Spy Shadow

Chapter 280 The First Fire

Chapter 280 The First Fire

The training school has been sealed and there is no one inside.

Ni Loach and others followed Chu Lingyun from the utility room on the first floor to the slender small open space at the back, and then came to the place where garbage trucks usually park.

A smile appeared on Chu Lingyun's face, and she finally understood how Sima Lin conveyed the information.

Here, there is actually a trap door.

The trap door disguised as bricks is so clever that it can't be seen even from here. Not only that, there is a lock on the trap door. If you open this door, you can go directly to the back of the training school.

The door isn't big, but it's big enough for a person to stoop out.

Every time he got information, Sima Lin would order the kitchen to make steamed buns, rice dumplings and other foods and distribute them to the people around him.

The information was translated into codes by him, rolled up and wrapped. When the old man parked the garbage truck to get food, he could come here, stuff the information into his garbage truck, and change the color of the signal.

In this way, without even knowing it, he completed the information transmission without going out.

This garbage truck has never entered his training school, and it does not stop here every day. Even if the radio operator tracks the garbage truck, he cannot find him.

Even his own radio operator couldn't find him, and it was even harder for others.

If it weren't for Nakamura Risa's explanation this time, it would really not be that easy to find out Sima Lin.

But mice are mice. No matter how cunning a mouse is, it will eventually be able to escape when it encounters a powerful hunter.

Sima Lin found a way to deliver the information. Ni Loach was very surprised and admired.

In order to deliver information, Sima Lin really took great pains, and he could even think of a mailbox.

He must know this old man who collects garbage very well, otherwise he would not dare to do this. After all, the information is not in his hands, and accidents may happen at any time along the way.

"Go to the hospital and bring Sima Lin back. Let him live a good life for a few days. It will be easier for him."

Chu Lingyun told Ni Loach to find out how Sima Lin passed the information. With the confessions of He Yuanhua and Miyamoto Jie, it didn't mean much whether Sima Lin recruited him or not.

Moreover, Chu Lingyun believed that Sima Lin would definitely confess.

He had no intention of dying, but Zhu Qing had told him that before he caught Sima Lin, he was swallowing a gun and preparing to commit suicide. At that time, Zhu Qing was shocked and thought he would not be able to catch him alive.

Unexpectedly, Sima Lin did not pull the trigger in the end and was captured alive by him.

Military Intelligence Branch, torture room.

Sima Lin was locked in a chair. His body had not fully recovered and was not suitable for hanging and torture.

"Should I call you Sima Lin or Kitano Dalang?"

Chu Lingyun looked at Sima Lin opposite, and Sima Lin's eyes tightened slightly. He did not expect that the other party actually knew his real name.

His mind was spinning rapidly. What part went wrong?

He Yuanhua, Deputy Commander Tang, and his reporting team did not know his real name. The mistake was not in Nanjing, but in Shanghai, or even at the Special Higher Education Headquarters.

There is only one person in Shanghai who knows his identity, and that is Beichuan Ming, the director of the Special Higher Education Course.

He is not Beichuan Ming's person. Did Beichuan Ming betray him?

Or maybe someone higher up?

No matter who it was, Sima Lin only felt his hands and feet were cold, and his heart was extremely frightened.

"Your head of the intelligence team, Miyamotosuke, has confessed. I have to say that the living mailbox you used to deliver information is very cleverly designed. It can not only send out the information very well, but also protect you to the maximum extent."

Chu Lingyun said slowly. Sima Lin didn't say anything. He was not surprised that the reporting team was arrested. The other party even knew his real name. How could he not be aware of the existence of the reporting team.

"We all know all the intelligence you collected and the way you collected it. Now I can't think of any value you have. There will be a group of your former accomplices who need to be shot in two days. Why don't we put you in as well? Come and save some food for us, and secondly, let you have a companion on the road to Huangquan."

Chu Lingyun was smiling, but in Sima Lin's eyes, he was like a devil.

