arrested today.

When he was caught, his mind went blank and he didn't know how he was exposed.

It's not that he hasn't thought about making enough money and then absconding, but he can't let go of his position. He always wants to make a little more, and then run away after making enough.

Zheng Guowei, who was crying, slowly explained everything.

Two years ago, he was jointly instigated by his younger brother and Okamoto Shinoda. Okamoto Shinoda did not use any means against him, but only advised him to think about himself and make more money.

His younger brother also advised him, who in the Fruit Party wouldn’t make money now? Those who don't make money are not gregarious.

In addition, Okamoto Shinoda gave him ten gold bars at once, and his life was not satisfactory, so he finally accepted this huge sum of money.

After that, he continued to provide information to Okamoto Shinoda, including the construction of the navy, the situation of warships, and the layout of the navy, etc.

Listening to Zheng Guowei's confession, Chu Lingyun's murderous intent became more and more intense.

Zheng Guowei deserves to die. For that little profit, he actually betrayed so much confidential information. Not killing him is not enough to make the people angry, and not killing him is not enough to deter other traitors.

Zheng Guowei confessed everything without punishing him. He was dragged into the trap by his younger brother Zheng Guokuan. Someone on Zheng Guokuan's side was watching, and they would also catch him.

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