Spy Shadow

Chapter 28 It’s a big fish

Chapter 28 It’s a big fish

"I am Chinese, but I have lived in Japan for more than ten years."

Huang Baichuan said feebly. Chu Lingyun didn't waste any words and continued to ask: "Who is the woman with you and what are your tasks?"

"The person with me is Keiko, Keiko Chishima, my wife. Her identity is a special agent of the Captain of the Special High School Division, and she is also my superior. Her code name is Night Eye."

After Huang Baichuan confessed, he didn't hide anything and told everything he asked.

Only then did Chu Lingyun realize that among the two of them, the woman had a higher rank than the man, and the man was the woman's subordinate.

According to Huang Baichuan's account, his family was a wealthy businessman. He went to Japan in his early years, mainly engaged in cross-border trade on both sides, and accumulated a lot of wealth.

While in Japan, he met Keiko Chishima, and the two later got married.

But he didn't know that Keiko Chishima was an agent, and she had a mission when she approached him. In this way, Huang Baichuan was developed into a downline by Keiko Chishima, and he used the Huang family's business to engage in intelligence work.

Over the years, the Huang family not only provided a lot of information to Keiko Chishima, but also provided a lot of financial support.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Three years ago, the Huang family's transport fleet encountered a typhoon and lost several merchant ships. The Huang family almost went bankrupt and their family situation was worse than before.

After the Huang family fell into isolation, the information they could provide was limited, and Huang Baichuan's role also declined a lot.

But after all, he was married to Keiko Chishima, and their relationship was pretty good. Keiko Chishima did not give up on him, and took him to the country to continue engaging in intelligence work.

Huang Baichuan's abilities are limited and he is not qualified to work as a front-line intelligence agent. He can only be assigned as an observer, which has the same job and level as Ichiro Watanabe.

According to Huang Baichuan's account, he and Chishima Keiko came to Wuhan two years ago. Chishima Keiko's identity is a security officer, and her main job is to control her observers, give them mission orders, and screen some intelligence personnel.

It can be said that between the two of them, Keiko Chishima is doing the main work.

The Japanese intelligence organization is very strict. Even couples cannot inquire about matters that are not within the scope of their work.

Huang Baichuan only knew his work and tasks. He didn't know exactly what Keiko Chishima did.

Moreover, the radio station is controlled by Keiko Chishima, and all contacts with the top management of the Special High School are reported by Keiko Chishima herself. The code book is also kept and hidden by Keiko Chishima.

It was Ichiro Watanabe's last emergency report. It was also the instruction given by Keiko Chishima. He was just a sounding board.

Because Huang Baichuan was with Keiko Chishima, he did not have a dead mailbox. In the two years he was in Wuhan, he carried out five missions.

Like Ichiro Watanabe, he didn't know who the intelligence agent was or where exactly he was connected. He was only responsible for observing the surrounding environment, and would leave after a certain point in time to make sure everything was alright.

Every time he went to a crowded place, such an explanation had no effect on Chu Lingyun.

"Captain, this Keiko Chishima is a real big fish."

After the interrogation, Ni Yao said excitedly that Huang Baichuan actually didn't explain much. He only knew that Keiko Qiandao controlled three observers. Apart from him, he had never seen the other two.

He didn't even know where the death mailboxes of the other two people were. Every time a mission was delivered, Keiko Chishima went there in person, and he was never asked to do it for her once.

"You're right. I didn't expect that of the two, that woman is the one on the line. Her value is extremely high."

Chu Lingyun agreed that Keiko Chishima was a real big fish. Not to mention that there was an observer in her hand who was not exposed. Her identity was extraordinary just because she could screen intelligence agents.

It's a pity that she didn't pry open her mouth, otherwise she would definitely have gained more important information.

As for Huang Baichuan's confession so easily, Chu Lingyun now understands the reason.

After all, Huang Baichuan is an agent who became a monk on the way, and he is not Japanese. He is not as stubborn as Keiko Chishima. But a new problem has arisen now. What Huang Baichuan knows is limited and cannot provide valuable intelligence at all. If he wants to obtain more and more important intelligence and clues, he must start with Keiko Chishima.

But Keiko Chishima is a ruthless person who can withstand electric shock. It is not that easy to get her to speak.

"Keep an eye on Huang Baichuan, he is still useful."

Chu Lingyun gave some instructions to Loach and quickly left the hospital. When he returned to the dormitory of the Military Intelligence Department, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. This day was very rich for him.

Facts have proved that his plan to target cosmetics counters was very correct.

It was this kind of squatting that allowed him to find Keiko Chishima, an important spy.

Not only were the radio stations and code books seized, but the identity, position and code name of Keiko Chishima were also learned from Huang Baichuan's mouth, which provided more favorable conditions for the next interrogation of Keiko Chishima.

After Chu Lingyun returned, he did not rest directly. He lay on the bed and went through the entire case again in his mind.

It has to be said that the Japanese intelligence organization is indeed more rigorous than them. They have observers. If something happens to the intelligence agents, they can know it immediately.

They also have security officers who can screen and verify intelligence personnel at any time to determine whether there has been any problem.

Even if they are husband and wife, because of their different positions, they never have contact with each other's information. This can ensure that important information will not be exposed to the greatest extent.

Just like this time, both Keiko Chishima and Huang Baichuan were arrested. Because of Keiko Chishima's stubborn attitude, they couldn't even get any decent intelligence.

But things are developing for the better after all. With Chishima Keiko in his hands, he is slowly getting through it. Sooner or later, he will take out all the things Chishima Keiko knows in his mind.

"Captain, morning."

Early the next morning, Chu Lingyun appeared in the office, and everyone in the third team took the initiative to say hello to him.

Even those who had objections to Chu Lingyun before now admire him.

Just by smelling the scent in the escaped spy's home, he could accurately find the cosmetics used by the other party, and even actually caught the two escaped spies.

Many people have never heard of such an ability.

In this operation, their entire three teams will make meritorious deeds, and it was Chu Lingyun who gave them the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

No matter their age, if Chu Lingyun can bring them benefits, they will be convinced and respect this officer.

"Captain, Loach just called and said that Huang Baichuan wants to live and is willing to help us persuade Qiandao Keiko to surrender, as long as they spare their lives."

Shen Hanwen came to Chu Lingyun's desk to report on his work, and Chu Lingyun snorted coldly.

Although Huang Baichuan is Chinese, he provides funds for Japanese intelligence organizations and directly provides various valuable intelligence. This alone is a capital crime for him.

It is simply impossible to survive.

Not only will Huang Baichuan die, but the entire Huang family will be ransacked. This is not Huang Baichuan's fault alone. The entire Huang family has betrayed the nation and the country.

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