There was something about Sima Lin that he was curious about, but Chu Lingyun did not ask directly. He was a smart man, and he had to use some tricks to deal with smart people.

Sima Lin didn't commit suicide, which means he didn't want to die, so just threaten him with death.

"You won't kill me." Sima Lin spoke with a very firm tone.

"Why do you say that?" Chu Lingyun asked with interest.

"If you really want to execute me, you won't tell me this specifically, just give the order. Since I'm being interrogated, you won't kill him easily."

Sima Lin was very indifferent. It had to be said that he was indeed very smart. Such smart people were the hardest to deal with.

"Can you give me a cigarette?"

Sima Lin suddenly said, Chu Lingyun was startled. In their previous investigation, they had never seen Sima Lin smoking.

"give him."

Chu Lingyun agreed to Sima Lin's request. The team member next to him took out a cigarette and handed it to Sima Lin. Sima Lin was handcuffed and could only take it with both hands.

Seeing the team member taking out matches and preparing to light a fire for him, Sima Lin shook his head again and said, "No need to light it, I'll just smell it."

After speaking, he put the cigarette under his nostrils and kept sniffing.

"You know I don't want to die. Please give me some conditions. How can you prevent me from dying?"

After a while, Sima Lin took the initiative and said that he did not commit suicide in the first place, and he no longer had the intention to be loyal to the emperor.

After waking up from the hospital, he kept thinking about how to save his life.

He thought of many words and methods, but he didn't expect Chu Lingyun to give him a heavy blow when he came up. The other party knew too much about him.

This made the methods he prepared in advance useless, and he had no choice but to change from passive to active to fight for himself a chance to survive.

"If you want to live, you have to show the value of living. To be honest, I can't think of a reason to let you live right now."

Chu Lingyun also shook his head and continued: "I admit that you are very capable, especially in language. But these abilities of yours have no effect on us. On the contrary, you are a big threat. The best thing to do is to deal with you. The way is to destroy it as soon as possible.”

What Chu Lingyun expressed was very simple. I recognize your ability. You are indeed a talent.

But you are an enemy. The stronger your ability, the greater the threat to us. To prevent any eventuality, we should get rid of you as soon as possible.

"I know some secrets that I can trade for a chance to live."

After a moment of silence, Sima Lin slowly spoke.

Chu Lingyun always had the upper hand in the confrontation between the two. Sima Lin knew that the other party would not kill him easily, but he had no way or possibility to gamble.

The bet is his life. If he wins, there will be no benefit. If he loses, he will get nothing and his life will be at risk.

Now he is just a piece of meat on the chopping board, with no bargaining capital.

"Speak out and see if it's enough to buy your life." Chu Lingyun returned to the interrogation table and sat there and asked.

"The Japanese Super High School has an elite plan, which is to send capable people to instigate rebellion against your military and political leaders and provide us with intelligence. The agents in the elite plan are all outstanding and all have outstanding abilities."

"The program started three years ago and because of my performance I was recruited into the elite program."

Sima Lin raised his head after speaking, but Chu Lingyun's expression did not change at all.


Seeing that Sima Lin didn't say anything further, Chu Lingyun asked back. He didn't know about the elite plan, but he knew very well that the Japanese had indeed put a lot of effort into intelligence work and instigated many high-level officials to rebel.

After the war started, a large amount of confidential information from the Consequence Party was leaked, which was probably the result of their elite plan.

"I know what you want to ask, but I really don't know how many people are in the elite plan. This matter was planned by Chief Tuhara personally, and very few people know about it."

"A name without any substance. What kind of secret do you think it is? Can it buy your life?"

This secret sounds important, but there is nothing else except a name. Even Chu Lingyun doesn't know whether the name is true or false.

Such a secret has no meaning.

After a moment of silence, Sima Lin continued: "I suspect there is someone in Shanghai who is a member of the elite program like me."


Chu Lingyun sat up straight, and Sima Lin was finally going to explain something really useful.

"Antoine from the Shanghai French Concession Public Affairs Bureau." Sima Lin named him.


Chu Lingyun frowned, and Sima Lin immediately nodded: "His father is French, but his mother is Japanese. He grew up in Japan with his mother since he was a child. After he was twelve years old, his father took him back to France."

"Why do you say he's part of an elite program?"

Chu Lingyun continued to ask. He didn't know who Antoine was, but he was French in the French Concession Public Security Bureau. Even if he really knew that he was a Japanese agent, it would be difficult to attack him.

Now is not the time for France to be occupied by Germany. At this time, France claims to have the world's best army and is very arrogant.

Even if there was enough evidence to prove that Antoine was a Japanese agent, the French would not be able to hand him over to them.

Antoin works in the Public Administration Bureau of the French Concession, and this status can give him very good protection.

"I knew Antoine when I was young. We were very good playmates. I could learn French and had a certain relationship with him. Later, after he left, I never saw him again, but I trained in China eight years ago. When I was a kid, I met him by chance."

"Later, when the elite plan was implemented, I took the opportunity of a business trip to go to Shanghai to meet the chief section chief and met him again, but at that time he was already a staff member of the French Concession Public Affairs Bureau. He was doing it for official reasons He went to the Japanese Concession, but I believe that he must be an intelligence agent of the empire and used an excuse to meet the chief section chief. At that time, I suspected that he was also a member of the elite plan like me."

After Sima Lin finished speaking, he looked at Chu Lingyun again.

"This information of yours is of some value, is there any more?" Chu Lingyun continued to ask.

"there is none left."

Sima Lin shook his head. He was a lurker. If he hadn't known Antoine when he was young, he wouldn't have known about Antoine's dual identity.

"It seems that you are not honest. Let me ask you, why didn't Jinling University advertise that it was recruiting German translators and also required people to be able to speak English, French and Italian?"

Chu Lingyun glared at Sima Lin and finally asked the doubt in his heart.

Sima Lin's eyes widened. Chu Lingyun actually knew about this?

This was the evacuation signal agreed between him and Beichuan Ming. Receiving this signal meant that Beichuan Ming had sent someone to take over his work. When the time came, he would just transfer the training school to this person.

And he will leave Nanjing and go to Shanghai.

This signal represents the successful completion of his work in Nanjing. Although he has left, Sunflower still exists. Because the broadcast team does not know who Sunflower is, the evacuation signal will not be conveyed to him through the broadcast team.

Otherwise, the reporting team will understand that their upline has been replaced.

The other party knew this secret. Did Beichuan Ming really betray him?

This was the signal agreed between him and Beichuan Ming, and only the two of them knew it.

"Since you know this, why are you still asking me?"

"I'll let you answer it yourself." Chu Lingyun glared at him.

"That's my signal to evacuate..."

Sima Lin said helplessly, but his mind kept spinning. Beichuan Ming must be Beichuan Ming. It was he who betrayed the empire and himself.

In the entire Shanghai Super High School, he is the only one who knows his real name.

And the signal of this agreement was the idea he came up with, and only the two of them knew it.

He runs a foreign language training school and is very concerned about the foreign language photo advertisements posted on the school. The two employees handing out flyers are actually his arrangements.

They were not spies, but were used by Sima Lin.

Sima Lin asked them to check the advertising wall every day, rain or shine, in order to know as early as possible who needs foreign language talents, and then recommend their students to work.

In the past few years, Sima Lin has indeed recommended many students.

The two employees thought that the boss was dedicated to the students and worked very hard. Every time they saw a foreign language recruitment advertisement, they would write it down in detail. Unexpectedly, Sima Lin asked them to help observe the signals.

Chu Lingyun finally understood the role of the second advertisement.

This is an evacuation signal, but it is not an emergency evacuation.

Moreover, Sima Lin needs to hand over. After this signal is sent, he will post an advertisement for the transfer of the training school on the advertising wall of Jinling University three days later.

After the intelligence officer who came to hand over to him matched the code with him, he had to hand over all the work at hand and return to Shanghai.

It's not urgent, so it will be posted for three days to ensure that Sima Lin can see it.

Sima Lin holds the intelligence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His identity is very important. Before leaving, he must hand over all intelligence channels and let He Yuanhua and the others know that the intelligence agent has been replaced.

Without his handover, even if a new intelligence agent took over the training school, He Yuanhua would not be able to give him the information easily.

After making sure that Sima Lin had nothing to hide, Chu Lingyun had someone take him under custody first.

When Sima Lin entered the cell, he was still thinking about Beichuan Ming.

Was it the result of the interrogation that the Chinese had captured Beichuan Ming, or was it that Beichuan Ming betrayed the empire and secretly served the Chinese?

Beichuan Ming is the head of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course. He has a high position and holds many secrets.

Sima Lin was not tortured, only the injuries he suffered before. Although he did not recover, it did not affect his thinking.

In recent times, their intelligence network in Nanjing has suffered heavy losses. Sima Lin knew this very well. Beichuan Ming had sent him a message, asking him to be careful in his recent work.

He didn't know who was responsible, but it must be the imperial elite who had been lurking in Nanjing for a long time.

It’s understandable if one or two people get into trouble, but so many people get into trouble one after another. If there are no traitors in the extra-high school class, no matter how smart the Chinese people are, they won’t be able to do it.

This traitor has a high status and holds enough secrets.

And his own arrest further verified this.

In the Shanghai Special High School, only Beichuan Ming knew his real name, and the evacuation plan was drawn up by Beichuan Ming himself.

It was he who told all the information to the Chinese, leading to the arrest of himself and many of the imperial elite.

Who would have thought that the head of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course, the most important branch of the country's higher education courses, and the top person in charge would rebel.

"Ming Kitagawa."

Sima Lin felt his teeth itch with hatred, and at this moment he confirmed his guess.

Smart people are very confident, and Sima Lin is no exception. From the moment Chu Lingyun called out his name, he knew that his superiors had betrayed him.

Coupled with the advertisement, he was even more convinced that it was Kitagawa Ming.

This disgusting scum betrayed so many interests of the empire and caused the innocent deaths of so many imperial warriors. He deserves to die.

Unfortunately, he knew it too late and was unable to reveal the true face of this demon.

No, he couldn't die. He had to find a way to pass the news back to the chief section chief to avoid more losses.

Kitagawa Naru is the section chief of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course. As long as he remains in the position of section chief, the empire's intelligence work in the entire southeast of China will be led by the Chinese and there will be no progress.

He is now very suspicious that Beichuan Ming did not report the information he had previously passed to the Super High School.

If he hadn't reported it, all his hard work would have been in vain.

No wonder Beichuan Ming never agreed to let him return to Shanghai. The promotion of military ranks was so slow. He was afraid that after he returned to Shanghai, his service to the Chinese would be exposed.

Sima Lin found another reason for himself to live, a very legitimate reason.

In Shanghai, in a restaurant, Chen Shu was hosting a banquet to celebrate the New Year.

After confirming that Deputy Chief Tang had escaped to Shanghai, He Nian pursued him.

The three days that Virgo had given him before were automatically extended to ten days. Within ten days, he would execute Deputy Chief Tang and could not let this traitor live.

"Brother He, don't be so gloomy. Come on, have a drink."

Chen Shu said with a smile. As soon as He Nian got off the train, he picked him up and put a table of good food and wine on the table.

There is no thought of drinking during New Year greetings, as all the sanctions tasks are on my mind.

"Brother Chen, you don't have to laugh at me. Xu Yi and I made a big mistake this time. If Deputy Chief Tang can't be punished, the Chief will not let me go."

He Nian smiled bitterly. The wine glass exuded a strong aroma, but he had no desire to drink it.

"Why are you so anxious? He is a high-ranking official in Nanjing, but he is just a street rat in Shanghai. I believe that with Brother He's ability, sanctioning him will be easy."

Chen Shu laughed and took He Nian to have a drink.

He Nian had a good relationship with him. Even though they arrested people first in the Tianjin incident last time, Tianjin Station made great achievements without any effort. Chen Shu remembered this favor.

This operation is mainly to celebrate the New Year, but their Shanghai station has assistance tasks. If they fail to complete it, they will still be punished.

After Chen Shu received the top-secret message from the Prime Minister, he set out to investigate the whereabouts of Deputy Commander Tang. Deputy Commander Tang did not hide after arriving in Shanghai. In the past few days, he had frequently visited some important people and even got together with the Japanese.

It was not difficult to find out where he lived.

Knowing where he lives, Chen Shu is very confident in punishing him, unlike He Nian who is so worried.

"I hope so." After drinking the wine, He Nian sighed.

"Brother He, you have made many meritorious deeds during this period. Even I am envious of you. Even if something goes wrong, Virgo will not really punish you."

Chen Shu poured wine again. He was very clear about the results of the Action Department in the recent period.

He has captured a lot of spies in a row and destroyed Japan's complete intelligence teams one after another. This is definitely a great achievement.

With so much credit, what’s one mistake?

"Stop talking about this and drink."

He Nian smiled bitterly and shook his head. These outgoing webmasters were not as clear about Virgo's temperament as they were.

No matter how many achievements you have made, one big mistake may turn them into nothing.

This time, Deputy Commander Tang ran away, which was definitely a serious mistake. Xu Yi was punished by the chief. Xu Yi's rank of colonel was demoted to lieutenant colonel, and he temporarily took over the position of chief of the intelligence department.

He was demoted in rank, which was the first time in the Military Intelligence Department.

It can be seen how angry Virgo was this time. If he hadn't had so many achievements, he might have been demoted to lieutenant colonel like Xu Yi this time.

The two section chiefs are both lieutenant colonels. How will they meet people when they go out in the future?

After the dinner, Chen Shu personally sent him greetings and went to rest. When he came out, intelligence team leader Feng Qun immediately joined him.

"The Japanese went to see Bai Yuan again. This time Bai Yuan did not refuse and drank with him."

"A dog is a dog. Let's inform these group leaders tomorrow and ask them to come to the station for a meeting."

Chen Shu snorted coldly. Bai Yuan was about to fall completely. Bai Yuan was a chess piece that he carefully arranged. He did not participate in the whole process and only watched.

The Japanese have a higher level of trust in those who have personally instigated rebellion.

Next, let Bai Yuan pass on some unimportant information. For greater gains, it doesn't matter even if he is asked to pass on important information, as long as it doesn't affect the overall situation.

At the critical moment, this chess piece can help him deal a heavy blow to the Japanese and fire his first shot in Shanghai.

There are three things a new official should do when he takes office, but Chen Shu didn't want to regard the previous personnel appointment as his first thing.

Since it is fire, it must burn vigorously.

Fighting against Japanese spies and capturing more Japanese spies is what he really wants to burn first.

He wants to show Virgo that no matter where he is, Chen Shu is a very capable person and he deserves to be the Shanghai webmaster.

Early the next morning, He Nian and others left in a hurry.

Chen Shu found out where Deputy Chief Tang lived. He wanted to take people there to check out the location, observe Deputy Chief Tang's travel situation, and create the most suitable opportunity for the assassination.

Deputy Chief Tang is in the French Concession in Shanghai, and there are many Japanese and bodyguards around him. It is almost impossible to capture him alive here. He Nian is not an arrogant person, as long as he can successfully assassinate him.

Killing him can greatly deter those traitors who want to defect to Japan.

Don't think that it will be okay if you run away. It will be useless even if you run to the ends of the earth, they will definitely get rid of you.

Six thousand word chapter, six thousand more to come.

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